
Chapter 25

Emery's hands trembled with the firearm in her grasp as she gazed upon her sister's life slipping away, blood seeping from her abdomen. She had indeed discharged the weapon at that precise spot.

Hayes's eyes widened in horror, unable to articulate coherent words. The gun slipped from Emery's grasp, and she turned abruptly, fleeing from the bridge without a backward glance.

"Emery... you..." Hayes struggled to form his thoughts. The shock rendered him speechless.

"Madelyn! Madelyn! Don't depart from me! Madelyn!" He screamed, darting to his car. How could Emery be so callous as to extinguish her sister's life?

"Open your eyes, Madelyn!!!"


The news of Madelyn's demise and Emery's vanishing spread rapidly. Kingsley found solace in his fourth bottle, weeping and imbibing without regard.

"That's sufficient, Kings! You can't continue in this manner!" Ann and Lily implored, but Kingsley remained unmoved, lost in his sorrow.

"She was my friend! We barely had time to grow closer. We only reunited a few weeks after high school, and now this!" He exclaimed, consumed by frustration.

"Why must life be so unjust?!"

"Emery will face the consequences. She will pay dearly," Lily vowed, wiping away her tears, while Ann sighed.

"Life can be unforgiving!! Ahh!!!" Kingsley cried out, hurling a bottle against the wall in anguish.

"Damn it!!"



The atmosphere was filled with murmurs and tears. Tessa and the boys stood solemnly in black attire, paying their respects.

Hayes stood at the forefront of Madelyn's burial, tears streaming down his face.

"You were always a kind soul, Madelyn. Unlike your sister. I wish you had never returned to Canada. You should have remained where you were, pursuing your music career," he murmured, his words echoing in the silence. Gently, he placed a flower on her coffin before stepping back.

As he walked away from the burial site, mourners took turns bidding their final farewells.

Tessa paid her respects and followed Hayes with the boys.

Kingsley approached, tears in his eyes and a flower in hand. Madelyn's birthday was approaching, and he had planned a surprise for her. But now, she was gone.

"May you find peace, Madelyn. I love you, my dear friend," he whispered, tears flowing freely.

Ann stood behind him, offering comfort as they departed.

Soon, the crowd dispersed, leaving Madelyn's grave covered in sand.

The area fell silent as a figure emerged from across the road. Cloaked in black, she wore a dark scarf and shades to conceal her identity.

"At least you were laid to rest in Canada, away from our mother's reach. You remain here with me, dear sister. Rest in peace," she murmured before erupting into laughter, a chilling sound that pierced the silence.

Suddenly, her cover was blown, and she found herself face-to-face with Lydia, who glared at her accusingly.

"How could you end your own sister's life? What's wrong with you? Are you planning to do the same to me?" Lydia snapped.

Emery grimaced, swiftly covering Lydia's mouth and pulling her into the shadows to avoid being seen together.


The family returned home, somber and reflective.

"Nanny Tessa, who was the person we attended the burial for?" Liam inquired as they exited the car.

Tessa observed Hayes's retreating figure, silently entering the house without acknowledging them.

"Is Dad upset with us?" Nathan added, his voice tinged with concern.

Tessa sighed, kneeling to their eye level. "We attended the burial of someone we knew dearly. Your father isn't upset with either of you. He simply needs some space right now. Can you give him that?" she asked gently.

"I love you, boys," she said softly.

"I love you too," Nathan replied, while Liam simply blinked.

"You know I dislike you," Liam retorted, rolling his eyes, though a hint of affection shone through. Tessa chuckled.

"You secretly adore me," she teased, embracing them both tightly.



Tessa lay in bed, engrossed in her phone, as Hayes emerged from the bathroom, his hair damp and his physique striking.

He barely spared her a glance as he retreated to his walk-in closet, selecting his favorite pajamas.

Tessa set her phone aside, waiting for him to return. When he didn't, she rose to investigate, feeling an unexplained heaviness.

"Why is he taking so long?" she wondered, making her way to the closet.

She found him reclining on a couch within, fast asleep.

"Why are you sleeping here?" she asked, puzzled by his behavior.

"The bed is spacious enough for both of us. Why do I feel like you're avoiding me?" she inquired, suppressing her sadness.

Hayes, startled by her expression, realized he had unintentionally distanced himself from her. Seeking space after the recent trauma, he hadn't intended to neglect her.

"Was I? I apologize, my love," he murmured, catching her distress.

"C'mon, we aren't even married yet," she teased, though her heart swelled at his endearment.

He knelt before her, extending an invisible ring.

"I lack a ring at present, but I desire you to be mine forever, Tessa. More than a nanny to my boys. I want you as my wife, to love and cherish eternally."

Overwhelmed, Tessa accepted his proposal, tears glistening with joy as he kissed her hand.

They embraced, sealing their commitment with a tender kiss.

"You've been unwell lately... Are you alright?" he whispered, concern evident in his gaze.

"I don't know. I've been feeling strange," she confessed.

"Hmm," he mused, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he surveyed her.

"Something extraordinary is on the horizon, darling," he declared with a wink, igniting a blush on her cheeks.

Was the esteemed Hayes Flynn proposing to her?

Such a moment seemed unfathomable.

"Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Hayes Flynn," she affirmed, swept up in the magic of the moment.

One wouldn't believe such a turn of events possible.

Till forever...


Hayes lounged in the living room, perusing a magazine, his whimsical spectacles adding a touch of charm.

Liam and Nathan embarked on their high school journey after graduating from elementary.

As Hayes browsed, Tessa burst in, brimming with excitement.

"Love, guess what?!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.

"What? You've grown a big butt?" he teased, earning a playful smack from her.

"Silly, no. I'm expecting!" she announced, her eyes shining with joy.

Hayes scooped her up, reveling in the news.

"We're both expecting, my love. Thank you," he whispered, planting a kiss on her lips.

As they ascended the stairs together, their future seemed brighter than ever.