
Chapter 24

"Tessa, how's she faring?" Tessa inquired of the Nurse attending to Natalie. She had summoned her personal caregiver to her residence.

"It's not overly concerning, Tessa. Natalie is two weeks along, which likely caused her fainting spell earlier," Nurse May reassured.

Tessa glanced from the unconscious Natalie to Nurse May.

"Are you certain about what you're saying? N... Natalie is expecting?" She sought confirmation, ensuring she heard correctly, and the nurse affirmed.

Tessa blinked in astonishment, her expression revealing her surprise.

"I'll take my leave now," Nurse May declared before departing.

Tessa remained, observing her closest friend until Natalie's eyelashes fluttered and she slowly regained consciousness.

"Tessa!" Natalie exclaimed upon seeing Tessa's intense gaze.

"You've finally roused from your fainting episode," Tessa remarked sarcastically, causing Natalie to swallow nervously.

"What occurred when I lost consciousness? Did a medical professional attend to me?" Natalie inquired urgently.

"Is there something you're concealing from me? Why did you faint? And why do you appear so apprehensive about someone examining you?" Tessa fired off questions.

"It... It's nothing... truly nothing," Natalie stammered anxiously. Tessa remained silent, scrutinizing her, while Natalie attempted to avoid eye contact.

"Alright, I yield! I'm with child. I'm carrying a baby," Natalie divulged, breaking the tension, and Tessa clenched her teeth.

"Since when have you been aware of this, Nat?"

"I discovered it three days ago. I've struggled to disclose it to you all, but I couldn't summon the courage. I didn't want you to resent me further, but now..."

"Who said I harbored resentment towards you?" Tessa interjected.


"I bore no ill will toward anyone, Nat. I regard you as my sister, and I'm merely endeavoring to shield you from potential harm," Tessa replied.

"Dexter isn't malevolent, trust me," Natalie sniffled, and Tessa joined her on the sofa.

"Relax, I'm pleased you love him, and I hope his affection mirrors yours, as evident in your willingness to sacrifice," Tessa remarked, and they embraced.

"I apologize, Tessa... I'm truly sorry," Natalie wept into Tessa's shoulder, and Tessa comforted her.

"It's alright, Nat. It's undoubtedly for the best."


Hayes occupied his office, engrossed in his laptop, when two law enforcement officers entered. Linda was conspicuously absent.

Initially mistaking them for Linda, Hayes raised his gaze from his laptop, only to find two seasoned officers scrutinizing him.

"Are you Hayes Flynn? Sibling of Xavier Flynn?" one of the officers, appearing elder, inquired, and Hayes rose from his chair.

"Yes," he confirmed, regarding them with a puzzled expression.

"Xavier Flynn has summoned you for his bail hearing. He's in our custody for attempted sexual assault on a young woman last night and currently faces legal action," the elder officer elucidated.

"What are you implying? Is this some absurd charade? Look, officers, I respect the law, but you can't simply intrude into my company and spout nonsense about my brother!" Hayes defended.

Despite inwardly acknowledging Xavier's dubious character, Hayes felt compelled to defend him.

"Are we here to disseminate falsehoods? Young man, your brother requires your presence at the precinct. He's detained in our police station," the elder officer retorted, growing visibly irked.

Hayes nodded before tidying his office affairs and accompanying the officers outside.

🗣️Why is our boss accompanying the officers??

🗣️ What's happening??

🗣️Is he being sued?

🗣️What has he done?

🗣️ Perhaps he's accompanying them for a specific reason.

Hayes listened to the murmurs of his employees until they reached the ground floor and exited the building.



"Press charges against him!"

"He's despicable!"

"May misfortune befall you!"


Echoes of a young woman's anguished cries reverberated as Hayes entered with the officers.

Xavier sat restrained in a chair, his head bowed and handcuffed. Witnessing the woman's impassioned tirade, Hayes felt a pang of empathy.

How could his brother stoop so low?

"Young lady, I'm Hayes Flynn. Xavier Flynn's brother, seated over there," Hayes introduced himself, prompting the tearful woman to face him.

"Your brother is reprehensible! Despite my pleas last night, he attempted to assault me. Were it not for passersby intervening, he would have succeeded! He must face consequences!" the woman cried out.

Hayes regarded Xavier with pity as he approached. Meeting Xavier's gaze, he averted his eyes in shame and remorse.

"You've chosen to face the repercussions, haven't you? You've tarnished our father's legacy," Hayes admonished, causing Xavier to shed tears.

He couldn't comprehend his actions from the previous night. Inebriated and reckless at a fraternity event, he accosted a woman, mistaking her for Tessa. He attempted to force himself upon her.

"The devil's handiwork, Hayes. I'm truly remorseful," Xavier pleaded, but the woman hurled her purse at him in anger.

"Silence! You and your ilk may victimize others in the same manner!" she exclaimed bitterly.

The officers intervened, redirecting their attention to Xavier.

"I anticipated your proclivity for trouble. I offered you another chance to reform and prove yourself worthy of my trust, yet you squandered it entirely. I can't aid you, regardless of my resources. You reap what you sow; that's karma," Hayes remarked before turning to depart. Xavier collapsed to his knees, clutching Hayes's trousers.

"Please, Hayes, grant me one more chance. I'll sever ties with that she-devil Emery," he implored.

"You're finally acknowledging your complicity with Emery," Hayes retorted, distancing himself.

"Do as you wish with him! Let him face the consequences! Perhaps imprisonment will instill some sense into him," Hayes declared before exiting the station.

"No!!! Hayes!!!! Please don't!!!"

"Don't leave us!!!!"

Xavier's pleas echoed as the officers escorted him to a cell, while the woman wore a grim smile of satisfaction.

"That's what you deserve."

Hayes released a sigh of relief as he settled into his car. Leaning back against the headrest, tears welled in his eyes.

"You brought this upon yourself, Xavier," he muttered through tears.

Wiping them away, he started the car, intending to depart. Yet, tears persisted, streaming down his cheeks as he drove away.

"Damn you all for causing me anguish!" he screamed in frustration.



Emery applied her makeup in the living room when Madelyn burst in.

Attempting to ascend the stairs, Madelyn was intercepted by Emery.

"Where have you been, young lady?" Emery inquired, rising to her feet, but Madelyn rolled her eyes and continued upstairs, blatantly disregarding her.

Emery stood, perplexed for a moment,