
Chapter 23


"Nanny Tessa, come join us for the horse ride!" Nathan exclaimed from his spot, and Tessa waved back at him.

Adams had already departed, leaving her alone. She began to move when Lydia finally caught up with her.

"How may I assist you?" Tessa inquired upon noticing Lydia's intense gaze.

"Guess you're Tessa. I'm Lydia," Lydia said with a smile, and Tessa tried to suppress her awkward smile.

Initially puzzled by the interaction, Tessa couldn't comprehend why Lydia was speaking with her.

"You caught my attention, and I thought I'd take a chance to talk to you," Lydia explained.


"We could be friends, right?" Lydia chuckled, and Tessa smiled in response.

"Sure, but for now, I need to go meet the boys since my partner will be here soon," Tessa lamented, and Lydia nodded awkwardly.

"Your partner... You mean Hayes Flynn?" Lydia inquired, making Tessa feel uncomfortable. Lydia's behavior seemed suspicious.

"How did you know, Lydia?"

"Oh, don't think negatively. We met at a boutique days ago, and..."

"Love bug!"

Hayes's voice interrupted from behind, and Tessa turned, a wide smile spreading across her face. Ignoring Lydia's unfinished words, she hurried to meet him.


Hayes wrapped his arms around her waist as they shared a passionate kiss.

Lydia watched them until they broke apart.

Hayes's gaze met hers, and he felt uneasy seeing how she looked at him.

"Why is she here?" He muttered to Tessa.

"Do you know her? That's Lydia," Tessa replied, furrowing her brow.


"Let's go have some fun!" Lydia suggested with a smile.


"That race was exhilarating!" Lydia laughed as she entered the small house with Hayes.

Having just finished swimming, they found Tessa watching over the boys.

"Here, take this," Hayes said, handing Lydia a blue towel to dry her hair, before attending to his own.

"You're quite handsome," Lydia remarked suddenly, with a knowing smile, catching Hayes off guard.

"I wish I'd met you first..." she added, reaching towards him and starting to unbutton his shirt.

"Um, I'm sorry..." Hayes quickly intervened, moving her hands away.

He turned to leave, but she grabbed his wrist, halting him.

"Tessa doesn't need to know, okay?" she whispered seductively, leaning in to bite his earlobe, sending shivers down his spine.

It reminded him of Lavanya, and his mind drifted back to a few years ago, to the painful memories with his brother...


It was Lavanya's birthday, and Hayes had gone out to get her a gift. Upon returning home, he walked in on Lavanya and Xavier, his brother, in a compromising position.

His world shattered as he confronted them, leading to a violent altercation. The betrayal left him broken.


Interrupted from his reverie, Hayes firmly rejected Lydia's advances, leaving her feeling regretful.

"She won't find out unless you tell her," Lydia insisted, but Hayes remained resolute.

"I don't know if you've ever been in love, but I am deeply in love with my partner," Hayes asserted.

"That doesn't matter; I was just having fun," Lydia retorted, but Hayes was adamant.

"This is the first and last time we'll meet. Stay away from my family!" he warned before storming off.


At the car park, Tessa and the boys waited for Hayes. Sensing his anger, Tessa approached him for a kiss, only to be met with a cold shoulder.

Nathan smirked, observing the tension.

Soon, they headed back to the mansion.



"Ding dong!"

Natalie hurried to the door, only to be met by a furious Tessa.

"T... Te..." she stammered, before Tessa delivered a resounding slap.

As Tessa continued to berate her for her betrayal, Natalie tried to explain, but was met with another slap.

"I heard everything you did while I was away at the mansion!" Tessa yelled, her anger boiling over.

"I'm sorry, I can..." Natalie attempted to apologize, but Tessa interrupted with another slap.

Tessa's accusations stung, and Natalie tearfully confessed her feelings for Dexter, expressing her deep-seated insecurities and pain.

Their argument escalated until Natalie suddenly felt ill and collapsed.

"Natalie! Natalie!" Tessa cried out, panicked by her friend's sudden collapse.