
Chapter 22


"Emery is insane!" Lilly exclaimed after Ann had just finished styling Madelyn's hair. She gave it a boyish look to disguise the fact that it had been cut.

Madelyn wore a somber expression, lost in her thoughts.

"She shouldn't have treated you like that. How will you manage to continue singing?" Ann asked with concern.

"I'll manage, she won't hinder my career," Madelyn replied, and they both nodded in agreement, reassuring her with a smile.

"Who are you?" Matty was the first to inquire upon seeing Kimora standing at the doorstep, wearing a smile.

Matty had just emerged from the bathroom upon hearing a knock on the door and decided to investigate.

Dexter and Marvis were still out visiting Jerkins at the studio.

"I suppose you're the Matty my future husband is currently residing with," Kimora smiled, striding in confidently without waiting for his consent.

"Hey! I didn't invite you in!" He retorted.

She seated herself elegantly on the couch and crossed her legs, adjusting a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"Alright, I'm Kimora. Now, where's Dexter?" She asked bluntly. Matty chuckled for a moment, admiring her alluring figure as he approached her. He was still clad in his towel.

"He's out but will be back soon. You're quite attractive," He complimented, and she chuckled, turning to face him.

"Only Dexter has the privilege to call me that."

"I see, so you're the subject of his conversations," Matty smirked.

"He's been discussing me with you guys?"

"I must say, he's missing out if he hasn't engaged in intimate activities with you yet," He replied cheekily, and Kimora frowned immediately.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?!" She stood up.

"Wait, what?! Don't be naive, I wasn't flirting! Just offering a compliment!" He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, we're back!" Marvis and Dexter chimed in upon their return. Dexter's grip loosened on the parcel in his hand when he saw Kimora.

"Hello, darling," She greeted, waving her fingers at him.

"W-what are you doing here, Kimora?" He smiled nervously, attempting to maintain composure.

Unwittingly, she rushed to embrace him, inhaling his scent. Dexter's attention shifted to Matty, who winked at him, signaling him to play along. Slowly, he reciprocated the hug but quickly withdrew upon remembering his nightstand with Natalie.

"I've missed you, Dexter. Why did you leave home? I've been searching everywhere for you," She exclaimed.

"Searching for me? How did you find out I was here?" He asked flatly, distancing himself from her.

Matty and Marvis had already entered the apartment fully.

"I had someone track you down, and all signs led to this place," She explained, and he immediately frowned.

"Are you spying on me? Did my mother send you? Tell me, Kimora, are you a spy?!" He snapped, and she blinked in confusion.

"What are you saying, Dexter? Let's start dating, please. I love you so much, why can't you reciprocate?" She pleaded.

"I don't love you."

"Then who? Is she more attractive than me? Is my rear end inferior?"

"Her name is Natalie, and yes, you have a flat rear end."


"Leave, Kimora! Inform my mother I'm not returning home," He interrupted, retrieving his parcel.

As he turned to leave, she wrapped her arms around him, tears staining his shirt.

"Please, Dexter. Your mother will be furious if I don't bring you back," She sniffled, and he chuckled suddenly.

"Glad you're revealing the truth. Mom sent you to fetch me, and you're only after our wealth, not love. I don't recognize you, Kimora, and I have no interest in doing so. Find someone who appreciates you, but we can still be friends," He stated before finally disappearing from her view.

Kimora succumbed to the tears she had been suppressing and slowly exited the apartment.



"Oh, darn!"

"More intensely, darling!"

"Ah, Hayes, I adore you!"

"I love you too, Tessa!"


They were engaged in their third session, passionately making love in various corners of the room. They were both intoxicated with love and ecstasy as they indulged in each other.

For the third time, she experienced orgasm as he released deep inside her before withdrawing. They lay limp on the bed beside each other, struggling to catch their breath.

"The boys are insistent on going to the beach tomorrow," Hayes suddenly announced, turning to face Tessa, who was already covered with the duvet.

"That sounds good. Let's join them," She shrugged.

"I won't be with you guys until 3 p.m. I have an important meeting and a project, but I'll join you immediately afterward," He informed her.

"You're not coming with us?"

"Nope! I'm sorry," He confirmed.


Kingsley finally decided to retreat to his own apartment after the altercation with Natalie. He was still at odds with her and had no desire to see her or Tessa. Lately, he had been spending time with Madelyn and her companions.

He was in the kitchen preparing a meal when there was a sudden knock at the door.

He hurried to open it but immediately regretted it and attempted to shut it, but Natalie held onto the door firmly, wearing a crestfallen expression.

"Please, let me explain," She murmured tearfully. She appeared thinner, with heavy eye bags suggesting she had been crying.

He avoided her gaze and reluctantly stepped aside for her to enter.

She lowered her gaze, filled with shame.

"I don't have much time. My girlfriend could arrive any moment, so say what you have to say and leave," He said curtly, and Natalie looked up at him with widened eyes.


"Y-you have a girlfriend?" She stammered, tears welling up in her eyes, and he nodded once.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you, Kingsley. I thought I could move on, but my heart disagreed. I…"

"So you thought it was acceptable to play with my emotions?" He interrupted, staring directly into her hazel eyes this time.

"Is it because I'm older than you? Do I appear younger?" He added.

"That's not it, Kingsley. Age is irrelevant. I never intended for us to engage in this affair or hurt your feelings. I'm deeply…"

She was still speaking when Madelyn entered, carrying stacks of fast food from the store.

"Kingsley, I…"

Madelyn couldn't finish her sentence upon seeing Natalie there.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I came at an inopportune moment, so I'll just leave," She pursed her lips and turned to depart, but Kingsley pulled her back.

Before she could protest, she felt his lips on hers. He was kissing her right there, and it wasn't gentle—it was quite passionate.

Natalie's eyes