
Chapter 21

Tessa's gentle snores emanated softly, and Xavier found himself irresistibly drawn to the notion of touching his lips to hers.

He edged closer, fixating on her lips until he was mere inches away from her face.

"You're exquisite," he murmured senselessly, entranced by her beauty as he drew nearer, slowly closing his eyes as their lips finally connected.

"Why do I sense something amiss?" Nathan blurted out after they had finished their game of fire and ice in the game room, just as they were exiting.

"What's awry? Enough with your absurd notions," Liam scoffed, rolling his eyes as they descended the stairs.

Hayes entered with a radiant smile, but it faltered when he spotted Xavier's car in the garage, prompting him to swiftly exit his own vehicle.

"What's Xavier's vehicle doing here?" he asked, perplexed, and called for Adams.

"Why is my brother's car present, Adams?" he inquired.

"Well, sir... I saw elder Xavier bringing Tessa inside not long ago. It appears they went out together," Adams replied.

"Alright, get back to your duties," he replied, and as Hayes entered the house, Liam exclaimed with surprise and joy upon seeing his father, the first to embrace him tightly.

"I'm being suffocated here," Hayes joked, chuckling as he extricated himself from the embrace.

Nathan smiled warmly as he greeted Hayes. "How was work today, dad?" he inquired cleverly, and Hayes flashed him a weary smile.

"It was as hectic as ever," he replied.

"Uh, where are Xavier and Tessa?" Hayes finally inquired, scanning the expansive living room with furrowed brows.

Liam and Nathan exchanged glances before turning back to their father.

"You mean Uncle Xavier?"

"We haven't seen him, and Nanny Tessa is also nowhere to be found," Liam shrugged, and Hayes furrowed his brow further.

"What do you both mean by that?"

Just as Nathan was about to respond, a loud noise echoed from upstairs, causing Hayes's eyes to widen.

"T-Tessa!" he half-yelled, dashing upstairs with the boys following closely behind, carrying boxes of new dresses.


Tessa was already awake, struggling against Xavier, who was intent on having her all to himself.

Her gaze fell upon a glass on the bedside table. She discreetly grabbed it and smashed it against his head, but to her surprise, he merely chuckled devilishly, despite the blood now trickling from his forehead.

"What has possessed you, Xavier? This isn't like you!" she cried out as he attempted to disrobe her.

She had actually awakened when she felt unfamiliar hands caressing her thighs.

"It's still me! You're all fools for believing otherwise! I love you, Tessa! Trust me, I truly do. Just leave Hayes and be with me, and I'll give you everything you deserve," he pleaded.

He held her captive in his arms, attempting to kiss her again when the bedroom door burst open, revealing a furious Hayes.

Xavier's senses snapped back instantly as he retreated from Tessa, his gaze fixed on Hayes, who was glaring at him with fury.

"Xavier?" Hayes muttered, hurt evident in his eyes. The same incident from a few years ago was replaying itself.

Is his brother always like this?

"I see you're back early. It's a shame you weren't stopped on your way here. Welcome home, bro," Xavier smirked innocently, and Hayes sneered hatefully.

That's precisely why he never trusted his brother with anything. He grew even angrier at himself for letting his guard down once again.

In a flash, he pinned Xavier against the wall, gripping his neck, attempting to squeeze the life out of him.

"How dare you touch what's mine?" he gritted, and Xavier only offered a sly smile.

Tessa trembled in fear as the boys entered the room. Liam's eyes widened at the sight of Tessa's distress, and he rushed to her aid, while Nathan stood frozen, astonished by Hayes's display of rage.

"Uncle Xavier?" he muttered, blinking in disbelief.

"What have you done to her? Tell me, what the hell did you do to Tessa?!" Hayes screamed in Xavier's face.

"Why don't you ask her yourself... her lips tasted divine," Xavier smirked, and without a second thought, Hayes landed a blow to his face.

Xavier spat blood and saliva as his cheek reddened from the impact of the punch.

Hayes's gaze shifted to Tessa, who was still in tears, her eyes locked on them both.

As he read the emotions in her eyes, his anger surged, and he unleashed two more heavy punches on Xavier, sending him crashing to the floor.

As if that weren't enough, Xavier staggered to his feet and began to drag him out of the room.

"What's daddy doing?"

Tessa didn't respond as she chased after them.

"Hayes!" she tried to stop him, but he remained steadfast until they reached the ground floor.

He continued to pummel Xavier, but Tessa intervened, preventing him from inflicting further harm.

"Why are you getting in the way? This bastard needs to be taught a lesson! How dare he meddle with what's mine!" Hayes yelled furiously as Xavier groaned in pain, blood streaming from his wounds.

"I only love Tessa. Why must you have everything I desire? Father's and mother's love, you took over the company, and now even the person I love! You're selfish!" Xavier yelled back, tears mingling with the blood on his face.

"Calm down, dear. I'm alright now. He didn't hurt me," Tessa whispered to Hayes, caressing his cheek, and he tore his gaze away from his brother to look down at her.

He gave her a questioning look, and she nodded with a smile.

"Uncle Xavier, are you a bad person?" Nathan asked innocently, and Xavier grinned at him.

"The question you should be asking is how he even got here, kiddo," Liam remarked.

"Leave before I do something that might make today your last on this earth! And never dare show your face near here again!" Hayes yelled, and Xavier smirked.

"This won't be the last time we meet, Hayes," Xavier replied before shamelessly walking out of the mansion, leaving behind a trail of blood stains.

"Are you sure he didn't touch you?"

"No, he didn't," Tessa gulped, but when Hayes's gaze lingered on her lips, he groaned angrily.

"What really happened?" he demanded.

"What exactly transpired, Nanny Tessa? We didn't even realize when you arrived," Liam interjected.

Tessa recounted everything from the beginning to the end, and by the time she finished, Hayes was seething with anger once more.

He attempted to pursue his brother again, perhaps to inflict more harm, but Tessa held him back.

"Please, don't. It's my fault for falling into his trap. I let myself and you down by going out with him. I trusted him too much," she sniffed, resting her head against his chest, and he comforted her with gentle pats.

"It wasn't your fault. I know my brother, Xavier. He'll never change, and he's only fueled my hatred for him even more," Hayes muttered.