
Chapter 19

"So what's gonna occur?" He inquired, pivoting to face her.

"I've already elucidated; you simply need to persist in your previous demeanor," she responded.

"It's been a while since we communicated in this manner, but I never anticipated you deceiving your sibling like this. I always presumed you were aligned with him until that inept girl Tessa entered the scene," she added.

"Ever since I laid eyes on her, I've yearned for her to be mine. That's why I divulge things about Hayes to her, but I never anticipated their rapid romance. He cannot possess what I desire as well! Absolutely not!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Compose yourself... It's going to be even more entertaining now that Lavanya is back among the living, but ironically, she's akin to my plaything," Emery lamented, and Xavier grinned.

"Excellent strategy!"

At that moment, Ariel entered with an abundance of items, and Xavier adopted a quick posture.

"What's happening?" Ariel inquired, arching a brow at Emery.

"And who is she?" She added.


"I'm en route; when do you plan to close?" a voice echoed over Natalie's phone as she made a call.

She was presently at the bar, fulfilling her nocturnal duties.

"I reckon I'll be finished by 9. Come retrieve me, darling," she replied. Kingsley was the caller.

"Of course, on my way!" Kingsley affirmed before ending the call.

Eventually, Matty, Marvis, Jerkins, and Dexter were also seated at the bar club to relax with some refreshing beverages and attractive companions.

"Hashtag - flat posterior!" Matty reiterated, eliciting laughter from everyone as they glanced at the girl they were teasing.

"Enough!" Marvis belched drunkenly.

"You're quite amusing," Dexter remarked, feeling slightly inebriated. His eyes scanned the establishment as if searching for someone.

He spotted Natalie serving some of the patrons and rose to approach her when Jerkins suddenly embraced his waist.

"Where are you off to, Momma?" Jerkins quipped, and Dexter glanced at him.

"I'll be back, son. I just need to fetch your brother," he replied, departing as Jerkins began to cry.

"Momma!" Jerkins shouted drunkenly, while Matty continued to laugh like a maniac, and Marvis drank himself into a stupor.

Natalie was about to return to the bar when Dexter caught up with her, although he was staggering, it wasn't too conspicuous as he grasped her arm.

"D-Dexter!" Natalie stuttered, eyes widening.

"Sweetheart," he murmured, his eyes wandering aimlessly, and she immediately discerned that he was intoxicated.

"That's enough. You've imbibed too much; it's time to go home," she said, but he pulled her towards him instead.

"Come with me instead; stay with me, please," he muttered, and she swallowed nervously.

"You're too inebriated and even unfit to drive yourself... I'll escort you to a secure room just for now," she suggested, and he nodded as they began to navigate through the throng of club-goers.

Jerkins saw him pass by with Natalie and once again cried out...


"Excuse me, sir, I'm seeking my girlfriend, Natalie by name," Kingsley promptly inquired of the boss upon entering the bar.

"Oh, she's still here... Just scan the area; perhaps she's serving one of the patrons," the elderly man replied, prompting Kingsley to nod before briskly making his way through the crowd.


Meanwhile, Natalie discovered an unoccupied guest room and entered with Dexter. As soon as he spotted the bed, he collapsed upon it, grinning handsomely.

"You should rest; you're intoxicated," she murmured, removing his shoes, but his smile suddenly turned to tears, and he began to weep.

"She wants to ruin my life! I'm utterly exhausted right now! That woman wants to ruin my life!" he cried out, turning away from her, leaving her perplexed.

"What are you talking about?" she inquired, but he was unable to respond as sleep overtook him.

She sighed and sat beside him on the bed, gently brushing his hair. Her mind wandered back to the time when they were deeply in love, and a tear trickled down her cheek, which she hastily wiped away.

As she rose to leave the room, he grasped her wrist, despite not looking at her. She turned to face him, and he was already awake, his eyes fixed on hers.

"Are you abandoning me? I apologized, come on. I'm here now, and I vow to make amends. I'll fight for us, I won't marry that girl," he blurted out, and Natalie became intrigued.

"Who?" she inquired.

"Mother wants me to marry Kimora; she's from a wealthy family like us," he replied, still gazing at her.

"Please... Look me in the eyes and tell me you no longer love me. Tell me it's over between us, and I promise to leave you alone, to marry Kimora, and..."

Before he could finish his sentence, she returned to him, pressing her lips against his, catching him off guard. His eyes widened as she continued to kiss him tenderly.

Regaining his composure, he embraced her, drawing her close as she reciprocated, their kiss growing more passionate, his minty breath mingling with the scent of vodka as they surrendered to each other, their lips locked in a fervent embrace.

Slowly, they descended onto the bed together, their kiss gentle yet fervent, both beginning to undress.

"I still love you, Dexter..."

Kingsley's gaze swept the bar, growing weary and frustrated. As he passed by, he overheard Natalie mentioning Dexter.

"Where did that scoundrel go? We need to return home!" he heard someone say.

"Relax, Dexter went to enjoy himself! He'll be back!" Marvis replied, and Kingsley approached them.

"I apologize, but where did Dexter go? You see, I'm actually his college friend and would like to speak with him for a few moments," he lied, and Jerkins looked at him before bursting into laughter.

"He's adorable!" Jerkins remarked amidst his inebriation.

"He went in that direction; I believe he went with a lady, perhaps to a room," Marvis responded, pointing in the direction they had seen him head.

"That rascal is also a cad, eh?" Kingsley muttered to himself, beginning to walk in that direction.

As he proceeded, he could hear faint moans growing louder as he approached a room.

"He has no shame, and where the devil is Natalie!" he thought, still moving towards the source of the sounds. Suddenly, a realization struck him, and he shook his head as he turned back.

"It's none of my concern if he cavorts with a lady; I just need to find my Natalie and leave," he muttered to himself, making his way out of the bar.

However, as he walked, he bumped into a woman who was also heading to the club with her friends.

"Oh, it's Kingsley!" Ann exclaimed with excitement upon seeing him, and Madelyn raised her head to glance at