
Chapter 17

"Are you kidding me Liam? She surely doesn't resemble mom in the slightest," Nathan scoffed, rolling his eyes, and resumed walking.

"Can I transport you gentlemen to your destination?" The lady inquired, her concern evident.

"Certainly, ma'am," Liam grinned, following behind her. Nathan looked at him with surprise, then reluctantly hurried after them.

"Ma'am Lydia, where's the popcorn you intended to purchase?" Stanley inquired upon seeing Lydia, the lady.

"Unfortunately, I misplaced it... Stanley, please drive us. I need to drop these boys off at their residence," Lydia stated, and Stanley raised an eyebrow at the boys.

"And who might you be?" He questioned.

"Just take us there," Liam retorted, rolling his eyes, and entered the car with Lydia, while Nathan followed suit.

Stanley shrugged and hastened to the driver's seat before starting the car.

"Address?" He inquired.

"Just keep driving, and we'll provide directions," Nathan responded, eliciting a jealous scoff from Stanley.

"You two are being impolite, you know that!"

"Stanley!" Lydia snapped, and he refocused on the road.

Stanley honked as he pulled up in front of the gate, and Adams rushed to open it. He too was surprised.

"Thank you, ma'am," Liam smiled charmingly as they exited the car.

Lydia's gaze lingered on the grand mansion, admiring its exquisite contents and paintings.

"Ma'am..." Nathan called upon noticing her prolonged stare.

"I feel as though I've been here before," Lydia murmured, and Stanley blinked at her.

"Pardon, ma'am?" He inquired, and she laughed lightly.

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's proceed, Stan," she smiled and turned to the boys.

At that moment, Tessa arrived to greet them, having just returned from her own errand.

"Nanny Tessa! What took you so long to come pick us up?" Nathan frowned upon seeing her.

"Adams didn't bring you boys home?"

"Adams!" She exclaimed, and Adams rushed over.

"You forgot to bring the boys back from school. What if something had happened to them?" Tessa scolded, and he bowed his head sheepishly.

"I... I forgot," he stammered.

"Just go back," she dismissed him with a scoff, and he departed.

She turned to Lydia and Stanley, who were still observing the scene.

"Thank you, ma'am," Tessa smiled, and Lydia nodded once, casting an uncomfortable glance.

"Let's go, Stanley. Goodbye, children," she waved, receiving waves back only from Liam, while Nathan continued to glare.

Stanley sped away and they entered the mansion.

"Is she the one who brought you home?" Tessa asked as they entered.

"Yes... She saved Liam," Nathan admitted, tossing his school bag aside.

"Nathan! You shouldn't have said that!" Liam snapped.

"What? You were too stubborn! You insisted on watching the berries, and now we're home! Just watch them, dude!" Nathan retorted.

"Mind your language! Remember, I'm the elder one!"

"Elder by what?"

"I gave you a five-minute head start, bro!" Liam retorted angrily. Tessa watched them, confused, trying to defuse the tension. She had never seen them argue like this before.

"Okay, and why were you staring at that lady? You even called her mom!" Nathan challenged, and Liam sighed, heading to switch on the TV.

"Because she resembled mom, Nathan! Just drop it, please!"

Nathan hissed angrily and stormed upstairs.

"Liam, what's wrong with..."

"Not now, Tessa!" Liam cut her off.

"Tessa?!" Tessa gasped.

"Did you just address me by my name?" She pointed to herself.

Liam ignored her question and continued watching the TV.



"What!" Natalie exclaimed as soon as Kingsley informed her.

"You divulged our relationship to her?" She added, and he nodded.

"I see no harm in it," he shrugged.

"No, no, no!" She panicked.

"Tessa will be livid if she finds out! I need to talk to her!"

"Why are you taking it so seriously? I thought we loved each other," Kingsley reasoned.

"She'll be furious with us, Kingsley," she sighed heavily, and Kingsley placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Just trust me, everything will be fine," he reassured her. She nodded tearfully and hugged him tightly.

"I love you," she whispered.


"One, two, three, four..."

"Wait, wait!" Ann interjected, clearing her throat, earning a glare from Madelyn. They had been attempting to record a song, but Ann's persistent throat clearing disrupted the process.

Lily stood nearby, tears welling in her eyes as she glanced at her phone.

"Oh, what now?" Madelyn exclaimed, and Lily showed her the cause of her distress: a picture of her boyfriend, Garvin, in bed with another girl.

"Garvin!" Ann exclaimed, rising abruptly.

"Just a few weeks since we left for Australia and returned after the concert, and he's already cheating," Lily sobbed, wiping her tears as Madelyn pouted sympathetically.

"Oh, sweetheart, heartbreak is real," Madelyn consoled.

"I hope your boyfriend cheats on you too," Lily frowned.

"Hey, I was just kidding! Don't take it personally!" Madelyn hastily amended, while Ann continued to make noise.

"Did you just chew bones?" Madelyn snapped at her.

"N-no, I didn't," Ann cleared her throat again, as Lily continued to lament her misfortune.

"Today just isn't my day," Madelyn sighed, dabbing her face with her hand, shaking her head.


"Look who's here," Matty smirked upon seeing Dexter at the door.

"May I lodge with you temporarily, Matty?" Dexter inquired.

"Considering we're adversaries, why would I permit you to stay?" Matty retorted. The house boasted opulent decorations and spaciousness.

Marvis hurried over with enthusiasm. He was not only Matty's brother but also Dexter's friend.


"Please, Matty, I'll pay rent if that's an issue," Dexter pleaded.

"Why did you leave your abode?" Matty queried, and Dexter sighed heavily.

"It's a long story..."

"Keep it brief," Marvis interjected.

Dexter sighed again and began recounting from the beginning.



Emery sauntered into the company, commanding attention with her elegant attire. All eyes followed her as she moved gracefully, her lace gown accentuating her figure.

👥 "Isn't that the boss's ex-girlfriend?"

🗣️ "Yeah, heard he dumped her."

🗣️ "What's she doing here?!"

👥 "Let's mind our own business before she glares at us!"

Emery smirked at the murmurs as she entered the elevator to Hayes's office.

Meanwhile, in Hayes's office...

"Thank you for the meeting, Mr. Valdez," Hayes expressed gratitude as his business partner