
Chapter 16

Certainly, here's the rearranged version of the story:

"Xavier! Xavier!"

Rushed to him when about entering his car, Hayes pulled him back.

"Why are you trying to stop me?" He snapped angrily.

"It's one step at a time. Do you think you'll easily catch her? She has the whole cops agency on her side, and she has connections. How do you think I found out about this?" Xavier snapped back, and Hayes processed everything he just said.

I mean, he wasn't wrong...

Sighed Hayes, frustratingly ruffling his hair.

"I will listen to you this time, but only this time," he responded, and Xavier smiled slowly, nodding once.

"Now, let's go in, please," said Xavier, and they started walking back inside.

"Be fast, I'm late for an appointment," impatiently said Hayes.


"C'mon, Liam! You're both late for school!" Tessa packed their lunches in their boxes, Nathan rushing downstairs first, in a happy mood.

"Good morning, Nanny Tessa," he greeted, surprising her.

Liam came downstairs grumpily, his eyes wearing black signs of lack of sleep. He was playing video games all night.

"You're late, Liam!" scolded Tessa.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, grabbing his lunchbox. Nathan was already waiting outside with the driver, Adams, as Tessa and Liam joined them.

"Let's go, Adams," said Tessa, and Adams rushed to open the car doors before driving away.


About leaving the house, Dexter encountered Cecilia with Mrs. Lee, who had just been brought from the hospital.

"Mom," he smiled, attempting to hug her, but she pushed him away with strength, making him stagger.

"Worthless son! I regret ever giving birth to you! I should have aborted you and thrown you out of my womb when I found out I was pregnant, but I was so stupid!" shouted Mrs. Lee, pushing away Cecilia's attempts to hold her.

Dexter was shocked; he wasn't expecting his mom to act this way towards him. Was it because of the engagement?

"Kimora came to me at the hospital in tears. She said you disgraced her in front of your friends and even insulted her!" she added.

"Since when did we get engaged, Mom? Are these also among your plans for me? To ruin my life? How can I get engaged to someone I know nothing about? Does that seem fair to you, Mom?"

"Hell, yes! It looks fair to me because as time goes on, the better two of you, you'll learn to love her just like how she loves you," said Mrs. Lee.

"Don't you get it? Kimora doesn't love me, Mom! She's just after your money, our money!" yelled Dexter.

"Really? Money? How can you say they are after our money when they are also rich like us? A classic family!" yelled back Mrs. Lee.

"This is unbelievable!"

"Choose now, Dexter. Marry her or leave this house today," said Mrs. Lee without looking at him, and Dexter's eyes widened as he looked at her.

"Na, I think you should..."

"Stay out of this, Cecilia!"

Dexter blinked back tears, nodding thrice, and dipped his hands inside his pocket. No doubt he was still in shock.

"Did his mom just say this to him?"

"Fine," he muttered and started walking out of the house.

"Your MasterCards, your debit card, and credit card, bring them to me now," interjected Mrs. Lee, and he halted in his tracks.

He brought all of them out from his pants and dropped them on the glass table, his eyes still staring at Mrs. Lee.

"You'll come back and beg, Dexter. I'll see how you'll earn income or get money from me," she smirked.

"I guess you've forgotten that I'm also a musician in the music industry, and by the way, you better tell your stupid Kimora that there can't be any love or emotions between us, even in a hundred years to come," he grinned foolishly and finally left.

Mrs. Lee swallowed pride, feeling no remorse.

"You're gonna marry her whether you like it or not, Dexter," she muttered, dialing an unknown number.

"Get me information about Natalie Portman," she smirked creepily.


"Why does it look like you're in a good mood today, sis?" Kingsley asked in the kitchen.

Tessa, cooking and humming a melodious song, replied, "Nothing, I'm just happy."

"Or you're in love..."

"Is that how love is?" she asked, and he chuckled, tasting the chicken peppersoup she was making.

"Got ya! You're in love with Sir Hayes Flynn, right?" he asked, and she blushed.

"Stop asking and go get yours too, dummy," she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Who says I don't have one?" he said.

"Wow, you've finally grown up! Who's the lucky girl?" she asked.

"Natalie," he blurted out.

"Which Natalie? Your course mate or secret lover?" she asked, switching off the gas.

"Y... your best friend, it's Natalie," he broke out, and immediately, the spoon in her hands fell.



"Coming, wait a sec!" Xavier shouted, rushing to the living room to see whoever was at the door, banging for a minute.

"Hold on," he muttered, switching the doorknob, revealing Ariel's face.

Gritting, he made to shut the door, but she quickly came inside.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" he half-yelled, and Ariel started shedding crocodile tears.

"I'm sorry, Xavier. I'm really sorry for everything and for leaving you suddenly... You know I really love you," she sniffed, and Xavier stared at her.

"I said get out!"

"I only went to help myself, but I couldn't. Please, baby... Accept me back, and I promise to always cherish you... I'm really sorry, Xavier," she cried out, and Xavier's heart melted like a fool.

"Please, baby..."

"It's fine, get up," he said, and she grinned, embracing him.

"I was busy with something before you came in. Suit yourself until I get back," he said, opening the door to leave.

"But... But where are you going?" she asked.

"Somewhere," he replied and left.

Ariel grinned naughtily, biting her fingers as she sat on the couch. She could protest that all she just said was a lie.

"You're such a fool, Xavier, a big one! Just watch me drain you away without you knowing," she mumbled, grabbing her phone to dial Mr. Panels's line.

"Hello, sir, I made it easy this time... Come over here, let's have a nice time," she said.

"Good, you're improving... I might make you one of the top ten models in Canada," Mr. Panels replied over the phone, and Ariel smirked as she hung up.

Soon, a knock came on the door, and Ariel