
Chapter 10

The Lexus car, speeding with full force, crashed into Nathan before Hayes could even react.

"Close call!" the car driver exclaimed, glancing at the unconscious body in the backseat.


"Nathan?!" Hayes rushed to where Liam was, finding Nathan bleeding profusely.

Despite the blood, Hayes carried him like a madman down the lane.

👥 "That poor kid!"

👥 "That's Hayes Flynn's son!"

👥 "I hope he survives."

Hayes placed Nathan in the car and sped away from the cinema.


"Help! Doctors!" Hayes screamed as they arrived at the hospital. They rushed Nathan to the operation room.

Liam sobbed as he watched his brother's lifeless body on the stretcher. Hayes tried to comfort him.

"He'll be fine, Liam," Hayes said, though unsure himself.

"He's lost a lot of blood, Dad," Liam said, worried.

"I'll make whoever did this pay," Hayes vowed.

"Risking your life, Dad?"

"I'll get justice for Nathan, even if it costs me my own."

"I don't want revenge at that cost, Dad."

"I love you," Hayes replied.

"I love you too. But where's Nanny Tessa?"

"At a time like this, she's nowhere to be found," Hayes muttered, trying to call her with no luck.

"Where could she be?"


Tessa woke up bound to a chair in a dark room, surrounded by thugs.

"Oh, she's awake! The sleeping beauty!" one of them sneered.

Terrified, Tessa demanded to know why she was there.

"We could have some fun with her before the boss arrives," one suggested, advancing toward her.

"Don't upset the boss," another warned.

But before anything could happen, Emery burst in, gun pointed at the thug.

"You disobeyed my orders," Emery said, before shooting him dead.

"Tessa!" she exclaimed, smirking at her.

"Do you like my welcome?" Emery asked, menacingly.

"What do you want from me?" Tessa pleaded.

"You brought this on yourself, Tessa," Emery said, revealing her true intentions.

"You were dating Hayes for his money, weren't you?"


Doctors fought to revive Nathan as his condition worsened.

"He's dying!" one shouted.

Hayes burst into the room, demanding they save his son.

Nathan showed signs of life, giving hope to his family.

"There's a chance he'll wake up," a doctor said.

Hayes, frantic with worry, reluctantly left the room.


Hayes found Xavier with another woman and confronted him about Tessa's disappearance.

"I didn't go out with her today," Xavier protested.

"Don't lie to me!" Hayes accused.

Their argument turned physical, but Xavier denied any involvement in Tessa's disappearance.


Tessa sought refuge at Natalie's apartment, but Hayes found her there.

"Why did you leave?" he demanded, bewildered by her behavior.

"I'm resigning," Tessa declared, ending their professional relationship.

Hayes refused to accept her resignation, urging her to stay.

"Why are you acting so strange?" he asked.

As they argued outside, Hayes kissed her passionately, igniting unexpected emotions.