
Naruto x Tower of God ~ Beyond the Stars

Feeling that the shinobi world had nothing else to offer him, Naruto decided that was time to move on from everything he knew. He now sought to learn, witness, and most importantly, acquire everything...

Swiffith · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Remember Me

Current - ???

Naruto Uzumaki, once an inhabitant of the elemental nations, ninja of the leaf, the son of the fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, currently is lost in a very dark place; why you ask? Well, it all started around a hundred years ago...

Ninja World – The Final Valley

Naruto lay before the corpse of his brother, his nemesis, his rival, Sasuke Uchiha with a somber expression. Naruto's clothes were tattered and had small burns on the edges, blood coursed through the middle of his face down to his chest; the battle was tougher than he thought it would be. He had no choice. The Uchiha was obsessed with revolution and revenge and wanted to destroy his home and kill his friends. He was cursed, damned, fated to drown in his own misery and above all, he was always envious of him, of his evolution, his achievements, and the friends he had. He pitted the Uchiha, he pitted him for being such a poor bastard. He did what was better for everyone. It was something that took the lives of many to understand, he just wished that he could see it sooner...

"There are those who words alone will not reach."

That achievement didn't come without a price, though. The realization took a great toll on Naruto's mental health. Everything he once believed was just a lie, an illusion that he was using as a cane to drag himself through his entire life. He laughed softly, seemingly to start losing his sanity. He felt his hands bloodied, and immediately tried to clean them on his shirt but to no avail; there wasn't any blood there, to begin with.

"Haha, is that it? Won't you blab about killing me just like you did with Sakura-chan and Kakashi sensei to achieve your doing? Get up! Get up Sasuke!" He yelled furiously to the figure but to no avail. His words could no longer reach him. Seeing the lack of response, he started to laugh maniacally. The laugh echoed through the now ruined and silent valley until... suddenly, Naruto stopped. A sense of emptiness and dread filled his heart. He killed his best friend in yet another act of bringing "justice" but there was so much one could take. He promised himself to never bloody his hands in an attempt of making justice with his own hands again.

He once again looked at his former friend's body. He would need all the Bijuus' chakra and Sasuke's Rinnegan to undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi but since Sasuke was dead, he would have no other choice but take his eye...

He kneeled before the cold figure and removed the globe from the cavity of its owner's skull. By removing his own left eye, Naruto inserted the supreme doujutsu into himself, immediately using the last remains of yin Kurama's chakra to heal and connect the optical nerve. He felt a surge of power going through his chakra coils; the most powerful yin release doujutsu coursed through him but it felt a bit underwhelming. Something was wrong, He was sure that He transplanted the eye correctly... of course! He immediately remembered that Kakashi had the same problem with the Sharingan. Only the true wielder of the doujutsu could use it at full power.

Naruto cursed under his breath. He wondered if an underpowered Rinnegan would be enough to undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He had no choice but to test it out, He tried to release the Bijuus from the Chibaku Tensei that Sasuke created but found himself unable to. He even tried transplanting the other eye but it still didn't work; it seems that the Seal Sasuke used was not an ordinary one. He sealed Sasuke's body in a scroll and left to the battlefield and try to release someone from the God tree's grasp and the infinite genjutsu.

Once there, he wondered who would he try to release. He needed help from someone who could fix the problem with the Rinnegan. Who in the shinobi world could poss... Orochimaru! Of course! If anyone knew about doujutsu it would be him.

He tried to unseal Orochimaru from the genjutsu but was to no avail. The snake Sannin seemed to deep slumber and didn't show any signs of waking up anytime soon.

"Damn! What will I do now!?" Naruto cursed to the heavens.

Naruto's expression hardened. He has no way of undoing the genjutsu without control over the rinnegan. He thought for a few minutes if he had any options left.

If he couldn't bring back Orochimaru, then he didn't need him! He would become Orochimaru himself if he needed it!

Naruto searched for any hideouts the snake had and found many interesting things written over the scrolls.

"Hm... Yes, there might be a way to fix the problem with the incompatibility with me and Sasuke's rinnegan." He stated optimistically.

He looked into the scroll and its contents. It seems Orochimaru had access to this very special DNA that allowed any tissue, organ, and any other genetic material that he merged not to get rejected. He once mixed Hashirama cells and over ten Sharingan transplanting it into an arm from the person who possessed this DNA, resulting in this prototype artificial arm full of Sharingan and giving it to Danzo. But that's not all, according to what he had found out, he also used this very same DNA to create the curse Mark; other contents that he found indicated that Kabuto was using it to insert Hashirama cells into Madara's Edo Tensei perfectly, making him into a perfect killing machine with full control over Wood style. He himself used that marvelous DNA to fuse many genetic materials from Orochimaru and his subordinates into himself.

This was insanity... If he had read right, what he found out could be not only the key to perfectly mastering the rinnegan as if it was his own but any other Kekkei Genkai that existed! Orochimaru had to be truly a genius to have found out something like this.

Naruto's moment of bliss had lasted short for he remembered his encounter with Kabuto back when he was searching for Sasuke during his fight with Itachi. "Yeah, I do remember he had become some sort of aberration by experimenting with himself... Don't tell me that I'll become some sort of aberration if I undergo such a process too?" Naruto asked worriedly.

"No! No! There has to be a way of perfecting this method!"He shouted frustratedly until he saw one of the notes Orochimaru had left.

The manuscript stated as follows:

 "The human being is simpler than we think. We are slaves to genetics. Genetics determines the individual and that he is bound to. However, my former test subject, Shin, was an exception to such a natural human concept. I want to obtain all the jutsu and gain a true understanding of everything in this world. The first one to mix blue and yellow called the new color "green". I want to do something similar to that. If blue is the chakra, then yellow is the seal, and green is the jutsu... Just as there is no end to the variety of colors, there are so many thousands...tens of thousands of jutsu in the world as well. But in order to obtain every possible jutsu and truth, it would require an eternity. Only the one who understands everything after spending such amount of time on this can befittingly be called the Ultimate Being."

"In the grand scheme of time, we're nothing more than a trivial footnote in the brief history of a cluster of huts called a village but I don't want that. In time, structures such as the Hokage Stone Faces will crumble and be worn down to nothing; this experiment might change that inevitable outcome."

"Either people change or they die before they do. It's one or the other. When've left the left village, I've chosen the prior."

"Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life... but If I linger a while longer in this world, I might discover something of value in it. Experimenting with Shin's DNA will present to be a challenge, but challenges are what I live for."

End of the manuscript. The rest of the notes described his progress and what he had found out experimenting with Shin's DNA.

Naruto upon finishing reading, could not believe how Orochimaru ended up losing to a basic Sharingan Genjutsu, it was unbelievable to a point that it seemed like a bad joke. The guy was a genius and had access to so much knowledge about ninjutsu and the world. He must've had a lot of trouble with migrating from body to body if he wasn't able to realize his objective with so many resources.

Still, Naruto lived his entire life being called a stupid and a loser and now he had the chance to choose from being one more simple atom in the universe or transcending that entirely. Orochimaru had failed at mastering all the ninjutsu due to his limited potential and genetics but he had been blessed with a special type of genes since birth, he was the son of a Senju, a Namikaze, earning the genius of his father and the Uzumaki with their ridiculous vitality, and last but not least, he was the reincarnation of a demigod, Ashura. With that, he could just make an unbelievable amount of clones that would help him quickly master all that Orochimaru took his entire life to in a few months. Yes, he was born gifted, better, superior, and stronger than ordinary human beings. He had won his duel with Sasuke through that superior might, yes, it was might alone that was able to take down the relentless Uchiha. Sasuke may have had the advantage in techniques and precognition but one factor alone defined a line that he could not cross: chakra, the source where shinobi drew their strength from to perform both taijutsu and ninjutsu. It was also thanks to the chakra that Ying Kurama shared with him that one of his greatest trumps cards was useless against him, genjutsu.

Thinking back at it, this land was born through might, it always ran through might and only the greatest might was also able to overcome even a goddess. No matter how he tried to look back, all the great conflicts that he could remember were cleared through some way of being superior to the opponent; hell, his father and his sensei had to murder more than a thousand rock ninjas so they could stop the third great ninja war and now, in the fourth great ninja war, they were only able to stop Madara and Kaguya because they had a divine intervention of a God to help them otherwise, they've been dead when Madara extracted Kurama from him and stabbed Sasuke. That's why he started to consider that maybe Nagato and Madara were right; true peace doesn't exist. If he stayed on this land, there would be a false sense of peace, they would stop attacking each other not because they'd finally understand that union was necessary but because he was there, always pointed at them, as a weapon of mass destruction just waiting to kick off on one of their countries; it would be like "Oh, I want peace, but you see this weapon I'm pointing at your head? I'll shoot if you step out of line" and if he needs to intervene it would be like "I'll break your legs, but I'll give a wheelchair".

There would always be conflict no matter how insignificant they were. He had enough of this shit. People had their own ambitions, their own desires, and he had his. Once he finishes this experiment, he would release the people and the Bijuu from the genjutsu, yes, but they would have to find peace themselves...

Using the shadow clone jutsu, he divided the clones into groups: one that would study biology, another would further study genetics, another would study any jutsu and everything else that Orochimaru knew, one would search across the villages for anything that could be useful and the last one would assist him with the experiments.

A few months had passed and the results were astonishing. Naruto had a great deal of understanding of chakra and the shinobi world, his intellect could only be matched by the sage of six paths himself. He was able to utilize Shin's DNA to fuse the cells of many powerful shinobi into his own and achieved unexpected results. 

With the help of many notes left by Orochimaru and interesting findings that he got from the mountains' graveyard (Madara's Hideout) he was able to awaken a natural rinnegan on both eyes which with the help of the six paths chakra that he had, the right eye also became a supreme rinnegan. One of his greatest discoveries was a lab full of boxes with Sharingan that he also got from Madara's hideout; thanks to that, his Mangekyo Sharingan could now mutate according to his will; he was sure if like Orochimaru or Danzo found that place, they would feel themselves finding a gold mine. He also could now gather passively sage chakra enabling him to access his six paths sage mode at any time. His chakra coils now were larger and could sustain the new powerful chakra that he had thanks to the Hashirama cells and of course, he could use wood release. By learning how jutsus worked properly, he was able to further discover the ying-yang release capabilities that gave him access to the "creation of all things jutsu" which made him basically God;

 In the end, he considered himself lucky. Orochimaru and Kabuto had already collected samples of many shinobi since they needed them for their experiments and Edo Tensei otherwise, these results wouldn't be possible. Those were a few of the perks he now had after the experiments he performed on himself. He was ready to leave this place.

After Naruto completed his experiments, he left the hideout to release the Bijuu, and then, he would release the people who were trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He released the Bijuu, which immediately questioned him about what took him so long to free them. Naruto told them what happened between him and Sasuke and how he obtained the rinnegan which the beasts confirmed since they could feel the six paths' power much stronger in him now. Feeling the beasts' further curiosity, Naruto decided to get to the point.

"I'll be releasing the people from the Infinite Tsukuyomi soon, but before I do that, I'm afraid we'll need to say goodbye to each other." Kurama and the other Bijuus' reaction were of pure surprise.

Kurama growled softly, something was wrong about this whole story."Naruto... just what do you mean by goodbye? Where are you going?" As much as he didn't want to admit it, the blond had grown into him and didn't want to be separated from him. He noticed a change in his eyes and behavior, he wanted to know what happened. "What happened to you Naruto?"

"I intend to leave the elemental nations once and for all, never to return, and Dream? Kurama, haven't we learned enough with the Infinite Tsukuyomi that dreams are just illusions? I've come to the realization that wanting to be Hokage was just my way of saying that I wanted attention, I'm not a kid anymore and I don't want to waste my whole life behind a desk, signing papers all day, especially for a village that mistreated me my whole life; they don't deserve me." He spat the words like he was getting something that was disturbing him for a long time out of his chest.

Kurama understood where that was coming from but still, he couldn't understand why they had to leave each other.

"Now let me explain my plan. I believe that once I leave the elemental nations, the land will fall into chaos once again and they'll start hunting you down to be used as an instrument to threaten each other so I'll be taking you all to a dimension where they will never be able to touch you." Upon that statement, all of the Tailed Beasts gasped.

"Naruto, what about you? Where are you going?" Kurama asked.

"I'm not sure. I'll start traveling to other dimensions and see what I can find. In these last months, I've acquired a thirst for knowledge that I never knew I had. I want to learn, I want to witness and mostly, I want to acquire..."

"Aquire...?" Kurama asked with doubts about what exactly his jinchuriki wanted.

"...Everything. That's what I want. Until I acquire that, I won't be satisfied." Naruto's answer surprised the witnesses. They've all shared a glance and then nodded altogether. 

"Naruto, If that's your decision, we respect it. You've done a lot for us and you're one of the few humans that have earned our utmost respect. Since this is a definitive goodbye, we want to give you something in return for everything you've done for us." Kurama spoke decisively.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "What is it? You don't need to thank me, I just did what I felt that was right"

"Don't worry, it's something that I'm sure will assist you in your journey. We want to give you a part of us so you can always keep it with you, never to forget us." All the Bijuu joined hands together. "Let's do it, one last time, just like before," Kurama said.

Naruto joined them and bumped his fist with theirs and felt their chakra being transferred to him.

"The old man once told us that there will be a time when we would meet someone who would guide us toward the right path. We believe that that person is you, Naruto. We entrusted you with our chakra since we believe you can be the next sage of the six paths."

By using their chakra as a mean and ying-yang release: the creation of all things jutsu, he used his imagination and the spiritual energy which forms the basis of creating physical forms from nothingness from dying release and through the application of vitality, and the physical energy which forms the basis of chakra with yang release, he would breathe life into the resulting creation. The new Ten-Tails was created from their chakra with this technique. He used a sealing technique to imprison the power of his creation in himself. With time, the small beast would grow into a full-powered Ten-Tails and his power would suffer a dramatic change once again.

He once again thanked the Tailed Beast for their support. He opened a portal using the power of Amenotejikara which showed a beautiful clearing full of fauna and flora where they would now live peacefully without anyone hunting and pursuing their power. From Shukaku to Gyuki, each tailed beast entered one by one into the portal except Kurama who shared one last glance with his former Jinchuriki. Naruto had a solemn expression on his face but then he smirked, Kurama did the same before entering the portal that finally closed, never to be opened or be accessed again. 

"I'm sorry, Kurama, we've started on the wrong foot. You killed my parents and part of me always despised you because of it; I guess it's a human thing, even when we share moments of companionship, happiness, and sadness, we can still nurture hate for each other. But today, I know that if a kunai is used to stab someone, it isn't the kunai's fault but the one who utilizes it. Obito was to blame for putting you in that situation, no one wants to be imprisoned or manipulated. You deserve better than to share my suffering."

With one final hand sign, Naruto freed the people from the Infinite Tsukuyomi. His job here was done, it was time to go.

Naruto used the Amenotejikara to open a rupture between time and space and walked in, never to return...


"If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die."

"Let them say I lived in the time of Kakashi of the Sharingan; the Green Beast of the leaf Might Guy; the Toad Sage of Mt.Myoboku Jiraya, the Slug Princess Tsunade, the Snake Master Orochimaru, let them say, I lived in the time of Naruto Uzumaki - the number one unpredictable ninja."

"Remember me, Kurama, because I'll never forget you."

Prologue End.

First time posting one of my fanfictions here. Hope you all enjoy it.

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