
Naruto: World of Warcraft

What happens when you die? Bit of a question for the ages, isn't it? Well, apparently you are shoved into another world against your will by an omnipotent being, neat. Now here I am, living or rather surviving during the first shinobi world war, life or rather death has some rather unexpected turns don’t you think? https://www.pa-treon.com/cornbringer

CORNBRINGER · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

Chapter 16

If you want to read up to 21 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Unedited version, will update once it's edited.


Weeks had passed since Tobirama sensei had died, and the guilt was eating on the inside. Had I been stronger, I could've saved him. Perhaps it wasn't my fault, perhaps it was completely out of my hands to save him, perhaps it was destiny. But when has logic stopped sentimental guilt?

All I could do now, was keep moving forward, fighting for what he believed in, fighting for what he made me believe in. A foolish thought perhaps, but it was the wind under my wings.

Needless to say, his death didn't stop the war, on the contrary, many sought this opportunity as a way to destroy Konoha once and for all, so in response, Hiruzen disbanded the leaf strike team, perhaps it was his way to cope with everything, our sensei's death, his new charge, I didn't blame him, I would've done the same.

Homura and Koharu were sent to Konoha to deal with some missions that required their political expertise, while Kagami and I remained on the front lines.

My new squad was not exactly happy with me commanding them, but still followed my orders, I suppose I can understand them, it's not easy being an adult, following orders from a six year old.

My squad specialization was frontal assault, killing as many enemies as possible, without dying in the process, a rather gory task but one we were good at.

Jonin at the age of six, two promotions within a year, I think it's safe to assume no one will ever break my record. Something to be proud of I guess.

"Captain," Yumi Yamanaka, one of the many chunins under my command saluted, "The squad was wondering if you wanted to train with us,"

I looked at her and nodded, "In a minute, start without me," I told her.

"Understood," Yumi nodded diligently, and as she left, I couldn't help but wonder, how did they feel I was the one supervising their training, some of them were old enough to be my parents, funny developments life takes I guess.


[Sarutobi Hiruzen POV]

Being the Hokage was something I always had wanted, just not like this… not at the cost of sensei's life. But I was going to make him proud, perhaps I wasn't ready… but I was going to do my very best. But first, those two brothers had to die. And die they would, of that I would personally make sure of.

"Hiruzen anger is clouding your judgement," Enma stated, "I know you want to avenge your sensei, but… this entire plan you are scheming, sounds dangerous,"

I glared at Enma, my summon and sighed, "I know," I admitted, my hand gripping the edges of my desk with such force, the wood was giving in under the pressure, "But… I need to make sure they die… I can't focus on peace, when those two still breath,"

Enma sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "But why do you need the kid?"

"Raiden wants to see them dead as much as I do, maybe even more… Tobirama sensei connected with him more than anyone… almost like a father would with his son," I explained, remembering how much time Tobirama would spend with Raiden, "He needs closure, and so do I… their deaths, will give us that,"

"You are a crazy brat Hiruzen," Enma sighed, "But you count with me… just don't let the kid die because of this,"

"I won't, and besides… at the pace Raiden is improving, he won't need my protection, those two monsters will," I stated, looking over the mission files of Raiden, and how the enemy forces were calling him, The Walking Calamity, a fitting name I supposed.


[Raiden Senju POV]

Training with my squad was an easy task, at least for me, for them, it was hard, they were weak, I was not. Well, maybe I was being unfair with them, they weren't weak, they were average, and I was not, though I wasn't sure if I could said I was strong, defeating a squad of ten chunin and some Jonin without breaking a sweat was hardly a big accomplishment.

But it was good training, especially when I put handicaps on me, making the entire ordeal all the more interesting, "Your attacks are too predictable, you have to make them less… direct," I commented as I dodge their combined efforts to take me down.

"Any tips?" One of the chunin inquired, and I hummed.

"I would say… try to avoid patterns, because they can be translated to rhythm and once the enemy understands your rhythm… you lost," I answered, remembering what Tobirama sensei used to say, "So mix it up, keep them on their toes, or they will take yours,"

"I have a kid his age, this is creepy," One of the Jonin muttered in the back.

"Perhaps it is," I chuckled, startling the Jonin, "But in war, age is but a number to fill the deceased questionnaire, the question is… how big do you want that number to be,"

With that said, I flickered back to my tent, where I started to go over Tobirama sensei's notes, and the list of things he had last taught me. I already knew them, but they gave me a sense of… I don't know, nostalgia? Bitter happiness? I couldn't really tell, "I promise you sensei, next time I see them, I will be ready for them," I promised under my breath, tears threatening to damp my scrolls.

At this, Deandre whined, as if saying, don't worry we will bite those fuckers soon, "It's okay buddy, I'm not sad," at this my mutant wolf looked at me, his eyes conveying a clear message, one that said, you are not fooling me, "Alright… maybe I'm sad, but I think I deserve to be,"

"You do," Kagami nodded, as he entered my tent.

"Kagami… I thought you were in Kiri," I greeted him.

"I was, but I finished my assignment earlier than expected," Kagami nodded, "I heard what you did in Iwa… and the title you got… sometimes I forget you are six years old,"

"Sometimes I forget too," I sighed.

"The Walking Calamity, quite a fearsome title… they even updated your bingo entry, to kill on sight," Kagami added, and I chuckled.

"I want to see them try," I replied, leaving my tent.


[Yumi Yamanaka POV]

Raiden was different from other captains we had before, he was young for one, but extremely efficient, most of us assumed it was because he learned under the Second Hokage, who was known as the technician during his lifetime, others simply accepted the fact he was a genius, a prodigy, and that because of that he was different, me? I didn't know what to think, not that it mattered, he was my captain, and had more experience than me, age was nothing but a number, one that in war didn't matter.

"We have an assignment in Kiri," Raiden who had flickered to our tent announced, "We leave in ten, so hurry up,"

At this he flickered out of the room, leaving us to rush, a mission in Kiri was a bit out of our zone of comfort, normally we would be sent to Iwa based on our elemental advantage, or to Suna, but Kiri was unexpectedly new, but I wasn't afraid, if anyone could protect us, it was our captain.

"Did anyone get my Kunais?! I need my kunais!" Bumo the sealing specialist of our team cried out.

"I'll give you some! But hurry, we don't want to make our captain wait for us," Suri, our medic nin, shuddered, "I still have the memory of the day he got his first Moniker…."

"By killing an army of one thousand Iwa ninjas, in the most ironic way possible, by bringing one mountain down on their heads," Kuro chuckled, "That kid is terrifying am I right?" We all nodded.