
Naruto world's: male Tomoe

【Naruto World: Male Tomie】My name is Kawakami Tomie! male sex! Adopted by a woman who calls herself Tsunade, but... I always feel like she's mean to me! I wonder if they like this kind of novels [translated by dad google]

Copia_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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351 Chs

Chapter 38: Tsunade's Bottom Line

Terumi Mei looked at Fujiang, who was in Tsunade's arms from a distance, with an elusive light flashing in her beautiful eyes.

Her name is Terumi Mei, the five generations of Mizukage who will end the rule of the blood fog in the future... Although the fog has not yet entered the age of blood fog...

However, even though she has no future achievements yet, she is still a genius ninja of the double-blooded limit when she was young.

Melting and boiling!

The former can even dissolve the legendary Susanoo, who can destroy everything in one blow, while the latter is extremely corrosive.

For now, these are still two extremely powerful bloodline boundaries.

The current Fujiang is still very difficult to face her two bloodline boundaries.

It just feels tricky, but it's also a testament to her talent.

According to "history", she will meet Fujiang in the quarter-finals, and then forge a fate by corroding Fujiang's shirt with a boil.

Thinking of young Fu Jiang's white and tender upper body, Terumi Mei's face showed a silly smile.

Later, she also complained a little about herself in history. Why was she so competitive at that time? Too naive, obviously there are better...

But now that I have returned to my best age, everything can be remedied.

Although her thoughts and feelings with Fujiang were a bit sloppy, and she also made Fujiang think of herself as a nympho, she didn't care. At the beginning, she and Fujiang could be said to have started in hell, and they all came together in the end, which means that she is Fujiang. Destiny Companion?

Suddenly, Fu Jiang's eyes fell on Terumi Mei, and Terumi Mei also looked at her in awe, their eyes met, as if a thousand years...

Of course, all of this is Terumi Mei's self-imagination.

The reality is...

Fu Jiang looked at the Kirigakushi ninja who was beautiful, but with a slutty smile on his face, and felt a little bored in his heart.

"That Kirishima ninja seems to be a nympho."

Tomie pointed at Terumi Mei, and then said to Tsunade.

Hearing this, Tsunade looked at Terumi Mei, who looked good, but Fujiang's evaluation of her was a nympho...

This Tsunade is relieved, and it is a fog hidden, even if we meet again in the future, at most it will be on the battlefield, the battle of life and death!

"It's normal, Fujiang, you are very charming. There will be more and more such things in the future, as long as you stick to your heart."

If Tsunade pointedly said, it seems to be very generous, and he will not care about those coquettish bitches in the face, but Fujiang understands that Tsunade is not so generous.

"I know, but Tsunade-sensei, can you stop talking so loudly in public in the future?"

Fujiang opened the mouth and said, and he was also thinking about a small calculation in his heart.

"What's the matter? Others can't be envious."

Tsunade said quite narcissistically, but it can't be regarded as narcissism. Tsunade is indeed a goddess in the hearts of many Konoha ninjas... Except for a little violence, she is still very perfect.

Prominent family background, beautiful appearance, perfect figure, strong strength.

Like a child of heaven, Tsunade has a golden spoon in her hand since she was born.

"Will you be quieter? I see that you haven't taken care of my feelings at all."

Fujiang decided to find a reason to quarrel with Tsunade and test out where Tsunade's bottom line is.

Although this bottom line will not be broken soon, it is better to have a degree than to know nothing.


Looking at the anger on Fujiang's face, Tsunade panicked, and then became angry. She clearly cared about him so much, and she had already abandoned the girl's restraint for him, but he actually...

"Okay, I don't want to tell you this here, you go back first, I still have an exam."

Fu Jiang's face returned to calm, especially indifferent, which made Tsunade even more angry.

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Tsunade let go of Fujiang's waist. Although she was a little reluctant, she still turned around and left with a lot of backbone.

On the way back, Tsunade became angrier the more she thought about it, her fists clenched tightly, and a fiery anger kept burning her heart.

When she thought that Fujiang treated her like this, she felt aggrieved, wanted to cry, and was angry.

The pace quickened, and after a while, he returned to his and Fujiang's home. Seeing the orderly home being cleaned up, the anger in Tsunade's heart disappeared a little bit.

She is not the kind of neat and neat girl. Before Fujiang, her house was always messy, and she had to hire servants to handle the housework every month.

And now...every time she sees Fujiang cleaning up the house, she has a feeling of home.

Thinking of this, Tsunade's heart seemed to be touched by something, and his face became even more gloomy.

Yep, more gloomy!

She even wondered what state she would be in if she lost Fujiang.

Tsunade was silent, and after half an hour, she slowly walked towards her study.

When I came to a wall in the study, my hands were imprinted, and the chakra flowed... The wall in front of me instantly opened, revealing a deep passage.

Walking straight into the passage, there are a lot of ninjutsu scrolls in this dark basement.

I found a dusty reel and wiped the dust on the surface of the reel lightly, and I could see the four words on it.

The Seal of Imprisonment!

This is one of the forbidden arts of the Senju family, and the spell of the spell invented by the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama.

This is a spell-seal technique similar to the Gu worms of the oil girl family. There are child seals and mother seals.

Then Tsunade took out another scroll called the Art of Hundred Heroes, picked up the brush beside him, and began to write the Ziyin of the Seal of Imprisonment on it.

The Seal of Imprisonment was developed to guard against some ninjas who steal the forbidden arts. The sub-sign of the Seal of Imprisonment is very inconspicuous and can even be placed in any ninjutsu.

The pen stopped, Tsunade put away the scroll, took it with him, and turned to leave the dark basement.

Back in the bright study, Tsunade re-established the barrier, and then placed the scroll of the Hundred Heroes on the desk, while he also knelt quietly on the tatami.

Tsunade's face changed constantly, like a dye vat.

She put her hand on the scroll of the Hundred Heroes, then retracted it, put it on it, and retracted it again...

After going back and forth many times, she finally took back her hand.

This proves that she has made up her mind. In fact, she has already made up her mind, and she was just lying to herself.
