
Naruto with Pocket Hunting Dimension Cheat.

In the future of the ninja world... The greatest clan in the lower dimension, known as Horoyoma, was said to have been destroyed as a result of Naruto's actions and his family history. The parent clan of the Otsutsuki and the most feared clan in the lower dimension. Hence... The strongest warrior of their clan was sent to kill Naruto when he was at the beginning of his journey, but the time itself was a strange enigma and was saving Naruto from dying in that timeline, so the warrior had a little time to kill Naruto's child self. During that battle, Naruto's soul was shattered and the karma in that location was disintegrating when an enigma brought on by this distortion reemerged in the Naruto universe. It was the moment when this world was about to welcome a brand-new character. With the world Karma's wrath upon him, this youngster's destiny was set on raising this lower world and destroying the largest clan in order to usher in a new era.

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Reincarnation and situation.

The tree's trunk was marked with kunai marks, and Naruto, who was lying on the ground, was gazing at it.

At that moment, Kakashi had assigned them the difficult task of climbing the tree, and despite his best efforts, he had not yet covered even a quarter of the required distance.

The moment a strange cloud in the sky began to swirl above him, a black dot began to fall onto him as his entire body struggled to regain strength.

'What the hell is that?' As he found a flash of memories entering his mind, Naruto stood up and turned to look at the dot that appeared to be extremely transparent and discovered a man dressed in strange clothing staring at him strangely.

His childlike expression was replaced with the silent and calm look of an experienced shinobi.

"Boruto! Even if this is your persona. With your limited physical ability, you did not have the strength to confront the real me." The man sneered as he spoke, but Naruto's expression remained calm and unaffected.

He looked at the man's provocative words without intending to respond to them.

"Hmph! I have mastered your Karma and have the ability to hold you off for some time, which is enough to get your soul eradicated by the world's Karma." With those words, Boruto notices the black rod, which has an old engraving on it, slamming into his head.

Naruto's body dispersed, and the rod slammed into the field. The enemy's soul was the only thing the rod could harm, and it seemed as though it were made of ethereal material as it passed through the ground.

"Spurt!!! Agh!" The man with the rod puked the blood, as the Karma of this world was starting to take its toll and he found Naruto, who had been controlled by Boruto, appearing a few meters away from the place.

He suddenly disappeared, clashed with the Boruto metaphysical solid palm defense, and discovered that the lightning reverse ninjutsu was attacking his physical form while coursing through his weapon, leaving him with no choice but to use the secret art.

[Soul Release]

He could predict events in this world with his ethereal self, which had been torn free of the body that had been subjected to the Karma force and knew that this was his final echo.

[Echo of Soul] In tai-ji form, the warrior's body unleashed a devastating soul attack that tore through Naruto's soul and shattered it in one motion.

Boruto, who lacked any defense against this attack, also felt his consciousness vanishing as he formed a final seal before perishing in gloom.

The area where the fabled battle of few moves had occurred also fell into complete silence at that moment. However, there was a pale child there who was close to passing away and no evidence of their battle was left behind.

"Argh! Ha-ha-ha..."

"Wait! What happened..." When Naruto opened his eyes, he was lying on the bed and remembered being hosted by someone named Boruto, along with a young boy from the planet Earth, when his memories began to merge.

'Who the fuck am I?' Naruto was left in disbelief after being hit hard with the realization that he was only a made-up character from an anime set in another world, plus, his only son had just saved him and perished in the process.

'No, Boruto will be fine for sure; he should be fine.' When Naruto felt himself crumbling, his body began to grow tired, he realized it was still night, and his eyes began to grow heavy. He then closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

Naruto's eyes were once more opened by the cold wind the next second, but this time his body was not as exhausted as it had been before, and he was able to realize that he was in the middle of a vast field of small grass.

"Dad!" Suddenly, a shadow of Boruto appeared next to Naruto. He called him out in astonishment and appeared to be equally as shocked as Naruto.

"Wait, both of us survived that!" Boruto was certain that he had given his life to save Naruto's soul, but he was blind to the fact that another soul had seized the opportunity to save both of them when Naruto's body was on the verge of being destroyed.

"Boruto!" With everything that was going on around him and a serious look on his face, Naruto felt a range of emotions as his normally vivacious nature began to break down.

'Spree!' When Boruto and Naruto were experiencing strange feelings, Naruto noticed a Spearow from the Pokemon anime coming their way with incredible speed and an iron-like claw.

When they noticed the Spearow clawing on the ground, which was causing the entire area to explode with dust rising from the ground, Naruto and Boruto reacted impulsively and dodged back.

The Spearow, however, appeared unharmed as it flapped its wing to fly upward once more and glared at Naruto and Boruto.

'Fuck!' Both Naruto and Boruto felt angry. As they both swore and pulled out their kunai and shuriken, Boruto came to the realization that his knowledge and abilities had declined to the same degree as Naruto's when they both threw their shuriken.

'Gust!' From its tailwind, Spearow twisted its body and flew like a tornado while releasing the wind-type maneuver known as a gust.

It was a gust of wind that was bent in a circle and created a shield of air, a la tornado, for the Spearow. At the same time, the twister also sent air blades slamming in the direction of Naruto and Boruto.

"Dad! Jump..." Boruto yelled as he made the hand seal, and Naruto nodded as he jumped toward Boruto while dodging the wind blades.

Naruto felt the wind propelling his body as he shot toward the twister that had come to a stop. The Spearow was unprepared for the sudden attack and discovered Naruto's kunai slashing its head.

Naruto fell down and used his hand as a spring to balance his body.

Along with that, Spearow's body began to flare up like fire and transform into 5 white balls, 2 green balls, and 1 black ball.

'Pocket Hunting Dimension.' Naruto muttered as Boruto sensed the flow of information about other worlds in which they were only anime characters and learned that residents of those worlds had read a book with a similar premise.

"It seems like that, dad; here they come..." Boruto spoke when Naruto turned to look at the group of two Spearow heading toward them and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Maybe with this, I will be able to become stronger much faster." Boruto, who was in front of him, also muttered, and he nodded while casting a burning blaze of light in Naruto's direction.

The group of Spearow appeared to them both as flying balls with the colors white, green, and black that were moving toward them in an effort to better reward their hardwork.