
Naruto: Uchiha simulation

What if, by some incredible twist of fate, an ordinary young individual found themselves resurrected within the intriguing world of Naruto, a popular anime they had once avidly watched? And not only that, but what if they were reborn into the prestigious Uchiha clan, known for its remarkable abilities? Unbelievably, the clan is currently under attack, and their very own leader's eldest child, Itachi Uchiha, is the perpetrator. However, our protagonist Akira Uchiha is not left defenseless, as he encounters a means to relive his extraordinary encounters from the past six years spent in the Naruto realm. Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure as Akira strives to become the most formidable individual in the world.

Im_shy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

After a week, you successfully entered the Ninja School, and now you are in the same class as Naruto, who was mentioned in the original book.

The village of Konoha has chosen to send a young ninja named Hyuga to fight against you in a difficult struggle.

In only three minutes, you will fail and everyone will laugh at you in school.

Five months later, you figured out how to do the Great Fireball Technique.

After nine months, your chakra has increased by 30%.

After almost a year of practice, you have become very skilled at using the Shadow Clone Technique.

The Night of Destruction begins, and you are dead.

Akira became really sad and hopeless when he saw the new game that simulates life.

Why does he find it difficult to forget about the past when thinking about the Night of Genocide.

But now, life has made a big advancement and the energy has increased by 30% from its current level.

This change will be good.

In addition, there are two experts in ninjutsu called Shadow Clone Technique and Great Fireball Technique.

The Great Fireball Technique is an important skill that the Uchiha family needs to learn and master.

The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is a really strong and risky technique that most people are not allowed to use.

However, the regular Shadow Clone Technique is just somewhat challenging.

Sharingan has stayed the same and not gotten better. After thinking about energy points and martial arts techniques, Akira made up his mind to start learning martial arts.

A person has learned two ninja skills called Shadow Clone Technique and Great Fireball Technique. It is a great discovery.

The issue is that I don't have enough energy, called chakra, to use these two ninja techniques.

On the second day, in the morning, the old man was very happy to be in his yard and was watching Akira with interest.

He speedily used his hand to create a symbol and then released a large burst of fire.

The old man had a large, glowing ball that was about two meters in size. It was shining on his face which showed both excitement and distress.

The grandson, who always behaved nicely, was unexpectedly asking for money.

But did you actually learn how to perform the Great Fireball Technique on the following day. This way of doing things brings joy back to the elderly man.

Then, he left the house while joyfully singing a little song.

Certainly, I could not resist bragging about it again.

During lunch, Sasuke went to see Master Akira and discovered that he knew a very strong fire move. So, Sasuke decided to practice it with Akira.

Sasuke and Akira blew out two large balls of fire from their mouths. Akira's size appeared larger than Sasuke's.

This made Sasuke feel unsure and he left quickly, preparing for hard training and seeing Akira as a competitor.

When Akira noticed that Sasuke was moving quickly, Akira smiled and shook his head. Akira believed that Sasuke behaves like a kid.

I wanted to know how I could mature and think more like an adult. After considering it, Akira chose to attempt a different approach.

Just wait until tomorrow and then start the simulation again.

After six days, you decided not to attend the ninja school and chose to train on your own.

After seven months, you have 30% more energy than before. Can you explain the text you would like me to rewrite.

It has been almost a year and now you are watching the evening when a really bad murder happened. It's close by. You have collected enough items and discovered a hole in a tree in Konoha Village where you can hide in the forest of the training area.

After one year, you have used up all your resources, and you can only sneak out of Shadow Clone at night to look for food. Can you help me understand what existentialism means. I don't understand this idea and I would really like your help to make it clearer for me. Thank you beforehand for any help you can give. Please rewrite this text in simpler words: " n

One year and two months went by, and then a ninja wearing a mask ended your life.

This time, Akira decided to hide and see if he could escape from the night when everything was being destroyed.

However, eventually, it became clear that even though he was able to not be present during the Night of Destruction, he was still trapped inside the cave in Konoha Village.

It happened only three months ago.

Akira now wants to make more chakra after practicing for three months.

Akira is aware that his energy has become much stronger because of the decision he made.

In simpler terms, it means just half.

It seems like the Shadow Clone was successful.

When you train both the main body and the Shadow Clone together, it makes a stronger impact.

It seems that just wanting to hide is not enough.

I silently pondered and questioned within myself. After coming up with an idea, I noticed that I only had a thousand dollars left.

The next day, Akira started his life simulation again.

This time, he tried a different plan.

"Five days later, you had the opportunity to join and be involved. " Can you explain the text that you would like rewritten in simpler words.

After five months, you will have two exact duplicates of yourself who will assist you in your daily training. Your inner energy is getting stronger.

Nine months later, you decided to graduate from school earlier than expected. In Konoha, they arranged a fight for you against a Genin named Hyuga. The fight took place in the sky.

After attacking each other hard for ten minutes, neither you nor Hyuga could defeat one another. You were promoted to a Genin in the Konoha village because there was a tie.

Hatake Kakashi became well-known in Konoha for being really smart after he finished school when he was only six years old.

After waiting for ten months, you finally got a job outside the village that suited you. You agreed to do the mission and you left Konoha Village.

Almost a year later, the Uchiha Clan's brutal murder surprised the ninja community.

It has been fifteen months and you still haven't returned to the village. Konoha thinks you are a traitor of the B-class.

Three years later, you discovered a village named Anbu while exploring a large open space. In that village, there was a team of ninjas who really wanted to have your special eye called Sharingan. Sadly, they caused your death.

Akira felt better when they saw this fake version of life.

Despite being only nine years old, he had already been dead for three years.

In the past three years, I haven't learned many new skills in ninjutsu. But the biggest improvement has been in increasing my energy flow.

This time, I will have more energy.

Boom means a very loud noise or a big explosion.

Akira's body let out a lot of energy called chakra.

This really huge energy source grew three times its size very fast.

For a short time, he had difficulty controlling it, and he could almost feel his body getting overwhelmed with energy.

"After three years, many things are different now. " I feel really happy because my energy has become much more powerful.

The door was pushed open and the old man hurriedly entered the room.

When he saw the energy on Akela's body growing quickly, he was very surprised and asked, "What happened, my dear grandson. " Please rewrite this passage using simpler language: "Can you help me with this project. I am having difficulty understanding the instructions. I need clear guidance on what steps to take and how to complete the task. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide assistance and explain the directions in a straightforward manner. Thank you for considering my request. "

I am not sure. Suddenly, the energy in the body has improved. He lifted his hands and made a face that he didn't understand.

After closely checking the body's health, it has been determined that there is enough chakra, and it doesn't harm the body in any way.

This made the old man feel a little happier.

However, as he was leaving, he whispered quietly to himself.

First, you need to rest by lying down and then start opening your eyes.

After a single night of sleep, you will be able to easily learn and become skilled in the Clone Technique, Transformation Technique, and even the Great Fireball Technique.

Now, very early in the morning, there is a lot more chakra than before.

What's going on. Dear grandson, could it be that the Sage of the Six Paths has not returned to life.

Isn't this situation of growth really scary.

Over the next few days, Ming started to get used to the increasing energy he felt in his body. It took him a short time, but he eventually became familiar with it.

Now, Akira doesn't ask the old man for money anymore.

So, a little kid named Three Thousand Ryo was in a place for three days.

Can I choose to not discuss it.

So, we should wait until the training is done at the ninja school.

In the game, you and Genin can both have the same outcome, either losing or graduating.

So, if he practices Chakra for three more years, it should be easier for him to finish school this time, right.

After being promoted to a higher role in the company

Can I earn money by accepting tasks as a ninja.

Tomorrow is a day when we have to go to school. Tomorrow is a day when we need to go to school.