
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Anime et bandes dessinées
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102 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 91

Konoha Hospital

"Where did you even get this information from?"

Tobirama at this point was annoyed, no more than annoyed - he was infuriated!

"I have my ways…" tucking a lock behind her ear, Mito gave a sly smile to Tobirama who was currently glancing at her with a distrustful look. Nonetheless, the information he had in the palm of his hands did anything but to please him.

Even still, the point remained…

"Mission reports are supposed to be classified to the highest degree, I made sure of it…" his voice was steely, and the iron in it showed Mito how displeased he truly was. Whether it was from the information itself or how she had gotten said information, she would never know.

"Aren't you forgetting something important?" sitting down by his side and placing her cheek in her palm, the Uzumaki heiress gave him the most innocent look she could conjure up in the spur of the moment. Sighing tiredly, Tobirama nodded, "That I do." there were just some battles he could never win, no matter how strong or influential he got. It was just how it was…

Especially with women.

And for all that was holy, the women in his household were truly the bane of his existence.

As a matter of fact, now that he delved deeply into the matter - all of his family members, every single one of them were a pain in the ass to deal with. Seeing her innocent smile, he frowned deeply in utter annoyance.

Especially the women.

They were the biggest pain of them all.

"Mito…." he glowered down at his sister figure whose innocent looking face was presently irritating him to no ends.

"Muh Tobirama…" he gave her the chilliest look he could muster hearing that sarcastic coo.

But much to his growing ire, she patted his cheek as if he were a mere child for her, which he probably was in her eyes. "…you have much more serious things to look into." her caring voice made even his face melt down into a tired one.

In the end, as loathe as he was to admit it - she was right. He did have much to look into if the papers in his palms truly were as accurate as he hoped they were.

"What did they do to him?" flicking another page to go over the next one, his eyes roamed around the paper with ever increasing agitation. This truly was serious, a lot more serious than something he would have hoped or truly even expected a matter like this to be.

But things in the shinobi world never went as he expected them to.


It annoyed him a lot, but it was just how he was. He was the living breathing example of something that the Kage of another village had hoped for - his death. Instead, it had led to his own untimely demise.

Quite the irony if he did say so himself.

But this…

"That reckless fool…" he muttered in irritation. "…this boy is truly going to be the death of me, one way or the other." giving him a soft smile upon hearing that, Mito stayed silent to let the man conjure up his thoughts. Eyes roaming across the file's papers expertly, he took in each and every damn word as carefully as he possibly could.

"What did they do to him?" once more he asked, this time flicking the report file to an abrupt close. Mito had the decency for reaching out her hand to take back the file she had retrieved with many hook and sinkers.

Not that Tobirama was having any of it.

Not even in the blink of an eye, the file was lit alight and burnt to a crisp in his palm before the ashes were thrown into the dustbin with a well timed wind technique to follow it up and clean his ash ridden hand at the same time.

He did quite enjoy the knitting of her eyebrows in slight irritation, it especially annoyed Mito since it had been quite a chore to get one specific file out of those heavily guarded archives.

Not to mention how many there truly were, dumped in that godforsaken warehouse of boring old reports. He didn't have to burn it, that was rude, especially since she hadn't quite read it thoroughly enough.

Oh well…

"Nothing…" the slight upward inclination of his eyebrow and the suspicious look he was casting at her did show her that he didn't quite believe her, "…really, they haven't done anything." she pressed on and it surprised him, it wasn't like them. If his assumptions were right, they should have done anything to claw off…

"Yet." she finished her sentence and realization washed over his pale skin.

"Ah…" now that answered that, "So when are they planning to do something, if I might ask?"

"In an hour or so." her simple answer troubled him to no ends.

The sands of time were working against him, and each second was precious right now. As soon as the words had flown off her lips, Mito had to catch the man's hands in her own to stop him from ripping out every damn needle poked into his bed ridden body.

"What the hell are you doing!" she hissed.

"I have to attend the meeting." his voice was stern, he absolutely wasn't willing to let this catastrophe take place. If there was one thing that Tobirama knew was absolute, it was to never push Naruto into a corner that he could not escape without a fight.

And when the boy was serious, which as rare as it was in and of itself - regardless, when he was, the whole damn situation became serious.

The boy scared even him when he fought back out of a situation that most would find inescapable and let his calm demeanor drop completely.

He had learned it the hard way in fact to never push him into a corner, the humongous scar on his chest was still a painful reminder of the sleeping beast that slept within the confines of that adorable boy he had nurtured with his own two hands.

"No you don't…" Mito's words broke him off his thoughts. "…you are in no condition to leave this bed, not until I say so." seeing her stubborn voice and firm eyes, Tobirama knew she wouldn't budge.

Curse those damned Uzumaki genes of hers.

But she had to know her place. This was one time he wouldn't cave in to her demands even if he had to force his way out of this room. This was one thing he wasn't going to let slide, the consequences of this volatile meeting would be nothing short of a disaster when he'd look past on it in the near future if and when it occurred.

Which it won't if he had anything to say about it…

"Mito you don't understand the situation at hand…" he pleaded to her, actually pleaded!

If it surprised the redhead, she didn't show it, "I understand it quite well -" a firm hand clasped her wrist in a painful grip. Even after all her years training as a kunoichi, Mito had no choice but to wince ever so slightly in pain. Seeing her in so much pain Tobirama let her wrist free, albeit with slight reluctance.

Mito scooted even closer to his side when he ran a hand through his shaggy hair. Now that she saw him closely, the man was sweating!

In an air conditioned room no less!

"Tobirama…" putting extra work to make her voice as soft as possible, she rubbed his cheek tenderly while cupping it in her palm. "…what aren't you telling me?" finally asking the million ryo question, she had to force him to look into her eyes when he started averting her gaze as if she were the reincarnation of Medusa the gorgon.

"Tell me…" seeing him faltering, she knew one more gentle nudge would do it, "…please." that made him look at her deep violet eyes, and with a tired sigh his forehead fell onto her shoulder lifelessly. Running her fingers through his shaggy hair, Mito gave him some time to collect himself before he told her everything.

She could get anything out of him if she willed it so, but never before had she pressed him on a matter he didn't want to divulge of his own accord. Everyone had their secrets - some more so than the others, but this was different.

This was directly linked to one of her children, and so, she wasn't reluctant to milk it out of him even if she had to drug him to make him speak his mind freely and truthfully.

"Mito, Naruto has a high tolerance to deal with things thrown against him, more so than anyone I've ever had the pleasure of knowing…" Mito knew that, which other boy went through the daily abuse that he did without ever even glancing at someone the wrong way. "…but there are boundaries." he said, and it snapped her attention to him.

"He is still a small boy Mito, no matter how calm and peaceful he may appear on the outside - on the inside, he is always at turmoil." She didn't show it, but she truly was shocked. Letting her fingernails scratch his scalp soothingly, she let him pour out all that he was hiding from her.

But one question remained nagging her - how had she not seen it?


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