The story : In the hidden village of Konoha, Naruto carries a monumental secret, a hidden intelligence lurking behind his mischievous grin. Yet, he bides his time, waiting for the perfect moment to change averything.
Seeing how four people, three of them just being twelve years old, had managed to free their country had made a huge impression. Sure, Naruto and Kakashi had killed hundreds of men in their sleep, but those men had been murderers, rapists and torturers.
There was no reason to grant them mercy as they wouldn't have done it either.
One week after the liberation of Wave Country the bridge was finished and a big party was held all over the island. Finally they had hope again.
Kakashi also arranged with the Wave Daimyo that Konoha would place some birds there which could be used to send a message in case Wave Country needed help again. The confidence of the people was still shaky.
It would take a while for them to get back on their feet. The backup team from Konoha had consisted of three grumpy chunin that had been very reluctant to have to assist the team of the demon brat and had taken their time getting to Wave and only arrived two days after the battles were over.
Kakashi had dressed them down massively. If they had gone full speed, like they should have done by their orders, they would have arrived the same day the battles had been. Kakashi promised them that their less than satisfactory behaviour would have consequences.
Even he at his worst had never been two days late. If his comrades were in danger he was the first to go full speed.
There was a massive difference to be late for a D-rank mission and an A-rank. Kakashi knew that those three were dogs of the civilian council and had a civilian background themselves, but even Sakura was disgusted with how they had slacked in their duty to help their comrades.
And her mother was on the civilian council. Kakashi had put the three to repair work in the village, the closest he could come to a D-rank mission currently. The three would stay at the village for now until a new team would take over the long-term work here.
Kakashi didn't want them to prepare something before he could return and inform the Hokage about everything. And here they couldn't do much damage until he got some better suited ninjas here.
He guessed with the Hokage and Danzo now cooperating he could have a team of ROOT here by the day after tomorrow if Danzo wasn't already preparing it. You never knew with the old war hawk.
Now team seven was ready to leave and especially Inari was sad to see Naruto go. He had taken to call Naruto his big brother, which Naruto had accepted while wondering why Inari had chosen him to take that role.
It was also a completely new experience for Naruto to be openly admired by people. The people knew he had played a major role in getting rid of the thugs that had been Gato's army.
They knew he had fought against the Iwa nins that had threatened their bridge and killed two of them. He was a hero. Though Sasuke and Sakura also got much praise. Their fight against the thugs in the village was talked about a lot too and the people were very grateful to them.
"Thanks a lot for your super help. Thanks to all of you our country is free again and we can get back to living without fear." Tazuna said when team seven was about to go.
"You're welcome. If you ever need help again, don't hesitate to call Konoha. But next time please tell us the truth from the beginning." Kakashi said.
Tazuna laughed heartily.
"I will do that Kakashi. Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, thank you very much for your help, especially you Naruto. I have noticed how much it cost you to do what you did. That you took so much upon you to help a country that wasn't your own will never be forgotten by us.
As you are an Uzumaki we also have something that was found in the things our Daimyo had in his palace. He wanted me to give it to you before you go." Tazuna said and handed Naruto a big scroll that had the Uzumaki crest on the side.
Naruto took it from Tazuna, inspected it and got huge eyes.
"That is, oh my god, thank you so much, Tazuna. I didn't think I would ever see it." Naruto said excitedly.
"What is that Naruto?" Sakura asked curiously.
She had been much nicer to Naruto after having to kill for herself and knowing what it meant.
"It is a scroll my clan made. I recognize the type of seals used. If I am right it not only contains much of my family scrolls, but also the clan's summoning contract." Naruto said.
"I only ever read scrolls where the author wrote that with the destruction of Uzushio all the scrolls about clan jutsus of the Uzushio clans and the summoning contract of the Uzumaki clan were destroyed before the backup from Konoha could reach Uzu.
To now find out that it was brought to safety here in Wave Country is incredible." Naruto said honestly overwhelmed.
Even Sasuke couldn't begrudge Naruto his feelings. He would react similarly if he suddenly got something left from his clan. And Naruto didn't have anything as far as he knew. He at least had what was saved in the compound after Itachi had killed the clan.
For Naruto this would be an invaluable treasure. And keeping on good terms with Naruto would help him in the end. Naruto would be jonin in under a year; that much was sure.
The only thing he really missed to the rank was experience and even as a green ninja he had excelled at this unexpected A-rank mission. The performance of team seven would lead to them getting more higher-ranked missions from now on. And to be honest, it was reassuring that they had two jonins on the team.
He had seen how fast things could change. A lie from the client and suddenly a C-rank turned into an A-rank. He wouldn't have been able to take out Zabuza Momochi or could have faced Haku on even terms. He couldn't have killed hundreds of men in their sleep like Naruto had done to free the country.
He still had a long way to go, he knew that now, but he had also seen how far he had already come. His sharingan had activated on the mission and Kakashi had sat him down and explained to him the lure of the eye. He had never heard about that from his clan.
They had always said the sharingan was the ultimate bloodline limit and that it made it their right to demand respect. Kakashi had informed Sasuke that many Uchihas had been dependent on their eyes. He had only known three exceptions to that, Shisui, Itachi and his mother Mikoto Uchiha.
Though their eyes were powerful, they were strong without them too. Shisui had been famous for his use of the body flicker in a fight. He had driven his opponents mad while they were trying to land a hit on him.
Itachi could cast genjutsu with just a finger and didn't need eye contact with his victim.
And his mother had been able to replace herself with the smallest things. A leaf had been enough. Not to mention her mastery over fire jutsus. Sasuke was deeply impressed hearing those stories. He swore he wouldn't become dependent on the eyes. If Itachi was that strong without them, he needed to get there as well.
When he got back to the present he saw Naruto hugging Inari with the scroll he got secured on his back. Team seven then took off to make their way back to Konoha in a good time.
None of them heard the decision to name the Bridge the Great Naruto Bridge and to install a plaque to honour the great service team seven had done for Wave Country.
Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)
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