
Naruto: Tobirama Senju

How will Tobirama cope in this new ninja world? note: Naruto is not mine and this fanfic is also not mine The Naruto anime and manga series were created by Masashi Kishimoto. The manga was first published in 1999 and the anime adaptation followed in 2002. The Naruto franchise is owned by the Japanese company Shueisha, which publishes the manga, and the animation studio Pierrot, which produced the anime. The series has been licensed and distributed worldwide by various companies, including Viz Media and Crunchyroll. Naruto: I was reincarnated into the dirty land Tobirama 火影:我转生了秽土扉间 https://ko-fi.com/ilovefanfics

ilovefanfics · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs


At the gates of Konoha Village, Tobirama and his team returned, their cloakes covered in dust from their speedy journey.

Ninjas moved swiftly, accustomed to such travel. But for Shizuo, an ordinary person, being carried on Genma's back didn't spare him from the nausea and dizziness caused by the rough journey. Upon arrival, he promptly collapsed at the entrance, emptying his stomach.

"Genma, take Shizuo-san to the Hospital for some rest," Tobirama instructed.

With a nod, Genma lifted the barely conscious Shizuo, who managed a weak "thank you," and headed to the hospital.

Tobirama glanced at them before turning to the remaining two: "Our next destination is Danzo's place."

Though questions lingered, the two followed Tobirama without protest.

As they made their way through the village, eager villagers and ninjas wanted to greet Tobirama, but his stern expression deterred them.

With purposeful strides, they reached Danzo's residence, ready to confront the Hokage's advisor head-on.


Unlike other advisors, Danzo's place wasn't in the Shimura clan's compound It stood out on the edge of Konoha, away from the bustle.

It's pretty secluded, not many villagers come around here, which suits Danzo just fine.

Usually, he's hardly ever at home, preferring to stay at the Root base.

But today's different. Danzo's actually chilling at his crib ヽ (^o^)ノ. 

Inside Danzo's home, the curtains are all closed, and he sat alone in his bedroom, sipping tea.

"If only I'd been quicker than Hiruzen, I'd be Hokage right about now," Danzo mused.

Even though he looks cool on the outside, his shaky hands holding the cup say otherwise.

"If all goes as planned, sensei should've been killed by the Reverse Four Symbols," he speculated.

"Sensei, forgive me. You coming back messed up my plans. Why stay in this world when you've already left?" Danzo's repeating these excuses to himself.

But despite all that, he's got this weird feeling in his gut. He just can't shake the thought that his sensei wouldn't die so easily.

'No way!' He knows that sealing move inside and out. It's meant to take down even the likes of Uchiha Madara.

As the time his roots should report draws near, Danzo's feeling even more anxious.

As minutes ticked away, Danzo grew more and more restless, gulping down all the tea on the table.

'Could the plan have failed?'

'If so, I might be in big trouble.'

The Four Symbols Seal was the Uzumaki Clan's fuinjutsu. After their downfall, it landed in Konoha's lap. Only a handful of people in Konoha knew about it.

'If sensei is not dead, he'd probably figure I did it. And if he knew, my dream of being Hokage would crumble, and I be stuck with the shame of attempting to kill his own teacher.'

"No, that can't be. Sensei's gotta be dead!"

"I, Danzo, will be the Hokage soon, hahahaha!"

Danzo could already picture thousands cheering as he became Hokage, promising to elevate Konoha to the top of the world!

But just as he reveled in his daydream, the creaky old door of his wooden house was kicked open.

Danzo shuddered.

'Who dared to be so audacious as to bust into the fifth hokage's house?'

Danzo slowly raised his head, meeting an unwavering gaze.

That patch of white hair belonged to none other than Senju Tobirama, the teacher Danzo both feared and admired.

'Did the plan fail?'

Danzo couldn't bring himself to meet Tobirama's gaze, his once proud posture slumping as if all the air had been let out of him.

Tobirama strode into the room and quipped, "Danzo, disappointed to see I'm still breathing?"

The atmosphere in the room turned tense.

Behind Tobirama, Raidō and Iwashi's eyes widened in disbelief. Could Elder Danzo really be the one who tried to kill the Hokage?

After a long pause, Danzo forced a smile and asked, "Sensei, what makes you say that? I've been cooped up in the village, clueless about what's been going on."

Seeing Danzo's denial, Tobirama wasn't surprised. "You've always been skilled with the Four Symbols Seal. When did you pick up that trick?"

"The Four Symbols Seal? Sensei, I don't know what you're talking about."

Danzo couldn't afford to confess to attempting to off his teacher. That'd undo everything he'd worked for in Konoha, leaving him to be branded a traitor for eternity.

Tobirama easily grasped Danzo's thoughts.

He chuckled softly. "Danzo, you've really let me down. I thought you were just a step behind Hiruzen, still carrying the Hokage's duty in your heart. But now, it seems you're not even close to Hiruzen's level! You're not fit to be the Hokage!"

"Not as good as Hiruzen? Sensei, you're wrong! I have been always better than Hiruzen!"

Tobirama's words seemed to pierce through Danzo's defenses.

"Danzo, do you think I'm unaware of what you've been up to since I passed away?"

"You've founded the Root to manipulate children and eliminate people who has good intensions for konoha, you colluded with Orochimaru for inhumane experiments, and even drove Sakumo to suicide out of jealousy!"

"You've lusted after the Uchiha's bloodline, willing to betray your teammate Kagami and even orchestrate the Uchiha massacre through Itachi!"

"You did nothing during the Nine-Tails attack, and even schemed to take control of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki after Fourth's sacrifice!"

"Danzo, you claim it's all for Konoha, but is it really? Or is it just your own selfish desires?!"

With each revelation from Tobirama, Danzo's expression grew darker and darker.

'He should not know! How could my long-dead sensei has knowledge to my actions? I executed everything perfectly!'

"Curious how I know all this? Even in death, I'm not blind to your sins. Those you've wronged have shared their stories with me in the afterlife. I should have confronted you sooner, Danzo!"

Tobirama spoke with conviction, even though his claims about the afterlife were fabricated. In the world of Naruto, the underworld exists, but souls remain unaware of worldly affairs upon death. Nevertheless, Tobirama used this notion to expose Danzo, knowing he never truly died.

"No, it's all lies! Everything I did was for Konoha's sake. They deserved it. Sensei, you should understand and support me!"

Danzo Shimura's facade of righteousness crumbled under Tobirama's accusations, and he seemed to descend into madness, rambling to himself.

"Elder Danzo seems unhinged."

"What the Hokage says must be true!"

The two ninjas behind Tobirama were stunned by the revelations. The once-respected Danzo had a dark side hidden from public view.

"Danzo, your charade ends here. As the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, I declare you a traitor to Konoha, to be executed immediately"

Tobirama's words sealed Danzo's fate, branding him a traitor to the village.

As Tobirama moved to strike, Danzo, filled with fury "You're no sensei of mine! I'll end you, Impostor!"

"Wind Release: Vacuum Wave"