
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 7 Cheng Ye's Talent

The forest outside Konoha Village—

Because they were unable to run fast with Mr. Muji, Chengye and his group, who kept walking at a fast pace, only reached the end of the Konoha Forest warning range after an hour.

"Chengye, Suzuki, stop chatting." Watanabe realized that he was about to leave the Konoha Forest, and reminded the two students who had been joking. After a pause, he continued: "Now we will start to use the task formation A. Haven't you forgotten what the village gave you?"

Hearing Watanabe-sensei's words, Chengye and Suzuki immediately put away their smiles, and Chengye patted his chest confidently: "Watanabe-sensei, I remember all the mission formations clearly." Run to the left of Mr. Muji and stand.

Seeing Chengye's actions, Watanabe seemed to have a vein on his forehead. Seeing that, Suzuki quickly patted Chengye on the shoulder with a cute smile and said, "Chengye...you are standing on the right, this is my position." The atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

Cheng Ye blushed when he heard this, and hurriedly ran to the right, grabbing the back of his head as he ran: "Cough, cough, I'm too tired after walking for too long, and I can't concentrate, hahaha, it's an accident."

Mr. Muji looked at Cheng Ye with a grin, the black lines on his forehead flowing down like a waterfall, this kind of ninja from the Senju family seems unreliable...

Hyuga Tianqiang resisted the urge to complain about Chengye, and stood silently in front of the team, while Watanabe unceremoniously gave Chengye a shudder in the head and walked to the back of the team.

In this way, the eighth squad formed a cross, protecting the mission target Mr. Muji in the center.

Sun Xiangtian, who has white eyes, is responsible for every two kilometers, and turns on white eyes to detect the front. His white eye is still in its infancy, and the distance of farsightedness is only two kilometers. The higher the development of white eye, the stronger the ability of farsightedness and perspective.

Cheng Ye and Uchiha Suzuki are responsible for guarding the left and right sides, and at the same time, they are responsible for running to Mr. Miki's side for protection at the first time of the battle.

Watanabe-sensei is at the end and is also the most dangerous position, because most of the sneak attack tactics are launched from the rear, and as a teacher, he is at the end of the team, and everyone is in his field of vision, which is convenient for him to give in time. Aid.

"Muji-san, if you are in danger, please don't panic, I will protect you with earth escape ninjutsu." Watanabe instructed Mr. Muji, and then continued: "Today's goal is to reach Dalong Village before dark, we are in After resting there, we will continue our journey tomorrow. Okay, now speed up the pace." With the three men, he did not worry about traveling at night.

After a while, the team left the forest outside Konoha and entered the endless grassland terrain.

It was the first time that Cheng Ye came to such a far place, and his heart was full of excitement, but because of the mistake just now, he was a little embarrassed to mess around again. So he silently felt the cool wind blowing on his face, and observed this green-covered world with big curious eyes.

Uchiha Suzuki looked at Cheng Ye on the right with a smile on his lips.

Ever since we met, the cheerful Cheng Ye always took the initiative to talk to her, which made her originally somewhat introverted, but gradually became more lively.

She is a war orphan left after the First Ninja World War, and is not valued in the family because she only has Chakra with the fire attribute, and she is not outstanding in the ninjutsu talent she shows.

Although she has worked very hard, up to now, she has not even mastered the fire escape ninjutsu that is based on the family, the fire escape and the fireball technique.

Being ignored by the family made her feel a little unconfident in front of the eighth class at first. After all, Chengye Qianshou and Sun Xiangtian, both of them are gifted students in the ninja school, and Chengye is also the son of the second-generation Hokage.

Fortunately, she is now gradually familiar with her companions and teachers, and her smile gradually increases day by day. Cheng Ye is like her pistachio, often looking at her with bright red eyes and coming to her side , with a voice as if there was no trouble, giving her the care and happiness from her companions.

"I finally have someone I care about?" Suzuki thought so happily in his heart.

Feeling the vast world around him, Chengye's pores seemed to be breathing happily. He seemed to be able to feel the moist water-attribute chakra in the surrounding air. It felt like every water molecule turned into him. The elf, running and laughing in his mind, replaced his eyes, ears, and skin, helping him feel every move of other things.

Whether it's an intoxicated butterfly on a red flower or a worm carrying food in the grass, at this moment, Chengye seems to be able to understand everything that is happening around him. He couldn't help closing his eyes excitedly, and shouted, "Mr. Watanabe! It's amazing, I seem to be able to feel everything around me, I can even feel water droplets falling from the tip of the grass, and bugs burrowing through the soil. out."

Watanabe was keenly aware of Cheng Ye's reaction, and came to him in an instant, patted Cheng Ye on the shoulder lightly: "Tell teacher, how did you feel?"

Although Chengye closed his eyes at the moment, he could fully feel the external changes in his mind, and this feeling was much clearer than his own facial features.

Hearing Mr. Watanabe's words, Cheng Ye excitedly said everything he saw carefully.

At this time, Hi Xiangtian, Uchiha Suzuki, and Mr. Muki also came to Chengye.

Listening to Cheng Ye's words, Watanabe probably knew what happened to Cheng Ye at this time. "Is this... a chakra-type perception talent? Second generation, your son has inherited your perception ability."

Then, Watanabe touched Chengye's head and said, "Chengye, listen to the teacher, stop your perception of your surroundings immediately."

When Watanabe-sensei's words rang in his ears, Cheng Ye subconsciously opened his eyes and got out of the miraculous state just now.

Suddenly, at the moment of the end, Cheng Ye felt the exhaustion caused by the rapid consumption of chakra.

"Mr. Watanabe, why am I so tired and sleepy all of a sudden?" Cheng Ye's feet suddenly softened and he fell to one side. Fortunately, Uchiha Suzuki, who was next to him, quickly stretched out his hands and held him firmly.

"Watanabe-sensei, what's wrong with Chengye? Is he poisoned?" Suzuki asked Watanabe-sensei a little anxiously while stabilizing Chengye.

"This idiot suddenly had a rapid consumption of chakra just now, it's not poisoning." Hyugatian rushed to answer in front of Mr. Watanabe, unconsciously he had opened his eyes, sensing the chakra situation inside Chengye's body, he It is also very strange why Qianshou Chengye suddenly had such a huge consumption.

Mr. Watanabe looked at the collapsed Chengye, with admiration and a smile in his eyes, and explained calmly: "Chengye, he should have suddenly entered the perception mode involuntarily just now, and a large amount of chakra has been brought in. His brain is rapidly depleting. His current chakra volume is only the amount of one sub-ninja unit, and he can't bear the consumption of perception for such a long time, so I quickly told him to stop. It seems that there is an excellent chakra in our team. The perceptive ninja is indeed the son of the second generation purpose."

"It turns out to be the son of the second-generation Hokage-sama." Mr. Miki, who was standing on the side, was very surprised when he heard Watanabe's words.

There are three types of perceptual ninjas currently known:

The first is the visual perception ninja, the typical example is the owner of the white eye of the Hyuga family and the owner of the wheel eye of the Uchiha family.

The second is the olfactory sensory ninja, of which the Konoha Inuzuka family is an outstanding representative.

The third type is the chakra perception ninja. For example, Chengye perceives chakra through water in the air, while the oil girl family perceives chakra through the sensitivity of insects.

Hin Xiangten looked at Chengye who was carried by Mr. Watanabe, with a look of contempt on his face, but there was a little jealousy in his heart.

"The son of the second-generation Hokage, Mizutun is very talented, and now he has mastered the ability to perceive chakra. Fate really favors this kid."

Although Sun Xiangtian himself was called a genius in school, because he was a split family, not only the development potential of Baiyan was weaker than that of the clan, but also he was unable to learn many family secret techniques, such as the secret technique Huitian and Bagua Kongzhang.

He has many troubles at a young age, so he rarely smiles outside. It is impossible to enjoy a carefree childhood like Cheng Ye.

"Fate has never been fair since the birth of a person, and is my destiny destined to become an ordinary Hinata branch ninja?" A strong unwillingness flashed in Hinata's eyes.

On the other hand, looking tired but still smiling at her, Suzuki was happy for her companion's growth, but she felt a little disappointed in her heart. The more outstanding Cheng Ye's talent is, the stronger the sense of inferiority in her heart. Being in the Uchiha family, at the age of 10, she has long recognized that this is a world where strength is respected.

But Suzuki didn't show it all, with a gentle smile, he gave Cheng Ye a thumbs up.

Looking at the girl's fair face and the pair of pure and beautiful black eyes in front of her, Cheng Ye's cheeks were a little red, and at some point, the beating of her heart became clearer.

Cheng Ye, who noticed that he was different, quickly put on his trademark cheerful smile and responded to Suzuki's cute thumb.