
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 61 The Power of the Kaleidoscope

Illusion · Killing Nightmare! (Class A)

The red moon's bloody eyes turned and directly brought Fujikawa's soul into a dark place where demons were fighting.

Fujikawa was here, except for the bulls, ghosts and snakes with green faces and fangs, they could only see the foul-smelling blood pool under their feet, in which there were countless corpses lying on display, and some of them had even turned into bones.

The next moment, a demon with a stern face appeared around Fujikawa with a grin and pushed him to the ground. Every demon's face belonged to an enemy he had killed with his own hands. An endless stream of sharp weapons kept inserting into his body, and then vigorously stirred, digging out his internal organs.

He hurriedly formed the seal of dispelling the illusion, and said silently: "Resolve!" But after opening his eyes, he was still in this hell, still feeling the pain.

Fujikawa screamed helplessly, but the pain seemed endless, time had frozen, and he was constantly enduring such cruel torture.

Finally, the long silver sword that he was most familiar with came into his hands at some point, and Fujikawa, who had already collapsed in spirit, slashed a hatred knife towards a female demon closest to him.

Eguchi Akiko could not see the facial expression on Fujikawa's face at this time, only noticed that his teammate raised his long sword without a word, and only thought that he could no longer hold back and was about to launch an attack.

So she raised her hands to seal quickly, and said habitually: "Fujikawa, the woman on the opposite side shouldn't be as good in physical skills as you. I used close combat to show her flaws. I used ninjutsu to kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, Akiko's ninjutsu has completed the seal, and the Tu Dun · Tulong Spear (C rank) has been prepared.

But at this time, she found strangely that Fujikawa did not rush out as expected, but slowly turned to herself.

"Fujikawa, what are you doing? Didn't hear me..." Eguchi Akiko didn't finish her sentence, but she felt a silver light suddenly appear in front of her eyes, the knife fell, and her head rose.

Akiko's flying head was still in a state of speaking, but she found that her field of vision suddenly raised a lot, and then fell vertically, and she saw her white ninja leggings.

After beheading the female demon, Fujikawa could clearly see that on the head, there was the same face as his companion, and the despair in his eyes cut through his whole body like a sharp sword.

"Hahahaha!" Fujikawa laughed madly, twitching up to the sky, but then, countless demons rushed towards him. This time they had no weapons in their hands, only the sharp shark-like teeth in their mouths. Among them, there is also the face of Eguchi Akiko.

Unable to bear this terrifying torture any longer, Fujikawa raised the dagger in his hand, which was stained with the blood of his companions, and cut his neck artery without hesitation, as if this body did not belong to him at all.

The high-pressure blood in the arteries came into contact with the light and fluffy air outside, and then poured out like a fountain, putting on the hot red clothes for the short grass on the ground.

It was not until the moment of death that his facial features were stretched out, and the corners of his mouth were filled with relief.

After releasing the illusion, Hongyue only felt the stinging pain in her eyes as if being stabbed by needles, she quickly canceled the kaleidoscope state, and exhaled heavily.

This is the first time she has used these eyes in actual combat. While feeling the powerful power, she found that the part of her humanity had silently dissipated.

Turning around, she saw Cheng Ye's body swaying from side to side and half-kneeling beside Yuna, but the medical ninjutsu in her hand never stopped for a moment, still emitting a green light representing life.

"Chengye, how is Yuna's situation?" Hongyue asked with moving eyes, patting Chengye's shoulder lightly.

"The trauma is no longer a serious problem, but the internal organs are severely damaged. Once I stop the treatment, the spine, lungs, and heart will quickly die." Cheng Ye's voice was like a robot, and he replied without any emotional fluctuations.

"But, your chakra..." Before Hongyue's worried words could be said, the last bit of green light between Chengye's hands disappeared and never appeared again.

"Damn! Damn!" Cheng Ye cried frantically, his eyes were bloodshot, and he slammed his arm on the ground.

Uchiha Hongyue looked at Yuna, who was frowning and breathing weakly. Her chest was so blocked. At this moment, if she also had the talent of medical ninjutsu, the situation would be much better.

Can't let Chengye hurt his body like this, Hongyue grabbed Chengye's severely injured right hand, preventing him from smashing to the ground.

At this moment, a drop of blood from Chengye's wound flew out and dripped onto the blue bracelet on Yuna's wrist. The strange thing is that this drop of blood is like a drop of water falling into the sea, and it smoothly integrates into the bracelet.

"Ding!" A soft chirping sounded, and the bracelet lit up with a dark green light, like a big green tree, exuding green vitality.

A wave of powerful wood-type medical chakra poured into the wound from the blood vessels under Yuna's wrist, giving life to all the dead cells in an instant.

Cheng Ye's eyes were attracted by this strong blue streamer, and when she looked around, she found that Yuna's breathing gradually became smoother, her originally pale face regained a bright blush, and her whole body returned to a state of beauty. looks like.

After this unbelievable scene happened, Cheng Ye couldn't care less about her joy, and hurriedly checked the frequency of Yuna's pulse.

"Chengye, how is it?" Uchiha Hongyue asked quickly.

"The number of pulse beats is normal, Teacher Hongyue, she...she has recovered!" The huge turning point of worry and joy made Chengye's articulation not very clear for a while.

Seeing Yuna safe and sound, Hongyue breathed a sigh of relief and patted Chengye's shoulder lightly, happy for this very emotional young man.

But not far away, Kaguya Yamato, who was lying on the ground, woke up at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw two Konoha ninjas in green vests facing away from him.

Although his body was very weak due to Lei Dun's injury, the murderous intent in his eyes remained unchanged. He slowly raised his right hand, and five fingertips flew out of bone bullets, aiming directly at Chengye.

In less than two seconds, the bone bullets came silently and went straight through Chengye's vest, four of which were nailed into the flesh of his back.

Under the pain, Cheng Ye couldn't help groaning. Uchiha Hongyue next to him disappeared instantly, holding a kunai and piercing Kaguya Yamato's right wrist directly.

Kaguya Yamato was unaware of this, the bones in his chest protruded, and he was about to stab the red moon.

"Death!" Hongyue spit out an extremely angry word, the blood nightmare kaleidoscope reappeared in her eyes, and the illusion directly invaded Kaguya Yamato's mind, directly causing his movements to freeze, and his eyes instantly lost their energy.

Illusion·Blood Recall! (Class B)

Kaguya Yamato's memory was quickly read by Sharonyan under a dark red sky. In just three seconds, all the information in his mind was grasped by Hongyue.

And such a brutal mental reading, at the moment of the end, directly caused the death of all the nerves in his brain.

After the enemy was resolved, although the brain seemed to be about to explode because it had received too much information, Hongyue did not dare to delay, and went to check Chengye's injury in a hurry.