
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 42 Tsunade's Pride

Just as Ryotai opened the door, a sweet voice rang in his ear.

"Brother Liang Tai, you are so slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Before seeing anyone, he heard the sound first, and all the bones in Liang Tai's body softened at once, and an unprecedented pleasure rushed up from his spine.

"Ah... I haven't heard such a beautiful girlish voice for many years, sir, woo woo woo." Ryo Tai only felt that the corners of her eyes were about to get wet.

Opening the door, a girl he could only see in anime before appeared.

With a petite face, delicate and deep facial features, there is an irresistible beauty between her eyebrows, her skin is fair and translucent, as dazzling as milk curd, and she is wearing a tight-fitting primrose-colored cropped umbilicus, which shows her slenderness. With a tall and straight figure, the exposed slender waist is full of hands, and Qianshou Liang's eyes are straight.

"God, Lord, Mom, thank you for letting me come to this world!" At this moment, Ryo Tai only felt that she was in heaven, as if she was in a dream.

Liang Tai's hot eyes stared at the girl's cheeks, and a cute blush floated up.

Her beautiful purple eyes were like pearls, revealing a hint of shyness, and said, "Brother Liang, don't be so... staring at me so closely, I have something serious to say to you!"

"Ah? Oh, what do you say, I'll listen to you, hee hee." Slightly restraining his overly direct gaze, Ryota eagerly rummaged through the information about the stunner girl in front of him.

"Senju Yuna, this year is fourteen years old, the ninja level is Chunin, and her childhood sweetheart, she is the daughter of the elder Haruki of the family." Ryota secretly tried to recall with excitement, while forcibly holding back some indescribable heart. impulse.

"Brother Ryota, my mother told you to go to the elders' meeting room to find her, and I have a task for you." Chiju Yuna looked at Ryota, who had suddenly become more refined, and felt a little strange for no reason, but she didn't. What a skeptical idea.

She and Senju Ryota grew up together. In the impression, Ryota's brother was always so hardworking and down-to-earth. Although his talent was not particularly outstanding, he became a chunin at the age of fourteen with his own continuous efforts.

For Yuna, who has never had much contact with the opposite sex since she was a child, brother Ryotai is the object of her most admiration and the most handsome man.

As for Ryotai at this time, just talking to this young and beautiful girl in front of him, he already felt that he was about to suffocate with happiness.

"The elders' meeting room, right?" Mrs. Liang tried her best to appear similar to the original owner, but in his eyes, the eagerness to get close to the girl in front of him could not be concealed by the performance.

"Mom asked me to go too, so let's go? Big Brother Ryo." Every time the girl said "Brother Ryo", Ryota's own heart trembled violently.

He seemed to have been hooked out of his five souls and six souls, with only Yuna's graceful body in his eyes, walking with mechanical steps, following the girl forward like a foolish brother.

Konoha second generation house——

Chengye was sitting alone at the entrance of the house at this time, ready to put on his shoes and go to Konoha Central Hospital to find Tsunade who was practicing.

Although he really didn't want to see Tsunade's fierce and stinky face, it was only a few days before he left the village and went to work at the border of the country of waves.

Chengye hopes to take advantage of this blank period to learn Konoha's primary palm immortality as soon as possible, so that when he leaves the village, he can use a D-level chakra scalpel to improve his strength in melee physique.

Opening the door, chakra gathered on the soles of his feet, and Cheng Ye ran towards the hospital where Tsunade was at the speed of C-level physique.

Konoha Central Hospital——

Thousands of hands Tsunade is in the serious injury ward, with a white-blue chakra scalpel condensed in one hand, and a green healing light flashing in the other hand, treating a ninja with broken bones in both legs.

At a young age, she was wearing a green robe specially designed for surgery by a capable doctor, wearing a mask, and her apricot-colored eyes were full of seriousness.

When Tsunade used a chakra scalpel to cut open the injured person's thigh, the other hand immediately followed, using his own chakra to stimulate the injured person's cells and tissues to recover and regenerate.

Cheng Ye didn't know when she came to the operating room where she was, and quietly watched her every move at work.

"When Tsunade was working, he seemed to be quite handsome." Leaning against the wall outside the door, Cheng Ye thought silently with a smile in his eyes.

Half an hour later, Tsunade completed the treatment, all the necrotic cells in the injured leg were repaired, and the bones were reattached.

When she took off her surgical gown and walked out of the operating room, she saw Cheng Ye who was waiting for her with an expressionless face.

"Hey, idiot Chengye, what are you doing with a straight face, I owe you money?" Tsunade greeted Chengye unceremoniously.

"Idiot Tsunade, I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you today," Cheng Ye said with a serious face, "I want you to help me practice the primary palm immortal art."

"Papa." As soon as Chengye finished speaking, two pairs of white gloves for surgery were thrown on his head.

"No time, this princess is a genius medical ninja who has mastered the intermediate palm immortality (C-level), and she is very busy," Tsunade patted Bai Nen's hands and said proudly.

"Well, try this." After saying that, Tsunade impatiently pulled open her right sleeve, and a wound five centimeters long and two millimeters deep appeared on her forearm.

"The injured person twitched during the operation just now, and my Chakra scalpel accidentally cut his right hand. I have stopped the bleeding, but the wound has not healed."

"Now, come and help me with the Palm Immortal Art, and I'll see what you're getting at." Without any explanation, Tsunade held his slender right hand to Chengye.

For Tsunade's hot and direct character, Cheng Ye has long been used to it.

He was not long-winded, the perception state turned on instantly, the chakra on his right hand converged, glowing green light, and placed it on Tsunade's wound.

With the presence of water molecules in the wound, Chengye is clear about the state of each cell. The water-attribute chakra gently enters the wound with a cool touch, carefully stimulating the growth and regeneration of various cells.

In less than five minutes, the wound on Tsunade's right forearm disappeared, and the skin was as new as new, white and smooth.

Tsunade looked at Cheng Ye's reddish eyes in disbelief, and thought to himself, "How is that possible, I only gave him the primary palm immortality three days ago! mastered."

Suddenly, she thought of some possibility, pointed at Chengye's forehead, and asked loudly, "I remembered, you are a perception ninja!"

Cheng Ye heard the words and smiled in response.

"Hmph, as I expected, I didn't expect that you are usually clueless, and your talent is actually quite good. Sure enough, stupid people have stupid blessings!" Tsunade's face showed a proud expression of everything under her control. He turned around and walked into his internship office.

The next moment, a book flew out of her office and hit Cheng Ye's chest again.

"Knoha Intermediate Palm Immortal Art" (C-level), Cheng Ye, who was smashed to some numbness like this, was held in his arms.

"This is what I found from Grandpa Hasuma. Anyway, with your low IQ, you should be able to master it in a lifetime." Tsunade didn't come out again, just frantically provoked Cheng Cheng in the room. leaf.

"Hey, little Tsunade, just wait, I'll go back and learn it immediately without any effort, and I'll startle both of your eyeballs out!" Chengye found that he and Tsunade couldn't talk properly at all, because every sentence she said Words will make him angry, and it will explode at a moment.

Cheng Ye angrily turned around and left the hospital, but he didn't know that Tsunade, who was alone in the office, was full of loss at this time.

She has always been proud of her outstanding medical ninjutsu talent, but just now, in front of Qianju Chengye, she felt like she had lost this pride in an instant.

She mastered the primary palm immortality within three days at the beginning, and she boasted that outside her grandfather Qianshou Hashirama, no one in Konoha's medical talent could match her, but now, Chengye only spent three days.

But with her extroverted and cheerful personality, how could she easily fall into a low state?

After a few minutes, her pretty face swept away the haze and cheered up again.

"How can I admit defeat to that fool who only smiles every day? At least in medical ninjutsu, I'm confident that I won't lose to him!" After squeezing his cute little fist and swearing secretly, Tsunade threw himself into Konoha again. Central Hospital is busy with work.