
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 40 Outsiders

Just when Cheng Ye left the cemetery, in another dimension of the earth, a young and weak main god with a fractured right knee was choosing his own reincarnator.

Earth China——

In a cheap rental room in Chunjiang City——

In the darkness, an ordinary-looking otaku was in front of the computer, watching a very popular anime - "Naruto" with relish.

His room was extremely messy, with all kinds of takeaway boxes and snack bags scattered everywhere. Obviously, he hadn't been out for several days.

His name is Chen Aotian, a very loud and domineering name, but it doesn't match me at all.

In his late thirties this year, he barely made a living by coding for pirated websites, with a scruffy beard and hair like a weed.

Seeing the clip of Tsunade's appearance, Chen Aotian buckled his feet, touched his flat chest, and said indifferently, "Fuck...Fuck, it's so big, so big!"

At this time, he did not know that a black-clothed Lord God had descended over his room.

Looking at Chen Aotian's sloppy appearance, the Lord God couldn't help caressing his forehead and sighed deeply.

"Forget it, I was just interrupted by my father, which greatly weakened my strength. Choosing such a waste material is also easier to control." After silently complaining, the Lord God stretched out his thin hand and injected paragraphs of information into it. It came to Chen Aotian's mind.

Chen Aotian, who was fantasizing about Tsunade as his girlfriend, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

He couldn't help crying: "Ah ah ah! What's going on, it hurts to death, young master! Ah ah ah!"

In the next second, a short sentence appeared in his eyes: "Congratulations, you have been selected as the reincarnation of the German orthopaedic god."

Looking at this sentence blankly, Chen Aotian roared wildly: "German orthopedics? You are crazy, sir, my whole body is not bad, and I don't want to go to the old Chinese doctor, let alone your German orthopedics."

"If you choose to refuse to become a reincarnator, obliterate it!" A cold sentence appeared in his eyes again.

Chen Aotian was stunned for a moment, and looked around, his room was empty, only these words appeared in his eyes very abruptly.

He was dubious and said, "Damn it, come on for real? My lord, I've been a virgin for 30 years, so don't mess with me."

Hearing this, the German orthopedic master thought with a look of contempt: "This waste, my master god who is known as the killer of cute girls, actually wants to choose this kind of person as a reincarnator, hey..."

With a wave of his right hand, a sentence entered Chen Aotian's mind again.

"Become a reincarnator and venture into other dimension worlds. The Lord God will give you a lot of abilities that you can't even imagine, including making you a handsome guy, so handsome that no one has ever come before, and no one has come since. It can also help you easily pick up girls and get out of singleness."

"Pick up a girl?!! Get off the list?!!" Seeing this sentence, Chen Aotian jumped two centimeters with joy.

"Go to a different dimension world? Really? I really want to go!" Chen Aotian asked happily.

"Please answer first, are you willing to become the reincarnator of the German orthopaedic god?"

"Yes, yes!" Chen Aotian pouted, saying that there would be no loss, what if it was true?

"The contract has been signed."

The main German god spread out his list of reincarnators, and at the end of the list of reincarnators that was already covered with gray, he wrote the words "Chen Aotian".

"Chen Aotian Reincarnator, after testing, it was found that the dimension you are most familiar with is the world of Naruto, are you willing to enter now?"

"Naruto World, this is really great! I've had enough of this boring real world! My Tsunade, I'm here to see you!" Chen Aotian's eyes glowed, and he felt that his dream was about to come true.

The head of the German orthopaedic department looked at Chen Aotian's appearance, blue veins appeared on his forehead, but thinking of his cute little sister, he forced himself to calm down his breath.

Then, he pulled hard on his right and opened the door of the multidimensional universe.

In the dark universe, tens of thousands of dimensional worlds turned into colorful stars, spinning quietly in each of them.

"Naruto World? Just right, let him go to the most familiar dimension, so that he can help me plunder the power of the world faster!" The German orthopedic master raised Chen Aotian with his hand.

In the next moment, Chen Aotian only felt that his whole body was flying lightly, a dark hole appeared behind him, and then he threw it into it.

He was dazzled by the countless and colorful dimensions that passed before his eyes.

"Injecting the power of the Lord God, you will fall into a coma for a short time!" In the next second, Chen Aotian's eyes went black, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

The German orthopaedic god, who had almost exhausted all his strength, felt an unprecedented weakness.

Suddenly, he looked at Chen Aotian's flight path and secretly shouted, "No! Just slipped his hand and threw this kid to a derivative dimension next to Naruto World."

"Forget it, this dimension is estimated to be similar to Naruto's world, with some minor differences at most. With the power I gave him, he shouldn't have much problem." Sitting down tiredly, the German orthopedic master said to himself language.

"Sister Alice, wait for me, one day I will cross the sea of ​​people and meet you again!" He raised his right fist and swore firmly.

At the same time, above the world where Qianshou Chengye is located, an author with extraordinary temperament is in front of the computer screen, creating the world meticulously, his name is A sauce A sauce.

"Alert! Alert! There is an invasion by outsiders!" A row of red text appeared in front of him.

"Huh? What's the situation, which bastard ate the gall of a bear's heart and a leopard, and dared to invade the dimensional world guarded by this sauce!"

With a sharp operation on the keyboard, the information of the intruder was completely presented in front of his eyes.

original name; Chen Aotian

Original World: Earth

Personality: Extremely rude!

Carry talents: Ice Dun, Magnetic Dun, Burning Dun, Wood Dun, Water Dun, Earth Dun, Mouth Dun.

Carrying Chakra Amount: Comparable to Nine Tails.

Carry Aura:

Protagonist Halo

Stallion Aura (All females will have the highest opinion value.)

The halo of handsome guy (after the appearance enters the dimension, it will be a hundred times more handsome than the author.)

Invasion Wooden Sign: Senju Ryota

Age: 15

Occupation: A collateral member of the Senju family

Strength: Chunin

After reading line by line of information, A sauce A sauce's chin almost fell on the table.

"My God, are you doing something? Let such a perverted character enter my dimension, and finally the whole world must collapse!" His anger at this time has reached the level of frying an egg.

"Okay, if you want to enter the world I cherish so much, then let you come in and have fun with me." A sauce A sauce suddenly looked sinister, her left index finger quickly placed on the delete button, and her right hand gripped the mouse tightly. .

"So many kinds of super-high talents? Actually, there is such an anti-human thing as a mouth escape? If it doesn't exist, delete it and leave it for you."

"So many invincible halos? Still want to be more handsome than me? Impossible, take it off."

"So much chakra? Oh, you are ugly, if you want to be pretty, lose it."

At this time, the German orthopaedic god, who was far away in the earth dimension, was alert to find that Chen Aotian was strongly rejected when he invaded the world.

"Hmph, mere thief, dare to block me?" He sneered, and immediately sent out the last remaining trace of his power at Chen Aotian.

Here, A sauce A sauce with a wicked smile, is still crazily weakening Chen Aotian's ability.

"Thousand-hand family? It won't happen, I'll delete... um? Why can't I delete it?..."

"Alert! Alert! Foreign forces invaded, the protection system stopped working!" The red alert appeared again.

Suddenly, Chen Aotian's information disappeared, and he himself, turned into a streamer, quickly landed in the world,

"Hey, that's all, it's almost cut anyway. A sauce A sauce smiled lightly, "However, we must take precautions against this situation in the future. "

After upgrading his defenses, he continued to devote his full attention to the work of creating the world.