
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

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70 Chs

Chapter 37 Chakra Scalpel

"Yes, since your ninjutsu and taijutsu have reached C rank now, according to the family's rules, you can go to the family's intermediate collection room and low-level collection room, and receive a ninja scroll for future training." Elder Haruki said with a smile.

The next moment, a small wooden token was thrown from Elder Chunshu's hand. Cheng Ye took it and saw that the word "Thousand Hands" was clearly engraved on the wooden token with a carving knife.

"Now, drip your blood on the wooden sign, and then inject your chakra into it." Elder Haruki said word by word with a serious face.

Cheng Ye heard the elder's guidance without any hesitation, bit his thumb with his tiger teeth, a few drops of blood dripped, and the wooden sign was dyed red in a blink of an eye.

Then, he mobilized the chakra in his body and poured it into it slowly and carefully.

The next moment, the original yellow character "Thousand Hands" instantly turned blood red, and the whole wooden sign seemed to have some vitality.

On the other side, Elder Heshu stood up, patted Chengye on the shoulder lightly, and said, "One thing you have to remember, the scroll you receive, whether it records ninjutsu, illusion or taijutsu, unless it is an emergency. , absolutely not allowed to hand over to others!"

Cheng Ye quickly nodded with a solemn expression on his face, then bowed to thank the two elders: "Thank you two elders for their care."

Elder Haruki smiled and waved his hand kindly, but there was still a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Okay, let's go in." After talking to Elder Heshu, he turned his body to the side, and an antique wooden door appeared behind his original position.

"Put your wooden sign into the hole on the door, and you can open the door of the collection room. However, your current chakra volume can only be found in the ground-level collection room on the first floor and the intermediate collection room on the second floor. Activities. You can't go to the forbidden room on the top floor yet." Elder Haruki reminded.

Following the instructions of the two thousand-handed elders, Chengye put his wooden sign in the socket.

The sound of "squeaky--" sounded, and the wooden door of the collection room slowly opened for Chengye.

"Then, two elders, I'm in." Chengye bowed ninety degrees and said goodbye to the two elders.

"Well, after choosing the ninja scroll, you can go straight to the exit of the intermediate collection room, and you don't need to see our two old guys again." Although Elder Haruki said this, his eyes were filled with reluctance.

"Grandma Chunshu, Grandpa Heshu, Chengye will come to see you in the future, goodbye." Chengye grinned brightly, then turned and entered the collection room.

Afterwards, the wooden door closed with a "dong" sound, and the elders' meeting room of the Qianshou family returned to silence again.

Cheng Ye's entry, the first thing he sees is a row of neatly arranged brown bookshelves, and there are several old but delicate desks in between.

There is plenty of sunlight in the collection room, wisps of golden light jumping inside the room, shining on the half-grey and half-blue surrounding walls.

Looking around, the top of each bookshelf is clearly marked with green letters.

There are countless scrolls of ninjutsu and taijutsu of various attributes, but the scrolls marked with "illusion" are only found on a small bookshelf in the corner.

"Presumably, this is the family's low-level collection room." The rich collection of scrolls here made Cheng Ye an eye-opener.

Without too much delay, Cheng Ye began to read the scrolls marked with "Water Dun" and "Soil Dun", and ignored the ninjutsu scrolls of other attributes.

With only two attributes of water and earth, he will not waste his energy on ninjutsu with the other three attributes.

Water Escape·Water Flow Technique (Class C): Create a large torrent to impact the enemy.

Water Escape Water Formation Wall (Class C): A vertical water wall to protect yourself or other targets.

Water Escape · Iron Cannon (Class C): Spit out four continuous large water cannons from the mouth to attack the enemy.


Earth Escape and Earth Clone Technique (Class D): Use earth attribute chakra to create clones with strong resistance to attack.

Earth Escape and Rock Fist Technique (Class C): Use Earth Attribute Chakra to create a hard rock-wrapped fist, giving the enemy the equivalent of a Class C ninja gear.

Tu Dun·Heart Decapitation (Class C): Appears from the ground under the target's feet, then switches positions, trapping the target in the dirt.


An hour later, Chengye had already read dozens of ninjutsu techniques of water escape or earth escape, but these ninjutsus had similar functions to the techniques he had already mastered: .

Cheng Ye knew that with the amount of chakra he had now, it was impossible to use too much ninjutsu in battle.

Therefore, he is not particularly interested in the dazzling variety of attack and defense ninjutsu in front of him.

Just when Cheng Ye was about to give up ninjutsu and went to look for the taijutsu bookshelf, he saw a scroll of water escape ninjutsu.

Water Escape/Water Prison (Class C): Use water attribute chakra to form an oxygen-free circular water barrier, trapping the target in it.

Cheng Ye began to ponder while reading the scroll carefully.

The current self, the attack ninjutsu already has the technique of water thousand and the water body, and the defensive ninjutsu has the technique of the earth formation wall, which happens to lack a ninjutsu that can effectively control the enemy.

At this time, this C-level water prison technique just filled this vacancy.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Ye picked up the scroll, came to a desk, picked up a writing brush and carefully copied it.

A few minutes later, Chengye recorded the water prison technique, put the original volume back on the bookshelf, turned around and walked up the stairs to the intermediate collection room on the second floor.

Open the door with his wooden sign again, and the intermediate collection room will be opened for Cheng Ye.

The overall layout of the room is exactly the same as that of the low-level collection room, except that the bookshelves placed in it are much less.

Various bookshelves are still clearly marked, Cheng Ye cheered up and thought quietly.

Under the circumstance that he could only choose one B-rank scroll, he no longer had much demand for the ninjutsu of the five attributes.

In the battle of the country of waves, Qianxia and Onishi, who belonged to the seven members of the Kirigaku Ninja sword, showed strong physical skills through the high-grade Ninja sword, which still makes him still lingering in fear.

Therefore, Cheng Ye decided to choose a physical technique that suits him, to gradually improve his strength, and to be able to fight against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in the future.

It was even possible to complete the beheading in the end and take their heads to the tomb of Mr. Watanabe to pay homage.

Going straight to the bookshelf with the scrolls of taijutsu, Cheng Ye started to read the scrolls of taijutsu one by one.

Konoba Technique·Blast Kick (Class B): After kicking the target away, use the swift movement technique to cause a powerful continuous blow to the target through quick kicks in the air.

Mist Hidden Knife Technique · Cross Cut (Class B): Holding a two-handed weapon, draw a sharp cross cut forward, causing a deadly cross cut to the target.

Konoha Sword Technique: Dance of the Three Suns and Moons (Class B): Used in conjunction with shadow clones, the three clones launch attacks at the same time. After hiding, they search for the target's flaws and complete a fatal blow.


There are so many kinds of physical skills, which makes Chengye a little difficult to choose. Many B-level swordsmanship requires users to have at least a mid-grade ninja sword.

But Cheng Ye knew that there was still a big difference between the task remuneration he had accumulated over the past two years, and the desire to build a mid-grade ninja sword.

Continuing to read, a thin, not scroll-like book entered Cheng Ye's eyes.

Medical Ninja Chakra Scalpel (Class B): Born in medical ninjutsu, it was originally used to cut the skin and blood vessels of the wounded during surgery, and was later used in actual combat to condense chakra in the palm of the hand to form a sharp Unusual Chakra Blade.

Through repeated reading, Chengye learned that the level of the chakra scalpel will be determined by the amount of chakra output by the user.

Output the amount of chakra of a ninja unit, the level is equivalent to the low-grade ninja tool, and the duration is about ten minutes.

Output the chakra amount of a Chunin unit, the level is equivalent to the middle-grade Ninja gear, and the duration is about five minutes.

Output a chakra amount of a ninja unit, the level is equivalent to a high-grade ninja tool, and the duration is about three minutes.

Looking at it this way, the price/performance ratio of the Chakra scalpel is quite high, and you don't even need to use a ninja knife.

But when Chengye continued to look down, the appearance of a line of small annotations made him stunned.

The premise of mastering this technique: You must improve your control over chakra through the training of medical ninjutsu before you can use the matching chakra blade.

Cheng Ye held the book in his hand and was speechless for a while. Sure enough, there is no such thing as a pie from heaven.

After biting his lip and thinking for a long time, Chengye still copied it without hesitation.