
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

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70 Chs

Chapter 3 Cheng Ye's New Ninjutsu

Konoha Ninja School Playground—

Chengye stared at the white paper intently, and saw that after the chakra entered the white paper, there were wet water marks on the left side and hardening on the right side.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Sanada thought to himself, "Is the water attribute of the second generation and the earth attribute of the Lord of peace, not bad, Xiao Chengye. It's just... At present, his current talent is not worse than the second generation. Little, I think of Tobirama-sama's talent for water escape back then..."

Just as Sanada was sighing alone, Chengye raised his head, his reddish eyes full of doubts, and asked, "Mr. Sanada, what does this mean?"

Sanada came back to his senses in a trance, and explained with a smile: "Chengye's chakra attributes are water and soil, which are very compatible. Your talent is great, and you will definitely be a ninja as good as your father in the future."

"Really, teacher! I have to hurry back and tell my mother, goodbye teacher!" After saying that, Cheng Ye ran away like a fly.

"This child...isn't like a child from a big family like Qianshou at all when he is crazy, and the second-year "Her Royal Highness Princess"...these two children of Qianshou's family really have a headache." Sanada covered his forehead and said speechlessly. .

"Mom! Mom!" Cheng Ye yelled and rushed into the house.

However, the house was silent, there was no response, only Cheng Ye was alone. "Mom hasn't come back from the task..." Cheng Ye's heart was full of joy, and his heart was a little empty.

"Ha! When I think about it, my mother said that if I have chakra, I can go to my father's study. There is a gift from my father there." Chengye comforted himself and ran into his father's study that had not been opened for a long time.

There was a desk, a chair, and the rest were bookcases, containing many books that Cheng Ye couldn't understand.

On the desk, there was a small blue box marked with the words "Second ninja gift for Cheng Ye." It was my mother's handwriting.

Cheng Ye quickly climbed onto the chair and opened the box. I saw a scroll inside.

Cheng Ye smiled excitedly when he saw it: "It's ninjutsu! Mom left a ninjutsu for me!"

He quickly spread out the ninjutsu scroll, and the dense handwriting and marks slowly appeared. Cheng Ye used the knowledge he learned from the ninja school to barely understand the meaning.

Water Escape, Secret Water Bomb, D-level Ninjutsu, uses chakra to condense many small water bombs to attack the enemy.

Chengye noticed that there were not only his mother's notes, but also handwriting he had never seen before. It should have been written by his father before his death. Seeing this, Chengye felt that his heart was filled with something. Although he has few memories of his father, he still admires his father as Hokage thanks to his mother's education.

"Gu.. Gu.. Gu" Cheng Ye's stomach rang in disappointment at this time. "It seems that I can only go to Brother Masaki's house to eat, and I have to see that unreasonable Tsunade again. It's so annoying."

Holding the ninjutsu scroll, Cheng Ye trotted all the way to the house of his brother, Senju Masaki, the son of the first Hokage Senju Hasuma.

The first Hokage residence in Konoha Village—

"Brother Masaki, I'm here to eat!" Before he could finish speaking, the door was opened, and Tsunade with a ponytail appeared at the door angrily, "Damn you, Chengye, you are too slow! You …"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the gentle-looking Senju Masaki holding Tsunade's back collar, and said softly, "Don't be rude to Tsunade, this is your uncle."

Then, Masaki Qianshou, who was dressed in home clothes, invited Chengye in, and said with a smile, "Master Hirako has an urgent task to go out today. Before leaving, tell me that you will come to the house for dinner today. Come in quickly, Chengye." Tsunade looked unhappy next to him.

Chengye is one year younger than Tsunade, but she is a generation older than her, so Tsunade is very dissatisfied with this uncle. In addition, she has been treated by a princess since she was a child, and her temper is a bit arrogant, so she has always liked to quarrel with Chengye.

After dinner, Cheng Ye took out the water escape ninjutsu scroll just now, and asked his brother for advice: "Brother Masaki, I got my father's old scroll today, but I don't quite understand it. Can you teach me?"

"Is that so, wait for me to take a look." After saying that, Zhengshu opened the scroll and looked at it.

Masaki is a man who always has a gentle smile on his face. Although he is the son of the first generation, he has not inherited the changes in the nature of the first generation. Pity.

"Stupid Chengye, even D-rank ninjutsu doesn't understand." Tsunade did not forget to sneer at Chengye.

"Nonsense! I just think I learn faster with what your father taught me, fool Tsunade, hum!" Cheng Ye was naturally not to be outdone. The two children immediately began to quarrel, and the two little heads that did not give in to each other were almost pressed together.

"Alright, alright, you two." Zhengshu said with a splitting headache: "Chengye, look at it, I will give you the technique of forming the seal of this technique first." After that, he began to form the seal slowly. Come.


The seal of D-rank ninjutsu is not particularly complicated. After 20 minutes of practice, Chengye has been able to successfully complete the seal.

"Okay, Chengye, while you are making a seal, call your chakras to gather in front of your hands." Masaki guided Chengye very patiently.

Cheng Ye heard the words, felt the chakra in his body, and slowly guided it to gather in front of Yuyin's hands.

Xu-yin-si, the technique of water escape and dense water bombs!

After the seal was completed, a crystal clear water drop slowly condensed in front of Chengye. "I succeeded! Brother Masaki, I succeeded!" Cheng Ye's heart was full of joy at this time, this was the first ninjutsu he mastered.

Zhengshu looked at Chengye excitedly in front of him, with an admiring smile on his face, but he sighed slightly in his heart.

Although the younger brother's talent for water escape is good compared to ordinary people, there is still a big gap compared with the talent of the second generation, and he also did not inherit his father's wood escape.

Since the death of his uncle Senju Tobirama, the only remaining shadow-level fighting force in the Senju family is his mother, Uzumaki Mito. In the next row, in addition to the two clan elders, it is Cheng Ye's mother, Qianshou Hirako, who possesses the strength of an elite johnin.

When the Senju family and the Uchiha family co-founded the Konoha Ninja Village, there were dozens of people with more than the elite Jōnin, and his father could be called the number one in the ninja world.

But after several wars, especially after the first ninja war, the ninjas of the Senju family quickly withered. Up to now, the ordinary Jōnin of the Qianshou family, including himself, are only a few people. And the number of clan members in the entire family is only more than 30 people.

The decline in strength brought about the continuous reduction of the Qianshou family's right to speak in the village.

However, although Masaki Qianshou was secretly sighing in his heart, he still encouraged Chengye: "Chengye, you have a small amount of chakra now, so you only have a water bomb, and you must continue to work hard in the future to become a harmonious A great ninja like your father, understand?"

"Hahaha" Cheng Ye, still in ecstasy, replied to Masaki with a smile, "Brother, I will work hard! My first ninjutsu is finished!"

However, before Cheng Ye's laughter stopped, the water droplets he gathered disappeared into the air with a "pop".

"Hee hee, idiot Chengye, you don't have enough water droplets for me to brush my teeth!" Tsunade still complained about Chengye next to her, and her lovely apricot eyes were full of disdain for Chengye.

"What are you talking about, Tsunade! See if I won't take care of you."

"Come on, Chengye, the big fool, the big fool, Chengye"

"Don't run!"

Qianshou Masaki looked at the two children who kept fighting, and sighed helplessly: "Lord Hirako, come back soon..."