
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 26 The so-called parting

After hearing Uchiha Hong's order, Watanabe really didn't speak any more, but gently touched the emerald green ring worn on the thumb of his left hand.

He turned around and smiled and looked at the three students in his eighth class, his eyes full of reluctance and warmth.

These three little devils, who were only eleven or twelve years old, began to graduate from the ninja school, followed him to complete dangerous or leisurely tasks again and again, and experienced fierce or cruel battles one after another, and unknowingly, These students have become the most important part of his life.

The cheerful and lovely Cheng Ye, the arrogant and ruthless Hyuga, and the understanding Suzuki, although their personalities are very different, in his eyes, they are all extremely precious treasures.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and a firm color appeared on Watanabe's face. He quickly opened the ninja bag, and a walnut-shaped blue pill was put into his mouth.

And Hidemura Ikeda, who had been expressionless on the side, took the pill the moment he heard Uchiha Hong's order, and murderous intent gradually emerged in his cold eyes.

"Mr. Hongyue, you..." Seeing his teacher taking the blue pill without hesitation, Uchiha Sakure reacted at once, and was about to say something in shock.

However, Uchiha Hong didn't give him any chance to continue talking, his black eyes flashed, and he immediately issued the next order: "Uchiha Saku, I now order you to endure for the eighth and tenth class total of six people. Captain, your task is to retreat and find reinforcements. Of course, the most important thing is to survive!"

Cheng Ye heard the words from the side, was shocked, and asked anxiously: "Then Mr. Watanabe...you, how about you? You, Uncle Ikeda and Mr. Hongyue, won't you come with us? If you're going anywhere, can't you take us with you?"

Watanabe really looked at his student's panic-stricken and silly appearance, and showed his signature hearty smile.

He rubbed Cheng Ye Qing's curly hair vigorously, and said, "The three of us are going to harass the Wuyin troops on the opposite side. After you leave, we will catch up with you immediately, don't worry."

"But didn't Uchiha-sensei just say that there are a lot of enemies? Besides, you are also injured..." Uchiha Suzuki looked at Watanabe-sensei's unconscious right hand and asked worriedly.

Watanabe really wanted to say a few more words to comfort his students, and Uchiha Hong's serious voice had already sounded: "Okay, execute the order, time is very short, let's go, don't be a burden to us."

Uchiha Sho rubbed his eyes hard, but still wet his eyes.

He clenched his fists tightly, turned around slowly, and said to his six Genin teammates: "The eighth class, the tenth class... Let's go!"

After all, he took the lead and ran towards the dense forest behind, not daring to look back.

Inuzuka Fei and Yamanaka Chi, whose eyes started to turn red involuntarily, bowed solemnly to their teacher, then turned around and followed.

Seeing Chengye who couldn't move, Watanabe really bent down, facing his kind student, and said solemnly: "Chengye, let's go, Sun Xiangtian needs medical ninjutsu treatment, otherwise his feet It will be abolished, let's go with Suzuki."

Suzuki, who was beside Cheng Ye, couldn't bear it any longer. He tightly covered his mouth with both hands. The big, round tears in his eyes kept rolling in his eyes. Little splash.

Facing this man who stood in front of him as always, looking at the expectation in his eyes, Cheng Ye couldn't say more.

With a certain expectation that he knew was unrealistic, he silently carried Hyuga Tian, ​​who had been closing his eyes and twitching slightly, on his back, injected chakra into the soles of Chengye's feet, and ran back.

"Mr. Watanabe and the others are Joinin, they will definitely catch up with us, yes... right?"

Seeing all their students leave, Uchiha and Watanabe can no longer hide their expressions, the reluctance on their faces is clearly engraved on their faces, and Uchiha Hongyue has a sour nose. Tears flashed.

"Watanabe.... I really, really want to accompany them to grow up together." Uchiha Kazuki put his right hand on Watanabe's left shoulder, and wiped away tears with his left hand, but the tears dropped. But she couldn't stop it, and fell from her beautiful face.

Watanabe patted Uchiha Kazuki's back gently and slowly, still wanting to laugh, but somehow his eyes could only be closed tightly and could not be opened.

"Today's wind and sand is quite big, hahaha...My eyes are a little bit unbearable..."

Ikeda Xiucun, who had always been expressionless, said lightly: "Crying noses can't save them, only our death battle can bring them life. Well, here comes the scumbags of Wuyin.

Behind Konoha's three Joinin, six small figures gradually blurred, but the cold wind was blowing in front of them, and murderous aura gradually appeared!

Uchiha Hong wiped his eyes lightly, and then opened his eyes, which were filled with tears, and opened a pair of three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes that were as red as blood!

Watanabe really shook his head, restrained his expression, and stood in front of Uchiha Hongyue.

And Ikeda Hidemura, with Ling Lie's murderous aura, slowly walked to Watanabe's left back, his body seemed to have blue light flickering.

Before you know it, nine Kirigakushi ninjas have come to the front.

"What? There are only three of you left? Let those little devils run away first, will you stop us? Hahaha! If they can't escape, kill you, I will catch up and take them one by one. I'll accompany you." Qian Xia, who carried the beheading sword on his shoulders and had many scars all over his body, had a sarcastic look on his face.

"I don't know if I can run away. I only know that as long as the three of us are still alive, none of you should think about it." Watanabe really pulled out the Kunai and said coldly.

Ikeda Xiucun raised his hand, pointed directly at Qianxia, ​​and mocked provocatively: "I hope you don't hide behind, otherwise, I really can't kill you."

Hearing this, Qianxia's face couldn't help but twitch.

The injury on her body has prevented her from continuing the fierce battle for even one minute. Therefore, facing such a provocation, it was difficult for her to respond for a while.

Annoyed, Qianxia turned her head to the ghost beside her and said in a commanding tone, "Kill them all, keep the Konoha ninja who is Thunder Dun, and I will chop off all his limbs!"

Ghost Killer responded with a displeased expression: "I know what to do, I don't need to say more about you, a waste who was beaten to death. Also, with your physical condition, it is best to leave for treatment first, otherwise, I don't care when you die."

After all, Ghost Killer raised his palm, and the two teams of Kirigakin ninjas were murderous in an instant! They pulled out their weapons one after another and rushed towards Uchiha Hongyue and the three of them with a crushing momentum.