
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

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70 Chs

Chapter 2 Ninja school learning

Konoha Ninja School—

After Chengye entered the classroom, he sat in the first row and didn't know the classmates next to him, but he was cheerful and chatted with the boys next to him right away.

"Hi, how are you! My name is Qianshou Chengye, how about you?" Chengye asked with a smile to the boy in the gray jacket on the left.

"My name is Inuzuka Fei! It's nice to meet you." The boy from the Inuzuka family replied with happiness in his brown eyes. Inuzuka Fei has bronzed healthy skin, dark red graffiti with an inverted triangle on his face, and some black eyeliner slightly painted, which has a unique sense of wildness.

Then, a black puppy got out of Inuzuka Fei's arms, carefully smelling Cheng Ye's body with his swarthy nose.

"I forgot! This is my best friend, Black Fang! How about it, the name is cool, haha." Inuzuka Fei showed off to Cheng Ye proudly.

"So cute, hello Heiya, I'm Chengye!" Wang Wangwang, Heiya was as cheerful as his master, and cheerfully responded to Chengye.

Just when Chengye and Fei were chatting happily, a girl with a pale yellow ponytail suddenly ran up to Chengye and said loudly: "Xiao Chengye, you are coming to Ninja School too, let's see how I will deal with you in the future. Ha ha!"

Inuzuka Fei looked up and saw a small, beautiful face with fair skin, emerald green eyes that curved into crescents with a smile, a blue necklace hanging on his snow-white neck, and a turquoise coat on his body. Ye also has the branch emblem of the Qianshou clan, and the smiling appearance of the peach cheeks makes the girl look very playful and cute.

Inuzuka Fei's little face turned red, and he lowered his head in a hurry, and then heard Cheng Ye's unconvinced reply: "Xiao Tsunade, according to my seniority, I am your uncle, do you understand, niece, you have to be good at school, Otherwise, uncle will teach you a hard lesson, do you hear that?"

"Hmph! The younger guy wants to teach me a lesson, dream! I'm a year older than you, be careful I beat you, wait for me later!" , ran away like a gust of wind.

Cheng Ye saw Tsunade, the little devil, leave, and he was slightly relieved. He turned around and saw Fei Inuzuka's blushing face, and said strangely: "Fei Inuzuka, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's just too hot, haha...ha." Fei explained in a panic.

At this time, a book suddenly patted Chengye's head lightly, "Give me quiet after class, you know what, little devils."

A Chunin with a scar on his left ear came to the two at some point, and roared fiercely at Chengye and Fei.

Cheng Ye covered his head and replied in a low voice, "Yes, teacher."

Chunin came to the podium and announced loudly: "Classmates be quiet! Today's first class officially begins! First of all, please teach everyone Naruto-sama!"

At this moment, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and Sarutobi, wearing a Hokage hat and a ninja vest, walked in.

When he was around 20 years old, he was full of energy. After the death of the second Hokage, this stable and solid figure slowly gained the villagers of Konoha Village and major universities by relying on his super ninja strength and Huairou's internal policy. Family recognition and love.

Sarutobi Hiizan looked at the children below who were full of admiration with a look of relief, and said with a smile: "Welcome to school, you will be the hope of the new generation of Konoha Village, and in the future, you will also be the heirs of the Will of Fire. , everyone should study hard and become a qualified ninja in school, understand!"

"Understood! Hokage-sama." The child answered in a loud voice with excitement.

"Then, I'll leave it to you, Sanada." After explaining to Chunin, Sarutobi quickly walked out.

Konoha is in a period of rapid development after the war. As a Hokage, he has too many responsibilities and expectations when he is young. Although the pressure from all sides makes him very tired, but looking at these children from Konoha Village They, his heart is full of work motivation.

After three generations of Chunin Sanada left, he began to give a lecture: "I am everyone's head teacher. My name is Sanada Yamanaka. Today's first class is, what is your dream? Everyone raised their hands to answer."

Cheng Ye raised his hand first, tidied up his blue bangs, and said loudly, "Ms. Sanada, my dream is to become a powerful ninja, protect everyone, and protect Konoha!"

Sanada looked at Cheng Ye, stunned for a moment, recognized the mark on Cheng Ye's clothes, and thought silently in his heart, "Second generation, I didn't expect to be your son's teacher... You gave your life for Konoha, and I can do what I can do. , that is, you must train your son to be an excellent ninja!"

"Chengye, a good dream! Okay, the next one"

"Teacher, my dream is..."

In the afternoon, the first day of the ninja school was over. After saying goodbye to the newly-acquainted classmates like Inuzuka Ya, Chengye quickly ran home.

"Mom, I'm back!" Cheng Ye, who was still at the door, couldn't wait to call out to his mother.

Hirako opened the wooden door, she was dressed in casual clothes with a gentle face, and others could not see that this was a Jōnin who could complete A-level tasks. "Chengye, tell mom what you learned at school today?"

Chengye excitedly told his mother what he had experienced in school, and made many new friends today, which made Chengye extremely happy.

"Okay, Seung Ye is awesome, and I will continue to work hard tomorrow, you know? Look, this is a ninja gift for you." After speaking, Hirako took out a handful of kunai from behind, the front of which was covered with leather It was wrapped with the words "Chengye" engraved on it, which seemed to be specially made for his son.

"Wow, mom, is this Kunwu? And my name! Chengye likes it very much." Chengye kept playing with Kunwu with Kuwu, full of interest.

Pingzi rubbed his son's hair, "Okay, let's go to dinner, mom burned your favorite saury today."  …

In this way, Cheng Ye started his own ninja school life, began to learn the basic knowledge of ninja, and asked his mother for advice when he encountered problems that he did not understand. Chengye's talent is not particularly outstanding. Ten days after the genius Sun Xiangtian in the class was the first to extract chakra, Chengye was able to extract a trace of his chakra in class.

The next day, after the ninja school—

Excited Chengye stood in front of Mr. Sanada, with a small white page lying in his palm, and Mr. Sanada's voice sounded in his ear: "Listen to Chengye, now slowly merge the chakra you just extracted into this sheet. In the chakra test paper, don't be impatient, you know."

"Yeah! I understand Mr. Sanada." Chengye's face was serious, and he guided his chakra towards the white paper. After a while, the white paper changed.