
Naruto: The Wandering Blacksmith

Ryu lives with his father, Haru, in a small village in the land of water where he helps his father with their blacksmithing business. However, the father and son pair are not as they seem. When Shinobi appear on their doorsteps looking to kill them, Ryu is forced to venture into the harsh world of Shinobi with only the Transformation Jutsu that his father taught him for blacksmithing. Watch Ryu as he hones his skill and becomes a legend the likes of which have never been seen in the multiverse. (By the way, the tag says OP for a reason, Ryu will end up so broken. Like OAA level. And there won't be any cheats, Ryu will discover the multiverse and explore it all with his own power. If you're wondering how such heresy is possible, especially in a Naruto fic, go read the fanfic. Honestly, I made it my personal mission to torment all the power scalers that will read this.) I don't own the image, I can barely write my name in an understandable way much less draw something like that, so if the original artist (TorinoGT from what I found on Wallpaper Abyss) wants it taken down message me. I also don't own Naruto, but I think that's obvious. I mean, if I did own it, I sure as hell wouldn't write fanfictions about it... I'd also be rich :-( One last thing, as of writing this, I'm on what's called in my country "Year of Service" where we go volunteer for a year around the country before going to the military. The workdays are 13~ hours and I live with like 7 other people in a tiny apartment so that's fun. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that my upload schedule will be awful and one chapter a week will be lucky, so be warned.

what_if_3574 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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149 Chs

Chapter 120 - Celestial Dragons

Amidst the vast expanse of the ocean, the remnants of a once-proud ship bobbed gently, its sails tattered and its hull battered. Floating wooden debris marked the site of the catastrophe, but amidst it all, a makeshift raft of wooden planks kept the skeleton musician, Brook, hidden from the sun's harsh rays.

From a distance, Iron Whiskers slowly came closer, Ryu and Yoruichi waving at Brook from the ship's front.

"Yohohoho!" Brook exclaimed with feigned surprise as the two jumped onto his wrecked ship, "I bone-estly didn't expect to see you two so soon!"

Yoruichi tried to hide her smirk but failed, "Always in good humor, aren't you?"

Ryu, holding Brook's shadow, responded, "I'm guessing you noticed it by all the noise, but mission accomplished. Here's your shadow back."

Brook's eye sockets widened, "Ah! That's rib-tickling news! I was scared to my marrow without it!"

Releasing the shadow, it danced in the air momentarily before sinking into Brook, making him whole again. He stepped confidently onto his ship's remains, unafraid of the sunlight. "Ah, it feels skull-endid to have it back! I can feel it in my bones."

Yoruichi giggled, "You're just rattling off these puns, aren't you?"

Brook grinned, "Yohoho! It's hard not to when life's so humerus!"

Ryu sighed, "So, where to next?"

Brook's gaze turned distant. "I have a friend I want to search for... a whale named Laboon. It's a skeletal part of my journey."

Seeing Brook's old ship in ruins, Ryu decided to lend a hand. snapping his fingers, he summoned a new ship, complete with a mast that had a skull and crossbones. "For your spine-tingling adventures!"

Brook was overcome with emotion. "This... This is bone-fide amazing! I'm skull-kingly happy right now!"

With renewed vigor and a pun for every occasion, Brook set sail again, with Ryu and Yoruichi watching from afar, amused and content.


"*Yawn* Mornin', where are we?" Yoruichi rubbed her eyes gently, a cup of coffee in her free hand, as she walked to Iron Whiskers' deck.

"You've got some good timing, we're just about to reach the next island...s?" Ryu chuckled awkwardly as he attempted to give Yoruichi the right description.

"...What?" Yoruichi sighed in an exhausted tone, not even attempting to make sense of Ryu's words.

"Eh, just take a look," Ryu shrugged as he stepped aside, allowing Yoruichi to take a look at the view ahead.

Yoruichi's fatigue quickly disappeared as she looked at the interesting island ahead of her. The island(?) ahead of her was a colossal, living mass composed of gargantuan mangrove trees. Their massive white-blue striped trunks and lush green leaves unfolded in a radiant display of life as they toward upwards, reaching an incredible height.

Each tree held a small cosmos within its perimeter. Upon their colossal trunks were various businesses, houses, attractions, and more.

Above, the mammoth branches wove an intricate ceiling, their leaves shielding the people below from the sun. The canopy, a living mosaic of verdant hues, swayed rhythmically, painting an ever-changing pattern of dappled shadows upon the aquamarine surface below. Clear beams of sunlight pierced through this leafy chancel, lighting the waters with an ethereal glow.

Under Yoruichi's gaze, the Mangroves exhaled ethereal bubbles, unlike any she had ever seen. Resilient and glistening, these bubbles ascended lazily, reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors under the sunlight.

"Well, I have to give it to you, I also don't know what this thing is supposed to be," Yoruichi shrugged as she took a sip of her coffee.

Ryu stepped closer to Yoruichi before leaning on the railing. "Told you. Anyway, let's dock, this place looks interesting," he said with a smirk.


Yoruichi cracked her neck, eyes narrowed at the numerical inscriptions etched on each towering tree. "Ryu, what's with the numbered trees?"

Ryu shrugged, having no answer to give. "Don't know. When we stop, let's ask someone. Speaking of which, do you have a preference for where we drop anchor? Each tree has a small dock."

"Is there even a question? We go for number one!" Yoruichi's toothy grin reflected the sunlight as she answered.

Ryu's laughter bounced off the ship's deck as the Shinobi skillfully steered them toward their chosen dock. His gaze swept across their new surroundings, soaking in the unexpected desolation that marked the landscape.

The grove was a haunting sight, largely deserted with only the ruins of moss-clad stone buildings to keep them company. The solitary exception was a large structure nestled in the heart of the grove, just before the enormous tree trunk.

The building was an architectural conundrum, a blend of age and grandeur. A myriad of windows and balconies encircled its round, plump form, allowing glimpses into its inner workings. White columns flanked the covered balconies, infusing a subtle elegance that contradicted the building's weathered look.

There was no denying the building had known better days. Its once bright turquoise skin was now pealed off and tarnished with layers of grime. Portions of the building were veiled in green moss, lending an air of neglect and abandonment to its aura.

As Ryu's gaze climbed higher, his eyes latched onto the building's unusual dual-layered roof. A haphazard dome made from red tiles dominated the lower part, while a bizarre straw-hewn triangular roof sprouted from the dome. It was an odd sight, certainly impractical, but somehow intriguing.

But Ryu's focus shifted when a stark sign above the entrance caught his attention. The word 'Human' stood out in simple, bold letters. A startling contrast against the eccentric backdrop of the building.

Yoruichi broke the silence, disgust lining her voice. "Human, huh? I'll put money on it being a Slave House."

"Probably right. I wonder if Sengoku is aware of this. There has to be a Marine base nearby, we should pay them a visit later." Ryu said with a revolted gaze.

"Later?" Yoruichi's question was tinted with surprise.

"Yeah, let's see what's in this place first. If it's too bad, I'll just eradicate it," Ryu replied. With those words still hanging in the air, they both leaped from Iron Whiskers onto the grove.

As Ryu and Yoruichi made their way to the building's entrance, two burly men in black suits and sunglasses blocked their way.

"...Can we help you?" Yoruichi, already in a bad mood, growled at the men.

"Oh, she's a lively one. I want her even more now," a dry, repulsive, voice came from behind the two.

Looking back, Ryu saw a weird man behind him.

The man's hair was the initial point of interest. styled upwards with a precise curl at the apex, defying gravity. His face was framed within a bubble, connected to an oxygen tank that hung off his shoulders. His skin, pale and sickly, was devoid of any sun's touch.

Covering the man's plump, overweight frame was a white robe that bore a remarkable resemblance to a spacesuit. The robe fell to his ankles, its length bordered by intricate, original designs and medals that marked his status. Around his shoulders, a cape fluttered with ethereal grace that didn't suit its wearer.

However, it was the man's expression that was the most unsettling. His round face was a mask of arrogance, a portrait of disdain for those he deemed beneath him. Yet, there was a certain hunger in his eyes, an incredibly lustful gleam that shone brightly as he eyed Yoruichi.

"What did you just say, you inbred astronaut?" Yoruichi inquired, her smile curving wickedly, the warmth never reaching her frosty gaze.

"Wh- How dare you! Guards, capture her! I'll make sure to torture her well," the man screamed, veins pulsating on his livid forehead.

Following the man's orders, the group of guards surrounding him, as well as the two who blocked Ryu and Yoruichi's way, lunged at the pair.

"*Tch*, what are these small fries think they're doing?" Yoruichi snorted dismissively, her voice dripping with annoyance.

Without missing a beat, she transitioned into a stunning blur of action. Faster than a bolt of lightning, she was already looming over the man, her blade resting threateningly at his neck after popping his bubble. As for his guards? Let's just say they were no longer a threat. Their heads had neatly parted ways with their bodies before they could even think of taking their first stride toward her.

Her movement left a shockwave in its wake, sending a gust of wind akin to a storm swirling through the vicinity, the atmospheric vibrations echoing like a sonic boom.

"Y-you! Unhand me this instant!" The man blurted out, his voice trembling like a leaf caught in a windstorm.

"And just why should I do that?" Yoruichi countered, a playful spark of amusement shimmering in her voice.

"I am a Celestial Dragon! Dare harm me, and your entire lineage shall be extinguished!" he roared, his voice choked with terror.

"Is that a fact now? How about we put your claim to a little test?" Yoruichi suggested, her voice dangerously sweet. With the precision of a surgeon, she shifted her blade ever so slightly, causing a trickle of blood to run down the Celestial Dragon's throat.

"Whoopsie," Yoruichi mocked, a sarcastic grin spread across her face, her eyes dancing in wicked delight at the man's look of sheer horror.

"What the hell is happening here!?" The Slave House's doors burst open as a man, sharply dressed in a suit, charged out. Presumably to investigate the commotion.

His stride, however, abruptly froze at the door's end, as if he had just stepped on a landmine. Among the myriad outcomes his mind had been racing through, a Celestial Dragon under a blade's threat was most certainly not one of them.

"Y-you! Send word to the Marines!" The Celestial Dragon commanded the man, his voice laced with panic. The visibly shaken man sprinted back inside to heed the order, scrambling to alert the Marine base.

"Should we intercept him?" Yoruichi inquired, her voice casual as if discussing the weather.

"Nah, let him go. The Marines can do absolutely nothing. Plus, I've been meaning to have a little chit-chat with them myself," Ryu retorted, a sinister smile stretching across his face, revealing a predatory gleam in his eyes.

Soon enough, a clamoring group of soldiers could be spotted in the distance. And leading them, was an intimidating man.

The figure approaching was a titan amongst men, standing around 3 meters (10 feet) in height. His light skin highlighted the square lines of his face, emphasizing sharply defined features that were reminiscent of chiseled granite.

He had brown eyes and short, jet-black hair, with a standard Marine cap atop his head, covering most of his hair. The word 'Marine' was emblazoned across the cap in bold navy-blue letters. His hulking form was encased in a well-tailored, crimson double-breasted suit, complete with a single pink rose proudly adorning the left buttonhole.

Beneath the imposing suit, a glimpse of a vibrant, light red, flower-patterned shirt peeked out. It was left daringly unbuttoned at the top, providing Ryu a peek at the man's muscular chest and a sliver of a mysterious tattoo.

The black ink on his left shoulder was an intricate symphony of floral designs, the petals melting seamlessly into what looked like fiery edges.

"Nice style, dude. I assume you're here for the man-child?" Ryu said while pointing at the panicked Celestial Dragon with snot and tears running down his face.

"A-Admiral Akainu! Save me!" The Celestial Dragon called out desperately while Yoruichi still held her blade to his throat.

"Release him, and I'll kill you quickly," Akainu said in a gruff voice, the sternness of his words only outmatched by the glow of magma coalescing around his clenched fist.

"If you take him to jail, sure," Ryu replied, a shrug casually rolling off his shoulders.

"...Did you just ask me to put a Celestial Dragon in prison?" Akainu asked in disbelief, his tough nature disappearing momentarily form the shock.

"I mean, he tried to murder me and enslave my girlfriend out of nowhere, I'd assume that's enough for a jail sentence, right?" Ryu asked as he observed Akainu with a judgmental eye.

"He is of the Celestial Dragons. It is his right to carry out such deeds." Akainu's replied with an unyielding voice.

"Interesting," Ryu said, the sarcasm dripping from his words, a dark chuckle resonating in the air. "Defending my life and love results in your wrath, yet an attempt on life and love goes unpunished. I thought the Marines stood for Justice, I guess that wasn't the case"

Akainu, resolute as ever, countered with a grimace, his hand subtly motioning orders. "A justice warrior, huh? But it is you who challenge the rules, you who act against the law."

"Rules bring order, not justice," Ryu retorted. "Perhaps I've stepped outside the law, but it was for a good reason. Does self-defense warrant a death sentence in your eyes?"

"But your attempt at self-defense isn't the only problem here. In attacking a Celestial Dragon, you challenged us Marines," Akainu declared, his tone filled with authority. "You've stained our honor and principles in the worst possible way. That demands punishment, the worst we can deliver."

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the air, followed by the soft clatter of a bullet falling to the ground. Ryu chuckled at the uselessness of the seastone bullet against his unblemished skin.

Yoruichi's reaction was even more stunning, her blade slicing the bullet into countless pieces, turning it into nothing more than a cloud of dust in an instant.

"A civil conversation interrupted by an assassination attempt. Is this how you usually conduct your discussions, Akainu?" Ryu quipped. The Celestial Dragon squirmed as Yoruichi's blade pressed tighter, drawing a whimper and another line of blood along his throat.

"But let's set that aside for a moment," Ryu continued, a dangerous gleam appearing in his eyes. "I can respect a man of principle, Akainu, even if I disagree with them. You stand for a form of justice where the end validates any means no matter what it takes, even innocent lives. But how far are you willing to go to uphold your ideals? You have no problem killing others for them, but what about you yourself? Let's see if you can stand behind your words when push comes to shove."

"Is that a threat?" Akainu narrowed his eyes as he the ground around him began to melt from the heat he was emitting.

"You tell me. You have this thing called Conqueror Haki, imposing your will on others right? I can do something similar," Ryu said as he took action.

As Ryu straightened, his eyes flickered dangerously, sparking a cataclysmic shift in the atmosphere. An aura, stifling and dense, unfurled from him like a storm, a surge of raw power that consumed everything in its wake.

Anchored in the storm's heart, Akainu battled the typhoon that bore down on him. His stance faltered under the ferocious impact, each pulse of Ryu's aura battering his form. He could feel it, a pressure that seemed to gnaw at his very soul, threatening to tear him asunder. He stood in the eye of a maelstrom, a vortex of consuming fury that sought to obliterate him.

Pain radiated from his very core, manifesting in agonizing waves that threatened to tear him apart. His lungs gasped for air that refused to come, each breath he drew felt like inhaling shards of glass. The ground beneath him quivered, as though it too recoiled from the malevolent aura Ryu emitted.

A sudden wave of nausea swamped him, his senses whirling as darkness crept into his vision. His heart stuttered painfully against his ribs, struggling to maintain a steady rhythm in the face of this overwhelming force. His body felt heavy, shackled by chains that seemed to pull him toward impending doom. His consciousness fluttered on the edge of his grasp, a flickering flame struggling against a harsh wind.

The grim specter of death loomed before him, its cold, unforgiving gaze boring into his very soul. His own mortality was laid bare before him, a fragile life teetering on the edge of a precipice. It was as though he was being drawn into a swirling vortex of darkness, an abyss from which there was no return.

Ryu's relentless assault was meant to test the very fabric of Akainu's being, his principles and ideals were probed and provoked under Ryu's ruthless scrutiny. The unforgiving onslaught pushed him to his breaking point, yet Akainu refused to yield. His form of justice was etched into his soul, resolute against the world's judgment.

"I... will... not... yield," he managed to gasp, each word wrestled from his lungs as though it cost him a part of his life. His voice, although faint, was underscored by an unmistakable determination. It echoed through the field, a testament to his unwavering resolve.

His legs threatened to buckle beneath him, yet he forced them to hold firm. He locked his jaw, standing tall and defiant against the unending assault of Ryu's aura. His life may have been slipping away, but his spirit remained resolute.

A hint of a smile twitched at the corner of Ryu's mouth as he dispersed his aura, causing Akainu's trembling body to crash against the ground. There was a newfound respect in his gaze, not for the man Akainu was, but for the man he could become.

"It seems like you can stand tall behind your words. We'll return this Celestial Dragon, but I want you to think about something. You say that the ends justify the means, but have you ever considered that you're not fit to make that judgment?" Ryu asked as Akainu looked at him while taking rigid, unsteady breaths.

"Your argument only works if you're aware of all the possibilities. For instance, if a surgeon cuts off a patient's leg to save them from a spreading infection, is it a success? Yes, absolutely, the patient is alive. But that decision was made only because the surgeon and patient knew the after effects

But every life you sacrificed for the Marine's honor could have been the next Admiral, one even more powerful than you, Sengoku, or even Garp, and you could've prevented the Marine's golden age with your actions. You can't say that the ends justify the means if you don't know the alternatives, or what's the true nature of the exchange you're making.

But enough of my rambling, you need some rest. See you later," Ryu said as he and Yoruichi disappeared from their spots, leaving Akainu to ponder Ryu's words.