
Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

A young girl is reborn into the Shinobi World before chakra even existed. Watch her become its guardian who helps guide fate while intervening when she deems it necessary. Not gonna be a long one and purely Imaginative. Discord: https://discord.gg/zhSjBbUy Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Chapter 7: Paths

Catherine had decided to use a different name for a very good and extremely safe reason.

When studying magic, one of the most important things she learned was that names hold immense power. While most wouldn't think twice about giving their names out, to those who make deals in magic, using a false name is one of the greatest precautions you can take.

When using your real name in a magical contract, the contract will use your soul as a conduit to ensure you adhere to the rules that were set, whether it be in doing something big like making a dimensional contract or just something small like trying to ensure the other party doesn't lie. Then there are those who are able to use their powers to cast curses and can do so by needing the name of the person they are applying the curse to.

And while Catherine currently doesn't know of any beings that have powers like that in the Shinobi World, you may never know who you might come across when looking at different dimensions.

She then thought about the Otsutsuki. She knew that both Kaguya and Isshiki would come to the Shinobi World in a few years since Tenji had yet to become the Emperor. However, that also put a large amount of pressure on her as she had to either grow strong enough to be able to confront them or be able to avoid their detection.

While avoiding Isshiki would be quite simple due to Kaguya practically forcing him to become inactive by destroying his lower body and forcing him to go into Jigen's body, avoiding Kaguya would be much more difficult. She would not only have to avoid her but also have to be able to withstand and defend against the Infinite Tsukuyomi when she uses it. This would be a monumental task, with Infinite Tsukuyomi affecting everyone on the planet who didn't possess a Rinnegan.

She had 2 paths she could take to defend against it. One, she could study Occlumency and gain even more powerful defenses in her mind. This would also allow her to increase her telekinesis and telepathy.

The second path was to go and stay in one of the Three Great Sage Lands. Even though it was never shown, it can be assumed that the Sage Lands are unaffected by the genjutsu. However, this path did have one problem.

While it was never explicitly stated, the Three Great Sage Lands are practically unreachable to the average person, especially those in the current generation, who lack the ability to use chakra. An example would be the mist that obscures anyone from finding Ryuchi Cave unless you were actively looking for it.

She decided to take both paths as a precaution, she would begin focusing her studies on Legilimency and Occlumency for the next few years and becoming able to use psionic abilities such as telekinesis, astral projection, and telepathy. She also could find the Three Great Sage Lands and reside in one of them before the Infinite Tsukuyomi happens, it could also allow her to study Natural Energy and her ability to use it in conjunction with her magic.

Catherine then remembered that in one episode of Boruto's anime, they were able to find Ryuchi Cave. It seemed to not be a far distance from the Land of Fire as well since they were able to come upon it only a few days after they left Konoha.

She recast the spell she used earlier to gain flight, before heading in the direction of the future Land of Fire.

Read chapters ahead on P@treon.com/KillerDJ2023

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