
Naruto The Shadow (temp hiatus)

Born as a shadow and died as a shadow. Reborn into the Narutoverse as our favorite knucklehead, watch as the MC lives through this 2nd life to experience what he missed.

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33 Chs

5 years Part 1

It was morning and sounds of clashing could be heard inside the Namikaze compounds training ground, there were currently 3 people in the training ground clashing with eachother. They were 2 young ladies one holding a kunai and the other using her palms to fight against a young male with a white and red bo staff, the young man kept redirecting their attacks and moving around them, it was a beautiful display of a deadly dance on the edge of death, the boy kept redirecting the attacks coming towards him from the ladies without stopping, he felt like a river of water, contantly moving, redirecting and evading all obstacles coming against his momentum. Before they could finish though a sound came signaling the arrival of an old man.

"Its time to start brat"

"Sigh, its already been 5 years, its finally time" a soft voice was heard from the young man as he lowered his guard and turned towards the old man with a smile.

"Ne old man, I hope you don't miss me, there won't be anyone helping you out anymore, don't break a hip before I return"

The old man looked amused and annoyed "Who are you calling old brat, I can still wipe the floor with you",

"Sure sure, whatever you say old man."

One of the ladies came towards the young man and tugged his sleeve with a tearful face "a-ano Naruto-kun do you really have to go", the other one came behind him and jumped on his back, "Thats right Narutobaka, who are we going to beat up if you're not here hmph"

Thats right, the young man was Naruto, standing at an impressive 1.65m, with hair that is mixed in red and blond, he had his mothers face with whisker marks, crystal clear blue eyes and skin so fair a baby might call smooth. He's wearing black sandals and black cargo pants with kunai and seal tag pouches, and pockets filled with storage scrolls, he had a blue jacket with a red zipper, the red scarf his mother made around his neck and a red armband with the Uzumaki symbol on his left arm, he finished the look with a white coat going down to his heels with "Kurai Kage" written in the back along with a Tai Chi symbol under it.

The ladies next to him were the Byakugan and Yamanaka princesses respectively. Hinata has feauture less white eyes with a tinge of lavender due to the Byakugan, she has a hime cut hairstyle that reaches her lower back and shoulder length framing strands. She's wearing a loose fitting, lavender and cream hooded-jacket with lavender cuffs over mesh armour with navy blue pants and black, low-heeled sandals. Ino has fair skin, light blue eyes, and long platinum blonde hair worn in a ponytail reaching her shoulders, with bangs framing the right side of her face, she's wearing a purple high-collared blouse and matching apron skirt exposing her midriff, she's also wearing mesh armour on her thighs, elbows and knees with one toed sandals.

"Come on guys, there will still be a blood clone you can interact with, I'll be back before the graduation exam"

"Hmph thats not the same, he's just a clone and plus he acts annoying in the academy"

I looked towards Ino with a helpless face, "A shinb-"

""shinobis greatest strenght is secrecy, we know we know"" they both cut me off and started giggling afterwards.

They both came up and gave me a hug on each side and kissed my cheeks, "Be safe", "Take care baka" with red faces they shunshined out. I stood there dazed until I heard a perverted giggle behind me, turning around and seeing Hiruzen with perverted grin while giggling really gave me a tick mark, "Damn old pervert I'm leaving" and with a final wave I was reverse summoned with a puff of smoke.

I had started ANBU under the tutorship of Turtle the best ANBU instructor for trainees by the orders of the Hokage, noone knew who I was and where I came from but not many questioned me, it was just Shikaku Nara that kept pestering me since he should be informed but when he talked to the Hokage he gave up on finding out. I also opened the Namikaze courtyard when I told Hiruzen I needed a place to stay so people don't track me back to my apartment, since I knew who my parents were he took me to the compound, It was disguised under a strong genjutsu with blood seals and barriers that only gave access to those of Namikaze blood, I stayed there and managed to find the library that had all the Uzumaki scrolls and notes of both my parents. I also found the Blood clone Technique there which I used to live my normal life. I started furiously studying and learning everything from Turtle and both the ANBU and my library, I was like a thirsty man in the desert that found water, soaking up everything I could.

I was learning everything I needed for 6 months without doing any missions, though no one knew my real progress since I used shadow clones to do most of the training and hid the rest of my abilities, I only showed that I learned everything they taught but not mastered it and that I only had a natural affinity for Wind. I also kept my Restriction seal at level 6 to keep my physical abilities around low-Chunin.

I managed to find and unlock the Lightning Chakra point when I gained a hint in my dads notes, it was located in the lungs, it helped me in enhancing my balance giving me a catlike grace, a monstrous body control and reflexes, I could keep up with speed that I couldn't see with my eyes before and made me able to react instinctively, I wondered if this was what it feels like to have the Sharingan, my thought processing was increased to crazy levels, I could come up and discards hundreds of plans in seconds and it also reduced the strain from the feedback I recieve when shadow clones pop to almost non-existent. I gained a natural affinty for Lightning, the body cleansing this time removed all the impurities I had which made me sweat crystal clear drops. Half my hair turned red and my physical foundation and chakra density increased by 30% and a further 1% per month for 5 months. A technique that needed 100 chakra before takes 25 now instead, my chakra kept flowing around my body like a clear river unobstructed by anything.

I managed to perfect the Elemental Art. I created the Lightning stance by having the Uchiha Inception Fist as a base and incorporate it with other martial arts I learned in my previous life, I did the same with the Gentle steps, which was a variation of the Gentle fist that Hinatas grandmother created. I incorporated it into the Water stance and perfected it, following that I incorporated the Gentle Fist to the Earth stance and perfected it. For the Fire stance I chose Strong Fist that Gai and Lee uses to incorporate it and perfected my Fire stance. I found the technique needed for the Wind stance in the Uzumaki library which was their trademark taijutsu the Uzumaki Whirlpool Style. With that I started training the stances to make them muscle memory and help me shift from one stance to the other.

After 6 months I started doing missions and training, I would usually be inside the village gathering information and weeding out spies and traitors with the help of my emotion sensing, I kept training and jumping from squad to squad learning all the necessary skills needed in each department for 2 years before I got cleared for solo missions when I showed Low-Jonin skill, after that I got sent into the Hokage guard squad, staying by Hiruzens side as a apprentice and guard, giving me the moniker "Kuraikage" since you wouldn't see me without him.

He started teaching me all about administration and helping him sort out paperwork and making it easier for him, he also taught me how to lead, strategies and how to run a village and its system. He started training me in in his free time when I told him he could use shadow clones to make his work faster. I managed to master all the nature transformations and the chakra flow thanks to the help of Hiruzen and his expertise, I also could use all jutsus under A rank without handseals and just mould chakra internally. I also spared with him alot to gain battle experience, he taught me Bojutsu making me take up a staff and incorporated it into my taijutsu making me feel like it's the best suited weapon to use with my style.

I learned to dispel any Genjutsu cast on me and started studying in the hospital to learn medical ninjustsu and poisons using a seal that purified my chakra to use on the Mystical Palm Technique.

I also studied Fuinjutsu to level 11 making me the top expert in it, I also managed to learn to draw seals with my chakra in the library and could create a seal in less than a second. I started to create Uzumaki seals and selling them to the village to afford a tanto and a staff made from chakra metal which I created the seals for that helped me channel chakra faster, self repairing, extends and shrinks as well as blood locked to me. I replaced the odachi for my mothers katana Fire Fang which was a white blade with a black handle, and red sheath that had the ability to incinerate anything that the blade touches within moments. The bo staff was all white with a red handle in the middle and a dragon coiling around the whole staff. The tanto was created as a sister blade for the Fire Fang with the same designs, it suited my style and made it a perfect secondary blade.

I managed to learn the Uzumaki Kenjutsu and combined it with my own, creating a new 2 sword style. If I would grade myself without the Level 10 Restriction seal, I would put myself as a S-rank shinobi and with it on, a Elite Jonin.

I managed to open the 6th chakra point when I just started training with Hiruzen, It took longer than expected. I felt purified after the opening and everything became clearer to me. It helped me find and fix all psychological issues I had, which I found out were a lot, I had trauma from when my parents died, trust issues, my muteness and fears I didn't know I had such as commitment and love, it helped me realize and fix these issues making me feel good about myself, I also started to speak but it was such a foreign concept that I had to sit down and practice with shadow clones. I gained a natural affinty for Space and Yang. My physical foundation and chakra density increased by 35% and 1% every month for 5 months.

Timeline: January Year 61 ME