
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs


It was the sixth day, today is an rest day for Team 7. Naruto decided he wanted some fresh air because chances are Zabuza will be fully recovered tomorrow and Naruto needed to meet Haku one last time before the storm happens.

Kakashi let him go without asking too much but Satsuki and Sakura were suspicious of Naruto's new secretive behavior but they won't ask hi about it just yet, chances are it might ruin the mission's success rate.

"I'll be fine, and even if I'm late I'll just tell Zabuza about the black cat that crossed my path, forcing me to take the long way around. I'm sure he'll understand." Naruto joked as his teammates sighed while Kakashi chuckled, proud of his students new ability to come up with excuses.

Kakashi gave him an eye smile. "Perhaps Naruto, but I don't think he would get the joke like I would."

"Whatever." Naruto waved at Kakashi before he left.



Walking into the clearing Naruto saw Haku was already there.

"Haku-chan." Naruto greeted her with a smile as he walked up to the beautiful dark-haired girl.

Haku gave Naruto a smile of her own as she gave him a now customary hug. "It's good to see you Naruto-kun." She whispered as she snuggled unto his chest.

Naruto grinned as he broke the hug that Haku was reluctant to. "You make it sound like we haven't seen each other in years, Haku-chan!" Naruto commented. Haku just gave him a sad smile, something that Naruto noticed but ignored as he grabbed her by the hand and led her to one of the trees.

Naruto leaned against a tree while Haku sat in between his legs, leaning her head against his chest. This had been something that they had started doing on their third meeting.

It had been amusing when Haku had first began snuggling into the blond, who had felt his face about to burst, something that she had found extremely amusing.

Though after the first fifteen minutes of blushing, stuttering and trying not to pass out from the feeling of having a beautiful young woman pressed against him, the whiskered blonde had gotten used to, and come to enjoy the cuddling they did.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her as close as possible without making her uncomfortable as he put his head on hers. He took in a deep breath as Haku's scent filled him, letting out a sigh as he nuzzled deeper into her hair, causing Haku to giggle a bit.

They stayed like that for nearly half an hour before Naruto broke the comfortable silence. "Haku-chan, you work for Zabuza don't you? Don't worry, I don't care if you do." Naruto whispered as he felt Haku stiffen in his arms. Knowing Naruto enough to realize that he was not the type to lie to her, Haku relaxed a little.

"Yes I do.... How did you figure it out?" She asked curiously. Naruto shrugged.

" The moment you told me about your past. You have a Kekkei Genkai, large amounts of chakra and you were picking herbs for a 'friend'. It wasn't that hard really. "Naruto explained.

Despite being surprised that Naruto had known for this long and not done anything against her, Haku nodded. Maybe she shouldn't be so surprised because she had known Naruto was her enemy from the moment they met and had done nothing against him.

"How is he by the way?"

"He's fully healed." Haku sighed after answering his question. Naruto frowned.

"You'll be attacking the bridge tomorrow then."

".... yes.... " Haku quietly whispered her answer.

" I wish you wouldn't ya know. I don't wanna fight you." He whispered. Haku buried herself even deeper into Naruto, her head nuzzling into the blonde's neck.

" I know.... are you angry?" She asked while trying not to let her sadness get to her. Naruto shook his head.

"No, I know you can't help it. Zabuza is your precious person, I know I can't stop you. " He replied.

Having spent as much time as he had with Haku, her ideal's had been permanently imprinted and taken into his own ideal's, namely her beliefs on true strength coming from protecting those who are precious to you.

"And I know I can't stop you from fighting too, they are your precious people too."

"Just as you are." Naruto corrected her with a genuine smile on his face, making her blush at his words. Haku bit her lower lip as a few tears spilled from her.

"You're going to make it that much harder for me to fight you.... "

" Sorry Haku-chan..... Am I precious to you as well?"

" Of course...."

It was at this moment, Naruto made his decision.

"Haku, I have something important to tell you." Naruto whispered, making Haku look at him. Haku looked at him for a moment and saw the hesitation in his eyes.

She smiled as she began gently ruffling his blonde hair. "What do you want to tell me?" She asked.

Taking a deep breath Naruto began to tell her something, something that he had not even told Satsuki and Sakura about yet.

"The day I was born, the Bijuu known as Kyuubi attacked my village…"




The next day....

" Wh-What is this!" Tazuna shouted as he the mist was covered in a thick fog. So much so that the only thing visible beside the bridge, were the bloody bodies on it, thankfully they were still alive.

Tazuna ran over to one of them who was conscious and lifted the man up, "What happened Ed!"

"A m-monster…" the man choked out before passing out from blood loss. Kakashi narrowed his eyes as the mist thickens.

"Here they come, Defensive Formation!" Kakashi commanded. Kakashi and the three genin pulled out their weapons and surrounded Tazuna. The mist became so thick they could not see more than ten feet in front of them.

"Sensei.... Zabuza's Hidden Mist Jutsu...." Sakura whispered while gritting through Zabuza's intense killing intent.

"Long time no see, Kakashi. So you're still with those brats. What a surprise, they're doing better than before. Perhaps I should fix that." They heard Zabuza's voice through the thick mist.

After he said this 18 of Zabuza's Water Clones appeared around the group. All of them holding the broadsword attached to their back.

"Let's go." Naruto muttered as he and his teammates disappeared using the Body Flicker Jutsu.


The three disappeared in a burst of speed, reappearing at their original positions several seconds later as all the Water Clones dispersed.

"It's a tie. Each of us got 6." Naruto whispered before looking at Zabuza with a savage grin on his face.

"Hey!! No eyebrows!! Think you can make another one for the tie breaker!" Naruto shouted at Zabuza who appeared in the mist.

" Tch! Cheeky brat! My how you brats have grown, it's a good thing I've got my backup with me! " Zabuza revealed as Haku appeared beside him on cue.

"I take it you want the blond brat, Haku," Zabuza muttered while looking at her.

"…Yes, Zabuza-san." She replied silently.

"You're too soft Haku." Haku did not reply to his comment as she stepped forward and prepared to face Naruto in combat.

"I got the Hunter-nin, sensei." Naruto muttered. Kakashi looked at him before nodding.

"Good luck." Kakashi replied before running off into yhe mist to face Zabuza on his own. Unlike Kakashi, Naruto calmly walked away from Tazuna and his teammates, moving several meters away from them to start the battle. Haku followed him, stopping when they were unable to see the others.


"Don't, Haku-chan. We both knew this was going to happen, I don't regret meeting you, even if this battle was inevitable." Naruto replied while shaking his head.

"I feel the same." She whispered while looking at the ground.

"Hey, do you think you can take off your mask? I want to see that pretty face of yours even if we're supposed to be enemies." Naruto requested with a smile on his face.

"Ever the charmer, Naruto-kun." Haku whispered before taking off the mask and throwing it away, revealing her tear-stained but still smiling face.

"Haku-chan.... If you cry I'll cry too and then I'll be considered a hypocrite for calling Inari a cry baby a few days ago." Naruto muttered. Haku made a sound between a laugh and a sob.

"Sorry." She apologized before wiping her eyes. Naruto shook his head.

"Don't be, I'm barely holding myself back too. You've got nothing to be sorry about, It actually makes me feel kind of special, knowing you can cry for me even though we have to fight each other." Naruto muttered before flipping his tri-pronged kunai into a reverse grip.

"Then I'm glad I can do this for you at least.....I suppose we should start...." Haku whispered sadly. Naruto closed his eyes.

" Yeah.... " He opened his eyes again before he and Haku charged towards each other.


Naruto's kunai clashed against Haku's senbon. The battle of the bridge has begun. Naruto and Haku continued to clash against each other, using their speed to move around and dodge each other's attacks.

Naruto would come in with a powerful and unpredictable combination with his Shadow Clones assisting him while Haku would use her speed to dodge or redirect all of the attacks.

Haku was aiming for Naruto's vital points, intending to finish him with off quickly however Naruto was more than up to the task of fending them off with reflexes he had gained from fighting Guy and Kakashi.

The two seemed to be evenly matched at the moment. Haku had an advantage over speed and more experience. Naruto was stronger, had an unpredictable style that Haku couldn't follow and better reflexes overall.

The battle looked almost like a beautiful dance, The only sign that it was deadly were the even number of bruises on the pair's faces and the tears on their clothes. The two then jumped back at the same time. It had only been two minutes.

"You're really good, Haku-chan."

"Thanks, I learned from the best."

Naruto widened his eyes a little as his clones he created to guard Tazuna's house just dispelled. Haku took his distraction to send a kick at him, something the blonde barely dodged in time.

"It seems your midget of an employer sent some of his goons to try and capture Inari and Tsunami." Naruto commented as Haku frowned hearing his words.

'That wasn't part of the plan. What is he thinking?' Haku thought to herself before she started to get serious. She started performing one handed hand seals, something that surprised Naruto who had never seen it before.

"Secret Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death!!"

To be continued...