
chapter 1

I was sitting on my desk doing some paperwork when a Samurai came barging in

"Harvey~sama" the samurai looked panicked

I groaned "don't tell me it's Ryu again"?

"Yes but he He is not alone"

" He some how managed to get Mr Tennyson and mr briefs are along as well "

I sighed. "Thank you I will take it from here"

The samurai bowed before disappearing

"Jarvis"he yelled

"You called sir"? A voice spoke from seemingly nowhere

"Can you contact naru chan for me"

"As you wish sir" Jarvis replied

The speakers was silent until he heard naruto's voice come through

"Hey Harvey~koi What's up."

"Our son and his friends are terrorizing the City again" I said kinda frustrated

I heard the sound of laughter through the speakers

"I know I saw hehe he makes me so proud" she said laughing

"Ugh... of course you saw this" I sighed

She giggled

"Sorry honey Uzumaki trait, you should of known about this When you married me "she stated cheerfully

I could just imagine her Having that mischievous look in her eyes

My eyes widen in realization "you planed this didn't you" I yelled exasperated

She only giggled in response "Sorry honey part of training love ya" she made kissing noises at me before the Speaker went off

Icould her the guards snickering silently to themselves

I glared at them before sighing silently

"Troublesome women" I muttered as I got up and vanished in a flash of green


Three boys were giggling like crazy As they were being chased By 100 samurai .

.. Well two of them were running one was carrying someone Like he was a football under his arm

"Come on trunks hurry up or Well get caught" shouted a 4 year old redheaded green eyes with three whisker marks on each cheeks

"Sorry it's not my fault ryu Ben was to slow" trunks shouted while Ben yelled a sorry from behind

Yep hehe he is Ben From Ben ten and trunks from dbz four year old trunks

Ryu is Canon naruto only with red hair instead. Of yellow and had green eyes instead of blue

as they loss them Behind a house they stood with their hands on their knees panting

"Ha ha were the best They can't even catch up with us"ryu smirked

Someone tapped him from the shoulder ryu snapped his neck back and let out a cry of suprise

Alerting Ben and trunks who widen their eyes in surprise

naruto and kurama in his human form smirking at them


"h-hey. K-Kaa San kyuubi oji San.what lovely day it is right?" Ryu asked nervously as he shuffled his feet

"yeah don't mind us we were just. Exercising right Ben " trunks added

"Yeah don't mind us" Ben stated fake cheerfulness to hide the nervous feeling

"Oh I don't think. That throwing paintballs at the hyubasa clan compound turning it hot pink is part of your exercise right" ? she asked with a sickly sweet smile making the kids sweat while Kurama laughed out loud

Haha he is difenitly your son kit" he laughed

Before a green light flashed in startling the kids.I appeared

Kurama and naruto smirked while I glared anoyed at them.

Before I looked at him My eyes soften

"just like naru~chan" I muttered lovingly to myself naruto blushed embarrassed while kurama snickered

"No ramen for a week"

Ryu's face looked horrified while Ben and trunks snickered

"Don't think your off easily either I will tell your father trunks to up your training for a seal while I seal off Ben s Monster form won't be able to Use it unless it's training."

"I will be seeing you three at the junior division fighting tournament"

The three paled and I nodded satisfaction before I kissed naruto on the lips and disappeared

she smiled dazely before turning back to ryu

"Oh Ryu~kun ash is coming over with pikachu at 12 Make sure your ready"

Ryu's face lighten up. "Yes"!

" thanks kaa San" Ryu exclaimed excitedly

she Kissed him on the cheek and disappeared