
Naruto the player: solo leveling

after being nearly killed naaruto awakens the system and becomes the player, naruto know has the potential of infinite growth and he is teamed up with sasuke and hinata how will thongs change when the three of them brcome ninja and face the trials of the battle field find out in this exciting fanfic.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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battle on the bridge; haku joins the leaf.

Naruto woak to the sound of crashing glass and inari crying mama,

Naruto swiftly made his way to their position he practically warped there.

The two men were armed ronin carrying katana.

Naruto smirked and spoke up.

" So which one of you wants to die first," asked Naruto.

The two laughed and drew their swords but before the first could reach Naruto he was knocked into the stratosphere by a thrust kick.

" Ryuu-po: ryuusei-kyaku," ( Dragon method: Meteor kick,)

The second swords man came from behind with a swipe but Naruto sidestepped it and countered with a rapid jab combination ending with a powerful Hook punch,

" Ryuu-po: hyaku-senken," ( dragon method: Hundred Flash Fist) the man flew into the sky at mach 10 speeds.

Naruto kissed his knuckles.

After which he created two clones to watch over inari and tsunami and then rushed to the bridge as fast as he could covering twenty miles with each sprint.

Sasuke faced haku on the bridge.

Sasuke came at haku with a 4 junction hook kick he called his shishi-rensen ( lion's combination,) the attack was fast enough to catch haku off gaurd.

Haku in return came towards sasuke with his senbon in hand and he went to strike aimed at his neck but Sasuke parried it with his kunai.

" It would seem your student has gotten quite a power up sense last time," said zabuza.

" It's your fault for underestimating my students," kakashi replied.

" First of Sasuke here is one of our most talented individuals; and Hinata is one of our best sensory Ninja's, last but not least is Naruto Uzumaki who has shown surprising growth since he was six," said kakashi.

" That boy who used that unique tai-jutsu and that roar that nearly caused me to pass out; he should be dead by now," said zabuza.

Haku smirked behind his mask he mad a set of hand seals and he summoned a dome of ice like mirrors.

Hijutsu: Makyō Hyōshō ( hidden art: demonic mirroring Ice Crystals)

Then haku sunk into the mirrors and launched his attack however sasuke managed to dodge most of the vital strikes.

Just then haku speed up his attack on Sasuke and the needles hit him fast enough to nearly put him into a critical state however before he could do anymore damage Naruto appeared in the dome of mirrors

Naruto let out his Dragons fear which caused the mirrors to shatter and haku to succumb to unconsciousness while he checked on Sasuke.

Sasuke was in a critical condition bleeding from every orifice.

Tch damnit.

Kakashi and zabuza were in a deadlock until kakashi found his opening whenever zabuza got dizzy from the deafening roar of Naruto kakashi attacked using his raikiri ( lightning cutter,)

Kakashi's palm erupted in lightning and he drove his plhand into zabuza's chest piercing his heart.

That's whenever they all heard laughter.

" So the mighty zabuza's fallen how terrible," said the voice that belonged to an ugly munchkin looking man.

Naruto got angry with rage he turned to the man and spoke.

He suddenly accessed the kyubi's chakra even though non of them were able to notice it due to Naruto's system allowing him to hide it.

" So, I guess it's safe to assume your name is gato, am I right?" He asked.

Gato cackled.

" That's right and now your team will fall just like this-" he was abruptly interrupte When Naruto was already facing gato; with his hand leveled at the bastards head, he executed a one inch punch that splattered the man's fmhead all over the pavement.

" Ryuu-po: tetsuzan-metsu-ken," ( dragon method: iron mountain destruction fist) Naruto called out the techniques name and everyone was shacked as gato litteraly had his brain matter split all over the pavement.

The group of bandits turned to strike Naruto with their swords and spears but Naruto smirked and he created two thousand shadow clones.

Causing every bandit to quake.

What started next was a slaughter as the clones used meteor kicks, hundred Flash Fist and dragon blaze kicks to tear through the enemies.

Eventually non of them were left.

Naruto stood there his aura was orange from him accessing the nine tails chakra.

Naruto then passed out.

Kakashi checked on Sasuke and haku and was surprised to find out that haku wasn't a boy at all when he tried to give him chest compressions.

" Guh,she is a girl," said kakashi in shock.

Naruto turned to kakashi.

" What!?" He asked in surprise.

Hinata had used her medical knowledge to heal Sasuke.

Sasuke got up angry when he saw the enemies lay massacred and naruto's body covered in blood he got angry and challenged to dobe to a fight what started next was a complete embarrassment of the Uchiha as every punch was meet with side step or a dodge eventually with sasuke falling pray to his own lack of stamina,

" Just give up sasuke, there is no way you can beat me," Naruto said.

" Bastard,I am an uchiha; a ninja elite, you are just a clan less orphan," said Sasuke.

Naruto looked a bit sad that Sasuke would bring up family and naruto's lack there of,

" You know what sasuke I'm sick of your self righteous attitude, if you want to die so badly then come at me with the intent to kill," barked Naruto.

Sasuke came at Naruto with a punch aimed at his heart and Naruto countered with a kick that hugged sasuke into the air fallowed by a dragon Uppercut and a flying roundhouse kick.

" Ryuu-po: ryuu-mei," ( dragon method: Dragon cry,) the combination put Sasuke into the river in under a split second Naruto moved so fast that even kakashi's sharingan couldn't keep up.

Naruto then headed towards haku and bowed in apology.

" I'm sorry we couldn't spare zabuza; if it makes up for it, you can come to konoha were we adore bloodlines and I will personally speak with the sandaime about your dilemma," Naruto offered his friend.

Haku cried and then she gripped naruto's clothes.

After that the bridge was named the great Naruto bridge and a burial was made for zabuza the bodies of the enemies were burnt.

Later Naruto and Hinata, along with a peaved Sasuke and a laxed kakashi were joined by haku and arrived at the village this took two months in advance.

Naruto asked sarutobi to make haku a member of his team and although hiruzen wanted to at first he denied naruto's request however he allowed haku to be trained by a special instructor and that just so happened to be a ninja who came from a clan with a similar ability to haiki's.

" My name is kyousuke Enryuu, of the Enryuu clan," said kyousuke who had come to naruto's apartment,

haku and Hinata were helping Naruto clean the graffiti left by angry villagers in Narutos absence.

Haku turned to the man well more of a teenager than a man he looked to be only about seventeen at best two years older than herself.

Haku bowed to him.

" It is a pleasure to meet you sensei," said haku.

Kyousuke smiled and said " forget the formalities kid; I hear you have an ice release kekkie genkai, am I right?" Asked the young man.

" Yes sir," she said.

" Well I also have a special ability, see I can create flames without hand signs; you could say I can release them from any part of my body," explained kyousuke.

" So first we need to help you build up your taijutsu and ninjutsu repertoire," said kyousuke.

" Hai sensei," said haku.

Naruto fallowed them outside to see what they would do, he knew kyousuke was an expert in his family's own fighting style called enryuu-ken; a style that revolved around circular and linear striking methods based off the hands and legs.

" Come at me haku," asked kyousuke,

Haku came at kyousuke with what appeared to be an attempt at a knife hand strike to the neck but kyousuke blocked it with his forearm and countered with a short hook to her jaw.

Haku came at the boy with an attempt at a knee to the face but kyousuke used a leaping double snap kick to knock haku into the air before using a double axe kick to knock her down to the ground.

Haku not wanting to be bested tried for a headlock but kyousuke used a neck toss then a rolling elbow drop to put her down.

" Okay kid I've got an understanding of your fighting style, now I realize you've never been trained to use taijutsu; you know the basics of hand to hand combat, so I will teach you my style and maybe you can apply your ice release to it," said kyousuke.

Naruto smiled and thought that haku may just become a greater ninja.

Meanwhile Sasuke was rummaging through his clans library and found a scroll on a hidden taijutsu called the Kami-ken style,

After reading it he smirked with this Iwill be able to prove to that dobe that I am the best and he is beneath me,

He then went out to practice the kata although he didn't put the time to actually train his body a choice he would soon regret as he would nearly crush his elbow on the first technique after that he made it a point to get the training he would need.

A week went by and kakashi made a huge announcement he decided that Naruto and his team would be allowed to enter the Chunin exams within the next month as so Naruto and his team cheered.

To be continued

wooh so yeah the battle was short lived mainly because Sasuke is still weak sauce and naruto's dragon's fear is broken as crap anyways the next chapter Naruto will awaken a new active skill,

now onto the preview.

Naruto panted as he completed yet another daily mission thats when his system chimed in.

this skill is just too busted if I use it correctly I could beat almost any enemy in the exam's.

Sasuke faced Lee who came at him with a fast and powerful kick but Sasuke countered with an leaping double snap kick that stunned the boy,

" looks like Sasuke has been training," thought Naruto.

" Sasuke Uchiha your team and my team are similar yet different;while your team has a hyuga so does mine, while your team has a taijutsu specialist so does mine,"

" yet the one thing our team doesn't have is a ninjutsu user like you; so from now on you are my rival," said rock lee.

" well this challenge shall be interesting," said Naruto.

to be continued.

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