
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chapter 70: Legacy

As a cloaked figure moved silently through the streets of Konoha. The ANBU mask of the figure glinted in the moonlight as they entered a building and descended a secret staircase that ran deep underground.

At the end of a dimly lit corridor, the ninja paused before a heavy door, tapping twice in quick succession.

"Enter," came a gravelly voice from within.

The ANBU stepped into a small, windowless chamber. At its centre sat Danzo Shimura, his face half-hidden in shadow, his single visible eye fixed on the newcomer with calculating intensity.

The ANBU bowed low and greeted him, "Lord Danzo."

Danzo's fingers drummed against the arm of his chair. "Report," he commanded, his voice sharp with impatience.

As the ANBU without looking up replied, "We've searched everywhere, but Crow's vanished without a trace. It's like he was never there."

A thick silence descended upon the room. With his thoughts racing through the possibilities, Danzo's eye narrowed. "Or perhaps," he mused, his voice low and dangerous, "someone made him disappear."

He asked tha ANBU, "Any bodies matching his description?"

"None, Lord Danzo. We've searched extensively, but there's been no sign of him—dead or alive."

Danzo's expression was neutral as he leaned back. "I see."

The ANBU continued, "Sir, there's more information that you need to be aware of. We've noticed increased ANBU activity around Dr. Yuki's residence and the hospital where she works, and also at Dan Hamura's house. It seems the Hokage has taken a personal interest in them."

Danzo's eye flashed with irritation. "Hiruzen," he muttered, almost to himself. "It's unusual for him to meddle in my affairs."

The ANBU hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Sir, if I may... I'd like to volunteer to take over Crow's mission. The surveillance of Dr. Yuki is crucial, and I-"

"Enough," Danzo cut them off, raising a hand. "Your eagerness is noted, but this situation has changed with the involvement of Hokage's ANBU."

Danzo rose from his seat, pacing slowly around the room. His voice was contemplative when he spoke again. "There is only one person in this village with both the ability and the audacity to so blatantly oppose Root. This is a clear message regarding Dr. Yuki."

The ANBU's posture stiffened. "You suspect Lord Hokage is behind the disappearance of Crow?"

A mirthless chuckle escaped Danzo's lips. "Who else? But Hiruzen has always been too soft, too idealistic. This is a very bold move for him."

"What are your orders, sir?" the ANBU asked, their voice tight with tension.

Danzo turned to face them, his expression unreadable. "We could not jeopardise Dr. Yuki's experiments because Hiruzen got himself involved with the medical council, and our contact in the council could not influence the council's decision."

He paused, thinking carefully. "We will not abandon our surveillance entirely, but we must be more cautious. Tail Dr. Yuki at irregular intervals, and maintain as much distance as possible. We cannot risk another confrontation with the Hokage's ANBU."

"And what of the boy, sir? Ryu?" the ANBU enquired.

Danzo's eye narrowed. "Ah yes, the orphan. Keep a close watch on him as well. There must be a reason Hiruzen has taken such an interest in the Hamura household and that child."

"Understood, Lord Danzo," the ANBU replied, bowing once more.

As they turned to leave, Danzo's voice stopped them. "Dig deeper into Hiruzen's sudden interest in Yuki and the boy named Ryu. Use our contact in the ANBU under the Hokage."

Danzo's mind churned. "Hiruzen and Yuki never saw eye to eye before. So why now? What's changed?"

"I'll find out, sir," the ANBU promised before slipping out of the room.

Alone once more, Danzo sank back into his chair, his mind churning with possibilities and plans. The game had changed, and he needed to adapt quickly if he hoped to stay ahead.

I underestimated you, old friend, Danzo thought, his jaw clenching. But this is far from over. What are you hiding, Hiruzen? What makes this experiment and the boy named Ryu so valuable to you? Is it guilt from what happened to that Senju bastard, or is the boy special?

Danzo's thoughts drifted to the past, to the legacy of the great clans that had shaped Konoha's history. Could this boy be connected to him? He has the same name.

Danzo could never have imagined how accurate his assessment of Ryu was. He would do whatever it took to get Ryu to induct him into Root if he knew that the experiment was his idea.

A completely different kind of conversation was going on across the village, in the bright and cosy confines of the Hokage's office.

In front of the Third Hokage were two ANBU agents wearing masks that showed a mouse and a fox, respectively. Hiruzen Sarutobi listened to their report, puffing thoughtfully on his pipe.

"...and that concludes our findings, Lord Hokage," Fox finished. "Root's operatives came sniffing around in disguise a few times, but they found nothing and left empty-handed. However, I think Root has already caught wind of the boy. I doubt that they have linked the experiments to him, but still, he must be under their radar by now."

Hiruzen nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You are right. I also think the same. That is why I assigned you the task of keeping him safe. After you, I will have another squad keep an eye on him. Now, tell me about our young friend's progress."

Mouse stepped forward. "Ryu's training regime is intense, sir. His physical prowess is improving at an impressive rate. If he continues at this pace for the next three months, he should have no trouble passing the academic entrance exam."

The Hokage's eyes twinkled with pride. "That's wonderful news. And his other... talents?"

Fox replied, "Based on the information we collected, we can tell that his primary strength is mental rather than physical. He has a surprisingly good memory. He can remember and recall with unnatural precision, and judging by how he came up with the idea to treat his own terminal illness, he also has a very creative mind. Dr. Yuki seems confident that he will become an amazing medical ninja in the future, and I hear his adoptive grandfather say that he will be teaching him Fuinjutsu as well. He is also of the opinion that Ryu's brilliant mind and perfect memory will help him learn Fuinjutsu very easily."

Hiruzen's eyes widened slightly at this information. He rose from his desk, moving to gaze out the window at the sleeping village. His mind wandered to the legacy of the Senju and Hamura clans, now embodied in young Ryu. Such potential, he mused. If only you could see him now.

"Very good," Hiruzen said aloud. "Your mission will become easier once Ryu enters the academy. He'll be under the watchful eyes of our instructors for most of the day. But until then, please continue to be vigilant and keep it out of the mission records, both you and your inner circle."

He turned back to face the ANBU, his expression serious. "Ryu's safety is paramount. He has the potential to become an exceptional medical ninja, perhaps even surpassing those who came before him one day. We cannot allow any harm to come to him."

Fox and Mouse exchanged a glance before Fox spoke up. "Understood, Lord Hokage. We'll ensure their safety."

Hiruzen nodded, then added, "I have one more request. Even after your official mission ends, I want you to keep an eye on Ryu if you encounter him in the village, especially if he seems to be in any trouble. Consider it an ongoing, unofficial assignment."

Both ANBU nodded their agreement. "Of course, Lord Hokage," Mouse replied. "We'll watch over him."

As they prepared to leave, Hiruzen called out once more. "Thank you both for your dedication."

After the ANBU had departed, Hiruzen returned to the window, gazing out at the stone faces of the Hokage Monument. His thoughts drifted to Ryu, to the challenges that lay ahead for the young boy, and to the potential he represented for the future of Konoha.

The will of fire burns bright in you, young Ryu, Hiruzen thought. May you grow to be a beacon of hope for our village, just as your ancestors were.

The Third Hokage's mind wandered to the complexities of village politics and the constant dance of power with Danzo. He was aware that his former opponent would not give up easily, but he had to stay one step ahead for Ryu's sake as well as Konoha's future.

Hiruzen's gaze lingered on the faces of the First and Second Hokages. He then closed his eyes and remembered Ryu Senju in his younger days. "Old friend," he murmured, "your legacy lives on. I only hope I can protect it."

With a weary sigh, Hiruzen returned to his desk, the weight of the village's future heavy on his shoulders.


Dear Readers,

As I began this journey, I had a substantial amount of content already prepared, which I released within the first month. Since then, I've been consistently publishing three chapters per week on alternating days. However, I understand that this pace might not be entirely satisfying for readers.

While writing is still relatively new to me, I've gained valuable experience over the past two months. To better meet your expectations, I've decided to increase my publishing frequency or at least try my best and release between three to five chapters per week. The exact number will depend on my productivity during the week. 

As a demonstration of my commitment, I'll be uploading another chapter within the hour.

Weekends will be holiday for chapter release. I use this time to write, plan, and prepare rough drafts for the story. However, my primary focus during weekends is spending time with my kid.

Moving forward, the story is about to transition from its introductory phase. We'll soon embark on the "Ninja Arc" as the main character enters the academy. The "Entrepreneur Arc" will follow shortly after, once the character has accumulated enough funds.

I hope this update is helpful and doesn't spoil too much.

Sincerely, PJ

25+ more chapters, including 5 free chapters, are available to read on Pat reon at pat reon. com/PageTurnerPJ.

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