
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chapter 62: The Path of Persistence

The sun had barely peeked over the horizon when Ryu Hamura set out for his daily training. The cool morning air nipped at his skin as he began his run, his feet pounding rhythmically against the dirt roads of Konoha. His muscles, still sore from yesterday's exertion, protested with each step, but Ryu pushed on, driven by an unyielding determination.

The village was just beginning to stir as Ryu made his way through the streets. Shopkeepers were opening their stores, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

There was a bystander in the way, but Ryu was too preoccupied with his training to notice it. Lost in thought, he rounded a corner and almost ran into a girl. Ryu's quick reflexes caused him to sidestep just in time, sparing him from a collision.

"Whoa, watch out!" he called, his momentum carrying him forward.

The girl's eyes widened in surprise as Ryu stumbled past, his outstretched arm brushing her shoulder. "Sorry!" he shouted over his shoulder, his face burning with embarrassment.

The girl blinked, watching the white-haired boy disappear around the corner. "What's his hurry?" she muttered, shaking her head before continuing on her way.

"Great start," Ryu thought sarcastically. "Almost bowling over innocent bystanders. Way to go, future ninja."

Despite the awkward encounter, Ryu refused to let it break his stride. He pushed himself harder, his lungs burning as he increased his pace. The familiar sights of the village blurred past him as he focused on his breathing and the rhythm of his footsteps.

By the time he finished his run and returned home, Ryu's legs felt like lead. Sweat dripped from his brow as he positioned himself for push-ups on the cool grass of his backyard.

"Alright, let's do this," he muttered, dropping to the ground.

His arms trembled as he lowered himself, the strain evident on his face.

"One..." he grunted, pushing himself back up.

"Two..." His arms shook violently.

"Three..." With a gasp, Ryu collapsed onto the ground, his chest heaving.

"Just three push-ups," he panted, frustration creeping into his voice. "Better than yesterday, but still... a long way to go."

As he caught his breath, Ryu's mind wandered. He thought about the training regimens he knew from his past life, particularly the ones used for mastering powerful techniques like the Rasengan and its wind-style evolution, the Rasen-Shuriken.

"Maybe I should change things up," he mused. "Balloons and rubber balls for Rasengan training, tree leaves for wind affinity... but no, that's too advanced for now. I need to focus on the basics."

"I shouldn't get ahead of myself," Ryu muttered, sitting up slowly. "The academy entrance exam doesn't test for advanced ninjutsu. It's just the basics—physical endurance, fundamental skills, and chakra measurements."

He recalled what he knew about the exam process. Even if a student performed poorly in one area, they could still be granted admission based on their overall performance. This explained how someone like Naruto, with his initially poor chakra control, or Rock Lee, who couldn't perform ninjutsu at all, had been able to enter the academy alongside prodigies like Sasuke Uchiha and brilliant minds like Sakura and Shikamaru.

"I don't need to master the Rasengan right now," Ryu concluded. "I should focus on improving my physique and basic chakra control. The leaf concentration method from the story might be a good place to start."

With renewed determination, Ryu pushed himself up and resumed his push-ups. His arms trembled with each repetition, but he pressed on, gritting his teeth against the burning sensation in his muscles.

"Forty-eight... forty-nine... fifty!" Ryu collapsed onto the ground once more, exhausted but satisfied. He glanced at the imaginary screen in his mind, confirming his progress.

"Not bad," he muttered, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Tomorrow, I'll aim for sixty."

"Ryu!" His grandfather's voice called from inside the house. "Lunch is ready!"

At the mention of food, Ryu's stomach growled loudly. He hadn't realised how hungry he was. Scrambling to his feet, he rushed towards the house, eager for a well-deserved meal.

As he passed by a mirror in the hallway, Ryu caught a glimpse of his reflection and paused. He was covered in dirt and sweat, his white hair dishevelled. But something else caught his eye—a flash of red at his scalp. Frowning, he leaned closer to the mirror, running a hand through his hair.

"Must be dirt and sweat," he muttered, brushing it off and continuing towards the dining area.

His grandfather, Dan, was waiting for him at the table. The old man's eyes crinkled with amusement as he took in Ryu's dishevelled appearance.

"You look like you've been rolling in the dirt," Dan chuckled. "Why don't you clean up before we eat? A little hygiene goes a long way, even for a ninja-in-training."

Ryu nodded sheepishly and headed to the bathroom. As he washed his hair, he paid extra attention to his scalp, scrubbing away what he assumed was dirt. Once clean and refreshed, he returned to the dining area, where a simple but hearty meal awaited him.

As they ate, Dan observed his grandson with a mixture of pride and concern. "You're pushing yourself quite hard, Ryu," he commented. "How's the training going?"

Ryu swallowed a mouthful of rice before responding. "It's tough," he admitted. "But I'm making progress. I managed fifty push-ups today!"

Dan nodded approvingly. "That's a good improvement. What's next on your training menu?"

"Pull-ups," Ryu replied, a hint of apprehension in his voice. "They're... challenging."

After lunch and a short rest, Ryu headed out to the backyard, where a sturdy tree branch served as his pull-up bar. Taking a deep breath, he jumped up and grasped the branch, his small hands barely able to wrap around it completely.

With a grunt of effort, Ryu tried to pull himself up. His arms strained, muscles quivering with exertion. He managed to lift himself a few inches before his strength gave out. With a yell of surprise, Ryu lost his grip and fell, landing unceremoniously on his butt.

A deep chuckle from nearby made him look up. His grandfather stood on the porch, an amused smile on his weathered face.

"Having some trouble there, my boy?" Dan asked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Ryu felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. "It's harder than it looks," he grumbled, rubbing his sore behind.

Dan's expression softened. "No need to be discouraged, Ryu. Everyone starts somewhere. Why don't you try using rubber bands to assist you at first? It'll help you build strength gradually."

Ryu's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That's a great idea, Grandpa! Do we have any rubber bands?"

As Dan went to look for some rubber bands, a thought occurred to Ryu. "Hey, Grandpa?" he called out. "What about using weights during training? Would that help?"

Dan returned with a handful of rubber bands, his expression turning serious at Ryu's question. "I wouldn't recommend it, Ryu. You're still growing, and using weights at your age could affect your development. It's better to focus on bodyweight exercises for now."

Ryu nodded, understanding the wisdom in his grandfather's words. "Thanks, Grandpa. I'll stick to the basics for now."

As he set up the rubber bands to assist with his pull-ups, Ryu couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for his grandfather's guidance. The path to becoming a ninja was challenging, but with Dan's support and his own determination, Ryu felt confident that he would succeed.

With the rubber bands in place, Ryu grasped the branch once more. This time, he found it easier to pull himself up, the bands providing just enough assistance to make the exercise manageable.

"One," he counted aloud, lowering himself slowly before pulling up again. "Two... three..."

As Ryu continued his training, the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the backyard. Despite the ache in his muscles and the fatigue setting in, a smile played on his lips. He knew that each pull-up, each push-up, each kilometre run was bringing him one step closer to his goal.

"Ten!" Ryu gasped, finally letting go of the branch. His arms felt like jelly, but a sense of accomplishment washed over him. It wasn't much, but it was progress.

As he caught his breath, Ryu glanced at his reflection in the window. For a moment, he thought he saw that reddish tinge in his hair again.

"Huh," he murmured, running a hand through his hair. "Must be seeing things."

The journey to becoming a ninja was long and arduous, but Ryu Hamura was ready for the challenge. With every rep, every drop of sweat, he was laying the foundation for his future—a future that, unknown to him, held far more surprises and revelations than he could ever imagine.

As night fell, Ryu made his way back inside, his body exhausted but his spirit invigorated. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, he had earned his rest.

## Author's Note##

The next chapter is a bonus chapter for crossing 500K views. As I previously mentioned, we currently rank in the top 10 for weekly collection; with your help, we can move up to the top 3. For more bonus chapters like this, continue to support the story by giving some power stones and adding it to your library collections. If you can, consider sharing a five-star review.

You can also become a member on Patreon, where all free members get 5 more chapters for free! patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ

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