
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chapter 57: A New Path Unfolds

The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the village as Ryu walked alongside his grandfather, Dan, and Dr. Yuki. The bustling streets of the Leaf Village stretched before them, alive with the energy of its inhabitants.

"Grandfather," Ryu began, his voice steady with determination, "when is the entrance exam for the Leaf Ninja Academy? I've decided to pursue my dream of becoming a medic-nin, and I want to start my training as soon as possible."

Dan's weathered face broke into a broad grin, his chest swelling with pride. "The next round of entrance exams is in six months. You'd best start preparing—being a shinobi isn't exactly a walk in the park. Most of those kids will have years of training on you. But hey, no pressure."

Ryu smirked. "No pressure, huh? Just a few years behind. Nothing I can't handle."

Dr. Yuki, who had been listening intently, chimed in. "Ryu, you're still recovering. Don't push yourself too hard right away. Let's focus on regaining your strength first."

Ryu nodded. "Of course, Mother Yuki. I meant later, after I'm back to full strength."

Dr. Yuki, who had been listening intently, chimed in. "Ryu, your decision to become a medic-nin is admirable. With your unique skillset, you'll bring fresh ideas to the field. Have you thought about which areas of medical ninjutsu you'd like to specialise in?"

Ryu's eyes lit up with excitement. "I've been thinking about innovative healing techniques. There's so much potential in combining different methods of treatment. I want to push the boundaries of what's possible."

Dr. Yuki raised an eyebrow. "So, you want to dive into research? That's... ambitious, especially for a combat medic. Not many go that route. Most give up when they realise research isn't all flashy jutsu and dramatic rescues."

Ryu grinned. "I'm not most people."

Dan chuckled at that. "That's true enough. You've always been a bit... unconventional. But I'd be more than happy to provide you with resources and guidance as you explore this path."

As they made their way towards the village marketplace, the cool breeze carried with it the familiar scents of freshly baked bread, grilled meat, and fragrant spices. Ryu had his first meal in a restaurant. Ryu took a deep breath, feeling more alive than ever. His mind briefly flashed back to his time before the accident, but he quickly refocused on the present. He had found his true calling here, as a ninja-medic.

"You know," Dan mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully, "your ability to think outside the box will be invaluable in your new career. A shinobi, especially a researcher-nin, needs to approach problems from all angles."

Ryu nodded, considering his grandfather's words. "You're right, Grandfather. I hadn't thought about it that way before. Maybe my experiences with my illness have prepared me for this journey in ways I'm only beginning to understand."

As they made their way towards the village marketplace, a cool breeze carried the familiar scent of freshly baked bread, grilled meat, and fragrant spices. Ryu's stomach growled loudly—loud enough that Dan gave him a mock-serious glance.

"Was that you or a small bear?" Dan teased.

Ryu rubbed his stomach sheepishly. "Hey, I'm still recovering. And, uh, maybe I skipped breakfast."

Dan shook his head, amused. "You're lucky I'm too old to carry you home if you pass out. Let's get some food in you before you collapse and make me look like a kidnapper."

They shared a laugh, and Ryu felt a surge of gratefulness for these moments. He had spent too much time in bed, confined to the dull walls of the hospital. It was moments like these that reminded him what he was fighting for. As they passed a food stall, Ryu inhaled deeply.

"You know," he said, pausing to take it all in, "I missed so much while I was recovering. It's like the village is alive in ways I never noticed before." Dan smiled knowingly. "That's the beauty of our village, my boy. There's always something new to discover, even for those of us who've lived here our entire lives. Also, that smell is takoyaki. We should grab some before someone else does."

They reached a takoyaki stand and they all had something to eat.

"You know, Ryu," Dan said, his voice thoughtful, "being a ninja isn't just about learning jutsu and fighting. It's about protecting the people you care about, defending your home, and making a difference in the world. Are you ready for that responsibility?"

Ryu nodded solemnly. "I'm ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead."

As they walked, Dr. Yuki couldn't help but marvel at Ryu's transformation. "You know, Ryu," she said, a thoughtful expression on her face, "your unique perspective gives you an advantage in other fields also, like Crafts, Technology, Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu."

Ryu blinked. "Fuinjutsu. The sealing arts?"

She said, "I'm serious. You've got a sharp mind. And with that sharp memory of yours, you could revolutionise more than just healing techniques. "

Ryu thought about it for a moment, then grinned. "So, what you're saying is, I could invent something like... Healing Seals and heal remotely using sealing tags?"

Dan looked horrified. "Please, no. I can barely handle the idea of you being a combat medic. Don't add seals into the mix. If it were possible, someone would have already done it."

Ryu absorbed her words, feeling a mix of pride and determination. The idea that he could potentially change the entire field of medical ninjutsu was both exhilarating and daunting. Healing seals in battlefield would be revolutionary. He thought about it and suddenly realised, "Isn't Creation Rebirth Jutsu of Tsunade Senju a combination of Fuinjutsu and Medical Jutsu. Considering that is not an impossible idea."

He also admitted that technology is also very lacking in this world, and he can very well change it completely. But he also understands that strength comes first in this world.

They paused at a small food stall, the aroma of grilled fish and vegetables making Ryu's stomach growl.

Dan raised an eyebrow. "Didn't we just feed you?"

Ryu shrugged. "I'm a growing boy."

Dan snorted. "Growing sideways, maybe."

Dan chuckled, ordering a few skewers for them to share. As they ate, Ryu's mind raced with possibilities for his future training.

"Grandfather," he said between bites, "I was thinking about how I could start preparing for the exam. Do you think we could begin with physical training and some basic chakra control exercises?"

Dan nodded approvingly. "That's a good place to start, my boy. We'll begin with physical training—it's crucial for the exam. And in your free time, we'll work on meditation techniques to help you sense and control your chakra. Then we can move on to some simple exercises, like leaf concentration. But you also need to ensure proper rest as well."

Ryu nodded eagerly, already mentally planning out his schedule. "I'll make sure to balance my training and rest."

As they neared Dan's house, Ryu couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. The next six months would be crucial in his journey towards becoming a medic-nin. And while he knew the road ahead would be challenging, he also knew he wouldn't be walking it alone.

"Grandfather," Ryu said as they approached the house, "I want to start preparing for the exam right away. Can we begin training tomorrow?"

Dan chuckled, placing a hand on Ryu's shoulder. "Easy there, my boy. You've just been discharged from the hospital. Let's give you a day or two to settle in and regain your strength. Then we'll start your training in next week. You are not fit for intense training for now, as Yuki earlier said."

Ryu sighed, but. He understood that they were right , "OK, fine. We will start whenever you say. but don't blame me if I start doing push-ups in my sleep."

Ryu thought if he could program his [Muscle Memory] in such a way, it would be pretty convenient. He could do physical training in his sleep. He made a mental note to try it later.

As they entered the house, Ryu felt a sense of calm wash over him. This was his home now, and it would be the base from which he would launch his new life as a Shinobi.

Dr. Yuki bid them farewell, promising to check in on Ryu's progress regularly. "Remember, Ryu," she said before leaving, "if you ever need help with your medical studies or have questions about chakra healing techniques, don't hesitate to ask. I'm always here to support you."

Ryu thanked her sincerely, grateful for her continued guidance and support.

That evening, as Ryu sat on the porch with Dan, looking up at the stars, a comfortable silence stretched between them, broken only by the gentle chirping of crickets.

As they sat there, Ryu reflected on his journey. From his accident and recovery to this moment on the cusp of a new adventure—it had been a long and winding road. But for the first time, Ryu felt like he was exactly where he was meant to be.

## Author's Note##

One more chapter will be available in an hour. I hope I've fulfilled my promise. I've reuploaded the chapters under a new name and identity, Naruto: The Medical Ninja. Since the story wasn't ranking well, my top fan suggested that I reupload it. 

Due to the initial mistakes that caused many early readers to lose interest. If you feel that I've delivered on my promise, please consider adding the new uploads to your collections. Thank you! 

You can also become a member on Patreon, where all free members get 5 more chapters for free! patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ

Enjoyed this chapter? You can also watch the story come to life on YouTube at @PageTurner-PJ

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