
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chapter 54:  A New Dawn

## Author's note##

As suggested by my most active reader, I've updated the cover image and title of the story. I truly value thoughtful feedback and would never overlook advice given with good intentions. I was in dire need of some sound advice because, as a beginning writer, I make a lot of mistakes.

Special thanks to an individual named Fuck_the_harems for this sound advice.

P.S.: This chapter does not count towards the challenge. An additional chapter will be added once the target is reached. We're just two power stones away from that goal, even though I've already contributed two myself—those should still be counted, right? Additionally, the chapter scheduled for today will be uploaded regardless and does not count towards the challenge either.

You can also become a member on Patreon, where all free members get 5 more chapters for free! patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ

##Note End## 

A warm glow appeared on Ryu's face as the early morning sun made its way through the blinds. The soft chirping of birds heralded the dawn of a new day, a symphony of life that seemed to celebrate Ryu's recovery.

He flexed his body lazily, the tension from spending days in bed gradually dissipating from his limbs. A wave of dizziness washed over him, a stark reminder of his recent ordeal and the harrowing experience that had landed him in the hospital bed, teetering on the precipice of life and death.

Ryu blinked slowly, his eyes adjusting to the light. The white walls of the hospital room came into focus, a stark contrast to the vibrant world outside. He took a deep breath, relishing the simple act of filling his lungs without pain. It was a luxury he had taken for granted before his collapse.

The soft click of the door opening drew Ryu's attention, and he turned his head to see Hana and Isao entering the room, their faces alight with relieved smiles. In their hands, they carried a vibrant bouquet of flowers, the petals a variety of colours that seemed to breathe life into the sterile hospital environment. 

"Easy there, Ryu-sensei," Hana's melodic voice chirped from beside him, laced with concern and warmth. "You've been through quite an ordeal."

He marvelled at the sight of his two dear friends standing vigilantly by his bedside, their bright smiles contrasting sharply with the stark white walls of the hospital room. Hana held a tray cradled in her hands, a steaming bowl of nourishing porridge and a glass of water resting atop it, beckoning him to regain his strength.

"Good morning," Ryu said, a grateful smile tugging at his lips as he regarded the pair. His voice was raspy, barely above a whisper, but the joy in his eyes spoke volumes.

Isao stepped closer, his usually stoic face softened with relief. "How are you holding up, after everything?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Before answering, Ryu took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I am better than ever," he remarked with a smile, though the effort of speaking left him slightly winded.

"Ryu-sensei, we are so happy that you are finally better!" Hana exclaimed, her face alight with relief and joy as she pulled up a chair closer to the bed. "To put it mildly, it is been an extremely trying week, but seeing you awake and feeling better feels like a weight has been taken off our shoulders."

Isao nodded gravely, his expression a mixture of unresolved anxiety and hope restored. "It is been an absolute nightmare these past seven days," he admitted, his voice brimming with emotion. "We were really, really concerned for you, Ryu-kun. Sometimes, we thought the worst might happen. It is a great relief to see you awake and in better health."

Ryu experienced a wave of guilt for causing his friends to worry. He extended his arm, a little shaky, and Hana caught it right away, her touch comforting and warm.

"Yeah," Hana chimed in, carefully placing the tray on the bedside table within Ryu's reach. Her eyes shone with a mixture of pride and gratitude. "But Dr. Yuki assured us that you were recovering remarkably well due to Yukimira. It is fortunate that everything went according to plan."

His smile broadened at the mention of Yukimira, the experimental drug that Ryu had developed

With a voice still a little raspy from the aftereffects of his ordeal, he said, "Well, it certainly seems to have done the trick, at least for now." His eyes flashed with curiosity as he asked, "How are the trials progressing?"

"More than just a trick, Ryu-kun," Isao shot back, his pride and excitement evident in his voice. "The initial phase of Yukimira's human trials was a huge success! Your vitals continued to improve even though you were unconscious. There was not a single negative outcome or issue in any of the other subjects, and the medical council did not pull any pranks like they did the last time they tried to delay the trials and cut you out of the process."

Hana leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with an infectious blend of enthusiasm and admiration. "Dr. Yuki is incredibly happy!" she exclaimed, beaming. "She has already set the date for the second trial round for the following week. For everyone dealing with ailments similar to yours, Ryu-sensei, this might be a game-changer."

Her expression sobbed slightly, a hint of solemnity creeping into her voice. "Ninja have well-developed and remarkably strong immune systems, but for civilians and kids like us, sometimes the genetic lottery doesn't pan out, leaving us susceptible to all kinds of bacterial infections and illnesses. With Yukimira, you might just revolutionise medical treatment as we know it, bringing hope and healing to those who need it most."

Ryu experienced a tremendous wave of relief as the tension that had been building since his collapse started to slowly fade. A great weight was lifted off his shoulders upon hearing about their successes and witnessing the concrete outcomes of their unwavering efforts. Maybe the knowledge of his past life that he had so diligently worked to acquire could genuinely assist a great deal of people in need even in this world, just as it had assisted him when he was on the verge of death.

"That is wonderful news," he uttered, a sincere grin gracing his tired features. The lines of stress and anxiety appeared to dissolve and were replaced by a fresh sense of direction. "I'm overjoyed to hear that our hard work has paid off and that Yukimira is living up to its potential. Knowing it's working out and potentially benefiting others, especially those who might not have access to advanced medical care, makes everything worthwhile."

As Ryu spoke, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him. It appeared as though discovering Yukimira's accomplishments had ignited something within him, reviving the desire that had originally motivated him to pursue a career in science in order to heal the incurable.

"Tell me more," he urged, pushing himself up into a sitting position despite Hana's gentle protests. "I want to hear everything about the trials, the results, and the patients' responses. Every detail matters."

Isao and Hana exchanged a glance, both surprised and pleased by Ryu's sudden burst of enthusiasm. They spent the next hour recounting the events of the past week in meticulous detail, from the selection of trial participants to the daily monitoring of their conditions.

"Ryu-sensei," Hana said softly, noticing the familiar glint in his eyes. "I know that look. You're already thinking about the next steps, aren't you?"

Ryu nodded, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "I can't help it," he admitted. "There's still so much to do, so much potential to explore. Yukimira is just the beginning."

Isao chuckled, shaking his head in fond exasperation. "Always the researcher, even from a hospital bed. But don't forget, Ryu-kun, you need to focus on your own recovery first."

Ryu was about to object when a wave of exhaustion suddenly overcame him, reminding him of his still-fragile condition. His eyelids grew heavy as he slumped back against the pillows.

"You are right," he yawned in agreement. "But promise me you'll keep me updated on everything. And when you come visit me again, bring some books and research materials. Simply lying here all day will bore me to no end."

Hana and Isao shared another look, this time of amusement and resignation. Asking for books the next day, he came out of coma surviving a deadly disease, Most kids will ask for their favourite food. They knew there was no stopping Ryu once his mind was set on something, so the agreed to his request.

"Ok, we promise we will bring you something," Hana said, patting his hand gently. "But for now, rest. Your body needs to catch up with that brilliant mind of yours."

Following their departure, Ryu said, "Okay, focus on healing," his brows furrowed in concentration. His sunken cheeks fluttered slightly, and his pallid face began to take on some colour again. Then, he became disoriented and blurted out, "[Temporary Enhanse] does require a lot of energy. I am completely wasted."

As Ryu drifted off to sleep, his dreams were filled with visions of medical breakthroughs and lives saved. Even in slumber, his mind continued to work, weaving together strands of knowledge and possibility.

Outside the hospital room, unbeknownst to the trio inside, a shadow flickered briefly across the window. An ANBU agent, silent and vigilant, resumed their watch, ensuring the safety of the young prodigy who held so much promise for the future of the Hidden Leaf Village.

The sun continued its ascent, bathing the village in warm, golden light. In the hospital room, Ryu slept peacefully, his body healing and his mind dreaming of the countless lives he could touch with his groundbreaking research. A new chapter in medical ninjutsu history was beginning to unfold.

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