
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chapter 46: Setbacks and Resolve

Dr. Yuki's desk held a neat envelope with its official seal shining under the harsh fluorescent light. As she reached for it, a tremor ran through her hand, and a feeling of unease settled in her gut.

She took a deep breath and opened the envelope, revealing the Leaf Medical Council's official letterhead staring back at her. She glanced through the official correspondence, her heart pounding with every word that went by. Her features twisted with disappointment; it was a far cry from the hopeful gleam in her eyes a few days earlier.

Dr. Yuki finished reading, then blurted, "This cannot be right," her voice laced with disbelief. Her mind raced, trying to process the implications of the letter. She stood abruptly and quickly ran to the lab, where Hana and Isao were working.

As she burst into the lab, Isao looked up at the sight of Dr. Yuki's troubled face. "I have bad news," she began, her voice tight with controlled emotion. "The Leaf Medical Council has decided to delay the clinical trials."

Everyone in the room gasped together. The tension in the air seemed to intensify as the announcement loomed large over them.

Hana was the one who first broke the spell of stunned silence, asking, "But, Dr. Yuki, why? The in-vivo results were positive."

Isao's stoicism, masking a flicker of worry, echoed Hana's sentiment. "Did they raise any specific concerns?" 

Dr. Yuki sighed, the sound heavy with unspoken frustration. "They cited the need for a more thorough review of the earlier experiment data. Apparently, a few council members expressed reservations about the unconventional approach we took."

Hana's hands clenched into fists, and she said, "Unconventional? It worked, didn't it? Shouldn't that be all that matters? This is absurd and unfair."

Dr. Yuki came over to put a gentle hand on Hana's shoulder and signalled for her to stay calm. "I understand your frustration, Hana. But the council has its procedures. We have to respect that."

Then came the news that truly stung. "There's... one more thing," Dr. Yuki said, her voice barely a whisper. She paused, gathering strength for the words she knew would devastate her team. "My recommendation for including Ryu in the initial trial group was also rejected."

The team was unable to handle the constant barrage of bad news, which kept coming. Isao's usual composure cracked, his eyes widening in shock. His brows furrowed. "Rejected? But Why?"

Dr. Yuki shook her head, her frustration evident in the tightness of her jaw. "I have no idea. I have to speak with the council personally."

The lab fell into a heavy silence, each team member lost in their own thoughts. The once-bustling room now felt suffocating, the weight of disappointment palpable in the air. Dr. Yuki departed the hospital to have a conversation with the Leaf Medical Council members.

Later that day, as Dr. Yuki Sarutobi left the Leaf Medical Council headquarters, dejection enveloped her. Behind her, the massive building cast a shadow that crossed the street, serving as a menacing reminder of their defeat.

As she walked, her mind replayed the meeting, dissecting every word, every expression of the council members. The council determined that in order to ensure a thorough review of the lab results, it might be necessary to delay the clinical trials. It was understandable, but the outright rejection of Ryu's inclusion in the initial group... that felt personal, a jab fuelled by unspoken prejudice. Someone was clearly behind all of this.

After pausing momentarily to consider her next move, she scowled and said, "Danzo, I should have guessed earlier; who else can it be."

She gritted her teeth, refusing to let anger cloud her judgement. She thought, "No, this is beyond my control now. I cannot go against him. He is too powerful for me."

Ryu's health was paramount, but so was the success of the vaccine trials. With Ryu's illness rapidly progressing and spreading like wildfire, they could not afford to wait.

She was greeted with expectant faces as she pushed open the door to Ryu's bedroom. Always the upbeat person, Hana hopped on the balls of her feet. Isao, his stoic facade barely masking his concern, stood by the window. Ryu, his pale face etched with worry.

"Well?" Hana blurted out before Yuki could even take a breath. "What did they say?" Her voice was tinged with a desperate hope that made Dr. Yuki's heart ache.

Dr. Yuki sighed, the sound echoing in the sterile silence. "There's been a delay," she admitted, her voice heavy with disappointment.

Hana's eyes widened. "A delay? But why? The results were phenomenal. Did they offer a justification for this?" Her voice rose in pitch, disbelief colouring every word.

Dr. Yuki nodded, a hint of frustration flickering in her eyes. "The Council insists on a thorough review of all the data from the initial experiments. Apparently, they require additional time to ensure everything meets their stringent standards."

Isao stepped forward and said. "That's understandable, I suppose. But how long will this delay last?"

"Uncertain," Dr. Yuki replied, her gaze dropping to the floor. "They haven't provided a specific timeframe."

The silence that followed was thick with unspoken anxieties. The rhythmic beeping of lab equipment seemed unnaturally loud in the quiet room. This delay, unforeseen and unwelcome, threatened to derail their momentum. Ryu's inclusion in the initial trials had been a beacon of hope, and its rejection felt like a personal blow to Dr. Yuki.

With a protest, Hana remarked, "That is just unfair. Even during animal testing, all of the earlier lab results were flawless and had not yet resulted in any negative effects."

A collective groan filled the room. Hana's shoulders slumped, her usual energy seeming to drain away. Her cheerful facade crumbled, replaced by a grimace. Isao's brow furrowed in frustration. Ryu, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed on a point beyond the window.

"And Ryu inclusion in the human trial. What did they say about it?" Isao asked, his voice gruff but laced with concern. His eyes darted to the pale figure on the examination table, worry etched in the lines of his face.

"Unfortunately," Yuki continued, her voice dropping to a low murmur, "they rejected my proposal to include him in the initial trial group."

Isao and Hana exchanged a stunned look, their shock palpable in the air between them. Ryu's participation had been a cornerstone of their plan—a way to test the antibiotic's effectiveness firsthand. Now, that vital element is gone.

"Why?" Hana blurted out, her voice laced with disbelief. Her hands gesticulated wildly as she spoke. "They can't just reject a potential participant without a reason."

Dr. Yuki's jaw clenched, her frustration barely contained. "They cited potential bias and a conflict of interest due to my personal involvement with him."

A spark of anger ignited within Hana, her usual cheerfulness replaced by indignation. "Personal involvement? Ridiculous! Ryu is the perfect candidate. He's the one who needs this the most!"

Dr. Yuki held up a hand, silencing Hana's outburst. She cleared her throat. "I understand their concerns," she said, her voice regaining its composure. "However, I assure them, my relationship with Ryu will not affect my objectivity. But arguing won't change their minds. They have made their decision. I am also concerned about how they got to know about my relationship with Ryu."

She paused, her gaze sweeping across the room. She understood their concerns and the need for objectivity in research. But the council's decision felt more like a power play, a way to maintain control.

A steely glint replaced the dejection in her eyes, a fire of determination igniting within her. "Don't worry," she continued, her voice firm with resolve. "I have contacts high up in the Leaf Village Council. I'll address these concerns and ensure Ryu's inclusion. In the meantime, we focus on what we can control, refining the antibiotic further. Make it even more potent, even more effective. We will be prepared to make an even more compelling case when the council meets again."

Her words seemed to breathe life back into the room. Hana's eyes sparkled with renewed enthusiasm. She nodded vigorously. "We'll refine the antibiotic, Dr. Yuki. We'll make it undeniable. This delay won't break us. It will only make us stronger."

As they dove back into their research, the lab hummed with renewed energy. The sound of whirring gears and glass clinking blended together to create a symphony of scientific determination. A renewed sense of purpose settled over the lab. The setback was a thorn, but it wouldn't deter them. They were about to discover something revolutionary—a treatment that had the power to alter lives, especially Ryu's.

Dr. Yuki watched her team, a surge of pride swelling in her chest. She refused to allow a faceless council or a Danzo driven by power to get in their way. They would find a way—for Ryu, for the village, for the countless lives hanging in the balance. Their battle for the vaccine was just getting started, and she was prepared.

[## Author's Note: 

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