
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chapter 45: Other arrangements

A collective sigh of relief whooshed through the sterile hospital room as Hana and Isao burst through the doors.

"Ryu-sensei!" Hana practically shouted, rushing to his bedside. "We have fantastic news!"

Ryu, still pale and propped weakly against the pillows, managed a smile and asked, "Fantastic news, you say? what happened?"

Isao cleared his throat. "Well," he began, struggling to contain his own excitement, "Hana's been a whirlwind in the lab, and..." He glanced at Hana, who puffed out her chest with pride. "We finally have the results of the in-vitro tests! And..."

Hana couldn't contain herself any longer. "They were all successful, Ryu-sensei!"

Ryu's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening with a mixture of disbelief and hope. "All? You mean...?"

"Every single sample," Hana affirmed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm, "We tested ten samples from your body, subjecting them to varying antibiotic concentrations." The results were... incredible, Ryu-sensei." Her eyes shone with unshed tears of joy. "It seems your formula is a fighter, just like you."

A wave of emotion crashed over Ryu, threatening to pull him under. He blinked rapidly, fighting back the sting of tears. Relief, tinged with a hint of disbelief, flooded his system. He squeezed Isao's hand weakly. "Thank you, both of you. I couldn't have done it without you."

Isao's usual stoic demeanour cracked, revealing a warm smile. "We're a team, Ryu-kun. Your brilliance, Hana's determination, and my... well, let's say my ability to keep you both from blowing up the lab."

A chuckle, weak but genuine, escaped Ryu's lips. It felt foreign, almost forgotten after weeks of pain and uncertainty.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Dr. Yuki entered, her expression uncharacteristically bright. "The good news seems to have reached you already, Ryu," she said with a smile.

"Indeed, Dr. Yuki," Ryu replied, his voice stronger than it had been in weeks. "Hana and Isao just filled me in on the success of the in vitro tests. It's incredible!"

Dr. Yuki's smile widened. "It is, Ryu. And the good news doesn't stop there. We've made significant progress with the in-vivo tests as well. The lab mice infected with the specific strain also yielded positive results—a significant reduction in bacterial growth. I've already submitted a detailed report to the Leaf Medical Council, highly recommending your formula for immediate consideration in clinical trials."

Ryu's heart raced, hope surging through his veins like a potent drug. Clinical trials. The possibility, once a distant dream, now felt tantalisingly close. "Clinical trials. already?" he stammered, his voice thick with emotion.

"Yes, Ryu," Dr. Yuki said, her voice filled with hope. "I've also recommended your inclusion in the initial trial group. Of course, the final decision rests with the Council, but with these results, the odds are looking good."

A fire long dormant reignited in Ryu's eyes. A surge of determination coursed through him. He wouldn't let this opportunity slip away. He had fought too hard for too long to give up now. He proclaimed, "I am ready, Dr. Yuki," his voice ringing with newly discovered strength. "Let's do this. I am ready for the human trials. No other candidate is better suited for this than me."

Dr. Yuki nodded, her professional demeanour slipping for a moment to reveal her own excitement. "Ryu, we will need to get you ready for the human trial. There will be more tests and more monitoring. It won't be easy."

Hana bounced on her heels, unable to contain her enthusiasm. "We'll be with you every step of the way, Ryu-sensei! Just think, soon we might be celebrating not just your recovery, but a breakthrough that could save countless lives!"

Isao placed a steadying hand on Hana's shoulder, but his own eyes gleamed with pride. "One step at a time, Hana. But yes, Ryu, we're here for you, whatever comes next."

The fight was far from over, but for the first time since his diagnosis, Ryu felt a flicker of optimism. With a renewed sense of purpose fuelling him, he was ready to face the next challenge—the human trials—and bring his creation, the potential cure, one step closer to the world.

As the group continued to discuss the future, filled with optimism, the scene shifts to a darker corner of the village...

A figure skittering through Leaf Village's streets during a stormy evening. Arriving at the grand gates of Root Headquarters was a Root-ANBU codenamed "The Crow," who was completely covered in black and had a mask covering his face.

With his footsteps strangely quiet on the cold stone floor, Crow moved through the maze-like corridors as the lightning and storm intensified, as well as darkness surrounding him as he reached Danzo Shimura's office. He formed a few hand seals, and all the rainwater on him was collected between his hands, and previously wet clothing of Crow was now as dry as sun-dried laundry.

There was a single knock in the stillness, and a sharp "Enter" from inside gave him permission to enter. Danzo sat behind his desk, a plethora of maps and scrolls spread out in front of him, his one visible eye glimmering with a chilly light.

"Crow," Danzo rasped, his voice rough with age and hidden motives. "Your report?"

Crow bowed low. "Dr. Yuki has developed a prototype vaccine and conducted successful in-vitro and in-vivo tests. Dr. Yuki Sarutobi has made significant progress, Danzo-sama. She has submitted her findings to the Leaf Medical Council and requested immediate consideration for human trials."

A flicker of annoyance crossed Danzo's face, a subtle shift barely perceptible. "Human trials, you say?" he muttered, stroking his beard thoughtfully. An intricate web of calculations and plans began to emerge in his mind.

"Indeed," Crow confirmed, oblivious to the inner turmoil brewing within his leader. "The results are promising, and the Council is expected to make a decision soon."

Danzo's fingers drummed a slow, deliberate rhythm on his desk. The sound echoed in the oppressive silence of the room, each tap like the tick of a sinister clock counting down to some unseen deadline.

Danzo steepled his fingers, his single eye narrowing. Yuki's success posed a problem. The orphanage she ran, a haven for orphans, was currently funded by Leaf. If the vaccine proved successful, it would bring her wealth and independence, severing the financial ties that bound her to Root's influence. He couldn't allow that to happen. He couldn't lose his hold over the orphanage, a valuable source of fresh recruits for his clandestine operations.

"This presents a problem for the Root's future," Danzo finally said in a tone that hinted at danger. "The potential profits from this vaccine could disrupt our control over the orphanage. We cannot allow this trial to go forward and be successful."

Crow remained silent, his training conditioning him to follow orders without question. But beneath his mask, a bead of sweat formed on his brow. He knew the lengths Danzo would go to in order to maintain his power.

"Schedule a meeting with key members of the Leaf Medical Council," Danzo instructed, his voice cold as steel. "My influence will ensure a lengthy review process. In the meantime, we will make other arrangements."

"Other arrangements" meant "sabotage," and Crow understood. The thought of tampering with a potentially life-saving vaccine left a bitter taste in his mouth. Still, he was a devoted soldier, and disobeying Danzo was out of the question.

Crow bowed his head. "As you command, Lord Danzo."

A ghost of a smile played on Danzo's lips, a chilling sight that didn't reach his eyes. "This is for the greater good, Crow. Remember that sometimes sacrifices are necessary to ensure the stability and safety of the village."

This wouldn't be a permanent roadblock, Danzo mused. He had other agents and more persuasive methods at his disposal. He would ensure the trials were delayed, then "encourage" unforeseen complications during the process. With a little manipulation, he could ensure this so-called cure never saw the light of day.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the orphanage, Yuki Sarutobi sat at her desk, her brow furrowed in concentration. The day's events replayed in her mind—the elation on her students' faces when she shared the news of the in-vivo test results, their unwavering belief in her work. As she reviewed the data from the trials, a silent vow formed on her lips. She wouldn't let anything happen to Ryu.

Outside, the wind howled, carrying with it the promise of an approaching storm. Yuki glanced out the window, watching as dark clouds gathered on the horizon. A shiver ran down her spine, an inexplicable sense of foreboding settling over her.

"I won't let you down, Ryu," she whispered to the empty room. "No matter what obstacles we face, we'll see this through. Together."

The storm outside continued to rage, reflecting the turmoil that Danzo and Yuki were experiencing. Two forces, driven by vastly different motives, were on a collision course. There was a chance that both Ryu's health and the vaccine's future were in jeopardy.

[## Author's Note

Dear Readers,

I am sorry that I could not wrap up the Sick Ryu storyline in just one mass release so i plan to do a few more, few days apart. I know many of you are eager to get to the good stuff, and I want to make sure we move forward swiftly!

Also, for those on Patreon, there are five more free chapters available for all free members. I hope you enjoy them!

If you're enjoying the story and want to support it further, consider donating power stones. Your support makes a big difference and keeps the momentum going!

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm.




[## Author's Note: 

Please follow me on P@treon to get earlier access. Five more chapters are free on P@treon

Latest Chapter on P@treon :- Chapter 77: Legacy

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