
Naruto: The Lust Gamer (original)

Synopsis: In his past life, he was...slow. His mental capacities rightfully qualified him as a "special" kid. He was good at certain things but atrocious in most others. Maybe that was why he made the decision he did when he died. Now he'll be reincarnated, and hopes to learn some stuff that would help him not die. Then there's...[Kekkei Genkai: Lust Release]...that. !FemNaruto. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL LUST GAMER. YAMRAAJ HAS STOLEN MY WORK THAT WAS ORIGINALLY UPLOADED ON FANFICTION.NET.

Exalted_Owl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 - Stakes

I mentally commanded the system to attach her affection levels next to the notifications.

"…A wager?" Kurenai asked curiously.

"Yup!" I said, smiling like a cheshire cat "a wager to prove my talents!"

She raised an eyebrow at me a smiled, intrigue on her face.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 5%)]

"…and what are the terms of this wager?" she asked.

"If you are willing to teach me how to disrupt a genjutsu, then I can bet that I could get it down within a week!"

She looked at me for a bit, almost making me squirm. Then she let out a giggle, then she laughed outright, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"This is too much! I.." She tried to control her chuckling, "I hate to break it to you Jin-kun, but dispelling a genjutsu is a lot harder than it sounds. It requires both the chakra capacity to overwhelm complex genjutsu cast on you, and the chakra control required to release it in a singular powerful burst. Both of which you do not have. It normally takes at least a high-genin or even chunin levels of chakra to disrupt even the most basic genjutsu. You're an academy brat."

I smirked at her. "Then it would be even more impressive when I manage to do it."

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 8%)]

"Heh. 'When' not 'if' huh…Brat. I hate to break the dreams of aspiring young ninjas like yourself but I need to give you a healthy dose of reality. I do like the confidence and enthusiasm though. Fine, I'll take your wager. Meet me here after school today and I'll teach you the steps."


I wanted to start dancing on the spot. Fuck yeah! I get to spend time with the second hottest person I know (Sayuri will always be first in my eyes…though by a very, dangerously, almost infinitely small margin. But Sayuri is first! Always!).

Kurenai smirked at me. She must have seen the elation on my face.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 10%)]

"Why Jin-san. If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed that this was your plan all along. To get some alone time with your sensei."

I froze and blushed. Had my expression given me away?

"N-no sensei, while that may be a part of the reason, I actually do want to learn how to disrupt a genjutsu," I said.

"Hmm…you'd better. I'm not going to take it easy on you." She said, crossing an arm on the underside of her magnificent assets whilst examining her pristine nails in the hands of the other. The gesture didn't even make her look haughty as it normally would to any other person…God she reeked sex appeal.

"Roger that, sensei." I affirmed.

"So…Now that we have the terms of the wager, what are we even wagering for?" she asked.

"What we're wagering for?" I said. Honestly, my mind still hadn't caught up with me just yet after being so surprised that she accepted.

"Yes…the cost of the wager. Basically what I'm going to get out of it when you lose," She looked at me, her ruby red eyes peering into my soul, "That is, unless the wager was nothing but a gimmick for getting me to waste my time with you."

"Right! yes…" I responded, "Well since I'm most definitely going to win—"

She scoffed.

"—I will name my cost after you name yours."

Kurenai thought for a moment.

"Hmmm…" she hummed in thought, then her eyes lit up, "you have to clean up an apartment."

"…an apartment?" I drawled with a deadpan. Kurenai didn't seem like the type to be unorganised and messy.

"Yes, but it's not my apartment. I'm passing out the punishment of a lost bet to you. It's actually an apartment of a good friend of mine." Kurenai explained.

"Ah…already used to losing bets, sensei?" I commented.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has decreased. (Total: 5%)]

Oh…wrong comment.

"Cheeky. Let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is. Now what's your price?"

I smiled and said: "A kiss."



"…a kiss?" Kurenai said, unimpressed.

"Yep," I confirmed, "A kiss. Right here." I pointed to my smiling lips.



Kurenai laughed. Hard. "That's a—" she got out in between her laughter. How she still managed to retain her elegance when outright guffawing at me, I had no idea.

"That's a good one!" She said once she calmed down once again.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 11%)]

My expression didn't change.



"You were serious?!" Kurenai exclaimed.

"Yes." I said, resolutely.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has decreased. (Total: -15%)]

"Haaaaa…you shouldn't joke around like that, Takezuchi," she said, her voice darker and held a reserved anger unlike I've heard in her before.

"Just because you look alright for your age and the girls in class seem like they're practically throwing themselves at you, that doesn't mean that you can show me disrespect by insinuating that you can get anywhere with me. Because you certainly don't have a chance, you green-nosed brat."

The silence that followed simmered for a bit as I thought up a response. I was internally panicking. I didn't want her to dislike me. Oh it was so easy to get someone to dislike you, and I didn't know Kurenai enough yet to understand where her buttons lay and when to carefully tread.

I figured that, once again, honesty was the way to go. I had a feeling, from the way she's a master at deception, that she could sniff out lies like bloodhound.

"Sensei…I know I may have been forward in setting my sights on someone who I have no right to want. Especially you sensei. The class respects you more than even Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei, just because you're Jonin alone and I know how hard it is to even make it to Jonin, especially at how young you seem to look." I admitted.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 5%)]

"But, if I'm honest, even amongst the girls in class and the kunoichi's I occasionally see patrolling the village, when you walked into the room, you immediately become one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen…if not the most beautiful. It's incredibly difficult to set yourself apart as beautiful in a village of pretty kunoichi but you're breathtaking, sensei. It's not even a comparison."

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 15%)]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 5]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 6]

It's a…make or break moment here. What I say next would either get her to like me or detest me worse than missing-nin scum.

"I…I know that I'm just an academy student, and I'm currently not even close to even be in your radar but seeing how incredibly beautiful and strong you are as both a woman and a kunoichi, I had to shoot my shot. And this is me shooting my shot even if I get shot down in return." I gestured to me, standing here right now with no one else but her in class.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 20%)]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 7]

She was still silent. Observing me and my words. I knew I hadn't the skill to deceive her, no matter how hard I tried, so I said what I thought genuinely.

"And…and I may have an ulterior motive in trying to get in your pants."

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has decreased. (Total: 13%)]

"But could you blame me? You have to know how incredibly gorgeous you are. And while I might not be worthy of you now, I will be worthy of you eventually, sensei. That's a promise."

Kurenai's eyes widened as I finished. I guess she didn't expect that level of conviction coming out of a 15-year-old academy brat who's half her age but I saw the intrigue in her eyes.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 25%—liked)]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 8]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 9]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 10]

Silence notifications. At this point they were becoming too much, especially in the crescendo of the moment. It is here that I will die or live. Make your grave, Jin, and be prepared to be buried with your heart ripped out.

"…Heh. Not bad, brat. But you're still a novice in buttering people up.

I tensed up as Kurenai got up from her chair and sauntered around her desk as she walked to me. Her swaying hips drew my eyes, and I was sure she didn't do it on purpose. She just gushed out sexuality in every movement, even without conscious thought.

Then she slapped me. Right where Narumi slapped me just yesterday. I guess school here didn't have any 'don't-beat-the-children-rules.'

"That," Kurenai said, "Was for the comment about getting into my pants."

Then she walked away towards the door.

"S-so you won't teach me?" I asked, hesitantly.

"…I didn't say that," she said, "I'll take you on your wager. It's final. I'll see you after school and don't disappoint me."

Then she left. Just like that.

I slumped down to the floor and despite the stinging sensation on my cheek, I felt like I could jump across clouds. That was a win. A definite win!

I smiled. Then I snickered. Then I laughed.

"This is the best day ever!" I exclaimed to the heavens.

I would get it done. No matter what. That kiss was mine!

I wasn't all talk. I had a plan. It has something to do with something called a dungeon that I've had the pleasure (read: stupidity) to experience some time ago.

Flashback. 1 year ago.

I was walking down an alley as I just got back from the park, looking at trees and dogs on my break day when a notification popped up. This route was a detour, an unfamiliar one.


[You have discovered a dungeon entrance!]

[Dungeon: The Rat King's nest (C-tier)]

[Do you wish to enter?]


I gaped at the floating screens. A dungeon?! Hot damn! Why didn't I discover this sooner?

I did a quick check-up on weapon stock, Kunai and Shiruken were always in the back ninja bag, with extra in my thigh holster. I was well equipped in case someone tried to jump me during my walk. Sayuri was also out on a mission so I could be home late. The only things that I was missing were food rations and water.

I ran back home and returned as quickly as I could just in case the dungeon entrance disappeared on me.

Thankfully it was still there when I got back. It might have been a stupid idea to enter, especially since my stats weren't even all capped yet and my chakra coils were still developing but…no risk, no reward, I guess.

Yes. Enter dungeon.

There was no sensation, no warning, no anything really. One second I was in an alleyway between two buildings and the next, I was in a dark, echoing place that looked oddly like a giant sewer.

It was a sewer.

And god, it reeked to high heaven. It smelled like…well it smelled like a sewer. There was no other elegant way to describe it. It stank of piss and shit.

I crept forwards, silencing my steps like Sayuri taught me. I was on the side of the sewer, standing on one of the walkways separated by murky waters. Small pieces of debris and decayed…things were littered about the place. A kunai was already in my hand, prepared and ready to strike at any threats that may pop up at anytime from anywhere.

I may not have chakra but that didn't mean I wasn't able to protect myself. I've trained almost every single day since the time I could walk.

I wandered for a while, careful and stealthy, until a faint sound of squeaking alerted me to a presence around another corner I was headed towards. I immediately slowed my pace and controlled my breathing, my already quiet steps became silent.

As I reached the corner and peeked around it, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets in shock.

It was a rat.

And it was almost as big as me.


Observation target: Rejected Rat Runt (level 46)

Threat level: High

That's it?!

That was almost useless. At least it told me its level and compared to my 26, it was an entire 20 levels above me. This might be why I couldn't gleam more of its information…and probably also because it was hostile to me in regards to relationship status. Also, this was a rejected runt of the litter?! That's preposterous, how strong do these rats get?!

It was facing away from me gnawing at something I couldn't see.

I weighed the risks of engagement. It was a higher level than me, but I had the initial first strike because I was hidden, and it could be enough provided I used the poison that Sayuri demonstrated to me. It was simple yet effective and fast acting. Its effects consisted of a mixture of paralysis to mess with muscle functions and toxic chemicals that travel through the bloodstream until it stops the heart. Higher-level Shinobi like Jonin could slow down its effects or even burn the poison out of their systems outright. But for some Chuunin threats or below, it was lethal. It was countered by an immediate antidote or a temporary poison immunity booster that was taken beforehand. I'd taken the booster right before coming here so that left me immune to my own poison for a day or two. I also had the antidote in stock as well. I was prepared.

And I decided to take the risk.

I snuck up to the rat as silent as slow-blowing wind, with a kunai at the ready.

Once I'd gotten close enough, I struck. It was clean and precise, a testament to my training.

It landed on the back of the rat's neck, just as it stood up on its rear legs for a bit.

It didn't die.

It squealed and instinctively lashed out, kicking its hind legs so fast that I barely even reacted in time. Damn these stat caps. How come a fucking rat was faster than me?!

It turned around to put its red, menacing eyes on me.

That was when I realised…

This was a mistake. This was most definitely a mistake.

Do you know why I knew?

It was because it was holding a giant Chinese Dao sword and took up a proper martial arts stance.

What the fuck was this, A From Software game?! This was Naruto, not Dark Souls! Rats don't fucking wield weapons.

I ran.

I ran as fast as I could.

And I'm glad I did because if my instincts didn't tell me to back the fuck up from where I was, I would have been decapitated in an instant. The rat was fast. Extraordinarily so. Way faster than me.

That was when I realised…

This dungeon…may have been designed for people who could use chakra in mind, not a regular human pleb. Although why that was, I hadn't any idea. It wasn't like anyone other than me could access it.

…maybe it was designed for me, but I'd discovered it and entered far earlier than when Gandalf thought I would.

The rat ran up the walls, sticking to them effortlessly, its feet were probably laced with chakra. Oh god. Gandalf, help me. I didn't mean to be so arrogant, I swear.

It caught up to me and swung its massive Dao sword, almost as big as its own body. I dodged to the left and the concrete walkway beneath me cracked, and sure enough, a large sword-sized indentation was made in it.

Holy fuck.

That thing was not just fast as fuck but strong as Hercules too!

I needed to get out of here.

I needed to get out of here asap.

I ran back to where I remembered the dungeon entrance was, already memorising the route I took so far. I'd walked for about half an hour to get to that rat, going as slowly and carefully as I did. Sprinting back would take a quarter of that time.

The hairs on the back of my neck tingled and I dodged again, going into a well-practised roll before getting back up and continuing on running.

The rat behind me let out a squeak of irritation, having just tried and failed to cleave me into two.

Yeah, no.

I wasn't going to fight the thing!

I know my place, thank you very much.

And I was way too arrogant to think that this was a good idea in the first place.

A C-tier dungeon? How hard could it possibly be?


Very hard.

This was only a rejected rat runt! What about the proper accepted ones? Are they fatter, faster, stronger? I didn't want to find out. Not now at least.

It took another ten minutes of me running as fast as I could, the rat catching up, me narrowly dodging death, the rat letting out sounds of annoyance, and then me running again.

But in the end, it was incredibly lucky for me that I created enough distance between me and the rat upon reaching the entrance.

[Dungeon Entrance. Would you like to leave?]


Yesssssss. Fucking Yesssssssss. Get me out of here!

[Leave disabled. Hostile mob nearby.]

[Leave disabled. 72-hour minimum time not achieved.]

Dread filled me. Oh my god, I was going to die here.

I heard a scuttling sound behind me.

It was the rat.

It had a menacing sneer on its face because it, too, knew that I was screwed. The dungeon entrance was a dead end, I had no other place to run to.

The rat was stronger and faster. Enough so that it could out-manoeuvre and out-muscle me despite all my practice over the last 10 years.

It swung its sword, making me dodge to the side, barely escaping. I didn't know how I was doing this, being as slippery as I was.

It struck again. Another dodge.

Another strike. Another dodge.


Then, I was in a corner.

The rat's sneer widened. It was its plan all along. To corner me so that I won't be able to dodge anymore. It was a tactical error on my part. The adrenaline and panic of the battle didn't allow me to think straight.

It was a mistake. A mistake caused by inexperience in a real life or death fight. One with real malice and real killing intent.

The poison wasn't working. At least, not as far as I could see.

It prepared to strike one final time and my life flashed before my eyes. The short life I'd had with Sayuri, my parents, my goals and dreams, my aspirations.


It couldn't end this.

On that night, in that dungeon, even Gandalf wouldn't have had an idea as to how I'd managed it. Perhaps it was the poison in the rat's veins. Perhaps it was because of its arrogance, viewing me as nothing but a flea in its fur because in truth, I was a flea compared to it. But in the deepest, darkest corners of my soul, Bob Hasek sneered at my shaking legs, my trembling hands, my tingling spine, my weaknesses…and he spat at it.

Launching off the wall, I rushed at it with a suicide attack. The very least I could do was take this fucking thing down with me.

Not today. Not today, motherfucker.

I must have caught it off guard as I got in a shot with my poison dagger. It landed on its eye.

It did not expect a flea to bite back.

The rat was at the apex of its swing as I struck and it squealed in pain when the blow landed. It thrashed out its sword, somehow luckily hitting my face with the flat of the blade rather than the edge.

I was dazed and my vision swam just from just that one blow. The rat could break concrete and it sure as hell should've cracked open my skull. But it didn't. I was lucky the strike was more of an instinctive backhand rather than a proper blow.

The rat had dropped its sword to grab at its eye, letting out hisses of pain and fury.

It was a mistake.

A mistake I used to my fullest advantage.

I grabbed the dropped Dao sword, wincing at how heavy it was but managing to lever it above my head.

The rat pried the kunai out of its eye just in time to see my decapitating blow.

The sword struck its neck and ended at its spinal cord.

…but it didn't go through. The strength difference between me and this beast was immense. It could crack concrete, I could barely get it through flesh and bone.

But it was enough.


[You have slain Rejected Rat Runt (level 46)]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have reached the level cap for the first stage of your evolution]

I couldn't feel joy or relief. My heart was still in the battle and despite the messages, I lifted the Dao sword again and hacked the dead rat once, twice, three times, four times…

After my tenth strike, my arms started to burn. Then I collapsed to my knees. My tears flowed without permission, my heart pumped like a drum in my ribcage, and my breath was shallow and rapid.

I knew what this was.

It was a panic attack, one of the responses that Sayuri informed me of. I needed to control my breathing.

[Breathing has levelled up.]

[Breathing has reached level cap]

It might have been five minutes, it might've been a few hours but eventually, my breath slowed and I managed to calm down.

I stayed in that dungeon, covering and scared, rationing my water and rations for 3 days before the entrance opened up again and I left to find myself exactly where I was when I'd entered…and found out later that barely an hour has passed since I left instead of three days.

I paid it no mind though. My head was filled with the sneer of the rat and the red glow of its eerie eyes.

It haunted me.

I made a promise to that rat. A promise that the next time I entered, I wouldn't be the one covering in fear.

But still…that night, and many more nights to come, were filled with terrors of that dungeon, and it would plague me until I entered it again.