
Naruto: The Lust Gamer (original)

Synopsis: In his past life, he was...slow. His mental capacities rightfully qualified him as a "special" kid. He was good at certain things but atrocious in most others. Maybe that was why he made the decision he did when he died. Now he'll be reincarnated, and hopes to learn some stuff that would help him not die. Then there's...[Kekkei Genkai: Lust Release]...that. !FemNaruto. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL LUST GAMER. YAMRAAJ HAS STOLEN MY WORK THAT WAS ORIGINALLY UPLOADED ON FANFICTION.NET.

Exalted_Owl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 - Interaction

Lunch with Ino, Sakura and the addition of Narumi was quieter than usual. Probably because no one knew what to say to each other. Ino was normally comfortable flirting with me but Narumi set her a bit on edge. Sakura was trying to find ways to interact with the non-responding Narumi. And Narumi wasn't comfortable eating with a group…like at all. She kept fidgeting about in her seat.

"so…" I said, "the weather's pretty nice today, huh?"


The three girls deadpanned at me as I smiled. Works every time.

"…seriously?" Narumi said, almost annoyed.

"Oh you know, just commenting on the weather," I said, unabashed, "It's just a nice day to hang out with three beautiful ladies."

All three blushed at that then all proceeded to have different reactions. Narumi made a "Tch" sound and turned her head away, ears blazing red. Sakura looked bashful and shy but had a smile plastered to her face even after she pretended to carry on eating her lunch. Ino looked at me as if I'd just given her the most delicious morsel.

"Why~ Jin-babe," She said sultrily as she pressed herself against me. She'd called dips on the seat spot after losing a rock-paper-scissors game with Sakura apparently, who was sitting at Ino's opposite on the small table, scowling at our interaction. Narumi sat opposite of me, uninterested.

"I didn't know you thought of me that way~" She drawled, "But we all know that you think I'm the prettiest one here, with the way you leered at me in class yesterday."

"As if!" Sakura said.

"Hmmm…" I pretended to mull it over, then I said: "You're all really, really, really pretty, I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart…but Narumi's the hottest."

What? Why are they looking at me like that? I was honest!

A faint screech of a crow could be heard in the distance after how much quieter it's all gotten. It was as if that one statement put a stop to all conversation around me.

Oh, it did put a stop to all conversation around me.

I looked left and right, catching not only the gobsmacked expression of Ino, Sakura, and Narumi but also most of the people sitting nearby who heard me say that.

I blushed. Wait no I didn't blush, the air was just warmer!

"I…" I said, "…I should've kept that to myself."

"Whaaat?!" Ino said, pressing even closer to me with my arms trapped between her generous prizes, "You can't be serious! What do you even find attractive about Narumi-baka." She pointed to the now annoyed blond.

"Everything," I replied immediately.

Those words slipped out.

"I-I mean," I stammered, trying to salvage the slipping of my tongue, "I could list the things about her I find attractive but we'll be here for a long while."

That wasn't much better, really.

The three looked at me again as if my nose had just suddenly popped off my face and started walking away.

Narumi…was a tomato again. Sakura was blushing and trying to distract herself by finishing her food though not much of it was left. Ino just kept staring at me like I'd just said the most unbelievable thing she'd heard.

"Sh-shut up, Jin-baka," Narumi said, burying her face with her hands, "don't make me slap you again."

I'd turned off system notifications before this conversation but I could already feel in my gut that the flirting skill levelled up again. God, was it a passive ability or something, or was it Sayuri's speaking-out-load disease?

My tongue had worked its magic more than once now without my permission.

I gulped.

Thankfully I was saved when a new voice entered the fray.

"My, my, Jin-san," Hinata said as she sat down on Narumi's right. "Such a silver tongue you have there."

Oh god. Oh god please don't kill me Hinata-hime, I didn't mean to thirst for Narumi like that.

"H-Hinata-san," I stuttered, "h-how are you doing today?"

I pretended that the last five minutes didn't happen and tried to act casually, placing my elbow on the table and my hand on my chin.

"I've been doing just fine, thank you," she replied smoothly. God, her voice was like silk!

She continued, "I'm just a bit upset that I wasn't invited to this little gathering. I've been having lunch in the presence of that annoying mutt this entire time."

…Wasn't that a bit rude?

I was assuming 'mutt' was Kiba but Hinata in canon was the sweetest girl in existence. She would have trouble insulting Orochimaru, much less a fellow classmate like Kiba.

…although I saw how he could be a bit annoying.

I shrugged.

"Well you're welcome to join us anytime, Hinata-san," I said.

She smiled gratefully and nodded.

"Hey hold on a minute, I didn't agree to this!" Ino said from my side. "Jin-babe, trust me, you don't want her here. She'll treat you more like a servant than a friend."

"How uncouth!" Hinata said, only a hint of anger in her tone, "At least, I'm not the one smothering my cleavage into his arm like a wonton whore!"

"A-a whore?!" Ino screeched, "at least I don't go around prancing like a peacock without anything to show for it!"

"A-A peacock?!" Hinata's voice changed in tone, "be careful how you speak to me, peasant!"

Ino turned to me as if she'd just shown me the light. "See! that's a prime example!"

I sighed. Three months. Three months of this drama b.s then I'm out. I'll try to leave a good impression while I'm at it.

"Girls…" I said, drawing their attention to me, "this would all go a lot better if you were all even a bit like Sakura-chan and Narumi-chan over there and at least try to be cordial."

That drew their attention to Sakura who was pretending to eat her non-existent food, making her blush even harder, and Narumi who was still like a tomato from earlier.

"You're right," Hinata agreed, "Pardon my rudeness, Jin-san, I tend to get angry in the presence of such…" She eyed Ino, "…a volatile person."

Ino mumbled angrily under her breath as she ignored the comment and picked at her food. "Stupid princess, stupid Jin-babe taking her side, stupid food…"

Her food did indeed look a bit stale.

It mood was better but tension was still in the air. Then I remembered something. I can't believe I almost forgot! I made some extra food when I cooked dinner for Sayuri yesterday.

"Here," I said as I reached into my bag next to me and handed over a bento that was just as large as my own. I did eat a lot to get the proper macros in my meals for my still-developing body, but I made this one more of a sharing plate and tasting menu. "you said my food seemed 'scrumptious' yesterday, so consider it a trial run."

It was a bento filled with an assortment of what I usually make. It had some recipes that I remembered Bob Hasek eating throughout his life. I tried to make some food that wasn't necessarily Japanese cuisine to give them all a try at something unique. There were some pieces of Korean fried chicken with soy garlic sauce, Some cheesy arancini balls from Italy, some 1000 layered potato stacks from Tiktok (that was one of Bob's favourites that his earth aunt made for him one time), some chilli crab meat from Singapore, and a bit more from other parts of Earth. It was, all in all, very much all over the place. But as I'd said, it was a taster bento to see what they liked. I took the liberty yesterday night to make all this. Just because I trained most of the time didn't mean I didn't have free time, and I liked cooking for Sayuri and experimenting with dishes. It took some pressure off of her shoulders in trying to raise me….

…It was more like I'd raised her. Sure she'd shown me the ropes when I initially tried out cooking but after I got the hang of it and enough levels, I could handle my own. Though she still cooked for me more often than not. More 'Ara~ Ara~ but it's motherly business…'

…and my cooking wasn't as good as hers…yet…

Ino gasped as I opened the bento box, along with the others.

"Dig in!" I said with a smile, "There's certainly enough for all of you to taste!"

At first, no one moved to try it, making me slump a bit.

Then Narumi snatched one of the arancini balls with her chopsticks and ate it.

She chewed as we all awaited her reaction.

"…holy fuck, that's so good," she said and I let out a sigh of relief. At least someone appreciates my efforts.

"Jin-babe," Ino said, looking at me with teary eyes, "You didn't have to make this for me…"

"I didn't!" I replied honestly and immediately, unintentionally shooting her down and making her deflate, "I made it for everyone!"

"…everyone?" Sakura said, then she eyed Hinata and Narumi, "so you knew that we were all going to hang eat lunch together?"

I nodded. "If you hadn't taken the initiative to invite Narumi—thank you for that by the way—" I said as Narumi grumbled for a bit, "I would have gathered you three like lost lambs…though I didn't account for Hinata. Thankfully, I made extra just in case something like this happened."

They all smiled and dug in, each and all moaning on their first bites. All except…Sakura, who didn't dig in.

"Sakura-chan?" I said, "you don't want to try?"

She shook her head. "I do want to but…my diet."

I understood. It was normal for some people to obsess over their looks and appearance, and thereby be obsessive about their diet. It was easy to judge someone over it, especially in a world filled with Ninjas, but with the high beauty standards of Kunoichi women and the positive reinforcement Sakura gained from looking better through her very, very strict diet (from her very small portions I'd observed), it wasn't something I could throw stones at. Heck, I dumped 17 points into charisma one time…talk about having glass houses…

But…Sakura, at least the Sakura in canon was weak. Incredibly so. Until Tsunade took her in and trained her—and there was no guarantee of that happening in this universe—she would remain weak. I didn't want her to die. I liked her.

"Sakura-chan," I said and she winced. She probably had people say this to her multiple times. I raised my hands apologetically, "I don't mean to control what you wish and don't wish to eat, but we're ninjas, Sakura-chan. Our lifestyles allow us to eat as much as we want without gaining too much weight, and while I understand that we can't outwork a bad diet, that doesn't mean you should starve yourself to look good. You're already gorgeous and you won't stop being gorgeous if you start eating properly."

It was harder than it sounded. Eating disorders were hard to overcome and sometimes lead to severe anorexia. I didn't want that for her.

Sakura shyly gave a small smile. "R-really?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Eat Sakura-chan, you'll need the fuel for Taijutsu and getting strong!" I encouraged.

She blushed heartedly as I smiled. She hesitantly took a bite out of the crab and moaned in pleasure.

"Oi, Sakura," Narumi said from beside her, "Don't get roped in too much, he's doing that thing again."

Sakura was surprised that Narumi was the one to start a conversation with her but after digesting the words, she nodded as she understood what she meant.

I was taken aback. I certainly didn't understand. "What thing?" I asked.

"The Jin Thing," Narumi replied as Sakura and the other girls giggled.

"…Helpful." I deadpanned. "No seriously, what thing?"

"…excessive flirting and a golden tongue," Narumi mumbled and the other girls laughed, much to my embarrassment. The good thing though was that Narumi gave herself a small smile and seemed to relax a bit around the girls—which was a huge win…even if it was at my expense.

I grabbed my heart in mock pain. "B-but I only speak from the heart! and golden tongue? I didn't know there was an upgrade after silver!"

The girls laughed again, and Narumi joined in this time.

"No," Narumi said after the laughter died down a bit, "You speak from your dick and yes, a golden tongue because you speak as if the Shinigami himself would cut it off if you don't, at the very least, make yourself look like an idiot."

The sound of even harder laughter and Narumi's expression of joy that her joke was appreciated had slowly faded from my mind.

Wait…soul, where are you going?! Why are you leaving my body? Get back here!

Alas, I spent the rest of lunch deflated and slumped down even as the girls, Sakura included, complimented my cooking.

After school brought me a near escape from a searching Ino who wanted to walk home with me. Too bad I could blend in the shadows, with steps quieter than that of an ant's. I was the master of stealth! No mere mortal could spot me while I—

"Jin, what are you doing in the corner over there?" Kurenai asked.

"H-how did you see me, sensei?!" I said, surprised. I was at the corner of the walkway looking a bit creepy, but I was making sure that Ino wasn't still out to get me.

"I've seen ninjas sneak around better in their sleep," She said, smacking down my self-esteem.

"Ouch, sensei," I said as she smiled.

"Well, good thing I found you. We'll be practising at my place today." She said.

If that was a male teacher who said that to a female student, I would've called the authorities!

But in this case…hehehehe, this could lead to something interesting…

I grinned.

Kurenai chopped me on the head.

She was shorter than me and had to reach up to do so but managed to make it quick and painful.

"Ow!" I said, grabbing the spot of contact, "What was that for, sensei?"

"For thinking stupid thoughts," she replied before heading down the corridor.

…how did she know?

Kurenai's apartment was…in a word, homey. It was a bit rustic, with more wood than concrete but it only made the space feel warmer and cosier as the evening sun shone through her windows.

"Your apartment is amazing, sensei," I said as I glanced around.

"Thanks," she said, "but we're not here for that. Go sit on the couch whilst I teach you. First, though, I'm going to make some tea."

I sat comfortably whilst I patiently waited. The couch was plush and nice, allowing me to sink in.

Whilst I wait, I reactivated the system.

System, show me notifications.

[Notification: Sakura Haruno's affection level has increased. (Total: 32%—liked)]

[Notification: Hinata Hyuga's affection level has increased. (Total: 26%—liked)]

[Notification: Ino Yamanaka's affection level has increased. (Total: 30%—liked)]

[Notification: Narumi Uzumaki's affection level has increased. (Total: 35%—liked)]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 11]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 12]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 13]

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 14]

Sweet. I knew it took a whole lot more effort to raise the affection meter from liked to trusted and subsequently from trusted to endeared and so on for each milestone, but getting the girls to like me now would do me good in the future.

The footsteps of Kurenai alerted me to her coming presence and I willed my affection meter on for our interaction. Unlike the girls, Kurenai was a different beast in trying to befriend…and maybe even one day do more than just that, so I had no discomfort in using the advantage of my Kekkei Genkai and the system.

"Here," she said as she poured me a cup of tea for a see-through teapot. In it were different flowers and herbs colouring the tea a dark orange-brown.

I took a sip. It was wonderful. "Mmm…lavender? It's so nice…" I said.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 28%—liked)]

"Yes," She smiled and nodded, "it helps keep one calm."

I smiled back at her. "So, shall we get started?"

From then on, Kurenai showed me how the technique works. The technique stops the flow of chakra in your body and then applies a stronger burst of chakra all at once to disrupt the flow of the caster's genjutsu technique. It was a lot harder than it sounds and required both a higher level of Chakra capacity and manipulation than I have now.

…it was basically, and frustratingly, exactly as she said before.

I gave a pathetically underpowered chakra burst that barely managed to ripple the simple genjutsu of a small squirrel Kurenai had cast on top of the table.

[Basic Chakra manipulation has increased to level 10]

[Chakra capacity has increased to level 34]

Huh…sometimes I notice that the system messages change from time to time in telling the same thing. Sometimes it would just say 'chakra manipulation has levelled up' without showing the levels. Sometimes it had the word 'notification' in front of it like the skill flirting did. I guess it was up to what my mind unconsciously wanted to see. I didn't know how to system worked but so long as it did, I didn't really care what small differences there were.

The squirrel was eating perpetually forming nuts like a 3D hologram loop but it was so high definition that one could not tell the difference between it and the real thing. For all I know, Kurenai might've just plucked one up from the trees outside and put a genjutsu on its mind just to mess with me.

"That's not bad for an academy brat," Kurenai smirked from the single lounge chair, "you see? It takes time to grow into the ninja you want to be. There's no need to rush."

I gave another weak burst but I could already tell that I was running low on chakra. I wish there was a chakra bar or something for me to see exactly how much I had but it wasn't to be. Having a system that tells stats was already useful enough as it is.

"If you weren't so incredible at genjutsu, I would have made a mark, sensei," I muttered.

[Notification: Flirting has increased to level 15]

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 30%—liked)]

"Flattery will get you nowhere," she smirked. It certainly got me an extra 2% though.

"I'll get this down in a week, sensei," I said.

Her smirk widened. "Yes, the wager was that you could perform this technique to an acceptable degree in a week, wasn't it? That means you have until next Tuesday to lose."

Was that banter I hear?

So it was like that, was it?

"Just you wait sensei, I'll get it down by then and then the week after, I'll make another wager that I'll break any of the genjutsu you throw at me."

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 32%—liked)]

Kurenai laughed. "Yes, and I'll become the Hokage by tomorrow."

I harrumphed.

Just you wait, sensei.

Kurenai yawned for a bit and stretched, giving me an eyeful of her figure.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has decreased. (Total: 29%—liked)]

Ah. She caught me.

"Sorry, sensei, I looked." I admitted, smiling apologetically and scratching my cheek, "but my eyes have legs and tend to wander from time to time. In front of you, they might as well be running."

"Aha!" Kurenai laughed, "I was about to give you another smack on the head but I've never heard that one before. That was good!"

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 34%—liked)]

I practised a bit more until it was time the light of the evening sun faded from a warm orange into more of a burnt hue.

"It's about time you head back," Kurenai said, getting off the couch and habitually dusting away invisible particles from her clothing "Any later and your parents will have funny ideas."

"Aheh, I'm an orphan sensei but if they were alive, they would've probably given me a pat on the back and said: 'Well done, Son.'," I replied.

"…ah, I'm sorry, Jin. I didn't mean to bring up old wounds," Kurenai said remorsefully.

I shook my head. "It's okay, sensei. It was a long time ago and I have Sayuri-chan to help me out."

"Hmm?" Kurenai perked up, "Sayuri? Sayuri—wait you don't mean Matsumoto Sayuri, do you?"

I nodded. "No, that's her alright."

"Wait—so you're the 'Jin-kun' she always talks about?!" Kurenai exclaimed.

Wait, Sayuri talked about me at work? I wonder what she said.

"I would guess so. I haven't heard of any other Jin's that she would know. She said only good things, I hope?" I replied.

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 40%—liked)]

Eh?! What? A 7% jump? how?

"Trust me, she wouldn't shut up about you," Kurenai muttered, "I had a diplomatic mission to Suna with her one time and the entire way there, she was all: 'I miss Jin-kun already.' and 'Ara~Ara~ look! Jin-kun packed me a lunch! Isn't he the greatest?"

I blushed. Hard. This was another exception to me ever blushing. Ah, so it seems that Sayuri's gushing had allowed second-hand affection from Kurenai just from hearing good things about me.

"Dammit, Sayuri-chan…" I said under my breath. Though internally I thanked her for the assist.

Kurenai laughed after seeing my face. "It's alright though, at least now I can put a face to a name."

I sighed and got up to prepare to leave…regretfully.

"Well then, Sensei." I said, "See you tomorrow?"

She smirked. "Bold of you to assume that you'll see me tomorrow even though we don't have genjutsu class."

I smiled. "But you promised to train me and I know where your house is now. I'll head over here after school."

"That I did, didn't I?" She admitted though she was smiling. "I always wanted my own student."

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has increased. (Total: 45%—liked)]

Huh. Another big jump. Having a personal student must've been something she wanted for a long time.

"I'll be even more than just a student one day, sensei, just you wait."

[Notification: Kurenai Yuhi's affection level has decreased. (Total: 44%—liked)]

Darn it, me and my big mouth.

After heading home and eating dinner with Sayuri—the last day with her before her mission—I quickly packed all I needed for a long venture without her notice. A backpack full of supplies stored in storage scrolls was sitting on my bed. I'd prepared it for a while now…ever since that last encounter with the rat.

I grabbed it and headed out.

"Ara~ Where are you going, Jin-kun?" Sayuri asked from the living room couch, "it's already dark out."

"I'm just heading to grab some herbs, I'll be back in two hours."

…I might never be back at all. No, that wasn't the proper mentality. I will come back, come hell or high water.

But just in case, I put my backpack down by the doorframe and headed towards Sayuri.

She was watching the TV and eating popcorn.

I gave her a hug that squeezed her very being.

"J-Jin-kun?" Sayuri placed the popcorn bowl down and hugged back. "What's this for?"

I let go of her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, something I did occasionally but rare enough that it would make her dance about cheerfully the next day.

"It's for good luck on your mission," I half-lied. Sayuri mainly takes diplomatic missions because she was scared that if she died in the line of duty, there would be no one left to take care of me. Still, I prayed for her safety always.

No, the hug and kiss were mainly for me. It was for good luck on my…adventure.

She kissed me back on the cheek.

"Thank you, Jin-kun," she said. The sheer amount of love in her eyes almost melted me.

I nodded and turned away to head back out.

It was time to go back to the dungeon.