
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Chapter 19: Discoveries.

'Who were they and what are they doing in the land of fire' Rai thought moving in speeds in which only a blue blur could be seen.

'I hope mom and dad are okay' Rai thought as he stopped on a tree 'weren't they here' he thought confused.

"Yes they were" but as you can see they are gone" said a voice from behind Rai.

"Genjutsu!" thought Rai as he broke out of the unknown genjutsu.

"Wow you actually broke out of that?" said the voice in an amazed tone.

"Who are you?" said Rai in a calm manner.

"Even though I only tell people my name when they have fallen into despair-" he paused then looked at Rai in which the latter wa looking at him expectantly but also keeping his calm demeanor.

"You aren't any different!" he yelled as he lunged forward but nothing came forth.

'This is a genjutsu!" he thought before breaking out and quickly dodging a kunai headed for his chest.

"You are a tricky one aren't ya" said the voice as it revealed itself. only to show nothing?

"Dammit genjutsu again?!" he thought getting quite annoyed, before breaking out and quickly checking if he was in a genjutsu.

'phew' he thought as he was now sure he wasn't in a genjutsu.

"Ok time to go" he thought as he walked forward... but he was blocked by something.

"What the" he said as he tried going forward again, but was stopped by some kind of invincible barrier.

"Seal?" he thought as he used his hands to feel the surface of the supposed barrier.

"This is definitely a seal..." thanks to my training with kushina my feel for sealing techniques is on another level probably the work of my enhanced physique and kekkei Genkai's.

"But this sealing Technique is on a whole different level the only person that could probably break this seal is kushina San or maybe minato but that's a maybe.

"I dont have time to bring either of them here that just going to be wasting time" I said as I thought of a way to get through or I might not get there in time and my parents are probably there.

"The only solution is to break in by force" I said as I thought of a jutsu.

"This is going to be a bad idea... wont it" I said as I prepared a justsu.

"Rasengan" I said as I slammed the blue mass of chakra onto the invisible barrier but... nothing happened it just tanked a rasengan.

Kaze Bunshin no jutsu.

I said as two other me appeared with a puff.

"Let's do this I said as me and my two other clones jumped back as a blue mass of chakra formed on our hands in which a deeper blue covered it and chirpings of thousands of birds followed.

"Rasendori"x3 Image- (content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/161463249470964537514908351876.jpg.)

We said as we threw the ball of lightning towards the invisible barrier and for a second nothing happened but a second later an ear piercing screech resounded in which a big boom followed suit.

After the dust settled down me and my clones went towards the targeted spot and what greeted is was well... Destruction a big crater was what surrounded the us within 11 meters of the area.

Walking forward I tried passing through the barrier... and I successfully did... that was anti climatic I guess anyways without wasting anymore time I sped up towards the nearest chakra volume I could sense.

"Sumāto POV"

"Finally... I have it, that bastard was so overwhelmed my rage he completely forgot about what he actually came here for" said Sumāto as he picked the purple ball.

'What! the barrier someone or something broke it!' thought Sumāto suprised, 'Tch no worries I just need to be fast about this' though Sumāto.

"Back to Rais POV"

'That is him! the one that took out my clone' thought Rai as he appeared on a tree top.

'and that is probably the thing that father blasted off the big guys hand' thought Rai as he remembered a lightning blast knock it off borudomans hands.

'And only a stupid person would not realize that thing is dangerous' thought Rai before also remembering that those birds also took it from his room in their first encounter 'So many stuff is happening and am left in the dark" thought Rai as he sighed in frustration 'I need a break am getting really old' thought Rai sarcastically as he blured out of existence.

"I just need a few minutes and all of this power will be mine!" Said Sumāto as his imaginations went wild.

"Not so fast!"(A/n get it?... no? well I mean- ok I'll shut up...). said Rai as a blue flash went by knocking off the purple ball but as quick as the flash went by it disappeared along with the purple ball.

'So fast!' thought Sumāto as he looked back only to see a boy with snow white hair and a katana strapped to his back behind him.