
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Chapter 16: Finally.

"3rd POV"~~"1 hour later"

Waking up only to be greeted with a trashed room Rai couldn't help but sigh before reaching for his head and feeling the spot the white beaked bird hit.

'what were those giant birds?' thought Rai as he stood up 'now I have to clean this place up...' he thought as he quickly found a black pant and a shirt he found on his bed, 'I'll think about it another time' speeding up he started cleaning up his room.

10 mins later Rai is in the kitchen drinking milk and eating cookies.

swoosh~ sounded the window behind Rai as a figure dawned in a black cloak appeared on it.

"lord hokage requests your presence" said the figure.

"Mhm" I nodded the next second the figure was gone and what took its place was a leaf that landed on the window.

"why would sensei send an anbu to call me" thought Rai before remembering the recent action, speeding up his pace he finishes his food and quickly washing his dishes he goes back to his room.

Now looking at himself in his rooms mirror we see Rais reflection.

Rai is in a blue t shirt covered by a long black jacket reaching his thighs and going with it was a black trouser with a pair of black sandals.

pushing his hair snow white out of his face as he makes his way out of his house and towards the Hokage tower.

Knock knock. with the sounds of knocks and a clear voice voicing enter Rai went in and in front of him was the Hokage also his sensei.

"You asked of me Sensei?" Rai asked as he closes the door behind him.

"yes I did" said Hiruzen as he takes his attention off the dozens of paper on his desks.

"Unfortunately I wont be able to train you for quite a while as I have just gotten some more work to do" said Hiruzen as he sighs cursing the paper in front of him.

"oh ok it alright" I said as I took a seat on the couch at the right side of his desks.

"but I should be done by the end of this month" he said as took out a pipe.

"Oh" I sounded as look at him not understanding where this was going.

*Sigh* you relieved off your temporary leave of the war and you are to join the war in a day or two" he said as he smoked his pipe.

"really?!" I said ecstatically.

"yes... but you are not allowed to leave the border of the village untill you are a jonin" he replied back.

"Hai" I replied back.

"well that's all... dont be reckless, the war is starting to reach a breaking point that might need my interference soon so stay Alive.

sensei said as I opened the door to the office "Hai sensei" I replied as I made my way outside and closing the door behind me.

In a forest filled with cuts and sounds of metal clashing we can see a man with a x scarred on his chin holding a katana as he slashes at a figure, but before it could hit the figure blocked with a katana of his own.

"too slow" the man said in an emotionless voice before a second later his katana was on the neck of the other figure and out came little drops of blood.

10 minutes later.

'it seems that the boy as awakened a bloodline to be able to access such a powerful kekkei Genkai' thought danzo as he thought of how his root anbu informed him of the power of Rais newly awakened supposed kekkei Genkai.

'I have to find a way to kill him or make him join my ranks' danzo thought as he reached a dark place.

"he is going to be definitely strong in the future if I let him grow up and mature" he said as he opened a door revealing a room identical to the Hokages office.

'And thanks to him Sakumo is alive and he has a high chance of becoming the next kage' he thought as he stepped inside 'Dam it all my plans are being ruined by that boy!" he internally yelled but in the outside his emotionless face didn't even flinch.

"lord danzo" said an emotionless voice as danzo approached.

"Kanjo how is the boy doing" said danzo as he took a seat on his throne looking chair.

"he has been allowed to join the war but only at the villages borders until he becomes a jonin" said the figure as he stepped out of the shadows revealing a manly figure and covered in black clothes.

"Monitor him and report to me every missions he is assigned" said danzo.

"Yes lord danzo" answered the supposed man in an emotionless voice.

"Rai's POV"."Icharaku Ramen"

"Hey Kushina San!" I yelled as I approached her.

"Hmm? Rai is that you" said Kushina as I came nearer.

"Hehe it is" I said as I took a seat next to her.

"Oh how is it going did the Hokage give you a bad punishment?" said Kushina as she finished another bowl of ramen.

"Nah well if you call being allowed to join the war again a punishment then he didn't" I said as I ordered a bowl of ramen.

"oh well be careful out there even though you are very strong for your age there are still people you can't defeat.

"Hai I will be careful, and your not the only person saying that" I said as I did a helpless sigh.

"I have a question Kushina San" I said as took ate my ramen.

"hm? what can I help you with?" she said as she finished her 5th bowl of ramen.

"Can you teach me fuinjutsu, I have been trying to try it but I dont know anybody that can teach me" I said as put my chopsticks down.

"And kakashi said you were very good at it" I said as I looked at her expectantly.

"Hmm? you want to learn fuinjutsu?" she asked suprised.

"Hai" I answered.

"well since your Kakashi's friend and brother I can teach you but not the uzumaki fuinjutsu it is a secret only the uzumaki clansmen or people very close to them can have access to" she said seriously.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes" she replied back smiling at me.

"Awesome" I said happily.

"Well let finish this first ok?" she said as she took her 7th bowl.

"Hai" I replied as I finished my bowl and ordered another one, am feeling quite hungry today I wonder why.

Sorry for posting this chapter late.

I slept In the middle of finishing it yesterday lol.

Arekuruu_Tentocreators' thoughts