
Naruto: The Honoured One

A Naruto with six eyes Who can travel the multiverse

SDOxGENESIS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Academy Life Part 2

After coming back home I wanted to start practicing since it was cool have a skill like that where you're standing leisurely and the opponents can't even touch you, but I can't since the anbu were still keeping a close watch on and I can even sense their emotions 3 of them were on edge like if I do anything out of the ordinary they will strike me, and there was 1 who didn't even have a single emotion oozing out from him and I knew who it was, it was a Root agent. So I decided to postpone my plans to a week later.

But right now the most pressing matter is how can I sense emotions since I didn't see kagura's minds eye in my talents tab. I quickly inquired to the system.

[ Host since you've the six eyes the kaguras minds eye was integrated with it , now you don't have concentrate to perceive the emotion of others]


The days passed and week has gone by, I was currently in my apartment trying understand every bit of detail of Infinity. 5 days after my chakra all the agents retreated from the close proximity of my house, But they were still within range to stop me if I did anything unusual. Back to Infinty I Knew that infinity was consisted of space and time laws since there is no space without time and there is no time without space. And as for my affinities, I don't have all affinities like the Rinnegan give to its users. My Six Eyes don't give me all the affinities but with the six eyes I can control any affinity like the back of my since I can control any energy at atomic level, I can even perceive the nature chakra but I didn't absorb it since I don't have a clue what might happen to me.

Just like that days started to pass by while I was practicing my infinity and attending classes they started to teach us about chakra and also about the history of konoha, how the first hokage founded the and all blah blah.

It was the start of the 3rd year and from this year we will learn about the ways of ninja. as every year I was sitting on the last near the window now I had awakened my bloodline and my regeneration mixed up with my control over chakra because of the six eyes I was like a little deadpool. My stamina was even more monstrous now, I can now around the village a 100 times without breaking a sweat. My status is now like this,



Name: Naruto Uzumaki 

Age: 8 years 

Affiliation: Konoha

Title: Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails, Demon Fox.


 jinchuriki of the nine tails: as the suggests. Control over nine tails chakra 0%. Perks high regeneration, larger chakra pool.

Demon Fox: Mostly addressed by the civilian. Reputation among the civilians -65%(more than 70% and the civilians will decide to kill you on sight

Str: Chunnin

Agi: Jonin

You: Jonin

Dex: Jonin

Vit: High Kage

Chakra: High kage level]

Over the years my strength didn't increase much because it didn't cross the line chunnin. I can already be a special jonin but I lack experience to be one.

I was thinking that's when shikamaru and choji entered the classroom, I waved at him and said, "hello shikamaru and choji how was your vacation are you ready for this year". Shikamaru replied saying, " Hello Naruto, It was fun in the vacations since we don't have to come to academy early in the morning". Then we conversed a little and then minded our own business, since in this world I am not close to anyone of them, I ain't became close to even Iruka who was like a father figure to naruto in the canon.

After everyone arrived in the classroom I looked at everyone's faces and then my gaze fell on the cheerful Sasuke Uchiha the so called Uchiha elite. The massacre hasn't happened yet that's why his brooding skill is still level 50 but after the massacre he will max it to level 100. He noticed my gaze but he couldn't tell if I was looking at him or somewhere else since I was still wearing bandages on my eyes.

After sometime Iruka entered the classroom and congratulated us for passing the 2nd year, and started the next syllabus. In this year we will also about the academy level jutsus that are substiution technique, clone technique and transformation technique. We will also learn about the basic academy taijutsu.

After the start of the semester 3 months have passed and I can see unrest in the air of konoha, I think the massacre will happen in a month or two and I was correct a month later the news about the Uchiha massacre was spread throughout konoha. All the people were blaming Itachi for doing such a 'heinous' crime. The next day in classroom Sasuke was nowhere to be found, Iruka also informed about this by saying, "Due to special circumstances Sasuke Uchiha can't join us for a few days" that's all he said.

A few days later sasuke joined the academy again but this time he had maxed hi brooding skill to level 100. While looking at his antics I wanted to laugh out loud and make a comment but I controlled myself since I don't want a pink banshee to start yelling at me. 

Little by little the days started to pass by and we also entered our fourth year of academy life and he as always I was sitting at my old seat. I was also chatting a little with Hinata, Since years made her a little confident so a conversation was not an impossible task. while I was chatting with Hinata Iruka entered the classroom with the Man the legend. Iruka then introduce him to everyone.

Iruka first used his big mouth jutsu to silence everyone then started saying, "hello let me introduce you to my teammate and friend and also your substitute teacher who will help me in teaching you" while pointing at the person he said " he is mizuki".

( A/N : I don't know his last name so I left it at that, he will die later anyway no need to remember cannon fodders.)