
Chapter: 14

#Dungeon City Ouroboros#

Naruto groans with a stretch as he finishes his dailies, arriving back at the maelstrom familia's home as several new members with alegra were heading out for the dungeon. He searches out ingrid and finds her watching several koi, "Morning Naruto" she says and feeding some. Naruto watches the koi eat bread and rolls his neck, "I'm curious.. What is Yukikaze like" he asks. Ingrid tosses some more bread and gathers her thoughts, "A Feudal one.. The Shogun is similar to a King but beholden to a few high-born Families.. They can be Insular and stay out the of affairs of Albion.. Kalinsha.. Azerlisia and Tristram but for a price will shield certain individuals" she explains.

"Certain Individuals" naruto asks but ingrid shakes her head, "So They'll turn a blind eye for a Price" he adds and ingrid nods.

"Greed has infested the Shogun and Nobles" ingrid says.

"It infects many" naruto says and glances to see daphne coming with cassandra.

"A letter from the Guild came" daphne says, handing a letter to ingrid. She opens the letter and reads the contents, "Daphne.. Have Aisha and her cadre awakened" ingrid asks and daphne blushes.

"If not for your Gamer Mind.. You would be dripping blood constantly from your nose Boya" musashi says and naruto sighs. Aisha or Antianeira, Samira, and Lena Tally were former members of the ishtari familia that have temporarily joined in the last two months.

"What does the Guild want" naruto asks, following ingrid inside.

"The Guild wishes us to head for the White Palace on the 37th floor.. Strange incidents have been happening and to save the remains of the Takemikata Familia" ingrid explains.

"How Long before we need to head out" naruto asks.

"A few days.. The Guild wants to confirm things" ingrid says.

"I'll let Mujina know" naruto says, breaking off from ingrid and going to explain this to aisha. Naruto finds mujina in her room and brushing driger's fur, "Something wrong" she asks.

"The Guild has a job for to head for the 37th floor to Investigate some things but also rescue members of the Takemikata Familia but it'll be a few days before we head out.. I'll need to do the SSJ3 Quest" naruto says.

"Are you sure.. We could be called out earlier" mujina says.

"I'll do it today and leave a clone" naruto says and mujina slowly nods.

"Be careful" mujina says and gives him a kiss, as driger rubs his hand. Naruto heads for his room and gets dressed in black cargo jeans, combat boots, a fitted short sleeve shirt with knuckle buster gloves and a faded black, 3/4-length, hooded coat with a grey interior lining, before making a reinforced clone.

"Good Luck Boss" the clone says and bumps fist with the redhead.

Special Quest Yes/No

Defeat the Planetary Terror Xanxus!


1) SSJ3 Unlocked

Naruto finds himself in an even more fantastical place called Xephon that has several moons according to the system, "A-amazing" he says, looking to the sky as he makes four clones.

"You know what to do" naruto says and they nod, concealing themselves and vanishing.

"Now where to go" naruto says, checking the map and follows it. The system tells him xephon's main city is inspired by a parallel ancient earth with high walls. The main palace looks akin to the Pantheon of Greece as naruto lands while heavy KI falls on him with each step, reaching the top and his eyes widen from the KI coming from within.

"This will be very dangerous" musashi says.

"Welcome Saiyan" a voice says and naruto freezes, passing several pillars. A nearly seven-foot-tall figure comes from the shadows with a muscular build and white skin, black skin-tight armor, two horns jutting from his black-blue hair but he also has human like face.

"You must be Xanxus" naruto says.

"I am the God Emperor... Monkey" xanxus says and smirks as his eyes starts glow, "Now.. Feel my Hell Gaze" he adds, firing the beams. Naruto dodges two of the beams but not the third, sending him through the roof of the palace but xanxus appears above him with a hammer blow, sending naruto careening into a pillar on the roof. Naruto springs to his feet as xanxus appears with a right but naruto dodges his strike, landing a stiff counter and sending the tyrant back a few feet. Naruto tosses off his coat and raises his hands to his side as his power rises, "There is a saying.. You can Either Put Up or Shut Up" he shouts, as the ground cracks and the wind picks up by going SSJ2. Xanxus chuckles as he rubs his cheek, "Heh.. Alright Monkey.. I'll Put Up and Shut you Up" he says, as his power rises.

[Music: Kill me, Heal me - Skillet]

Naruto and xanxus slowly march forward, their auras causing a rippling wind effect and the cracking the roof they stand on. Little by little both pick up the pace into a full sprint as both raise their fist, colliding with a huge shockwave and throwing them both back, tearing apart most of the roof. Naruto corrects but xanxus is on him, sending the redhead through several thin pillars on the palace grounds. Naruto bounces to a halt as xanxus appears with his eyes glowing and from his eyes a pair beams shoot out, making naruto dodge but he acts quickly and grabs a piece of pillar with his chains, slamming xanxus away like a baseball.

"Boom" naruto thought and weaves signs, "Doton: Dangan no Jutsu" he shouts, tossing several rocks but xanxus phases behind him and lands a punishing punch to his face. Naruto crashes to the ground but pushes a kick from the ground into his gut, before popping up and immediately has to block xanxus' punches, each creating minor ripples across the ground but one makes naruto skid several feet. Xanxus charges with a wide right and naruto a liver blow into a downward right to his face but the tyrant recovers with a big boot to naruto's chest, into a right hook and follow-up uppercut. It has enough power to send naruto into the air and partially clipping a building before he comes to a halt in the air.

"Come now Saiyan this can't be it?!" xanxus shouts and flies up. Naruto flares his aura and charges down as both meet with thunderous shockwave, shattering the building in half as they flash around the skyline of xanxus' city. An explosion rocks the area as naruto spears xanxus into a large wall into a flurry of punches but xanxus slams a hammer blow to naruto's back. Xanxus grabs naruto by the hair and raises him up but indents him into the ground before his arms surge with energy as he raises them above his head. Naruto jerks as an orb forms between xanxus' arms, "Hell Crusher" xanxus howls, bringing his arm down and engulfing naruto in a purplish-white blast. It tears through the area with debris shattering part of the wall as xanxus stood with a smirk but his eyes narrow as the smoke clears and naruto is gone.

"Iron Annihilation!" echoes through the smoke, as naruto slams his iron fist to xanxus' jaw and sends him through the wall. Naruto rushes the smoke rises from the wall but xanxus flies up, "Hell Barrage!" xanxus shouts, unleashing a flurry of purplish-white blasts. Naruto freaks and sprints away as the blasts explode behind him but his aura surges as he flies off. Xanxus keeps up the barrage as naruto phases in and out but comes to halt as the orbs streak towards him, "Final Shine!" naruto howls, unleashing the green blast into the barrage. A huge explosion rips through the area, destroying everything in a half-mile radius and leaving a mushroom cloud in the sky. Naruto scans the smoke but his eyes bulged as xanxus drills a knee into midsection, then another hell crusher for good measure and he sails through several buildings.

"Are you ok Boya" musashi says. Naruto flares his aura and destroys several pillars that lines the road as xanxus watches in amusement, "I'll give you credit saiyan.. Your power exceeds even the most powerful saiyans" xanxus states but a haughty smirk forms, "But you still don't compare to me.. No One compares to me" he adds.

"Then it pleases me to be the First.. I'll knock you down a peg or two" naruto says, as both rocket at one another in a thunderous collision erupting across skies.

[Music Change: Lux Aeterna - Requiem For A Dream - Full Orchestra]

Soon a purple beam rips through the clouds as naruto flares his aura with sage mode but on the other end of the beam xanxus is holding it off the beam with both hands. The tyrant has a smirk on his face as the beam forces him closer and closer to the ground but a purplish-white electricity starts to form amid the blue beam. The ground starts to rip apart as xanxus gets closer, whole chunks fly in every direction but a rut forms as xanxus' boots make contact. The wind whips around violently as trees were uprooted, pieces of ground fissure and lift only to shatter in millions of pieces. Naruto keeps his focus but his eyes slowly widen as blast explodes and he narrowly dodges another purplish-white blast. He slowly descended through the smoke as his first clone's natural energy begins to fade along with the blue stripes on his body.

"You only have three more Boya" musashi says. Xanxus stands admiring his burned hands with whimsical curiosity as naruto touches down, "You're the first to wound me Saiyan in a very long time.. Hehehe if not for my Hell Buster.. You would have done more" xanxus states.

"Something is off" naruto thought, taking a guarded stance. A devious smirk slowly forms on xanxus' face, "This should prove the Futility of your actions.. Your petty efforts have only served to warm me up" he sneers. The wind starts to churn as a dark purplish-white aura engulfs xanxus as he slowly spreads his arms. Naruto's eyes slowly widen to flicker as dirt and debris whip around them, "I can feel it.. It's like been in the ocean" he thought but keeps a tight guard and his aura flares. Xanxus' aura rips through the area like a tornado with his body not changing much but adding a mask over his mouth and his horns becoming more visible. Then a chilling silence fills the area but xanxus starts to laugh, "Now gaze at your executioner" he states, taking step forward but vanishes.

"Boya!" musashi shouts. Naruto's breath hitches as he feels himself being pushed, then his face dragged in the dirt before being flung across the ground as he bounces several times and comes to stop on his back. Suddenly xanxus appears to drill his boots in naruto's gut and he howls in pain while a dribble of blood shoots from his mouth.

"Hahaha.. I love doing that" xanxus crows but leaps up and drives both knees into his gut this time. Xanxus grabs naruto by his shirt and lifts them skyward, "Do you regret facing me Monkey" xanxus croons. Naruto's response is his aura exploding to life again, breaking xanxus' grip and pushing him back while the redhead howls to heavens as his aura expands, bio-electricity fracturing around him. Naruto launches himself with a barrage of punches and kicks but xanxus stays the course blocking them evenly. The force of the blocks or misses sends shockwaves exploding through the fake city, buildings shudder and groan as they rip apart in spectacular fashion.

"Show me more Monkey" xanxus crows, as they push towards the city walls. Xanxus indents naruto in the wall with a punch and another punch creates a larger indention, before priming his hell gaze but naruto flips upward, avoiding the blasts and flips until he reaches the top of the wall.

"Final Flash!" naruto shouts, firing the yellow lightning blast. The large lightning like blast carves through the wall but xanxus dodges as it detonates, creating a huge explosion to create chunks of wall and ground. Naruto lands on the edge of the destroyed wall but bugs out as xanxus fires his hell barrage. The orbs destroy another section of wall, unleashing a huge plume of debris as xanxus cancels his attack and drops into the plume but naruto flies in after him before shockwaves erupt. However naruto streaks out but he corrects and quickly searches for xanxus.

"Here Monkey" xanxus crows, slamming a debilitating knee to gut before naruto can react. His eyes went white and spit flies out but xanxus grabs him in a rear naked choke, before flaring his aura and launching them towards the ground. A huge plume of dust shoot skyward as naruto struggles to his feet, only for xanxus to strike him with elbow to the face. Naruto staggers back but stays vertical as blood run from his nose, however his eyes widen as he throws his hands to block an energy blast. Naruto flings the blast with a shout but didn't block the second blast, sending him through a building and slamming to the road below.

"So this is All the Mighty Super Saiyan can muster... Hahaha.. What a laugh" xanxus declares, looking quite amused. Naruto makes it to his feet with his head down and left bracing on his knee as xanxus hovers above him, "I need more Power.. I've stopped holding back.. What more is needed" naruto thought.

"Power comes from a Need not a Desire Boya.. You already have it.. Push to find it" musashi says and naruto dispels a second clone.

"You're right.. I have the power inside me.. I Just Need to bring it out" naruto says, as his sage mode comes forth. Naruto spreads his legs shoulder length apart and his fists clenched tight, "I need to go further... Beyond" he thought, focusing his power. The ground starts to quake as naruto throws his head back to let out a prolonged but echoing scream and his power flaring like a nova. Xanxus arches an eyebrow as naruto's power rises more and more to even darken the sky with the wind picking up and a small crater forming under him. Naruto continues to flex his power as everything shakes under his tremendous force, "Ahhhh... Nhhh... Ahhhh" he screams, as his hair starts to become longer and longer. The buildings around them starts to fissure and crack as xanxus looks on with amusement.

"You're close Boya.. Push!" musashi shouts. The crater under naruto grows bigger and bigger as his power grows, veins bulge in his arms and face, his eyes were completely white and pupil-less. The sky becomes completely black as if naruto has sucked in all the light, his pupils slowly return as his eyes widen. Naruto throws his arms wide with a louder scream and his power flares like a giant ball of gold energy, even pushing xanxus back.

SSJ3 Achieved

[Music Change: Universal Trailer Series - Time Bomb (Heaven and Hell Remix)]

The smoke clears and xanxus grits his teeth, "What hell is this?!" he says, anger seeping into his tone at the sight of the new naruto. His golden hair now reaches pass his butt with some streaks of red like flames, his eyebrows are gone giving him a more prominent brow and eye ridges. Naruto flexes his more sharply defined muscles and his aura sparks with blue bio-electricity but also buzzes like static.

"So this is Super Saiyan 3" naruto says, his voice slightly deeper as he rises to xanxus' level.

"So.. Monkey you have some new tricks" xanxus sneers.

"Yeah.. This SSJ3 is just another costume change for the lowly saiyan" naruto states, as both hover above the ruins that is xanxus' city. Xanxus folds his arms with a curious stare, "I guess I can live this.. However all you did was grow your hair and increase your power but don't get confident saiyan" he shouts.

"He dropped his guard... Perfect" naruto thought, flinging his arm forward with a fist of mars. Xanxus jerks as a burning gash opens on his cheek, breaking his mask and purple blood spurts a little from it.

"Heh.. A cheeky one" xanxus says and rips his mask off, thumbing the blood to lick his fingers. Naruto makes a face but dodges xanxus' sucker kick with his forearm, their power clashing and ripping through the area. Naruto throws his own leg up for a kick but xanxus blocks with his forearm as both hold the same posture. Both break apart and naruto swings a left hook but the tyrant dodges it and the follow-up high kick. Xanxus unleashes a flurry of punches as naruto moves within inches of the punches and freezes xanxus with a right to the temple. Xanxus quickly retorts with heavy right to naruto's face, sending the redhead over the wall with stars in his eyes.

"Spinning" naruto thought, correcting and flares his aura to launch him at a charging xanxus but the tyrant fires several energy blasts. Naruto dodges each and he manages a knee to xanxus' ribs into a follow-up forearm strike to the neck. Xanxus recovers with a spin kick to naruto's forearm but engulfs the redhead in a medium size energy blast and flies back but the SSJ3 manages his own energy blast. Xanxus appears above naruto but it soon degrades into a dodge and blasts of energy exploding throughout the landscape.

"No need to waste time... Bararaq Saiqa" naruto shouts, slamming into the dirt with a long rut and firing the blue lighting blast but sends off one his knives. Xanxus halts in his tracks to deflect the blast but naruto appears front of the blast with his hiraishin.

"Vigorous Right Fist Garyu" naruto shouts, slamming the concussive punch to xanxus' face and vanishing to let his bararaq saiqa detonate into xanxus. The explosion rips through the area uprooting anything in the around them, slowly the smoke as xanxus appears and the tyrant is mostly unharmed except for the broken armor and singed patches of skin but naruto is shocked to see an almost maniacal smile. Xanxus rears up with a bellowing cackle, "Hahaha... Finally someone worthy And it's a Fucking Monkey.. So feast your eyes on my True power... 100% of my Maximum" he sneers and wags his finger, "No one alive has seen this power and very soon that will remain true" he adds. The dark purplish-white aura crackles to life as the sky starts to darken with bolts of lightning starting to rain from the sky but naruto doesn't move.

"What you doing Boya?!.. Attack Xanxus before he reaches his Maximum" musashi says. The sky rumbles as the lightning strikes the ground, "I want him at his Max.. I want to see how far I can go" naruto thought, as land splits it and causes a large fissure under both fighters.

"Seems some Saiyan Pride and Love of Battle is rearing its head" musashi says.

"I've always had Pride.. Pride in wanting to be the strongest and right now is chance to prove it" naruto thought. Xanxus grins as muscles bulk and rip the sleeves of his uniform, "Yes.. You've sealed your death saiyan" he thought. Whole sections of ground shatter and lift to the skies, shocking naruto as he lands on a rising piece. Two spikes emerge from xanxus' shoulders and his horns grow longer as the tyrant reaches the pinnacle of his power. Xanxus grunts the last bit of his maximum power were coming forth as naruto flares his own aura, "Come on Xanxus.. While we're still young.. Let's See if You're made of Sterner Stuff.. I could end this now but I will let you reach your max and erase any doubts who's the strongest" naruto shouts and xanxus cackles wildly.

"Oh yes Saiyan.. It will end... Nhhhh.. With YOUR DEATH!" xanxus howls, as a massive storm erupts. The smoke clears as xanxus stands proudly with his full power on display, "Ahhh.. Now this feels pretty good... Now monkey let's end your life" he sneers. Their auras start clash and they explode causing several explosions but both charge with a flurry of punches or kicks. Multiple shockwaves rip through the area as naruto and xanxus trade blows for but the redhead vanishes, charging from behind but xanxus dodges at the last second with a smirk. He drills a right into naruto's gut, freezing him and allowing xanxus a follow-up kick that sends naruto bouncing to halt on his back.

"That was a rib" musashi says, maintaining her chakra as SSJ3 is straining on his body. Naruto gets up but only to be kicked into the dirt as xanxus charges his hell crusher and avoid it as the blast erases a section of land.

"Destructive Second Bullet!" naruto shouts, baring down but xanxus phases away as naruto creates a crater and he quickly phases away, dodging xanxus' missile dropkick. Afterimages streak across the landscape as a massive ocean starts to emerge and a blast of light erupts while something careens into the ocean. Xanxus looms above the ocean with arms folded, "Stay down and Drown Monkey" he crows.

"Geez... Well I wanted this.. So no time to whine.. Let's try a little trickery" naruto thought, clutching his face depths and makes a clone. The clone swims the surface and climbs partially out as xanxus lands, "Giving Up already Fool" he sneer, charging his hell gaze. The clone smirks and puffs out as the real naruto appears behind with a bicycle kick and xanxus pats the ocean as he sails across it but comes to a quick halt.

"Senpō: Rising Dragon" naruto shouts, just under him and landing the spinning uppercut. Purple blood sprays as xanxus flies upward having a shocked look, "How is this Monkey doing this?!.. I am at my Max" he hisses. Xanxus corrects and catches naruto's fist as their aura flare and clash, skating across the ocean and darkening the sky. Xanxus rears back with a headbutt but naruto slams a kick to his ribs and an energy blast to the chest, sending the tyrant for a watery sabbatical. Xanxus emerges with a massive wake of water and the battle continues, moving further and further north as punishing cold begins to lick at them. A large and rippling explosion erupts over a frozen tundra, causing the upheaval of several glaciers as hunks of ice fissure and shatter, further causing the sea to swell and expand. From the debris cloud naruto careens through a glacier, coming to halt along the icy tundra with torn clothes.

"Hao!" naruto shouts, flaring his aura but it suddenly vanishes along with his SSJ3 transformation. He drops to his knees and tries to reign in his breath, "This is not good.. If xanxus doesn't stall to grandstand.. It's lights out" naruto thought and scans the sky for xanxus. The tyrant hovers not far from him and naruto springs to his feet as xanxus tilts his head but sees the defiant look on naruto's face.

"Seems that super three or whatever has run its course.. So it's time I extinguish you Monkey" xanxus shouts, raising his hand and charging a large energy blast.

"No more stalling" naruto thought, dispelling his last two clones and his sage mode returns with small cracks in the ice.

[Music Change: Forever In A Day - Position Music into Music Junkies - Impetus]

"The hour of Death has arrived" xanxus shouts. Naruto spreads his legs and throws his head back with a yell, going SSJ as the ice fissures and rumbles. Xanxus dispels his blast as naruto's aura spikes and skates along the ice with blue bio-electricity, making the SSJ2 bow in but releases another echoing howl to the sky. The golden aura explodes the ice and lifts the several chunks of ice and crashes them to the ocean below. A subtle scowl forms on xanxus' face as the light dies down and naruto is back in his SSJ3 form once again.

"There is only One way this ends Monkey... Either You Die or I Do" xanxus howls. Naruto slowly marches across the ice sheet, "Finally we Agree" he thought, picking up speed and leaps off the edge. The ocean quickly approaches but naruto launches himself forward and parting the ocean into two big waves. Xanxus flares his aura and charges his hell buster, sending it streaking through the water but naruto acts quickly and veers skyward, launching at xanxus sounding a like missile. Xanxus reacts quickly and dodges naruto's lightning breaker as it creates a large crater, before time seems to slow as naruto drills a vigorous left fist fukuryu enhanced by sage more. Xanxus crashes hard to ground into a kick to the gut, lifting him off the ground a few feet into the air.

"Rapid Kill Final Bullet" naruto shouts, connecting with the violently spinning kick. Xanxus spins like drill into a glacier, sending countless pieces of ice to the ocean below but the tyrant flares his aura and fires a hell buster but naruto blocks. However xanxus follows up with a twin hell buster and naruto is engulfed in a huge explosion, shattering the ice sheet and sending ice in every direction with a plume of smoke. Xanxus cackles as hovers over the water with a confident swagger and lands on a piece of ice that lands in the ocean. However that confidence takes a hit as the smoke clears and reveals naruto still standing, "Curse you Saiyan!" xanxus roars. Naruto wipes some blood off his cheek and launches himself with the force of a hurricane, leaving a huge wake in path.

"Senpō: Iron Annihilation" naruto roars, sending xanxus like a missile into a cliff edge with four crater indentions. Xanxus couldn't react as naruto grabs him by the horn and digs a rut with his body, before flinging him into the water with several hops. Naruto surfs the water around xanxus and spears him into the rocks into a hyakuretsuken and rising dragon, sending the tyrant through the cliff and exploding into the air. Xanxus corrects in air with a roar but naruto appears above, "Final Shine!" naruto shouts, engulfing xanxus and slamming him to the tundra below with a shockwave. Xanxus lies motionless as naruto descends but the planetary terror slowly rises with a look of searing anger, "YOU DAMN SAIYAN... I Fucking HATE YOU" he roars, cracking the ground with his fist.

"Remind you of someone" musashi says. Xanxus explodes his aura as he launches himself at naruto with an energy infused left straight into a follow-up barrage of punches, "No Stinking Saiyan Monkey can Beat Me" xanxus howls, sending naruto through several glaciers and phases above to slam him hard to the ground below. This time xanxus is standing tall and naruto is on his back, "How's That Primate?!" xanxus boasts, landing on the tundra. Naruto slowly stands as blood runs down his face, "You say you hate me and you call me names.. You only show your own weakness" he states.

"My weakness?!" xanxus hisses, vanishing but shockingly naruto catches his fist. Naruto squeezes xanxus' fist and clenches his left, "Martial Qi: Fist of Pluto" naruto shouts, drilling his fist into xanxus' face. Xanxus bounces off the tundra coming to halt as purple blood flows from his face, "You damn Monkey!... I am Mighty and you are Not.. Now I will teach you why you are Nothing" he hisses, rising from the ground and lifting into the air but his aura surges and he flies higher. Xanxus raises his hand skyward and a gargantuan orange orb quickly forms, "Fuck you and This planet Monkey" he howls, rising higher. Naruto's eyes widen as the tundra fissures and pieces rise around him, "He's going for broke" he thought, taking a horseback stance as his aura flares wildly with bio-electricity. The wind picks up violently as the ground cracks while naruto's long hair flies up. Xanxus continues his charge his Supernova as naruto's aura continues to churn, "I'll Annihilate you Saiyan" he bellows.

"Here Boya" musashi says, as naruto points his hands skyward and his aura gains red bio-electricity mixing with the blue in spots.

"Prominence Gamma Flash" naruto roars and his aura flares brightly, "Alright body hold together" he thought. Xanxus flings the Supernova down with a maniacal look, "NOW DIE WITH THIS PLANET" he roars. The mixed yellow and green blast is half the size of the supernova as the glaciers shatter and the blasts collide with a flash and hurricane gust of wind. Naruto struggles to hold the large orb as the ground heaves around him and xanxus watches with a sick grin while his supernova crawls inch by inch. Naruto feels his boots dig into ground as he flares his aura for every ounce of energy his body can muster and another burst shoots forth to push back the supernova.

"HAHAHAHA TRY IN VAIN MONKEY!" xanxus bellows and veins bulge in naruto's arms as the titanic struggle continues, pouring every once of will into his prominence gamma flash.

"SUPER KAIOKEN X50!" naruto roars, his aura explodes as the veins in his arms and legs burst with a spray of blood but he remains standing as his prominence gamma flash pushes on the supernova. Xanxus jerks as his supernova pushes back, "WHAT?!.. IMPOSSIBLE!.. CURSE YOU MONKEY!" he roars, as it slams into him. Naruto's prominence gamma flash pushes the supernova and xanxus further skyward, breaking the atmosphere and the massive beam rockets towards one of xephon's moons. Xanxus struggles to free himself from the combined beam, "This can't hold me forever.. I'm going to Get off and Kill you Monkey" he thought but his eyes widen, seeing that his trajectory will take him into xephon's smallest moon.

"NOOOOOO!" xanxus roars, hitting the gravity well of xephon's moon Tiberius. Xanxus' body ignites as he careens through the atmosphere towards the surface, "THIS CAN NOT BE!.. THERE CAN'T BE NO SAIYAN IS STRONGER THAN ME!" he screams, as his body is obliterated in a nuclear like explosion. [song ends]

Special Quest Complete!


1) SSJ3 Unlocked

Naruto awakes with a start on his bed and under his covers, "Huh" he thought but sees mujina in a chair and half on his bed. He shifts on his side and moves his hand to touch her head, causing her to wake up and see him awake as a few tears form.

"Naruto" mujina whispers.

"Sorry I worried you" naruto says, sitting up and mujina crawls into his lap.

"I told Ingrid and Alegra you were Communing with Musashi" mujina says, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks" naruto says and the pair would stay like this bit until naruto goes for a shower. Five days later naruto, mujina, driger, daphne, cassandra, alegra, aisha, samira and lena were nearing the 27th floor.

"Are you hoping to face Amphisbaena" lena asks, having tan skin and black hair with red eyes, wears revealing clothing..

"He has the nickname Jaeger" samira says, having silver hair with red eyes and wearing a white bikini. Naruto sighs softly as he thumbs tsubaki's newest creation a muffler made from the black goliath's drop and a companion piece to mujina's cloak.

"It should have spawned by now" aisha says. She tan skin, purple eyes and long black hair that covers the right side of her face. She wears clothing reminiscent of a belly dancer along with earrings and various gold decorations around her chest and belly. They soon reach the basin as a rumbling erupt from it, "Alegra.. A Barrier" naruto says and aisha smirks.

"It's All yours Jaeger" aisha says. Amphisbaena slowly reveals itself with a high surge of water and it is a white, twin-headed, long-neck dragon more than 20 meters high with the right head having red eyes and the left head blue eyes. The blue head spews blue flames skyward and naruto covers his mouth as the heat dissipates the ambient water.

"Hao!" naruto shouts, going SSJ. Amphisbaena roars loudly and brings down some loose blue crystal shards as naruto races across the water before having to dodge blue flame bursts.

"Machine Gun Blows" naruto shouts, leaping and firing a barrage of energy blasts. The red head fires a thick red mist that neutralizes a few but the heads take a few. Naruto lands on the water and weave signs as he goes to create three water dragons, while the blue head counters with flames and heating up the water.

"He managed to Circumvent Amphisbaena's Crimson Mist Attack" aisha says and smirks, "He's not bad looking for a Blond" she adds, while samira and lena nod but missing a glare from mujina.

"Suiton: Suijinheki" naruto shouts, appearing above the redhead and spewing water but weaves more signs to rat.

"Raiton: Kangekiha" naruto shouts, electrifying the water and shocking the red head. It roars a little in pain and amphisbaena dives underwater but naruto fires another barrage of machine gun blows, forcing the monster rex back to the surface and killing a few aqua serpents in the process. The blue head fire a stream of fire and naruto dodges into another but long chain of signs, "Konbijutsu: Raisuiryūdan" he shouts, creating a water dragon charged by lightning.

"I wouldn't want to face him" samira says.

"Same here.. Not many can face a Monster Rex Solo" lena says.

"Naruto has killed three" mujina comments.

"Too bad he's taken" aisha says, looking of the half elf.

"Scythe of Sorrow" naruto says, shaping his azure dragon sword into a scythe. He flares his aura and rockets forward as the blue head fires flames but naruto avoids and goes for the red head, slicing through it and turning to toss the scythe into the blue head's mouth.

"The Uchihas will upset when you unveil this" musashi says, as naruto weaves signs to horse with a deep inhale.

"Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku" naruto thought, unleashing a near tsunami of blue flames towards amphisbaena and broiling the water as the boss dies but also gaining its liver.

"Not bad Jaegar" aisha says.

"And we got a drop" naruto says, giving it to alegra.

"Well we should continue on" aisha says and everyone nods. Several hours later they were on the 29th floor and setting up camp for the night. During the night naruto's eyes snaps open to aisha, samira and lena surrounding him with looks on their faces but naruto smiles before popping with smoke.

"Clever" musashi says, as naruto is sleeping next to mujina with driger between them. The next morning the amazons avoid eye contact with the redhead, their plan to sleep with naruto thwarted by him and mujina. What was wrong with them sleeping with someone who is as powerful as naruto, each of them but especially aisha believed naruto could go hours despite being a virgin teen.

"Maybe I'll go after that Little Rookie" aisha thought. Several hours pass and the group were on floor 36 and it is very much like the previous floors, killing dozen on dozen of bloodsaurus or other dino related monsters, also numerous Violas and Venenthes.

"Before we enter the Deep Floors.. They are much different from what has been seen.. Lena bring out the map" aisha says and lena does.

"This and information cost a lot Valis to get" lena says.

"It has five huge circular walls and each are numbered from one through five.. Starting from the innermost wall and the area between two walls.. Also each area between the walls have names as well the Throne Room at the center.. From there the Knight's Room.. The Warrior's Room.. The Soldier's Room and the Beast's Room" aisha explains.

"Which we'll have to search to find out what is happening and find the Takemikata Familia" naruto says.

"If they are still alive" samira says.

"The Monster Rex Udaeus spawns every three months but no guarantee it isn't in the Throne Room... Also we need avoid the Colosseum in the eastern part of the Warrior's Room" aisha says.

"Why" mujina asks.

"It spawns monsters non-stop and because of it.. It's surrounded by an abyss 50 meters deep with four gates located in the North.. South.. East and West with bridges.. There is safe area underneath but reaching it is no easy feat" aisha replies.

"What strategy should we employ" daphne says.

"I'll send about two dozen clones in and scout.. We hold the entrance area.. Once we have a layout of where Takemikata Familia are.. Aisha and I will get them.. Samira.. Driger and Lena will be the Vanguard.. Daphne and Cassandra Middle guard.. Mujina and Alegra Rearguard.. I'll have two clones float between as well" naruto explains.

"What if they are dead" samira says.

"We secure their tags if we can and focus on the other half of the job" naruto says. The group pass through the tunnel and soon enter floor 37 or the white palace, its name coming from the fact that walls, ground and ceiling are colored white. The floor is on a different scale than the floors above it as the space between hallways, rooms and walls is huge. This unease settles on of the group as this is their first time coming here, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" naruto says, making twenty-six clones and this ignites dirtier thoughts in a few.

"Quite the Technique" aisha says, a sly smile on her face.

"It is perfect for infiltration" naruto says, ignoring the undertones. Soon a few Skull Sheep and Spartoi attack with the former using the inherent darkness to hide and the latter having swords or lances made of bone and kite shield-like protectors. Naruto brings out a collapsible bo-staff from his inventory as the group deal with a few waves while clones fire from above. Several waves attack them and two hours later naruto and aisha were moving to reach the takemikata members, "They are unfortunately near the Warrior Room" he says, cutting down a few Lizardmen Elite.

"Hopefully not near the Colosseum" aisha says, swing her Great Podao Zaga. A Barbarian appears which measures two-meters tall with two large and curved horns, black skin, red hair and yellow eyes.

"Crimson Cyclone" naruto shouts, swinging down and making a blue cyclone. They pass through the beast room, then the soldier's room as the area between the walls gets smaller and encounter a few Obsidian Soldiers. A monster with a misshapen obsidian body made of solidified lava and a single purple light in its head resembling an eye.

"Demon Lasso" naruto declares, as he destroys several skull sheep.

"Where to now" aisha shouts, cutting down an obsidian soldier.

"This way" naruto shouts, killing several Loup Garou. One goes for the redhead but a spinning roundhouse snaps its neck as a pack of them armed with white stone knives and or cudgels charges.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto declares, incinerating the attack. They travel for about half hour and find three fighting several Ooze creatures. Naruto uses observe and they are Yamato Mikoto having bluish-purple eyes with long black hair tied into a ponytail. Kashima Ouka is a tall, lightly tanned man with a tough build, black hair and eyes, lastly Hitachi Chigusa having black medium length hair parted to is reveal dark green eyes.

"Raiton: Jibashi" naruto declares, creating a wave of electricity from his hands and killing the ooze monsters.

"You are Naruto Uzumaki from the Maelstrom Familia and Antianeira" mikoto says.

"Are there any more of you" aisha says and all three look sullen.

"No... However we stumbled upon something dangerous" ouka says.

"Stumble upon what" aisha says.

"Members of the Ikaros Familia trying to tame Monsters and succeeding.. They have a Lambton and are going for the Monster Rex" mikoto says and this reminds naruto of the juggernaut.

"When did you see them last" naruto asks.

"At least a day.. Heading for the Inner Ring" chigusa says.

"No way they can tame Udaeus" aisha says.

"Well.. Let's not give them a chance" naruto says and makes six clones, five getting the takemikata members on their feet and the sixth dispels.

"Aisha.. Head back with the others.. I'll head for the Throne Room" naruto says.

"You sure Jaeger" aisha says and naruto nods, "Don't die" she adds, as naruto rushes off.

"Seems Alegra's story was caused by the Ikaros Familia" musashi says.

"Seems so" naruto says, racing through the maze. He reaches the knight's room and encounters a Peluda being a dark-green dragon monster with a long snake-like body and four legs, equipped with poisonous needles as well.

"Crimson Cyclone" naruto shouts, driving his sword into the peluda's hide and it explodes with a cyclone of blue fire. A rumbling echoes as naruto skids to a halt while a 10 meter long lambton emerges from the floor having blue skin and three sets of amber eyes. It immediately opens wide to crash on naruto but begins to bubble and explodes with golden light from naruto going SSJ.

"This should be good enough" naruto says and makes a clone as it immediately dispels but an infusion of natural energy fills him before he vanishes with a red flash.

"Where did he come from" one ikaros member shouts, as udaeus roars. Naruto grabs his hiraishin knife and flips it around a few times, "It doesn't matter" he says, sending it forward and uses shadow clone kunai technique. Naruto vanishes with a red flash and cuts down the ten ikaros members with his sword before sending a knife towards udaeus, "Uzumaki Ryu: Crescent Waves" he shouts, swings several times. Udaeus tanks them with some light gashes as naruto lands with a skid, "Level 150" he thought. The monster rex has a black body and looks like a large version of a spartoi but having demonic horns on its head, his bones black as night as well with a fleshy orb on its chest.

"Hao!" naruto shouts and goes SSJ2, "I can't go SSJ3 here.. I don't know if the Dungeon can take it.. I'd rather not have a repeat of Honoka" he says. Udaeus roars and launches forward as a solid black sword manifests, causing naruto to break right as it crashes down and goes forward for delayed dropkick. He chains that into a backflip and fires several energy blasts to its face, avoiding its free hand and chains signs to unleashes a fireball. The sword cuts through the fireball and naruto blocks as it crashes into him, sending him crashing with two bounces but he corrects.

"Martial Qi: Fist of Jupiter" naruto shouts, shooting a large electric charged fist. It crashes into udaeus as naruto raises his right hand high and he conjures a rasenshuriken amped by his sage mode, "Senpō: Rasenshuriken" naruto shouts, flinging it like a javelin. He closes his fist and the screeching orb increases in size as naruto weaves move signs, "Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu" naruto declares. The dragon head flame catches up to the rasenshuriken and explodes in vacuous explosion as udaeus screeches. The firestorm dies down and udaeus is half melted as naruto flares his SSJ aura, "Time to end this" naruto shouts and rockets forward, while udaeus tries to summon some spartoi.

"Obliterating Last Bullet!" naruto shouts, sending the devastating punch to udaeus' chest and ending the boss but leaving behind its weapon which would yield a weapon too big to be called a sword.


"What do you think Naruto" tsubaki says. It has been two months since the incursion to the white palace and killing udaeus, also seeing the ikaros familia expelled from ouroboros and his own reputation increasing.

"It's long" naruto says. On a table is a black sword that is nearly about six feet in length with the straight double-edge blade taking up most of it and a plain cross guard, "I call it the Jaeger Zweihänder.. The grip is made from Skull Sheep Hide and the pommel is a spiral like your Familia" tsubaki says and goes to grab another thing as naruto lifts the sword.

"I also.." tsubaki says and sees naruto holding the sword with one hand, "It took two hands to hold" she thought.

"I also have a glove for Mujina made from some left over wyvern scale and I dyed it black.. The knuckles are made from Obsidian Soldier stone in case she need to be close" baki says. Naruto places his new sword down and look over the glove, "I think she'll like it.. What's the damage" he says.

"250,000 Valis" tsubaki says and naruto grabs a sack of valis from a satchel, before slipping the glove inside.

"Oh I heard a rumor" tsubaki says and naruto lifts one of his eyebrows, "The Guild is putting together a combined Party to head to Tristram" she adds.

"Why" naruto says.

"Lady Hillian believes it concerns a Monster who escaped some years ago.. It was a very powerful Black Dragon" tsubaki explains and naruto whistles, grabbing his sword and saying goodbye. Naruto leaves flamemiser and makes his way back towards the maelstrom home as a few adventurers sees his sword with some whispers about it.

"Jaeger Zweihänder.. Quite the name" musashi says.

"Yeah" naruto muses, looking at his stats and he's sitting at 140 with his lowest stat is Wis and all others are minimum of 2600.

"Where should we head next" musashi says.

"Ingrid has offered to take us to Yukikaze or Tristram.. Albion is no go unless Mujina wants to" naruto thought and soon reaches home as mujina is heading out.

"What is that" mujina asks, driger in her arms.

"Jaeger Zweihänder.. A sword made from Udaeus' black sword and Tsubaki made this for you" naruto says, pulling the glove from his satchel and driger hops down as mujina takes the glove.

"She says it was made from left over Wyvern scale and Obsidian stone" naruto says.

"It looks Good" mujina says, giving it back to him.

"Where you heading" naruto asks, putting the glove back into the satchel.

"Cassandra and Daphne invited me to go to Temple Bath.. Can I leave Driger with you.. She doesn't want to get wet again" mujina says.

"Right.. Have fun" naruto says, taking driger and mujina kisses him with a wave. Naruto and driger enter the grounds as he makes a clone to take his satchel inside, "Now let's test you out Jaeger" he says, as driger hops down. He raises the sword vertical and begins to channel his various sword qi styles, first a mixture of red and blue flames move along the blade, second lightning crackles the length, third a faint screech of wind, fourth a wave of water and finally the weight of earth. He begins to swing the sword in various strikes from each hand to both hands, tossing he sword and grabbing the blade itself to swing it like a hammer. Naruto finishes the day with adding seals to his new sword and two weeks later would get to confirm tsubaki's rumor about the black dragon.

"Thank you to the members of the Maelstrom.. Frey.. Ganesh.. Etna and Orion Familias" eina says and looks to the two high elves from shockingly Albion, "Also Gwilen Lia Nienna and Raegel Beren Haleth" she adds. Naruto glances to mujina and she has an almost angry but terse look on her face, also looking to ingrid, syifa, ors, tsubaki, hillian, Shakti Varma a member of ganesh and leader Ganesha, Oren the leader of orion and his second in commander Helis.

"What is this about" oren says, his blue eyes narrowed and his blond hair slicked back.

"The Black Dragon Belerion that escaped Ouroboros nearly two decades ago" gwilen says, glancing to mujina and some recognition in her eyes. She is a beautiful elf with silver-white hair to her shoulder, light blue eyes and long ears.

"Where is it hiding" hillian says, her wavy green hair in a ponytail.

"The Emperor of Tristram Jinix Vita Daelus IV has found it in what appears to be a manmade dungeon created by Belerion" raegel says. A muscular elven man with platinum silver hair combed to the left and dark gold eyes.

"Really" syifa says.

"Yes.. Emperor Jinix is dealing with the Annual Proxy War with Azerlisia.. So he is looking Outside and since Belerion came from Ouroboros.. It would be best for Ouroboros to deal with him" gwilen says.

"What are we getting for this" oren says.

"1,000,000 Valis and gratitude from Emperor Daelus" raegel says and oren scoffs.

"Only a million for a Monster from the Deeper Floors.. Who has had twenty years to grow stronger" oren says and rises from his chair, "Not happening" he adds and helis follows him out.

"Putting Orion aside.. Why are nobles from Albion involved.. Has Belerion attacked" syifa asks.

"He has and We were sent to aid in Belerion's Subjugation" gwelin says.

"We chose the strongest Familia here in Ouroboros" raegel says and looks to naruto, "And you as well Jaeger.. We have confirmed from the Guild you have killed a Black Goliath.. Two Irregulars.. Amphisbaena and Udaeus singlehandedly.. You were chosen.. Despite the company you keep" he adds and naruto's eyes narrow.

"On top of the One Million Valis.. The Guild is offer 750,000 Valis and any Drops from Belerion given to his killer" eina says.

"Hahaha.. No need for drops.. I simply want to fight Belerion" ganesha says, a muscular man with long black hair to his shoulders.

"When do we need to leave for Tristram" naruto says.

"By the end of the Week" gwilen says.

"Everyone who wishes to participate.. Raise your hands for your Familia" eina says, as syifa, ganesha and ingrid raise their hands for their groups.

"Then the Belerion's Subjugation Force has been convened" gwilen says, her eyes lingering on mujina.