
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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158 Chs

Chapter no.146

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Naruto was only flat on the ground for the same amount of time it took Jūgo to regenerate from his last wound. As Jūgo was laughing maniacally, thinking that he had already won, Naruto pushed himself up off the ground and delivered a Haki enhanced uppercut to the man's chin, sending him high into the air and back a dozen or so yards.

This had been the most amount of hits that Naruto had taken in years and the lack of regular pain was starting to catch up with him. He shakily stood back onto his own two feet as he stared into the eerie yellow eyes of Jūgo, whom was already back on his feet, looking as bloodthirsty as ever, even after taking such a heavy blow.

The two rushed at each other again, Jūgo intent on slaughtering the man before him. He fought more like a wild beast than a shinobi, though it was working for him magnificently with his pure strength making up for his lack of elegance. Naruto sent a slash towards the man's chest, but it was effortlessly blocked by the axe-blade that was now his arm. As Naruto was now stopped in his tracks at the moment, Jūgo transformed his other arm into a piston-like shape t increase the force of his fist and slammed it into Naruto's gut, forcing him to cough up a mouthful of saliva before being flung into another wall.

After regaining the feeling of his body, coupled with the incredible feeling of pain coursing through it, Naruto pulled himself out of the wall and stared distastefully at the man who had not yet moved from his previous position. He was really getting tired of being thrown around like a rag-doll. This was the first time that he had been so outmatched physically and he could honestly say he hated it. Was this how every other opponent facing himself felt before?

Jūgo's body started to transform once again, as many jet-like appendages formed on his exposed back and began expelling large amounts of chakra from them. Jūgo immediately blurred out of sight using the incredible speed boost that those boosters gave him.

In such a confined space with his opponent moving as fast as he was, Naruto was barely able to track him with the Sharingan, and even then he could only react fast enough to bring his sword up to block the axe-blade that was being aimed straight for his head. However, the speed Jūgo was moving at was the decisive factor as it cut right through Naruto's blade, but was offset just enough to miss its target altogether.

However, as soon as Jūgo was forced off-balanced by missing his target, he disappeared from sight once more. A strike came from behind Naruto, but he swiftly sidestepped it, though he didn't have the chance to counter strike as his opponent was gone once again. The raven-haired chūnin ducked a swing of the axe-blade once more, but this time he managed to grab Jūgo and kick him upwards with a kick. Though once in mid-air his disappeared from sight once more before appearing across the hall from Naruto only a short distance away.

He was panting heavily as he retracted the boosters into his back and stopped the chakra flow to them altogether. It seemed that form took quite a tole on him, so much so that prolonged use of it was out of the question. It normally would have been so fast that any opponent would have been finished with a single strike, this would have been the case with Naruto as well, had he not been using his Kenbunshoku Haki.

"You're different from the others I've fought! But I'll kill you all the same!" Jūgo yelled as his arm changed from the axe-blade he'd been so fond of up until now into something that may very well be more powerful. This time, large jet boosters, similar to the ones that had been on his back until just a minute ago, grew from the length of his forearm to his shoulder facing backwards. They were most likely used to make any punch that he threw dwarf Tsunade's super strength by a wide margin.

"Kassokuken: Ichishiki (Piston Fist: Style One)!" Jūgo roared as chakra was propelled out of the large boosters on his arm, sending him forward at incredible speeds with his right arm outstretched to deliver the finishing blow.

At the moment, Naruto didn't really have a lot of options on how to deal with the maniacal monster being propelled right at him. At least, that was before his right leg accidentally kicked his broken sword that he had dropped earlier.

"What the hell." Naruto shrugged, seeing as he may as well attempt the idea that came to mind. He stomped on the blade of the broken chokuto, causing it to flip into the air until Naruto swiped his right hand in its direction and gripped it tightly. He flared the chakra from the tenketsu points in his right forearm, forcing the bandages wrapping around them to loosen and fall to the floor, revealing a large seal in the shape of a pitch-black Chinese dragon, with its head on Naruto's hand and the rest of its body wapping continuously around his arm until it reached his bicep.

"I hate to use this technique, I find it devoid of any style or elegance, but it seems that you prefer our little meeting to end messily whether I use it or not." Naruto said as he took an offensive stance with his left shoulder facing forward as Jūgo was finally within striking distance of him.

Just as an extra boost of chakra propelled Jūgo's fist forward even faster, Naruto's channeled the power granted to him by the seal with his own, coating his sword with malefic green and black flames, increasing the cutting power of his sword exponentially as these particular flames were as hot as the surface of the sun. With a swift movement, Naruto sliced vertically through Jūgo's arm before sending another slash, bifurcating him horizontally, after which he blurred out of sight, appearing behind Jūgo.

"Kokuryū Zan no Tachi (Darkness Dragon's Remnant Longsword)!" As Naruto spoke the name of the technique, Jūgo's still-standing body split into over a dozen different pieces, illustrating just how fast the technique truly was. Because of how powerful those flames were, the dismembered pieces of the man's body were instantaneously ignited with the malicious green and black flames, as they threatened to disintegrate the remains. Naruto quickly extinguished the flames that covered the body as well as the flames that were coating his sword.

He had nowhere near mastery over these particular flames, in reality, he was only able to control and withstand these without getting burned because they were a combination of the darkness flame and his own. For him to obtain full mastery over the darkness flame, he would need to fully consume it, something that may very well kill him in the process.