
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs

Chapter 19

Well looks like we got lucky.

We didn't encounter any enemy on the way there and I could already see our camp and a good distance away from it was the place where the fight is taking place.

Going towards the camp a bit more, we encountered the ninjas sent on patrolling the area.

"I come with the backup you guys requested. Here is the mission scroll from Lord Hokage." I said before they asked me, 'Who are you? state your purpose.' and all that shit b'coz it's annoying.

After they finished confirming the details of the scroll and verifying it's originality, one of them guided us to our base where he told all the Genins to wait out in the open and guided me to the commander.

And I was really surprised when I saw who it was.

"Captain!!" I exclaimed. I was happy to see a familiar face here.

Captain Kou Uchiha looked at me and smiled. "I see that you have successfully become a Chunin."

"Well of course. Who do you think you are talking to." I said with a smug smile plastered across my face.

After we talked a little, he explained to me about the situation. Which was much better than I had expected. In fact it was pretty good.


Because the Land of Iron decided to intervene.

You see there are only three ways for Iwa shinobis to get to The Land of Rice. First, through the Land of Fire but that is more or less impossible for them. Second, through the see from the Earth Bay, crossing the Lightning Bay and then finally arriving to the Land of Rice but there is no way the Raikage will let them pass through their territory without killing them first.

So they were left with the only one way left with them, through the Land of Iron. With the leader of the country Mifune just recently getting back from Amegakure, and probably through the spies that they have implanted in The Land of Iron, they were able to infiltrate and travel all the way here.

We conveyed the current happenings to Lord Mifune who had no idea what was happening in his country which is extremely shameful specially for a country of Samurais. And now they will support us by attacking the Iwa Shinobis present here from their side as well.

Now to be honest, I don't really know the full story. I mean even with a few spies here and there, does it make sense to be able to transport thousands of shinobis through an entire country without alerting them or the spies of other villages present there.

Also if Lord Mifune and his Samurais are gonna take care of them from the root, does it makes any sense to attack the Kannabi Bridge now? Also where exactly was Iwa getting his supplies from anyway?

'Fuck that shit. I don't care about that. That is for the higher ups to figure out. I just want to go into battle already.'

It took Captain Kou about 15 minutes to explain all of this. He also explained a few other things like the losses we have suffered, that there are three battle fronts right now spread throughout the border, our strategies and all of that. And that I have to lead the 100 shinobis I have brought to the western battle front which is also the worst one out of the three. But yeah this all took him 15 minutes to explain at max.

"So are the others here as well?" I asked

"....Well Shisui is here." He replied

"What about the twins? I know about Akane but what about Ayane? Shouldn't she be here?"

"The twins have both been killed." He said with a somber look on his face.

".....I see. Sorry to bring that up." I said

"No. It's fine. Shisui is here on the base as well and he will accompany you in this mission. Go and convey that to him and then set out immediately."

"Yes Sir!" I said and walked out of the tent.

Now then let's see where Shisui is.


It took me a little over 10 minutes to find him in a secluded spot training with his Tanto.

I also spotted 10 people on the trees surrounding him who was on the ground.

All 10 of them threw shurikans, kunais, knives, senbons, etc on uneven intervals. There was really no pattern to them that I could see. However, he had the Sharingan.

He used his Tanto and deflected every single one of the throwables thrown at him with ease and in the most efficient way possible and it didn't even took him a second to find the exact pattern in the attacks. I would have just dodged them instead of parrying them

'The sharingan is way too overpowered.'

If I had the sharingan, I bet my speed at unlocking the template as well as the rate at which I grow stronger will experience an exponential increase.

"Whoa. Amazing" A kid jumped down the tree

"That was Awesome Shisui-san."

Slowly the other 9 shinobis came down as well. All of them seem to be genins. They all also had a look of admiration on their faces.


"Well that was very impressive but you and I both know that you need a partner to really increase your Kenjutsu." I said as I walked closer to him still claping. Because that seriously was very impressive. Whether he used the sharingan or not doesn't matter.

"Shirou?!" he exclaimed in surprise

"Who else. And like I said you can't really polish your sword skills without sparring." I said while summoning my sword in my hands from my wristband.

Oh yeah did I mention I got wrist bands with sealing formula printed on them from Minato Sensei. They are fucking awesome.

"So what do you say?" I said completely forgetting that I was told to find Shisui and leave with him immediately.

"Of course" he replied with a smile on his face.

He told the others to stay back and watch our spar from there and so we had a big enough place to have a spar.

"We will spar only using Kenjutsu. No taijutsu. No Genjutsu. No Ninjutsu. And we will only use our chakra to dull our weapons." I laid the basic ground rules that our spar will follow this time.

"Alright." He said

I tossed the stone up in the air and as soon as it landed on the ground. We dashed towards against each other and clashed against each other.

The sound of metal clashing with metal echoed through the area.

He suddenly took a step back and I used that opportunity to move in closer. I don't really want to give him breathing space.

But contrary to my expectation, he spun around and utilising the force gathered from the rotation, he swung at me with much stronger force than before.

I blocked it with my own sword but was pushed away a few meters.

I returned him this favour the next time he came at me and swung his sword horizontal, I ducked under it, escaping to his sides where I put full force behind my sword and swung it hard towards him which he blocked but it send him flying through the field.

'He has improved his swordsmanship. Now he seems to be at the same level as I am.'

We decided to take it up a notch and started going at it faster than before. So much so that I could bet that our movements were looking blurry to the viewers.

We continued our high speed clash for a while and then separated from each creating a good distance for us to catch our breathe.

When we were both about to again start the fight.

"Captain!!" I heard a cry coming from a distance

'Isn't he one of the people I brought here.....wait...Fuck!!'

'I forgot about the mission'

"We have a mission!!" he had tears falling down his cheeks.

'I don't think Captain Kou would be so cruel to a fresh Genin that it would make him cry.'

"Yes. Yes. Let's leave."

I turned to face Shisui, "Shisui we have a mission now. You and I have to lead a bunch of Genins to the Eastern Front and provide back up there. We will leave in 10 so get ready immediately."

"Alright." he said and then just went away in a flash.


So, now we are moving to the battlefield with a total of 112 members which is just too much for me to handle. The reason for this increase in numbers is because Shisui along with the 10 people following him also joined.

Apparently he had a team of 50 genins and out of them 10 remain right now. I wonder how many of my team will survive the battle.

But this also made me feel relieved as one of my worries went away with this news. I got to know from somewhere that in the anime Shisui awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan during the third great ninja war when he witnessed his friend's death.

I was worried that since I was alive and I was by far the closest thing to a friend he ever had, I was worried that he didn't awaken his Mangekyo which would just change the plot by a huge margin.

But now after witnessing so many deaths of his comrades and even the twin's, May god rest their soul. I was sure that he had his Mangekyo now. Since that would also explain why he has 3 tomoe sharingan already when he only had 2 when I left.

Sure he could have just experienced slight emotional damage and evolved his Sharingan by only a single level. But I was liking the chances of him awakening his Mangekyo.

"Enemy team at 2 'O' clock. 500 meters from us." a chunin positioned at our right yelled. And Shisui and I who were leading everyone stopped, prompting everyone else to stop as well.

"How many and what are their ranks?"

"15. 2 jonins. 5 chunins and the rest are genins."

'Meaning that we have to expect at least 3-4 jonins and everyone else to be Chunins.'

"We have numerical advantage over the enemy. So spread out and surround them. Shisui and I will take care of the Jonins. Among you only Chunins will fight other Chunins and fight as a group and overpower them with the numbers. Do not leave anyone alive."

As I finished giving the order, Shisui and I both went towards the enemy. We need to take the Jonins away from the group since even one large range jutsu will result in many of our people dying.

'Finally time to cut loose!!' I exclaimed mentally