
Naruto the everything god

naruto gets the power of everything (check out my friends fanfic too) fanfic:With my system in the omnivers (ended)

GodKiller_086 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chunin exams

One the way back to the village naruto used his different elements to make techniques all the while sasuke was jealous that he didn't have that power.So on the way sasuke confronted naruto but naruto just flashed step in front of the village he then waited for them to appear. After one day they did and went to the hokage's tower they reported about the mission Hiruzen then told sasuke and Sakura to leave.

Hiruzen:So naruto tell about these powers you have

Naruto:I can't tell you


Naruto:You heard what I said

Then naruto flash step out of the office

Hiruzen:Anbu!! I want you to monitor naruto movements we have to make sure the kyuubi is not manipulating him

Anbu:Yes hokage sama

Naruto then proceed to freeze time and said it time to release Asmodios power I bright light then shut out of naruto's body coming out in waves and at that moment naruto felt complete at that moment the whole omniverse every reality shaked

Naruto: Hmm finally realised this limit I put on myself time to the other verse

A screen then appeared showing every single possible verse he chosed a random verse

Naruto:JJK verse seams interesting maybe after the chunin exams

Naruto shaped his finger the time proceeded but he disappeared the anbu were confused one moment he's there the other moment gone

The next day then came for the beginning of the chunin exams naruto and his team was walking up the stairs they were on floor two when they saw a couple of genins crowding around.Naruto and his team went see chunin guarding the door seeing them kicking a green clad genin his female teammate then said Lee are you OK

Lee:I'm fine

Sasuke was going to say something but naruto told him to just walk a leave the weaklings they began to walk off but the green clad ninja named Lee ran up asking sasuke for a fight but naruto told him there wasn't any time and proceeded to walk off but Lee promised to fight sasuke in the chunin exams.

They proceeded to meet kakashi in front of the room where the chunin exams was being kept he then told them good luck.

(Skipping first part of the exams)

It was the second part of the chunin exams and team 7 find themselves in a bad suitation orochimaru was infront of the sasuke and Sakura were afraid but naruto was just smiling

Orochimaru:Boy why are you smiling

Naruto:Because I found someone that could give me a warm up

Orochimaru just laughed

Orochimaru:OK brat let's do thi

Before Orochimaru could finish speaking naruto teloported in front of him with his fist in his stomach naruto the hit him with a attack that could destroy a mountain but Orochimaru got out of that body seeing is old body destroyed by that boys hands he got pisted releasing a ton of killing intent making sasuke and Sakura faint.

Naruto just ignored it sprinting towards Orochimaru with hokage level speeds reaching Orochimaru he tried to hit him with a left hook but Orochimaru duck hitting naruto with a sliding kick which naruto quickly got up doing a fire phenix flower jutsu Orochimaru dodge doing a water dragon jutsu canceling out each other's jutsu naruto proceeded to open the full eight gates

Orochimaru:Impossible how *Cough*

Naruto flashed in front of him hitting him with a heel drop but before Orochimaru could land on the ground naruto flashed behind him barraging him with a total of 200 punches making Orochimaru look like a pan cake.but Orochimaru then spat out another body.

Orochimaru:I will be back boy and next time you and the old man will die

Orochimaru said with a maximum amount of killing intent.

Naruto proceeded to just create a earth and heaven scroll with his power because sasuke gave Orochimaru there scroll

Naruto:(And he thinks he's a elite what a pathetic weakling)

He toke sasuke and to the tower being right behind the shinobi from the sands.