
Naruto: The corpse collector

This is an Naruto fanfiction

Adolf_nigler · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Upon awakening, Ben found himself amidst a rainy night with the sound of pattering droplets outside the door.

The room exuded a damp and cold atmosphere, while the flickering candlelight illuminated the presence of several lifeless bodies scattered on the frigid floor.

He questioned his surroundings, seeking to make sense of the chaotic memories flooding his mind.

Eventually, he comprehended the nature of his current reality, realizing that he had been transported to the tumultuous and brutal world of Naruto.

In the present day, war, turmoil, and conflict have become commonplace occurrences, as routine as everyday meals.

The spilling of blood and shedding of tears have become the bitter aftermath following these customary occurrences.

Within this world, Ben assumes the role of a discreet ninja hailing from Konoha, known for his resilience and endurance.

However, he also fulfills another responsibility as Konoha's Corpse Collector.

The nature of this job is self-explanatory, as individuals in his position are entrusted with the task of collecting and preserving the fallen bodies while other ninjas engage in fierce battles for the sake of the village. In the realm of ninjas, these corpses hold not only various ninjutsu and bloodline limits but also valuable information stored within their minds, including secrets pertaining to the village's hidden truths.

So regardless of which faction it may be, during times of war, there will be dedicated groups assigned to collect the deceased, and he is a member of one such group. During peaceful times, his duties involve not only the handling of corpses, but also their basic care and maintenance.

Regardless of the world one inhabits, the deceased hold utmost importance, and sacrifices must be made for the sake of peace.

Upon receiving the orders from the village, families and ethnic groups are allowed to retrieve their loved ones for proper burial.

Having lost his parents in the war and possessing limited talents, he had to strive hard to secure this job, just enough to sustain himself.

The room he found himself in was unmistakably a morgue.

As he surveyed his surroundings, an unsettling sensation coursed through his body.

However, soon after, he noticed that he was standing in front of Kuwu's lifeless body, and a glimmer of white light appeared. Could that be... the soul?

Out of reverence for the deceased, he refrained from directly approaching the individual, opting to stand hesitantly in their presence.

Undeniably, the realm of ninjas possesses a spirit. This was elucidated and summarized for us by the esteemed scientist, Uncle Snake, who personally underwent a transformation.

However... Knowledge and acceptance are separate matters altogether.

All of a sudden, a virtual blue transparent frame materialized before Ben , not obstructing his line of sight but captivating his attention.

『White corpse, with a 90% success rate, may I interact with the deceased (3/3 times, 9/9 maximum for the day)]』

Subsequently, an interface bearing the options [Yes/No] emerged.

"Huh?" Observing the mildly modern virtual frame before him, Ben selected to disregard the reason behind its appearance, feeling a hint of excitement.

A plugin, perhaps?

Despite concerns about his ambiguous future in this chaotic and perilous world, the existence of this system presented the glimmer of hope for self-preservation.

Ben observed the lifeless body positioned serenely before him and, unexpectedly, experienced a fleeting sense of compassion.

However, he hastily dismissed this somewhat irrational notion, vigorously shaking his head. Cease this! Do not entertain such thoughts, for dire consequences shall ensue. He pivoted and surveyed the entire mortuary. Nearly all the bodies displayed luminous markings, varying in color from whitish to green and yellow. He approached a corpse adorned with a verdant glow. Its visage was pallid, its green attire drenched in crimson, and perched on one shoulder was a familiar symbol of the Uchiha clan - the Sharingan.

"Uchiha?" Ben expressed mild astonishment. Traditionally, it was the duty of clans like the Uchiha and Hyuga to gather and inter the deceased to prevent the release of blood.

This accord had been acknowledged by the village. Nonetheless, there was one exception, namely, if the individual had not awakened the Uchiha clan's inherited ocular prowess known as the Sharingan.

The color used to represent the level of the corpse should be considered, taking into account factors such as its strength, abilities, and bloodline succession limits.

This particular morgue only contained one corpse that emitted a flashing yellow light.

Coincidentally, the person familiar with this corpse happened to be Miura Kaminino.

The original owner of the corpse, Konoha, was a formidable veteran Kaminin who had engaged in numerous battles alongside the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi and served as a member of the Naruto Guards.

The demise of such a powerful ninja serves as a significant warning to him and the entire village, signaling the potential reemergence of great turmoil in the ninja world.

While he is uncertain of the exact circumstances, he is convinced that if another war were to erupt, it would engulf the entire ninja world.

The yellow point of light, does it represent Shinobu?" Ben murmured contemplatively.

At the upper level, the success rate is merely 30%. There is no room for hesitation, as there is no higher level than yellow in the audience. Therefore, the choice to proceed with touching the corpse should be made decisively by selecting "Yes".

Unfortunately, both attempts have resulted in failure.

"You won't be fortunate enough to succeed," he remarked, considering the probability stacking which indicates a 65% chance of success after three attempts. Despite the inexplicable circumstances, he would persist and test his luck by reincarnating.

With a deep breath, he overcame the discomfort of touching the cold corpse and reached out his hand once more.

This time, however, he succeeded! He obtained the Konoha Kaminin Miura One Combo Experience Card (Rare). Now, the question is: what should he do next? Besides the disappearance of the yellow light on the corpse, he did not perceive any changes.

The corpse did not manifest any enhanced capabilities, nor did he discover any objects in his possession. "It appears... here.

After carefully perusing the system interface, the word 'Panel' was eventually located in the corner. Out of sheer curiosity, I proceeded to click on it, and the process unfolded seamlessly.

The character in question goes by the name of Ben, a 13-year-old individual possessing the attribute of Fire, specifically falling under the Strength category of Shinobi.

His physical prowess stands at a level of 10, while his sensory abilities and perceptiveness are both rated at 12.

Furthermore, his control capabilities reach a commendable level of 15. He possesses expertise in the Ninjutsu discipline known as the Three Body Technique and possesses an item of significance, namely the rare Konoha Kaminin Miura One Experience Card.

On exploring these details, one can only describe the situation as ghastly.

However, it turned out that the aforementioned Konoha Kaminin Miura One Match Experience Card was not what he had anticipated. In the realm of gaming, it is commonly understood that items labeled as 'rare' tend to be of superior quality.

Overall, the initial encounter proved to be quite satisfactory.

Miura, standing before the lifeless bodies of the Uchiha Clan Ninja, couldn't help but grin, as though experiencing the excitement akin to opening a blind box.

Opening blind boxes is notorious for its addictiveness, and this particular instance was no exception

In general, the initial experience was quite satisfactory. Miura positioned himself in front of the lifeless body of the Uchiha Clan Ninja and suddenly displayed a smile.

'How can I elicit the same excitement as opening a blind box?' It is widely recognized that the act of unveiling blind boxes is highly addictive, and this particular case is no exception.

At this moment, a premonition arises within me that I will not leave empty-handed.

'Success! Acquire a randomly assigned promotion card with an increased attribute value of +2!' An attribute card, you say?

Without checking its contents, Miura expresses the desire to further revel in this delightful sensation.

'Success! Attain the Uchiha Clan Thin Blood Card (1/3)!' Confusion overtakes Miura as he contemplates the significance of the Uchiha family blood's presence.

Unable to contain his eagerness, he immediately proceeds to open the tablet once again. As my attention fixated upon the scarlet card, minuscule words materialized before my eyes.

'Name: Uchiha's Thin Blood Card (1/3); Description: Serving as the ultimate testament to the Uchiha Clan, who never obtained the Sharingan Clan's power, this thin blood represents their final source of pride; Function: Collecting three of these cards will grant access to the Uchiha Clan's blood;

Remarks: This bloodline is accompanied by a curse.'

Once utilized, there is no possibility of reversal; therefore, it is imperative to thoroughly contemplate this decision.

Please exercise caution and consider all aspects meticulously."

"There is unequivocal certainty of the symbolic significance of this item - the sharingan!

I feel a sense of shame in admitting that I have traversed the realm of Naruto without utilizing a set of sharingan lenses.

However, whether one can physically open their eyes is of no consequence. The focal point lies in possessing what others possess!"

"A profound effort is exerted to suppress overwhelming excitement."

"To reiterate, unfortunately, the third attempt proved futile.

Nonetheless, Ben feels content with the outcome. In general, this outcome aligns more closely with probability. According to the instructions provided by the system, there remain three additional opportunities today to partake in the prize drawing.

Observing the entire pool of potential candidates, Ben ultimately selects the preserved corpse of a female ninja, accented by a radiant white light.

The reasoning behind this selection is unequivocally simple - her body remains intact, and she exhibits superior aesthetics."

"Success! There exists no recipient for the standard reward! Success! Obtain a duplicate of the exquisite earrings! Success! Acquire a copy of lingerie! The anterior aspect is satisfactory.

Why is the painting style on the back deteriorating?

Kunai, can you explain what earrings and underwear are?

Upon reviewing the items in the inventory, Ben found himself perplexed.

In that moment, the door's silence was interrupted by footsteps, signaling the arrival of two individuals.

One was a medical ninja clad in a white coat, with tired-looking eyes resembling those of a fish.

The other was a silver-haired teenager wearing a face mask.

It should be noted that Hokage-sama has assigned your team the responsibility of looking after your companion, who is an orphan... Suddenly, the medical ninja's eyes widened halfway through as he noticed Ben. His gaze fixated on the corpse of a female, his hand resting on her chest.

A slight narrowing of Kakashi's eyes revealed a flicker of contempt.

Ben was well aware of the awkwardness of the current situation.

More importantly, he was at a loss for words on how to explain it.

However, upon first encountering Kakashi, a peculiar question surfaced in his mind and he blurted it out uncontrollably.

'Long time no see, Kakashi. So, tell me...where is your father buried?'