
Naruto: The Conqueror

The world shinobi has a really deep dark future

Ritixz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1. The Unification of Pain, Fear, and Power.

The silence was deafening; nobody dared to speak at all. The situation was alarmingly disastrous, the image of the Kyubi ravaging the village remained fresh in their minds. Nobody had the slightest doubt that few would manage to sleep tonight. The body count hadn't even begun, yet they could already feel the pain in their heads, coupled with the uncertainty of what happened to the nine-tailed fox, and the fact that their Hokage hadn't arrived alone only increased the silent torture.

"Where is Minato supposed to be?" Tsume Inuzuka questioned, the first to muster the courage to speak.

"How are we supposed to know that? We haven't seen him since he appeared on that toad to confront the Kyubi," Fugaku Uchiha responded decisively.

"Look who's talking, if I recall correctly, I didn't see you anywhere in the village while the Kyubi was destroying everything in its path," Tsume muttered under her breath, her accusatory tone not lost on anyone.

"What are you suggesting?" Fugaku narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms.

"That's enough." Shikaku Nara spoke in an attempt to prevent the situation from escalating further. "Accusing each other won't solve anything; the last thing we need to do is argue at a time like this."

"I agree with Shikaku," the leader of the Aburame clan, Shibi, spoke. "We can't afford to be emotional; we need to use reason and calmness to discuss."

"What we need is for Minato to come and tell us what happened with the fox," Tsume interjected instantly.

"Minato won't come." All attention turned to the rough voice of Danzo Shimura. "Don't tell me you think the Kyubi killed him," Chouja Akimichi interrogated.

"What I believe is that something killed him," Danzo replied, a second before the door creaked. "Lord Hokage," Inocihi Yamanaka was the first to greet, but neither he nor anyone received a response. A tired sigh was all that came from Hiruzen Sarutobi's lips. "Minato is dead."

Absolute silence immediately returned to the room, sounding so loud in their ears that everyone ignored the bundle the Third Hokage carried, except Danzo. The sound of a baby crying drew the attention of those present, who had remained frozen at the news. Hiruzen looked at the blond baby in his arms with great sadness, a tear rolling down his cheek onto the newborn's. "I'm so sorry, Minato, Kushina," Hiruzen thought to himself.

"What happened, Hiruzen?" Danzo almost demanded an answer.

Hiruzen took a few seconds to ponder his response. "The Fourth Hokage died sealing the Kyubi. He used a forbidden jutsu that took his life. I can assume that the fox is trapped in that child," Shikaku suggested.

"That's right, Minato invoked Death itself to do it. This child is the reason the village still stands," Sarutobi spoke sincerely.

"What are we going to do?" Danzo requested an answer.

"First, give a dignified burial to all who have died on this chaotic night. After that, we will begin the reconstruction of the village and..." Sarutobi couldn't finish when his colleague decided to intervene. "I'm not referring to that," Hiruzen immediately knew where the conversation was going.

"The jinchuriki, what are we going to do?" "I think the answer is clear, let him have a normal life," Hiruzen spoke seriously.

"You know very well that this child won't have a normal life; you can't just separate him from his nature." "What nature?" Sarutobi almost roared. "This child won't grow up as a machine without feelings."

"You're not thinking clearly, Hiruzen, Danzo has a point, and you know it." Koharu commented. "You don't even know the boy's name yet, and you're already supporting him," the Hokage said with annoyance.

"You have to be prudent; it's the best option for him and for the village." Homura suggested, pushing up his glasses. The outburst of opinions from one moment to another left the clan leaders totally stunned, without the courage to interfere in the discussion of the village's top leaders.

"What's his name?" Danzo's question really caught Hiruzen by surprise, although he didn't let it show. "Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki." The most perceptive in the room instantly knew what it meant, much to Hiruzen's relief; they all pretended to ignore it. Danzo stood up silently and approached the child to get a better look at him. He examined him for a few brief moments and noticed the striking resemblance to his two parents. "This boy is going to change the whole world." Danzo didn't miss the accusing look from Hiruzen. "Not because of the Kyubi, not because of his last name, there's something else that will shake this world to its core."

"I've never been someone who believes in hunches, Danzo." Hiruzen spoke, losing some of the anger in his voice. "But you do, and I'm sure you can feel something in him." Danzo approached the door, putting his hand on the handle. "Let time pass; it will be the boy's decision."

Six years later.

A small blond boy clumsily walked along the dirt roads of the Leaf Village, carrying a small white rabbit with him. He liked to wander and marvel at the architecture of his village, the color of the buildings, the rustle of the leaves in the wind, the smell of delicious aromas everywhere, drinking from the fresh and clean water of the rivers. Konoha was a beautiful place to his small blue eyes full of hope, alongside his furry friend. He looked up to see something that amazed him more than anything else, the enormous Hokage Monument, the stone-carved faces of the legendary ninjas of the Leaf left him breathless. He admired them; he wanted to be like them. No, he was going to be better than any Hokage. With that last thought, he ran at full speed to the stairs leading to the carved rock. However, any elder could see the sadness in his eyes; it was the fact that he couldn't ignore the looks of disdain from the villagers that filled his eyes with sadness, quickly disappearing when he felt the rabbit's nose nudging his cheek, laughing nervously.

"Go ahead." Hiruzen indicated to the person who had knocked on his door moments earlier; the guest opened the door upon hearing the invitation. "Danzo." The war hawk entered the Hokage's office, observing the mountain of papers his old friend had piled up on his desk. He looked out the window to see a small blond boy running up the stairs leading to the top of the monument, carrying Karu with him. "What brings you here?" Hiruzen asked, pulling a pipe from his drawer. "The academy will start soon; many clan heirs will enter the same class possibly." Danzo didn't say much more. "That's right, Naruto will also enter this year; there are only two months left." Sarutobi exhaled smoke from his pipe. " Two months, it's not enough time to prevent a child from falling into absurd ideals. Danzo leaned on his cane with both hands. I'll be clear and direct, I came here to talk about Naruto. No way, you know the answer, I won't let you enroll that boy in a soulless program. Hiruzen retorted seriously. Let me speak, please. Danzo calmly requested. We've both failed, Hiruzen, both of us. You failed, I failed. Maybe we're opposites, but we're not enemies. We both seek to protect this village. Tobirama Sensei asked for it before he went to die. Hiruzen's accusing gaze turned nostalgic. I think we should help each other with that boy. There's no sun and moon, no black and white. You're good and bad, I'm good and bad, to a greater or lesser extent, but it exists in each person. Danzo made a silent gesture to Hiruzen. Sarutobi stood up, interested to see what Danzo was looking at through the window. What he saw made him smile. Little Naruto was climbing the long stairs with all his might. Suddenly, the blonde stumbled and crashed into the stone, but he managed to lift his rabbit to avoid hurting it. Hiruzen watched the situation worriedly. To his surprise, Naruto stood up, brushed the dust off his clothes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and cleaned the blood dripping from his nose. After that, Naruto continued climbing the daunting stairs with renewed courage, and the rabbit seemed to be staring at the stars. I told you years ago, that boy has something beyond the Kyubi or his genes. He has the capacity to want to be unstoppable. Both friends watched the boy climb the stairs with all his might. What exactly are you getting at? Hiruzen inquired, watching people walk by. I want to train Naruto with my teachings, but also with yours. I want him to have what I lack from you, and what you lack from me, the good things of course. Danzo turned around, approaching the photos of the previous three Hokages. For example, I want ninjas to have no trace of emotions, whereas you believe they're important for a shinobi. It's better to help him control his emotions, to let him feel. I'm wrong about that, Hiruzen. What I want is to create emotionless machines that obey orders, but it's better for Naruto to truly love the village and give his all for it, not just because it's his mission. Hiruzen exhaled smoke before speaking. He needs to understand how important the will of fire is, but also how important power is, although I don't like to abuse that. It could be good for him, he would be strong and away from the villagers' scrutiny. I'm sure he would accept what we can offer him as a child, but I don't want that for him. We need to explain everything to him. I prefer him to join because he made a decision in which he paid attention, not because he wants to fill his head with dreams. Danzo spoke calmly, seeing Naruto reaching the top of the stairs. We can discuss the details later and in more depth, but in summary, that's it. We work together to give him the right tools. Danzo approached the door, giving one last look to Hiruzen. Think about it, it's better now than never. If we don't manage the boy's situation well, it could turn against us, before his heart fills with hatred and malice. Without saying more, Danzo left the room, leaving Hiruzen pensive.

"It's a beautiful view." Naruto turned when he heard a voice behind him, seeing an elderly man walking towards him with a cane, a scar in the shape of an X on his chin, dressed in white and gray clothes. Without sensing any good or bad intention from the man, Naruto responded. "Yes, it's incredible to see the village from here." To confirm his admiration, Naruto returned his gaze to the village below while stroking his rabbit. "Everyone seems so small." Naruto raised his palm, partially blocking the view of the village. "It could be bigger, like a big family." No one smiled, looking at the river crossing the village. "From here, you would look like a great beast, Karu." Naruto said to his rabbit. "A family. Why?" Danzo asked curiously, ignoring the rabbit. "Well, because everyone seems so comfortable together. Not when I'm around, but from a distance, one can see how they help each other." Naruto's gaze revealed a slight trace of disappointment. "But it seems like some can't see it. Sometimes I hear villagers or ninjas saying things behind the Uchiha's backs, it shouldn't be like that. We're supposed to take care of each other." Danzo approached, tapping the ground with his cane. "Deception is a ninja's most powerful weapon, yet we can also be deceived. Maybe the villagers can't see through that illusion." Naruto tilted his head. "I don't understand." Karu also shook its head. "I mean that things aren't always as they used to be. Life is constantly changing. We have to strike hard, attack problems at their root." Danzo looked at Naruto with more confusion in his eyes. "But we can cut that root and plant a new tree in its place. The Uchiha weren't always viewed negatively, quite the opposite. They were admired and respected in every corner of the village. The village was founded long ago, with the cooperation of several clans in this area. The hidden leaf village was formed to avoid bloody clan wars. It had a good result. The Second did a good job nurturing the beginning of the tree trunk with the Uchiha, but if you stop paying attention, you become vulnerable and foolish. Then that wood starts to rot, and at some point, it won't be able to hold itself up." Danzo pondered, thinking of Hiruzen. "Is that so? If they unite, would there be peace?" Naruto asked curiously. "It takes more than just unity to achieve peace. It takes power, strength, even fear. But also good intentions. I believe understanding is one of them, but I prefer not to delve too deeply into that path." Danzo replied, stepping aside from Naruto, who hugged his rabbit protectively. "So..." A leaf flew until it landed in Naruto's hands. "That's one way to achieve peace." Naruto observed that the leaf had a hole in its center. He pointed it towards the village entrance, managing to see a ninja squadron leaving the gates through the hole in the leaf. "Unity through unity and strength." It sounded almost like a question, Danzo observed in silence. "But fear. What if they fear us?" Danzo looked at the lush green landscape, taking time to respond. "That's fine. It's fear that will prevent anyone from rising against power, against peace." Naruto didn't like that answer. "But that's not right. Fear is power, but power causes fear. What if someone overcomes that fear? It's better not to take the risk." Danzo paid deep attention to Naruto. "I think it would be better to deal with kindness, respect, to make them feel like one of us willingly and not by force. "Fear can lurk in the shadows, in a thought that prevents us from doing foolish things," Danzo commented dryly. Naruto aimed the leaf at the sun; the rays pierced through the green leaf, slightly hurting his eyes. "It's like the sun, its light helps plants grow, but it also causes rain and nourishes vegetation." "How do you know that? Haven't you entered the academy yet or what?" Danzo interrogated. "No, but the old man tells very interesting things," Naruto smiled brightly. Danzo ignored him. "Tell me about the sun and fear, I'm curious," Naruto agreed, resuming the conversation. "Well, it's like this. First scenario: We see all the good that the sun gives us, we thank it because thanks to it, we can live better. But in the second instance, we think that with its power, it can burn us at any moment. The first thing we see is why we're with it, why it helps us on earth, and in the second place, deeply and in the shadows, it's because we're afraid it will make us burn. It's like if one stone were bigger than another, only the harmless one we see clearly, and the big, strong one behind our back. In the second scenario, the power of the sun would fill us with fear, so we wouldn't have the courage to do anything against it. The last instance, we see the good it gives us, disrupting the order generates two different views. One with kindness and buried fear in our nails. And another with fear staining our skin, with kindness thorns in our feet. I think I prefer the first option." Naruto spoke with all the sincerity in the world with Karu in his arms. Danzo didn't agree, but seeing this was what he wanted. That kid seemed to have both him and Hiruzen inside, but still needed teachings, tools, knowledge, and more. He just hoped Hiruzen could see it. "What's your name, kid?" Danzo asked. Naruto smiled from ear to ear. "Naruto Uzumaki dattebayo," Naruto pointed to his chest with a finger. "And this is Karu." "And do you think peace can be achieved through unification via power?" Danzo questioned. "Seriously. Even to protect the smallest things, power is needed," Naruto saw as Danzo fixed his gaze on the little bunny. Naruto looked uncertainly at Danzo, lowering his gaze to see the stairs he had struggled so much to climb; Danzo didn't miss that look. "Step by step, centimeter by centimeter, counted drops of sweat, blood, and tears. I believe it's possible."

Two weeks later. "Did you call me old?" Naruto peeked through the door, seeing the Hokage sitting behind his desk and the man he had seen two weeks ago by his side.

"Yes, Naruto, come in," Hiruzen nodded, and Naruto walked to the center of the room. "There's something I want to talk to you about," Hiruzen coughed into his hand. "But first, let me introduce you to an old friend; his name is Danzo Shimura. I understand you've already met."

"Yes, I enjoyed talking to him," Naruto smiled, nodding. "I want to introduce you to Karu," Naruto lifted his rabbit, and Hiruzen blinked as the rabbit chewed on a document. "Sorry," Naruto took the paper from the rabbit and chuckled nervously. "And what do you want to talk about, old man?" Naruto asked with great curiosity. Danzo could feel the silent nervousness in Hiruzen.

"I suppose you know what a ninja is, right?" "Of course, they're the ones who jump high and climb walls, right?" Naruto spoke enthusiastically. "Yes, Naruto, those are the people who protect the village and help us make money," Hiruzen explained briefly. "Money? How?" "Yes, Naruto, money. Clients from other parts come to the village, pay for a mission, and we provide ninjas to fulfill a mission. That's how the village is sustained. In other words, it's a military village," Hiruzen paused. "Do you want to become a ninja?" "What a silly question, old man, I'm already enrolled in the academy, remember?" Naruto said amusedly. "Right, hehe, how could I forget?" Hiruzen chuckled, calming his nerves a bit. He received a displeased look from Danzo; he knew what it meant. "Hurry up," he raised his hand, asking for patience. "But, old man, you said a ninja's duty is to protect their village, but it seems like some of the villagers don't want to be protected. Do you think they don't want ninjas in this village?" Naruto asked almost as a secret. "There's a reason for that," Danzo spoke, before Hiruzen could continue, Naruto intervened. "Did you know there are other types of ninja?" Hiruzen asked kindly. "Really? Which ones?" Naruto's eyes were shining with excitement as his rabbit tried to reach a paper on a nearby shelf. "They're quieter, more discreet ninjas who work in the shadows, taking care of what no one else can, unseen and unheard, eliminating threats to the village," Hiruzen explained, and Danzo stepped forward. "They are the Anbu, they use their power to protect the views that can be admired from the Hokage Monument," Danzo said firmly. "We want you to join that group." Before Naruto could jump for joy, Danzo interrupted. "Naruto," Danzo's serious voice shook Naruto. "This is not a game, not for you, not for anyone. People's lives may be at risk if you take it as a game. It's not that; it's a responsibility that requires a lot of sacrifice. Hiruzen and I want to give you the necessary tools to become someone very strong, powerful, feared." Danzo knew Sarutobi was staring at him intensely at that moment. "Dear and also admired, but it has to remain extremely secret if you accept; it's in your hands to decide." Danzo stepped aside, letting Hiruzen speak. "We can't give you more information about it; it would be confidential, and it's already imprudent to tell a child this," Hiruzen spoke seriously. "It's a matter that can't be taken lightly; the reality of the ninja world is cruel, harsh, painful, before you decide, you have to be aware of what it implies to be an Anbu: killing, interrogating, torturing, kidnapping, spying, stealing..." Hiruzen interrupted Danzo and placed some papers on his desk. "Read this, Naruto. It's to give you an idea of what it means to be a ninja, an Anbu, the war, and the world in general. I know it's not much time, but you have a week to decide." Naruto approached and took the papers, stretching on tiptoes to reach them. "We'll wait for your answer," Naruto walked to the door, stopping to ask a question. "What is the village?" The question actually intrigued the elders. "I mean, are the walls, the people, the monument, the forests?" Naruto turned around showing confusion. "What do I have to protect? What reason do I have to be a shinobi?" Silence lingered for long seconds; Hiruzen didn't know how to respond accurately. Danzo was the one who spoke up. "At the Hokage Monument, you said everyone looked like a family, but it could be bigger. Do you want to be part of that family?" Naruto slightly widened his eyes, looked out the window to see people walking without worries, peacefully and oblivious to any danger. "I'll think about it," Naruto left the room hugging Karu. Naruto arrived at his apartment, there were few things in the place, a bed, a small bathroom, a table, and a kitchen he was unable to use. He left his rabbit on the bed and sat on a chair in front of a table, taking the papers the old man gave him. He read them carefully one by one; they described more or less what he had to do as an Anbu. It was basically a secret agent who did high-risk missions. Not only that gave him chills, but also all the extra information; he hadn't even entered the academy yet, and the information bombarded him slightly. Three ninja wars, skirmishes, fights, battles, deaths, assassinations, all kinds of news and reports about the cruel ninja world. He began to doubt if he wanted to be a ninja; soon he felt something furry on his leg, he lowered his gaze to see Karu approaching. "Hello, friend, how are you?" Naruto picked up his rabbit, seeing the papers on the table. "What do you think about all this? It would help protect Konoha, but I'm not sure it's my family." Naruto chuckled when he felt a tickle on his cheek. "What kind of answer is that, Karu?" Naruto gently stroked the rabbit. "You are my only and best friend; I wonder if you count as family." Naruto looked out the window; from his apartment, he could see the Hokage Monument. "I really hope so."

Seven days later. Naruto walked through a wooded area on the outskirts of the village, running alongside Karu, who followed him at night. "I'm going to get there first." Naruto ran to what he indicated was the finish line of the race; however, he tripped over a rock and fell to the ground abruptly, his rabbit reached the branch before him, winning. "How is that supposed to happen?" Naruto accused the rabbit with a finger; from one moment to the next, Karu was already eating the grass. "Are you serious? This is humiliating." Naruto looked downcast. Suddenly he heard a strange noise around him. "What was that?" Naruto looked around trying to find the source of the sound, feeling the danger he hurried to his rabbit, picked it up, and ran to throw himself to hide behind a bush. Seconds later, a man fell to the ground surrounded by trees; he seemed tired if the gasps for air were any indication. "What is that scroll?" Naruto wondered silently as he saw the man in a red uniform carrying a scroll on his side. "I better hurry." The ninja spoke and drew a kunai just in case. The ninja turned around, and Naruto could see his headband thanks to the moon's reflection; he backed away in fear, realizing he was not a leaf ninja. "Enemies?" Naruto took a step back and accidentally broke a branch. "Shit." "What?" The Iwa-nin turned to see where he heard a noise. He approached slowly and threw a slash with the kunai cutting part of the bushes. "There's nothing here." Naruto was 1 meter away behind the trunk of a tree hugging Karu tightly. "But there should be something." The ninja ventured further into the bushes. Naruto turned around the tree slowly trying not to make a single noise. "I have to get out of here now. I need to seek help." Naruto saw with fear the kunai's tip gleaming. "And that scroll? Is he stealing it? I shouldn't allow it." Naruto told himself but did nothing but panic more and more. He felt the agitation close to his body; he looked at his rabbit trying to break free from the grip. "Not now, Karu, please." Naruto reached for a nearby stone on the ground, threw it with all his might towards another direction hoping the Iwa-nin would go there. "I know you're there; you're not going to escape from here." The man's hoarse voice shook Naruto to the core. "Do you want to play cat and mouse?" The ninja said amused. "Fine." Naruto ran through the bushes; immediately afterward, he heard the sound of shuriken flying towards him; his body crashed against the ground, but he remained hidden among the bushes. "I think I'm winning." Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes; he had a shuriken buried in his forearm that prevented him from hitting Karu. "I can't make noise so abruptly. How am I supposed to get out of here?" Naruto resisted the urge to moan and scream in pain; he felt the fresh liquid staining his leg. "We're not going to die here, Karu; I won't allow it." Naruto grabbed three shuriken on the ground with one hand. He positioned his rabbit directly in one direction on the other side of the clearing. "When you hear the noise, you'll have to run there and don't stop." Naruto gathered his courage; it was the only way he saw as an opportunity to survive. "What are you plotting? What are you going to do?" "It doesn't matter what you do; you can't survive; this world is cruel to everyone." The ninja walked slowly through the bushes, enjoying the feeling of hunting prey. "It's a shame for you that I'm a ninja from another village; otherwise, you would manage to live, and unfortunately for you, it's not like that." The ninja passed by cutting the trunk of a tree, every second that passed Naruto wanted to run away from the place no matter what. "I thought Konoha ninjas were braver, why don't you go climb trees and leave?" The man laughed euphorically. "I'm here because this is a mission." Naruto was so immersed in the words that he forgot he had a plan to make. "But it's ironic, maybe in another life, you'll be the leader who sends a ninja to another village to do the same." Naruto regained his composure and prepared the shuriken and Karu to send him running. "There's only one way you can survive today, and that's if the whole world is against me and under your command! But it's not like that." The Iwa-nin launched a powerful slash, cutting down bushes. "Now." Naruto threw the shuriken in a distant direction; the noise was heard by the man, immediately Naruto hit the rabbit to make it run to another bush in the area. "But what kind of throw was that? Haha, what little power you have, what a show of weakness." Kunais traveled at high speed toward the Iwa-nin; he instantly blocked each projectile. Naruto took advantage of the unknown distraction to run as fast as he could, running groaning in pain and threw himself into the bush, quickly seeking better hiding with Karu in his arms. "Everything will be fine, Karu, I promise you." Naruto felt the little animal starting to tremble with fear. "Please, don't be afraid, I'm here." Tears fell from his eyes, hitting the white fur. "Konoha." The Iwa-nin growled, seeing an Anbu squad land in the trees. "Drop that scroll immediately, or we'll have to open fire." The Anbu squad leader said. "Don't even think about it." The Iwa-nin shouted and made hand seals. An Anbu jumped, launching a diagonal cut with his tanto. The ninja from the Rock Village was forced to raise a kunai to block; he didn't have time to avoid the kick that hit his chest and sent him flying against a tree. Naruto shuddered when he heard the impact behind the tree he was hiding behind. "Agh." The thief groaned in pain, trying to get up quickly. Naruto saw the horror; he could no longer withstand the fear, confusion, uncertainty, horror, he wanted to run away from the place. "There's only one way you can survive today, and that's if the whole world is against me and under your command." Naruto remembered those words. "NO. I don't need it. I can save myself." Naruto grabbed Karu tightly and ran because his life and Karu's depended on it. The sudden movement immediately activated the Iwa-nin's senses; in defense, he threw a slash with the kunai when he felt movement beside him; he heard the sound of flesh being cut when the kunai hit something. "Aagghh." The Iwa-nin screamed in pain when several kunais crashed into his torso from the Anbu. "KARUUU." A heartbreaking scream was heard. "Go see what that was." The leader ordered as he approached the dying man on the ground. "Captain, it's the jinchuriki." Naruto was there, holding his rabbit, trying to stop the bleeding in his fur; the rabbit writhed in pain while Naruto's mind was in shock. "Karu, please, don't go. You're my family, Karu." Tears mixed with blood fell to the ground; Naruto ignored the sharp pain in his forearm. "Please." Naruto felt the pulse decreasing steadily. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I don't have the power to do anything. Forgive me, Karu." Naruto stopped feeling the rabbit's heartbeat; Naruto's hands were bathed in blood; tears fell like a furious waterfall; his hands began to tremble furiously, his breathing became extremely agitated. Without thinking twice, he ran towards the Iwa-nin, tearing the shuriken from his arm regardless of the pain. "Hey, wait." Naruto crouched, avoiding the Anbu from catching him. The leader watched as Naruto approached the Iwa-nin; he had plenty of time to stop him; he was about to reach Naruto when he saw his eyes, red and torn, showing absolute hatred. The shock left him stunned for a few seconds; moments later, he saw Naruto bury the shuriken directly into the Iwa-nin's forehead, killing him instantly; he pulled it out, splashing blood everywhere, and pushed it into his eye, pulling it out and pushing it into his forehead, hitting, hitting, and hitting without rest, the face was nothing but minced meat with blood pouring everywhere. "Die, you damn idiot. Rot in hell. Damn filthy rat. Suffer while you cry, damn you." Naruto buried the shuriken, leaving the metal in what remained of the flesh. He had to stop when an Anbu grabbed him from behind, preventing him from continuing to crush the man. "Call the Hokage, now." The leader ordered his companion. "Easy, kid, everything will be fine." Naruto looked at Karu's lifeless body nearby; he couldn't save him; he couldn't keep his promise. "No. Nothing will be fine." Naruto respond with a death stare.