
Naruto: The Blue-eyed Saviour

This is a little fic I put together in honour of the Naruto series. A slightly smarter Naruto, not a prodigy or OP. Join him as he finds out what it means to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders, and pull through while being chased by a group of assassin's.

LOTS_Fiction · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Team Kakashi vs. Team Zabuza

Everyone waited in anticipation for the smoke to clear, including Haku and Zabuza. Kakashi smirked, though no one could see it. He was actually quite surprised that the young ninja had the energy left in him to make such an appearance.

"Uzumaki Naruto is here at last!"

Kakashi sweat dropped inwardly. 'A loud entrance, truly befitting of Konoha's number one loudmouth…'

"Now that I'm here, I am going to kick some ass… huh?"

About a dozen shuriken raced through the air as they made their way at the blond. Halfway to their target and they were intercepted by senbon.

"So you don't want me to interfere, Haku? You are as soft as always."

Sasuke blinked as he looked as his bloodied body. 'What's up with this Haku? Is he trying not to kill me? No vital areas were struck during all those attacks. I'm I that weak? Well with Naruto on the outside…'

"Yo… I'm here to save you."

Sasuke resisted the urge to punch Naruto and just resorted to shouting. "You're a total moron you know that! Why the hell did you run in without even knowing the situation?! You are a real dumbass!"

"I come to save you and this is what I get. Some people are just ungrateful."

They stopped their bickering as Haku merged with the ice mirrors once again. "So there's the real one."

"Yo." All the mirrors were filled with Hakus and each held a senbon. He began his assault as each Haku tossed their senbon multiple times. Naruto and Sasuke tried their possible best to evade the attacks but to no avail.

"Maybe we can overwhelm him with numbers," Naruto said as he made a seal. "Kage Bunshin no jutsu."

Multiple clones of the blond appeared and made their ways at the mirrors. In the blink of an eye, Haku shot off at them, instantly transporting himself from mirror to mirror and attacking each one of Naruto's clones.

"That kid has a kekkei genkai, am I right Zabuza?"

"Nothing gets past you Kakashi."

"If that's the case then Naruto and Sasuke are in trouble. Sakura are you ready?"

"Yes Kakashi-sensei."

In that instant, Kakashi uncovered his left eye and revealed his sharingan once again. Zabuza launched himself at Kakashi and before the copy ninja could react, he stabbed him in the chest.

"I feel like I am starting to understand the shortcomings of your sharingan. This is the second time I am seeing it… are you losing your touch."

"You won't see this sharingan a third time."

"Even if you beat me, you won't be able to beat Haku. That kid is strong and I really gained a tool to do my bidding."

"Let's get this started," Kakashi said as he faded out of existence.

'Genjutsu,' Zabuza thought. He tried to break free from the genjutsu but as he came to, Kakashi was no longer there.

"Ninpou: Kirigakure no jutsu."

Zabuza called forth a thicker mist, far thicker than the first one. "Trying to hide Zabuza? I've marked you and you can't escape."

Sasuke and Naruto were fairing badly. It was as though Haku was merely toying with them.

"Aargh," Naruto grunted as both he and Sasuke were pelted with senbon once again. This time though, Sasuke managed to evade a few of them.

'This kid… is he getting used to my pattern… his movement was sloppy just a few minutes ago.'

He wasn't wrong. Sasuke was slowly but surely getting used to Haku's movements. Deciding to test his theory, Haku sent another barrage, and this time Sasuke was able to evade each and every senbon that was sent his way. His eyes ached and throbbed and no doubt they felt heavy. The sleeping blood of the Uchiha had awoken. The Sharingan had been birthed once again. Two tomoe were in his right eye and one was in his left eye.

However, the same could not be said for Naruto who was getting nailed by the senbon over and over again.

"Naruto get your act together and dodge dammit. I can't cover for the both of us and fight off this bastard altogether."

"I know… my body just isn't as fast as yours and I guess I am not fully rested from the training."

Sasuke grit his teeth as Haku lunged for Naruto. On instinct, the Uchiha went to the boy's aid with his life on the line.

"Naruto… I will help you this once. I want to see for myself what the 'blue-eyed' boy will be able to do.

At that instant, the air around Naruto erupted.

"What sinister chakra?" Zabuza asked no one in particular. "This cannot possibly be Kakashi's. Then whose is it? It's too strong to be any of those naïve Konoha brats."

"Is this Zabuza's chakra?… no the Kyūbi." Kakashi looked worried. "I need to end Zabuza fast."

The air around Naruto began to twist and warp. Sasuke looked at him in shock and wondered what was happening. The blond had Haku's hand in a grip and he was different… very different. The same was the case with Haku as Naruto tossed him, but he righted himself and was able to stand. A sinister chakra filled the air and it took the form of a grinning fox, something that froze Haku in his tracks.

"Sasuke," Naruto said as he got up as though he were drunk. His eyes were now red and his pupils had dilated into slits. His fingers were like claws and his whisker-like marks were now feral-like. His hair stood on all ends and all his injuries were gone.

"What h-happened to you?"

"I don't know… but somehow, I feel a ton of power welling through me and… what happened to your eyes, they're like Kakashi's."

"It is the power of the sharingan."


"Forget about that. Let's take him down and go help Kakashi."

Naruto nodded and turned to face Haku. His eyes were fierce and they were filled with anger and hatred. Haku tried to retreat to the safety of the mirrors, but before he could, Sasuke was in front of him and all thoughts of retreat escaped his mind as a powerful kick sent him flying. The kick launched him in Naruto's direction where he was met with a powerful right hook.

A shockwave resounded the air as the punch made contact with Haku's face. The ice type user was launched back into his ice mirrors from the force of the attack. He had to activate his ability to merge with the ice mirrors if not it would have been disastrous.

As soon as he got into the mirror, he multiplied to begin his assault once again. Multiple senbon were tossed around and about, but Naruto was able to shield Sasuke with his chakra. As the assault died down, Naruto released his chakra to reveal Sasuke with a demon shuriken.

"Let's see how you handle this."

He spun the shuriken and unconsciously added lightning chakra to it. The frequency of the vibration increased to the point that it could be heard as tiny squeaks.

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu."

Multiple Narutos appeared, each with a cloak of chakra from the Nine tails and they each made their way to the mirrors.

"Over there," Naruto said after scanning the mirrors and drawing out where the original was located.

'How did-'

At that instance, Sasuke tossed the shuriken at the original Haku, with Naruto amplifying it with a roar. The speed of the shuriken increased drastically as it weaved through the air. The shadow clones were to ensure that Haku did not switch to any other mirror to avoid the attack. He was trapped and that was that. There was nothing he could do to get out of this one. The shuriken slammed into him at that moment, specifically his face. The mirror shattered from the force, and so did the others as Haku was sent flying by the combined force of Naruto and Sasuke.

Haku slammed against the ground viciously and continued skidding until he was eventually able to catch himself and stand. Before he could do anything, Naruto was on the offensive, but the boy stopped as he neared him, the chakra fading away in an instant.

"Why did you stop, Naruto?"

"Sasuke… his face… I know him."

"What do you m- hey, you are the same g-guy I saw with Naruto the other day."

"You both are correct… but in reality I work for Zabuza. I am his tool of conquest."

Both boys were shocked, well Naruto more so than Sasuke. The blond did not know what to do. Haku had been very friendly when they spoke and now for some reason, he was the guy that was trying to kill them.

He clenched his fist and threw a punch, but Haku reacted faster than him. In an instant, Haku had leapt back and his hands were in a seal.

"Hissatsu Hyōso (Certain-Kill Ice Spears)"

The ground rumbled slightly as huge icicles pierced the ground. Naruto and Sasuke were able to avoid the technique by pouring chakra to their feet and escaping the attack, albeit barely.

When they landed, Haku was nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd the bastard go?" Naruto asked.

"He must have headed for Kakashi," Sasuke said as he tried to search for the silver-haired jōnin.

Kakashi was weaving through signs as he prepared to attack Zabuza. His hands sparked with lightning of an intense frequency.

"It's over," he said as he thrust his hands into the heart of Zabuza. Zabuza burst into water, revealing that it was a water clone.

"You were right Kakashi. I would not see the sharingan a third time. Now die."

With a powerful swipe of the Executioner's Blade, Kakashi's head was separated from his body. The body of the jōnin fell to the ground, unmoving, while his head landed somewhere else that Zabuza did not even bother looking.

As Zabuza turned around to walk away, he felt a feeling of dread wash over him. He turned back to look at Kakashi's body, but it was gone.

'Genjutsu… impossible… how and when?'

Quickly he held his hands in a seal to release the illusion that he was trapped in. As he released himself from the illusion, he found himself on the floor in front of Kakashi who was making different seals.

Before he could get up, Kakashi's seal was complete. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning technique)."

Kakashi slammed his hand that was smeared with blood on the ground causing a seal to form around the area. As he did this, a puff of smoke erupted on the ground.

As the smoke cleared, it revealed eight ninja dogs.

"That's him… you know the drill. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."

A single clone of Kakashi was created and he sent it at Zabuza. The clone charged Zabuza who held his Executioner's blade high.

"Don't underestimate me!" he yelled as he split the clone. Doing that, he lost sight of the dogs that Kakashi had summoned.

He tried to charge the silver-haired jōnin, but at that exact moment the ground below him cracked and the dogs emerged as each one bit down on him, preventing him from him from moving.


"It's the end for you," Kakashi said as he prepared the seals for the raikiri. He charged Zabuza, but a scream stopped him.

'That was Sakura just now.'

Kakashi flared up his chakra slightly to accelerate the dispelling of the mist.

As the mist cleared, he could see clearly now, but he froze at the sight of what he saw. There was Haku holding Sakura hostage with a senbon to her throat. Tazuna was on the ground, with a bloody foot. He turned his eyes and noticed Naruto and Sasuke were just as shocked as he was. He was glad because seeing Haku had led him to believe, even if for a short period of time, that Haku may have killed them.

"Release Zabuza-sama… or I will kill the girl."

"Kakashi-sensei do it!" Naruto pleaded.

Sasuke grit his teeth while Kakashi ran over the options in his head. If he released Zabuza, then he could regroup with Haku and fight against them. If he did not release Zabuza, then Sakura and possibly Tazuna will die. There was still the chance that Haku would not keep his word and would just kill Sakura and Tazuna either way.

"I will keep my word. Give me Zabuza and I will not kill the girl."

"What about the bridge builder?"

"I cannot give you my word on that… but which do you prefer, a single death or double deaths?"

Kakashi grit his teeth. They were in a lose – lose situation. Even if he freed Zabuza and Sakura was set free, the demon could just kill as the exchange took place.

He undid the summoning jutsu and sent the ninja dogs back to where they came from. He stepped away from Zabuza as he flexed his muscles to regain full mobility.

Haku stepped away from Sakura and turned to the bridge builder in an instant to kill him. Sakura poured chakra into her feet as she grabbed Tazuna before Haku and leapt away with him. She was unable to avoid the slash to her right foot that threw her off balance.

"You are dead," Zabuza said as he rushed both Sakura and Tazuna. "Haku cover me."

Kakashi made his way at Zabuza as fast as he could to save both Sakura and Tazuna, but he was intercepted by Haku.

Zabuza's attack was cut short as he paused to intercept a demon shuriken that made its way at him. As the technique got even closer, he noticed another shuriken hiding in the shadow of the first.

'The shadow shuriken technique.' He made a clean swipe with his blade, deflecting both of the shuriken. However, he failed to notice that it was merely a diversion for the real attack.

Sasuke sailed through the air as he struck Zabuza with a kunai eliciting a cry from the missing-nin.

Similarly, Kakashi had Haku incapacitated, having knocked him out with the help of the Bull dog ninken.

As Zabuza pulled the kunai from his chest, Kakashi tossed Haku in an attempt to save Tazuna who had a kunai coming his way.

As Kakashi deflected the kunai and Zabuza realized that he was now surrounded.


Everyone's attention was directed towards the voice. It was Gatō's, and behind him were at least a hundred men, bandits if you may. But that was not what garnered Zabuza's attention; it was the fact that Gatō had his feet on Haku's face.

"I gave you one job: kill the bridge builder, and yet the result I get is complete and utter garbage. You are useless." He kicked the face of Haku.

"Hey," Naruto yelled at the crime boss. "The hell's your problem?" the blond asked.

"Kids should not talk when adults are," the crime boss replied. "Truth be told Zabuza, I have been longing to kill you and your lackey for quite some time now. Thanks to these ninjas for beating you, my job is going to be easier."

"You may have Haku," Zabuza said. "But there is no way you will be able to get me."

That statement baffled Naruto in all aspects of the word. "I thought you were his friend, or a mentor?"

"In the world of the ninja, there is no room for such things as friendship. I see Haku as a tool to accomplishing my goals, and nothing more than that."

"But… but, the way he spoke about you… he admired you. Don't you have a heart to feel?"

"Naruto… do not get involved."

"But sensei… he's acting as if Haku never existed. I know that for a certain if any of us were in Haku's predicament then you'd definitely come and save us but-"

"That's the difference between me and you. I know the hardships of the ninja world enough to know that the mission is of utmost important. The sacrifice of a few for the greater good is something that cannot be escaped or avoided. He got caught and knocked out on his own conscience and not mine."

"But still… you yourself said it and you know it. Haku sacrificed himself for you. A man once told me that those who broke the rules and gave up the mission were trash, but those that turned their backs on their comrades were worse than trash. Kakashi-sensei went as far as to say that you had fallen when we met… and I guess this is what he meant by that."

Zabuza was quiet in all this, but then he turned to Naruto, tears streaming down his eyes. "You're right kid… I really have fallen… but I intend to rectify that. I intend to go down in history as the Demon of the Hidden mist and not as the mercenary of a wealthy scum. Help me out kid."

Naruto nodded with a smile as he tossed a kunai at Zabuza. "Consider the Executioner's blade as the spoil of a great battle."

With that, he let loose a massive demonic aura, the exact same one that earned him his nickname. He was not going to last long in a fight because of the injuries from Kakashi and the expended chakra. But he knew one thing and that was that Gatō would die today.

The demon surged causing a panic amongst Gatō's ranks, the rich man trying to make his way off the bridge as soon as possible. All thoughts to killing Haku had escaped his mind.

A single water clone formed from the water beneath Haku and he was sent flying at Kakashi. The one-eyed man caught him and placed him carefully on the ground.

There was an uproar as Zabuza plowed through Gatō's men, many of them fearing to move at the sight of the man. Within moments, he was upon Gatō.

"Zabuza… I beg you please stop."

"No more," the missing-nin replied as he pierced the heart of Gatō. "It is finished," Zabuza said as he turned to the rest of Gatō's men, but not a single soul dared to attack.

It was then that Zabuza noticed that several spears had been pierced into him from different angles. He was walking by pure will alone and sooner or later, he would breathe his last.

"Alas it is time for the demon to go back to hell. Promise me this Kakashi: please look after Haku for me, and ensure that these three grow up to be fine shinobi in the future."

Kakashi nodded as he stood up to look Zabuza in the eye. "Perhaps Konoha has what it takes to produce fine ninja. If all your genin are like this, I can't wait to see what will happen to them if they became jōnin, but sadly… my time… is… up." He fell head first into the ground and his heart ceased to beat any longer.

There was a moment of silence for like two seconds and then –

"The Demon is no more," one man shouted.

"Let's run this ninjas out of town," another shouted, and was received with a loud cry as they steeled themselves against for the fight.

"I have no intention of going down here… what say you Sasuke?"

"I expect nothing less," the raven-haired trainer said as he weaved through a couple of seals. "Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu." A massive fireball was launched at the bandits, not with the intent to kill but with the intent to scare.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Multiple clones of Naruto appeared on the bridge and all of them looked eager to fight. Kakashi also thought it best to get in on the fun and made shadow clones. The result: all the bandits shouting more like screaming in fear as they made to get off of the bridge.

Days later after the land had successfully been cleared of all bandits. Zabuza's body had been wrapped with cloth and a grave seal was placed on it to be buried in the wave country, a burial that was only observed by Team Seven, Tazuna and Haku. Speaking of which, Haku had woken up and tried to attack the team, but Kakashi was able to explain everything that had happened after the teens loss of consciousness and despite having trouble with it, he was happy to accept Zabuza's wish.

The bridge had been completed and the ninjas had been sent forth by the village.

Currently, they were on the road to Konoha.

"Now," Kakashi said as he took a scroll in his hands. He unsealed the contents within to reveal the Executioner's Blade.

"How did you-"

"Spoils of war according to Zabuza," the one-eyed ninja said with a chuckle. "So who wants to use this?"

"I'd like to have a go," Sasuke said. "Uchihas have always been famous for swordsmanship."

"I doubt you will be able to lift that sword," Haku said with a smile.

"Sure it's big and all that but how hard can it be?" Sasuke said as he walked over to where the Executioner's blade was on the ground. He held it by the handle and heaved, but the weight of the sword pulled him down.

"How heavy is that thing?" the Uchiha asked.

Haku shrugged his shoulders. "It weighs about sixty-six pounds."

"The hell," Naruto exclaimed. "How's he supposed to use it now?"

"There is a way. A technique most famously used by Iwa-nin. I managed to copy it sometime in the past and I think that it may just be the solution we need." Kakashi walked up to the sword and made some hand seals.

"Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu (Lightened Boulder Jutsu)"

He touched the sword at that time and stepped back. "Now trying picking it up Sasuke."

The Uchiha nodded and walked up to the sword. Surprisingly he was able to pick the sword up with much more ease than the last time. "It still feels a bit heavy."

"You'll have to train to get used to it like this. A drawback of the technique I used is that it reduces the physical power of its targets and it does have an expiration time, but I'll be able to use some seals increase that time."

"Hokage-sama, the mission to escort the bridge builder was a success though we encountered some difficulty along the way," he glanced at Haku who was as passive as ever.

"But I trust that you were able to handle it?"

"Yes sir and –"

"I got a bridge named after me," Naruto said as he jumped up. "The Great Naruto Bridge, hell yeah."

"Quiet you," Sakura said as she closed his mouth.

"The missing-nin, Momochi Zabuza is dead. He died in the fight against us and we were given his sword as spoils of war."

"Interesting," Hiruzen said as he scratched his chin. "I hope this does not increase the rift with Kirigakure."

"I fear the same Hokage-sama," Kakashi said. "Zabuza's dying wish was that we take care of his protégé, Haku."

"Haku… you say, well welcome to the village," Hiruzen said. "She's a pretty young girl and is about the age of Sasuke, but a bit older."

"Actually Hokage-sama…" Kakashi said, trailing off.

"I'm a boy," Haku said.


"Well… that went… bad," Kakashi said. He and his team were currently heading to training ground seven.

Just then an eagle was seen flying overheard.

Kakashi stopped walking all of a sudden. "Okay… you guys get to the training ground without me." As he said this, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"There he goes," Sakura said with a sigh.

"Who cares," Naruto said as he made light punches. "I'm in the mood for training."

"Same goes for me," Sasuke said. "I need to get used to this blade if I want to add it to my arsenal."

"Then I'm not going to be left out," Sakura said.

"I can't believe it's already that time," Kakashi said. The silver-haired jōnin was surrounded by other similar jōnin, and they all seemed to be muttering something. In front of them was the Third.

"I'm sure you all know why you are assembled here," the Third said as he addressed them. "In two months, the Chūnin exams will be held and at this time, I need you all to present your teams to the council."

"I know it seems a little bit too soon for the exams since they just became genin not too long ago, but I need you all please cooperate with me. That's why they were given two months to prepare."

"Hokage-sama," a voice said. "How many villages will be participating in the exams?"

"Well aside from Konoha, Suna and Kiri will be participating. As for the minor villages, one known as Oto will also participate."

"Alright, I need to get mastery over the wind element as soon as possible," Naruto said. He had forty clones on ready and each of them held a leaf in between their palm.

Sakura was also focused on a similar exercise, albeit it was one without clones. As for Sasuke, he was practicing how to wield the Executioner's Blade easily, that in itself was not an easy task. The blade was still a bit heavy and he'd definitely need to get more than a day of training in before he would be able to wield it well.

An hour passed and Naruto decided it was time to release his clones. As he released the clones, he felt a massive chakra drainage and stress that caused him to collapse unto the ground. Sasuke was a similar position but not at the extent of Naruto's. the Uchiha was sprawled on the ground, face first. The Executioner's Blade was pierced into the ground and he was placed a few feet from it. His entire left arm was sore all over.

Sakura looked the best out of the three with hardly any damage or chakra drainage.

"Naruto," Sasuke said as he dragged himself to his feet.

"What?" the blond asked though the chakra drainage was evident in his voice.

"I want to ask," Sasuke said as he looked Naruto square in the eye. "What are you?" Sasuke's voice was devoid of emotion, and there was tension in the atmosphere. Sakura who was currently resting was unaware of the conversation going on.

"What do you mean?"

"The fight against Haku," Sasuke said immediately.

"Oh… "

'Should I tell him?'

"He's your friend… you decide if he's to be trusted."

Naruto took a deep breath as he pondered in his mind. "… There's a demon sealed inside of me."

That caught Sasuke off-guard. "What?!"

"You heard me. The Nine-tailed fox is sealed within me. I am his host."

"So… the monster that attacked Konoha is –"

"Yes… inside of my body," Naruto said as he patted his stomach. "Though I don't exactly know what happened on the bridge."

"Boy," the Nine-tails' voice boomed within Naruto's subconscious. "The reason I gave you that power was because if I had not, you lot would have died that day. The way the seal that was used to seal me allows a tiny fragment of my chakra to seep out. With that I was able to force my chakra a little more than the usual and give you power."

'However, You should note that this can allow me control over your body if you give into rage. I am the embodiment of Hatred and thus if you give into me you would have already begun to hate yourself.'

"Naruto," Sasuke called before slapping the blond and pulling him out of his subconscious.

"What the hell did you that for?" Naruto asked as he held his red cheek.

Sasuke was silent for some seconds as realization dawned on him. "Then that's some badass power you got there," Sasuke said.

"What about you and that Sharingan of yours?" Naruto mock asked.

"I'm trying to compliment you and this is the thanks I get," Sasuke said as he grit his teeth.

"I never asked for your compliment you shithead."


"Emo tween."

They both held each other by the collar, but before they could do anything, Kakashi appeared.

"Yo." He held up two of his fingers in the peace sign.

"Kakashi-sensei/Kakashi," both boys said.

"Rather than kill be at each other's throat, why not take the time to tra7in yourselves for the upcoming Chūnin exams."

"What's the Chūnin exams?" Naruto asked.

"That's right… the ninja system of any village is made up of a chain of command. The strongest ninja in the village is the Kage, and like I said earlier they are the Hokage, Kazekage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage and the Raikage. Next after the Hokage are two groups of ninja that are equal in terms of skill and power. They are the ANBU and the Jōnin. The ANBU are the Kage's special bodyguards and the assassination unit of the village, and the jōnin are pretty much top tier ninja. They are the military captains of a village. They have mastery of at least two nature transformations."

"The next in the hierarchy are the Special Jōnin. They are jōnin that have elite skills in special areas. After them comes the Chūnin rank. They are ninja that have reached a level of maturity that showcases leadership skills and tactical prowess. The rank below that is the genin rank that is achieved after graduating from the academy. The least rank is the Academy rank. Did you get all that?"

Sasuke nodded while Naruto had a blank look on his face.

"Naruto," Kakashi called.

"So basically if we get this Chūnin rank it means that we've gotten stronger?"

It was evening and Kakashi had handed over the forms for the Chūnin exams which Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto had filled and submitted.

Time skip, Two months…

For the past two months, in preparation for the Chūnin exams, all the teams in Konoha had prepared extensively for the exams. Team Seven had prepared extensively with the help of Kakashi who was a bit proud at their achievements.

Sakura had improved in her chakra control, able to trap people in genjutsu with her skill. Her knowledge proved useful and she was finally able to turn her leaf to stone during the second month, passing the first step of her elemental mastery. Kakashi had also taught her the earth release: double decapitation.

Sasuke continuously trained in usage of the Executioner's blade, and it got a bit easier for him to use with his current stature. The young Uchiha was able to also pass the first steps of his fire and lightning elemental mastery, going a step further to learn the fire release: phoenix sage fire technique. His bukijutsu skills had also improved greatly especially with his use of the shuriken. His rivalry with Naruto had also increased.

Naruto was able to split his leaf in record time and then further learn how to channel wind chakra into his kunai and shuriken. He had taken some pointers from Asuma, one of the few wind release users in Konoha. The blond also on occasion spoke to his little friend sealed inside him. The blond's usage of the shadow clone technique had also improved a lot such that he was able to easily create over a hundred clones and still maintain himself.

All in all, Team Seven had worked on their team work a lot, something that Kakashi had stressed a lot.

Haku was also added to a subsequent team that was led by Aoba. It comprised of Haku, a girl by the name of Yakumo and another girl Tamaki. Said girl was the granddaughter of a lady that was allied with the Uchiha clan. She and her grandmother moved to Konoha within the two month period and she joined a ninja team.


Okay. This is the start of the Chūnin exams arc and sadly I will NOT be doing the written test. We all know what happens in that part and I don't want to go over it. Thanks for your understanding.

"Welcome to the Forty-fourth Training Ground also known as the Forest of Death," a woman said rather dramatically eliciting murmurs from the crowd.

"Out of the fifty-one or so teams that participated in this Exam, only twenty-six of you remain. That either means that Ibiki's questions were too simple this year, or that speaks volumes of your skills. However, I am here to make sure that not even half of you make it to the final round."

"Looks like everyone's here," Sakura said as she glanced to the sides to see Team Kurenai consisting of Hinata Hyūga, Shino Aburame and Kiba Inuzuka; Team Asuma consisting of Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka; Team Aoba consisting of Haku, Yakumo Kurama and Tamaki; and finally Team Gai consisting of Neji Hyūga, Tenten and Rock Lee. Apparently they had graduated last year but waited till this year to participate in the exam. They also appeared strong as Lee was able to match Sasuke and even out speed him.

"Oi Naruto," the blond heard a voice call out. The blond turned his head to the sides to see Kiba his self-proclaimed rival.

"Kiba," Naruto said as the boy reached him. He grinned at him and held his hands behind his head. "Glad you made it."

"Same," Kiba replied before continuing further. "Though I'm not sure you'd be able to withstand my awesomeness."

"That's bullshit coming from you," Naruto said before he was suddenly yanked from behind by Sakura who told him to pay attention.

"… it's very easy to die in this forest as it is. Even trained ninja need to be absolutely careful when entering this forest. This will be the setting of the second round of your exams and I expect nothing short of a great time."

"Before I forget," Anko said. She tossed several scrolls at each team. "The scrolls you have with you are either labeled heaven or earth scrolls. To qualify for the next round, you need to be in possession of both heaven and earth scrolls. Teams that lose their scrolls are not disqualified as you have five days to get to the center of the Forest where you'll see a tower."

"You can do whatever you want to steal an opposing team's scroll. Head to any of the gates and proceed into the Forest. Good luck."

All teams headed to the different gates that surrounded the area. Team Kakashi were stationed at the thirteenth gate.

"Okay," Naruto said as he stretched his legs.

"It's time for Team Seven to show the exam what we're made off."

"We move at the sound of the kunai bomb."

Everyone was silent, waiting in anticipation for the kunai bomb to detonate. As soon as the bomb went off, every team burst into a flurry as they all headed with one goal in each mind. To win.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were busy jumping from tree to tree without stop or pause in their step.

"I suggest we find one of the other teams, intercept them and collect their scroll," Sasuke suggested.

"We should rest first," Naruto said as he noticed Sakura slowing down a bit.

They had been going at it for a long time and they needed rest. They stopped at the base of a huge tree and decided to rest there.

"If we are going to rest here, we'll need to be on alert and we should probably set up some traps," Sasuke said.

"We got the heaven scroll so all we need is the earth scroll… it can't be that hard," Naruto said as he leaned back to rest.

"If I remember correctly," Sakura said as she tried to remember. "There are a lot of dangerous creatures in this forest."

They were able to successfully spend their night in the Forest of Death without any casualties and thus they continued their journey.

As they went on, they heard a loud grunt. The trio came to face with a huge boar that threatened their mission.

"I guess it's time to fight," Naruto said but he was interrupted by Sasuke.

"No. We make a run for it and if it gives chase we fight it. If it doesn't give chase we conserve our energy and we make for the goal." As the Uchiha said this he made a turn and Naruto and Sakura followed him.

Angry at being ignored, the boar gave chase after them.

"It's still coming," Sakura said as they ran.

"Then it's time to fight," Naruto said as he made a seal. "Kage Bunshin no jutsu." Multiple Naruto's appeared from thin air and charged the boar. The boar merely rammed through all of them.

"Analysis?" Sasuke asked the blond.

"It is strong. Crazy strong and it is also very durable," the blond reported as he watched the creature.

"Then…" Sasuke said trailing off as he took a scroll from his pouch and unsealed its content. It revealed the Executioner's blade, and on it specifically on the handle was the Uchiha clan symbol.

Sasuke shot off with the blade in his hand as he approached the boar. He channeled lightning chakra into the sword and weaved past the boar. A thud was heard as a part of both of its horns fell off.

The boar loudly grunted and turned his attention at Sasuke. It bellowed and began its charge.

The young Uchiha smirked and began to run through some seals. "Katon: Hosenka no jutsu (Fire release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)"

The Uchiha's mouth puffed as he exhaled four fireballs at the incoming boar. Surprisingly enough, the Uchiha was able to manipulate the trajectory of the flames to land a single hit on the boar's leg joints.

The boar grunted as his head collapsed into the ground. It struggled to its feet but it did not see Sasuke anywhere but its eyes met Naruto's who had formed a clone. Both he and the clone tossed a shuriken powered by wind chakra at such an angle that the original's shuriken hit the clone's own upon nearing the target, causing it to be embedded into the Boar's skin, else it would have pierced right through.

The boar grunted as it felt the sudden pain, but it refused to heed and continued its course. Naruto made a seal and an explosion ripped out from the boar's back. His earlier shuriken had been wrapped in an explosive tag.

The boar's form dropped on the ground, unmoving. It was dead.

"How was that for a rush?" Naruto asked as he jumped down with Sakura.

"I'll make something for us to eat and we can seal up the remaining ones," Sakura said.

After an awesome breakfast, the trio resumed their journey and once again, something stops them in their tracks.

A duo of ninjas was in their way.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked a bit impatient.

"Well look who –"

"Leave," Sasuke said immediately.

"You heard Sasuke-kun," Sakura said. "Leave."

"Hell no… Ugh." At that moment two kunai pierced both ninjas neck, killing them instantly. The instant killing shocked Team Seven greatly.

"Who did that?" Naruto asked.

"The hell…" Sakura muttered, unable to erase the image from her head.

A maniacal-like laughter resounded the forest for what seemed to be hours. "I did that. It was I who killed those two ninjas… that's if I should even call them that."

A ninja revealed himself at that moment, the ninja that killed those two was none other than their teammate, if the similar coloured dressing was something to go by.

"I don't understand," Sakura said. "Weren't they your teammates? How could you just kill them like that?"

"Little girl… you don't seem to understand," as he said this he crushed one of the ninja's head under his foot. "In this shinobi world we live in, death is inescapable. At one point we must face death, it is just a matter of when we die. Now I believe you have something of my interest." He showed them his earth scroll.

"It was such a shame that you three ended up facing me, Orochimaru."

As he said this, it was now clear to the trio that he intended to kill them.

"Naruto, Sakura," Sasuke said as he took out a kunai. The trio took on fighting stances as they stared down Orochimaru.

"Oh. For you three to take on fighting stances at my sight… it means that I haven't become serious yet."

As he said this, he unleashed a massive wave of killing intent that washed over the trio. As this happened, they began to tremble after witnessing sudden death.

"I thought you were about to attack me. Why is it that you can't anymore?"

Naruto took a step back. "What way to die would you prefer? To die by fighting or to die by fleeing? Nevertheless you will still die today."

There was a few seconds of silence as the tension in the air rose.

"If those are the only options…" Sasuke assumed his fighting stance once again. "I'd rather die in the line of duty. This is the same thing as what happened at the Land of Waves. You can't be any worse than that." The Uchiha dashed forward and this seemed to snap Naruto out of his stupor.

"Naruto protect Sakura," Sasuke said as several kunai and shuriken escaped his hands.

"Like hell we're going to watch your backs," Naruto said as he dashed after the Uchiha who smirked.

"Yeah. We fight as a team," Sakura said as she joined the fray.

Orochimaru just stood still as he avoided the shuriken and kunai with ease. However, what he was faced with was not what he expected. Two hands grabbed his legs and pulled him into the ground.

"Double decapitation success," Sakura said as she emerged from the ground.

"Alright," Naruto said as he jumped up and created multiple clones that attacked the downed Orochimaru. At that moment the ground exploded and the clones were destroyed by the flying debris.

"What a half-baked attack," Orochimaru said, unhurt. "I love this. Putting your lives on the line for two scrolls. So interesting and… I just thought of a way to make this more interesting."

"Rather than fight for the scrolls, why don't we fight for our lives?" as he said this, he looked at them with a sadistic expression as he swallowed his scroll.

"Now," he said as he licked his lips. "Let us dance." Orochimaru dashed forward with surprising speed as he punched Naruto. The blond coughed blood from the force of the blow, but before he could do anything, Orochimaru grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground, creating a small crater.

"One down," Orochimaru said as he eyed Sasuke. The boy had activated his sharingan and was ready to combat Orochimaru. 'Sharingan… interesting. Perhaps I should toy with this one more.'

As Sasuke dashed forward, he noticed Orochimaru's body posture switch and anticipated that he was going for Sakura. In that instant a couple of shuriken escaped his hands, halting Orochimaru who proceeded to engage Sasuke in combat.

Sasuke constantly threw blows that the more experienced ninja continuously blocked. Orochimaru decided to trade his own blows that were a bit difficult for the young Uchiha to block or counter and he was launched backwards by a well-placed kick. The tree bark shattered the moment Sasuke's back made contact with it.

"Finally," Orochimaru said as he turned to face Sakura.

The young kunoichi was weaving through hand seals before ultimately stopping on a final seal. As she did so, she faded out of existence.

'Genjutsu huh… how naïve.'

It didn't take a second for Orochimaru to dispel the attack, but Sakura was nowhere to be seen. "A coward huh?" he looked at the ground and smashed it with his fists. The shockwave created from the blow forced Sakura out of it and he made his way towards her.

Halfway through the jump and a clone of Naruto slammed into him, knocking him off course and into the ground. The blond quickly grabbed Sakura and made a run for it with a just awakened Sakura.

Orochimaru got up with a sadistic laughter and turned at his fleeing prey. A smiled made its way to his face and it grew with every second as they ran away, jumping from tree to tree.

There was a small explosion and Naruto's eyes widened when he turned around to see a giant snake chasing them, and on top of it was Orochimaru. The blond did the only reasonable thing he could think of. He stayed back and tossed Sakura at Sasuke. The Uchiha caught her and made for it, but he didn't stray that far as he intended to also watch Naruto.

At that moment, Naruto did the craziest thing he could think of. He jumped at the incoming snake that just swallowed him whole. Orochimaru deadpanned at Naruto's foolishness and commanded the snake to a halt just in front of a shocked Sasuke.

"Oh, so sad," Orochimaru mocked. "How does it feel to lose a comrade? I feel sorry for you and honestly – What the hell?"

Orochimaru felt the snake that he was standing atop begin to swell considerably. He hopped off of the snake as he watched the creature expand. Before Orochimaru could return the snake, it exploded and filled the area with blood and a huge smoke cloud.

As the cloud cleared, on the ground was a downed Naruto and his form was different. He was covered in red chakra that was reminiscent of the time at the Land of Waves.

'This kid… is the Nine Tails jinchūriki.' As he thought this he extended his tongue and grabbed Naruto with it. 'It appears he doesn't have control over it.' He raised Naruto's cloth up to see the seal. 'The Tetragram seal.' He took his hands to his back as five purple flames appeared over each finger of his right hand.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked as he placed Sakura in "safe" place and challenged Orochimaru.

'I have no use of him,' Orochimaru said as he stabbed the outsides of the seal with all five fingers. Naruto screamed as the chakra of the Nine Tails receded. He mercilessly tossed Naruto at the ground and turned to face an enraged Sasuke.

The Uchiha took out his scroll and unsheathed his Executioner's blade. "You'll pay for this!" he yelled as he charged Orochimaru.

"This will be interesting," Orochimaru said as he readied for the incoming strike.

Sasuke jumped up to deliver a downward slash which Orochimaru avoided. Thanks to the sharingan he was able to predict Orochimaru's next movement and he sent a shuriken there. Orochimaru avoided the shuriken but was almost hit by Sasuke's blade.

"Almost got me there," Orochimaru said only to avoid an incoming strike. As he leapt back up to avoid the attack, Sasuke wove through hand seals.

"Katon: Hosenka no jutsu." Eight fireballs were launched at Orochimaru and due to the fact that they were guided by Sasuke's chakra, it was a guaranteed hit. Orochimaru did not even bother trying to avoid it as he let the attack hit him. The power was what surprised him as he did not expect Sasuke to have this much.

"Well," Orochimaru said as he got up from the receiving end of the attack. "Impressive." 'He might even surpass his brother Itachi… and I have the perfect means to help him.'

At that instance, Orochimaru's neck extended forward, as though he were a snake, and weaved through the air towards Sasuke. The raven-haired ninja was shocked at such a display and was unable to move in time to avoid the bite on the left part of his shoulder, close to the base of his neck.

"That is a parting gift," Orochimaru said as he retracted his head. The place where Sasuke was bitten took the form of three black tomoe. "I would love to see your growth Sasuke-kun, but sadly I have already been discovered." The black haired man began to regurgitate as he expelled the earth scroll. He tossed it at the young Uchiha who caught it and wanted to ask what had happened, but before he could, Orochimaru was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the young boy started to feel dizzy before clutching his left shoulder in agony. The boy writhed in pains before falling into unconsciousness.

It was a few minutes later that Sakura woke up and you could imagine her horror on seeing Sasuke passed out on the ground. She tried to shake him awake but noticed that he was burning up.

'A fever?' She glanced from side to side and noticed that Naruto was asleep a few metres in front of both she and Sasuke. Her first thought was why Naruto was sleeping at this time.

She ran over to him and tried shaking him awake. It was then that she noticed that his breathing was irregular and that he was also unconscious. She wanted to scream but feared the worst should an enemy team be nearby.

After an hour of dragging both the bodies of Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura finally came to a stop.

Sakura placed both of them side by side on the ground. She dipped a piece of cloth with water from her canteen. She placed the cloth on Sasuke's head to quell the Uchiha's fever even if only a little.

She couldn't help but sigh and wonder what Orochimaru had done to them to beat them to this level. 'I need to get stronger so that I would be able to protect them.'

Sakura did not sleep even a wink as she had to watch over both Naruto and Sasuke and Naruto on the off chance that an enemy attacked them. She had aslo taken the liberty to set traps around their campsite.

The pink-haired kunoichi was battling to saty alive. Her eyes were surrounded by dark spots and she was feeling slightly droopy.

Multiple shuriken flew from a bush and pierced the tree that was the base of their campsite.

"Who's there?" Sakura asked as she took a kunai and stood protectively in front of Naruto and Sasuke.

"Relax," a rather lax voice said, and out of the bush emerged Shikamaru, Choji and Ino.

"You guys… why did you attack me?"

"Sorry," Shikamaru said. "Better safe than sorry."

"I guess…," Sakura muttered and then her eyes drifted to Ino's.

"Hey there forehead," Ino said in a friendly manner, something that Sakura did not take too well.

"Say that again and I'll chop you into pieces, Ino-pig."

"Like hell you can do that… I'm not sure that you even know how to hold a kunai properly."

"Like you know the first thing about being a ninja."

"At least I am good looking enough to get a guy," Ino said as she twirled around and struck a pose.

"At least I'm on the same team with Sasuke," Sakura retorted as she stuck out her tongue.

"Why you –" Both girls clashed and butted their heads.

"Hold on," Shikamaru said from a safe distance. "What happened to these two?"

Sakura suddenly got into a solemn mood as she looked down. "We were attacked… it was horrifying."

This got the attention of everyone now. "His name was Orochimaru and he was… just too strong and he was participating in the exams. He knocked me out and when I woke up yesterday, both Sasuke and Naruto had been like that."

The entire atmosphere had become solemn and tense at the sudden revelation.

Choji and Shikamaru had assisted in carrying Naruto and Sasuke on a makeshift stretcher and slowly and steadily they were making their way to the center of the Forest. What also made their journey easier was the fact that Team Asuma had come in possession of both their scrolls, so all they had to do was make it to the center.

"Shh," Shikamaru suddenly said.

"What?" Choji asked.

"Don't you hear that?" he whispered quietly.

"Wait," Sakura said as she took a kunai from her pouch and held it.

"What are you guys talking about?" Choji asked as he was clearly confused.

"Guess the ambush is up," a voice said from the bushes. A trio of ninjas appeared from the bushes, specifically two males and a female.

"We were planning on killing you guys swiftly… never expected that you'd be able to catch on to us."

"Who are you?" Shikamaru demanded.

"Allow me," one of them that appeared to be mummified at the head, leaving only space for his left eye. He wore a large poncho with long sleeves, a snake patterned scarf around his neck, a straw raincoat protruding from the back of his scarf. He also had some sort of weird gauntlet on his right hand and for some reason, he was in a hunched position. "We are ninjas from Otogakure. I am Dosu and these are my teammates Zaku and Kin."

"What do you want with us?" Ino asked.

"Isn't it obvious," Zaku began. "We want your scroll… and it will either be willing or by force, though I prefer the latter."

"Zaku… enough. We were sent here for one thing and that it is what we're going to do."

"But he's sleeping," Kin said as she looked at Sasuke and Naruto unconscious on the makeshift stretcher.

"It doesn't matter," Zaku said as he took a step forward and smashed his fists, releasing a burst of air.

Zaku dashed forward at them in a swift display of movement; however he was met with numerous kunai. The genin stopped immediately before bringing forth his hands. "Zankūha (Decapitating airwaves)."

From his hands, a burst of air rushed out and immediately sent back all the kunai. This shocked all the Konoha shinobi that were present save the two that were sleeping.

"Gathering Sasuke's data is going to be quite difficult," a voice said. "I might as well gather intel on these four."

"Zaku make this quick, Kin you know what to do," Dosu said as he stood contemplating his opponents.

Zaku dodged a kunai from Shikamaru as he unleashed another gust of air from the holes in his palms. The gust sent them flying back as Dosu made his move. He launched Choji back with a kick and went after Sakura who was guarding them.

'He say that they are after the scroll but it is as if they after Sasuke or Naruto.' "Did Orochimaru send you?"

The mention of the name caused Dosu to stop momentarily and that gave Shikamaru the opening to catch him with the "Kagemane jutsu (Shadow possession technique)."

"Shadow possession success. Now you have no means of movement."

"Let him go," a voice said. Shikamaru glanced to the right along with Dosu and Sakura. Kin was holding Ino by her head with a kunai pointed at her neck. "Release him or she dies."

Shikamaru felt a dread wash over him. After running all the simulations in his mind, he reluctantly released his jutsu. As soon as Dosu felt the jutsu release, he lunged for Shikamaru, slamming the boy into the tree.

"Kill her," Dosu shouted.

Before Kin could thrust her kunai, she felt herself being pulled through the ground until only her head remained. Sakura crawled out of the ground a little ways behind her.

"Thanks Sakura," Ino said as she regained herself.

"No problem –"

Before Sakura could continue, a flying Choji was sent her way. She couldn't duck as a powerful gust of wind slammed into both she and Ino, knocking them back.

"I am pissed now," Zaku said as he increased the chakra output. "Zankūha."

The wind sent this time was far stronger than the previous ones he emitted and it caught everyone in its fierceness.

"Now," Dosu said as he walked up to their falling bodies and grabbed Sakura. "Zaku pull Kin out of the ground."

He turned his head towards Sakura and tilted slightly. "Where's the scroll?"

"I don't know," Sakura replied but a fierce slap met her face.

"Sakura!" Ino and Shikamaru exclaimed.

Sakura stabbed Dosu with a kunai and leapt away, angering the Oto-nin. "Why you?" he released a blast of sound waves from his gauntlet at the kunoichi, but his aim was thrown off at the last second.

"What the-?"

In front of Dosu was the exact same person that they were sent to gather intel on. But Sasuke was different. He was covered by a dark purple aura that seemed to give off death. There were also black marks spread across his body.

"Sakura," the Uchiha said in a cold, dark tone. "Who slapped you?"

The pink-haired was just silent. Was this really Sasuke? What made him like this?

"I see… so it was him. I'll make him pay." As the Uchiha said this he seemingly disappeared from sight and slammed into Dosu with a powerful punch. Everyone could swear that they heard a loud crack, as blood stained Dosu's mummy mask.

Zaku opened his palms as he prepared to attack Sasuke. "Zankūha."

The Uchiha however rushed through the attack and gave a jaw shattering blow to Zaku. The boy was knocked out on impact, but Sasuke was not finished. He jumped up and caught up with Zaku and at that instance, he tossed the boy into the ground forming a crater. Sasuke wove through had seals as soon as he landed on the ground.

He turned towards Dosu and was about to exhale a large fireball before Sakura hugged him from behind and whispered into his ears, tears forming in her eyes as she did so.

Slowly but surely the dark marks around his body receded until all that was left was the three tomoe formed from Orochimaru's bite. The Uchiha swayed and then fell face first into the ground, completely exhausted after expelling most of his energy.