
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

Very Awkward

Naruto and Orochimaru were sitting at the table in his apartment, just looking at each other, not saying a word.

the silence stretched, making the two uncomfortable, so one of them decided to break the silence.

"So, how have you been?".

asked Orochimaru, looking very awkward, he has never done this at all, what was he supposed to tell someone he should have taken care of?

he wasn't allowed to see him? because it would seem very suspicious that a sannin is with a child that looked like the fourth Hokage?

"as fine as a twelve-year-old kid can be, taking care of himself since he was five".

Orochimaru flinched inwardly, damn it, now he was making him feel bad.

"... that's...that good, you grew up well".

(this guy never seemed so awkward, what's up with him?).

Naruto sat there, deadpanning at Orochimaru, he could practically see the nervousness rolling out of him.

"... how about I train you after your team training, I could help you learn some jutsus".

Naruto perked up, looking at him with a speculating gaze, before shrugging.

"fine by me, we only do team exercises anyway".

the older man nodded and got up to leave, but before he did that he took out a scroll from his clothes and threw it to Naruto.

he got a questioning gaze in response, Naruto was waiting for an explanation.

"those are Funijutsu books, from tier one to ten, don't start one without finishing the one before it, I'll check your progress periodically".

and with that, he was gone in a swirl of leaves.

"... now I have to clean up those, what's wrong with the upper ranks, leaving leaves around every time they leave".

he grumbled and went to get a broom.


"Now, it has come to the attention that I have not been training you enough, well that's about to change".

said Anzashi taking out chakra weights and handed her students a four each.

"put those on your hands and wrists, and don't let the small size fool you, those are chakra weights, only take them off when I tell you to, Now start running!".

her cute little Genin started running laps around the training ground.

it was about an hour later that the first dropped from exhaustion.

Ouka Haruno.

(he needs stamina training... overall training).

she observed her other two students who were still running, neither of them was breathing heavily, looked like they could still go for a few hours.

she just continued reading the book, the main character was about to go into the love interests room.

the training continued till evening, they didn't do missions but had a few rounds of spars at the end of it, surprisingly Naruto won all of them, a good thing he didn't get a big head, she would have to beat him down a notch if he had.

"So, how about we eat out today?".

she suggested, expecting agreements from the team, but got a denial from someone who she expected the least from.

"can't, busy after training, actually I am supposed to be waiting here..."

Naruto trailed off, looking at someone behind them.

turning around, Anzashi saw one of the Sannin, Orochimaru with arms folded over his chest.

"...are you done?".

he asked and Anzashi straightened and nodded towards her superior.

"yes, we are Orochimaru-sama, can I help you with anything?".

with a professional tone, she questioned, wanting to know why the Sannin came to the training ground twelve.

"im here to meet Naruto, we will be taking this training ground after you're done with the D-ranks and the training".

he informed her and looked over to the said blonde who put up a hand in a two-finger salute.

"... I understand, since Naruto already spent time with Satsuki yesterday, we can have a meal at the barbecue place, we'll have a team eat out at a later date".

she hushed the two Genin off, leading them towards the Barbecue place.

"... so what are we doing today?".

Naruto questioned, still looking at the leaving trio, before making eye contact with the Sannin.

"Today, we're going to spar with that little toy you have above your tailbone".

Orochimaru responded with a smirk, looking at the said toy.

"... very sharp for a toy if you ask me".

Naruto mumbled but nodded, heading back inside the training ground, unsheathing the Tanto.

"did you read the first volume of the sealing books?".

he asked, trying to make conversation before they got to the middle, they had at most three hours before the training ground became dark.

"I have clones reading the first volume and a dozen practicing my calligraphy for muscle memory, and another dozen looking over the notes that you put inside the seal".

Orochimaru remained quiet for a moment, observing what the blonde had just said before stating.

"that jutsu is bullshit".

"I know right?".


Naruto ducked as a leg swept over his head, and tried to sweep his opponent's legs.

he didn't succeed when the older male, left the ground and did a spin in the air, and a leg flew out, heading towards his head.

he rolled, getting out of the way of the attack, and threw a kunai at the man.

it was caught in mid-air and returned with the same force.

he brought his tanto and blocked the knife with his blade and dashed forward but received a foot in the face for his efforts.

unfortunately for his opponent, he disappeared with a burst of smoke, leaving nothing but air behind.

suddenly feeling the blade on his throat the snake Sannin smiled, putting his hands up in surrender.

sure he was holding back, at first he started fighting at Genin level, but he slowly rose the limit as the fight went on, finally stopping at the mid chunin level.

"good job Naruto-Kun, I didn't sense your presence, you're exceptionally good at this, though, how did you manage to suppress your chakra so well?".

the Sannin questioned, having massive chakra reserves should be hard to suppress it so well.

"I didn't, I just locked it away".

the blonde shrugged in response, sheathing his tanto, and walking over to the kunai that was stuck in the ground, he would have to sharpen it.

"... you locked it away?"

asked a dumbfounded Orochimaru, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"... honestly? I have no idea".

that was bullshit, he knew exactly what he did, and chakra wasn't locked away, it was divided and compressed.

apparently, compressing the chakra in his body if it was in smaller portions was way easier than doing it in bulk.

why did he lie? he didn't want to give information to anyone, even if they seemed friendly, or was his godfather... probably, he still had to confirm that.

it had been two weeks since he started training with the snake sage, and he had gotten muscle, not much, he was still flexible enough, they didn't get in the way.

he narrowed his eyes at Orochimaru, who seemed eager... why? he didn't know, but soon it would be revealed.

"so before we finish the training, channel your chakra through this paper".

the sannin handed him a small square paper, and Naruto took it.

manipulating a small amount of chakra from his divided chakra pool, he guided it to the paper.

it split in half.

"wind, huh?".

he watched the two slips of paper with interest, wondering how exactly they worked, he knew it didn't work with just any paper.

"Wind, take this scroll and learn, I need to go on a mission tomorrow, I won't be here for a week, don't slack off".

Naruto watches as his master walls out of the training ground, he didn't do a shunshin.

(do they only use that when in a room just to annoy the people inside it?).

he unrolls the scroll and reads the title.

(wind style: gale palm.... yup, this is going to be a good week, maybe I can hang out with my team... maybe).

rolling up the scroll Naruto looks up to the stars that started appearing in the sky, and wonders, who will he have to fight in this world, someone had to get the Kyuubi out, maybe Madara grabbed someone else as his puppet.